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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 15, 1932)
e Coquille Valley Sentinel THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER FROM HOME VOL. XXVIII. — NO. 1. BUILD FOR PEAGE Such Was the Tenor of J. J Handsaker’s Talks in Cooa County Thia Week » « COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 15, 1»»J. State W. C. T. U. Pres. Coming Prohibition’s twelfth birthday will be celebrated at a union meeting Sun day evening* January 17, at 7:30 p. m. tn the Pioneer Church, with Mrs. Ada Jolley, of Portland, state W. C. T.U. president, as speaker. Coquille is fortunate in being able to secure a speaker who is so well known throughout the state and who is so capable of handling the subject. Mrs. Lyman Carrier will sing a solo and the male quartet of the Pioneer Church will sing tWo numbers. It is hoped a large audience will bo pres ent for this meeting. Mrs. Jolley will spend some time in Coos county working with the local W. C. T. U. union. She will be pres ent for a meeting Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C. C. Farr; Tues day at Bandon; Wednesday at Myrtle Point and Thursday at North Bend. WILL EAT BEANS Lions Team 1 Hopelessly Beaten Passed Away Early Wednesday by Team 2—Dr. Robert Morning After Only Four son’s Splendid Talk , Hours* Illness Voluntary Closing of The Hub A voluntary closing of the doors of the Hub Clothing A Shoe Co. stem here last Saturday afternoon is a source of regret to friends of the Gant brothers who have conducted the store for many years past. They were highly regarded by those in the same line of business as the cleanest kind of competition; they were interested in. civic affairs, were a most welcome addition to any musical program or organization and were the type of citizens Coquille cannot afford to lose. According to report here the larger stockholders were unwilling to al low the corporation to become in volved to the point where creditors might take action, so it was decided to consolidate the three stocks—Co quille, Myrtle Point and Bandon—at Myrtle Point where it will be sold as quickly as possible. Whether the corporation will be then dissolved, or what the future plane are is not known here. Has Been Arranged for Cham ber of Commerce Annual Meeting, Jan. 20 t lnj" *■"' Rev. J. J. Handsaker, northwestern One of the beet short talks ever Mrs. Ruth Imogene Pribble, wife of A musical treat ta in store for all secretary for the National Council for heard in Coquille was that at the Walter Tribble, died suddenly Wed who attend the annual Chamber of Prevention of War, spoke Tuesday Lions Club luncheon yesterday when nesday morning while on the way to Commerce dinner and election at the night to an audience in Pioneer Hill Rev. D. T. Robertson, pastor of the the Keiser Hospital in North Bend, hotel next Wednesday evening, Jan. that filled every seat, and was listen Presbyterian church at Marshfield, after only a-four hours’ illness. Mr. 20, at 6:30 p. m. ed to with closest attention as he was a guest of the club. ’ •; Pribble had been in to see Dr. J. W. The Ladies’ sextette, and they say went into details m to what war and Mr. Robertson talked on the ques Wheeler about eight o’clock and the they have not a name for their or- armaments have cost this country and tion, “What does your money oost latter sent medicine out with instruc ganization, will render several num the whole world. The honors of you?” He commended the activities tions to call him if she was not bet bers, accompanied by Mrs. M. O. war were no more than touched on, of service clubs where business mon ter by the time Mr. Pribble reached Hawkins at the piano. The six ls- Mr. Handsaker devoting most of the can get together for an hour or more, home, which is near the McLain coal dies are Meedames E. A. Woodyard, time to explaining what the disarm- meet their fellow citizens in a social mine where he is employed. Lyman Carrier, P. W. Walker, Geo. ament program means, and presenting way and forget the strife of money- He soon called the doctor who went R. Johnson, Jno. L. Aasen and Birdie figures that stagger the mind; they grubbing for a time. out and seeing her condition decided Skeele. Most Coquille people have are incomprehensible. ' If a man's effort to pile up wealth that she must be taken to a hospital. heard the sextette and know what To Open Logging Camp The meeting being sponsored by causes him to lose «11 interest in art, He put her in his car and started for their presence on a program means. In the absence of Hal Baxter, from in literature, in music, and even the W. C. T. U., Mrs. C. C. Farr pro North Bend, but she passed away be The meeting is not for members sided m chairman, and after the sing Coquille this morning, it has been im causes him to lose all touch with his fore they reached the Bay. of the Chamber only, but all ladies are possible to secure definite information ing of America, introduced two school family, his children not knowing as A post mortem examination was welcome and invited to attend. G range in W. O. W. Hall boys from the Roy district, Rolland as to how large a camp ho intends sociation with their father, that man’s made by Dm. Wheeler and Crowell It is not known just what topic E. L. Detlefsen, master of the Co* Burr and Ernest Detlefsen, who, as operating in tftie former Stout com money is not worth what it costa him. and it wm found that death was the speaker of the evening, Dean pany timber on the highway around Mr. Handsaker later said, in a few Mr. Robertson may not have known caused by pulmonary oedema, which quille Grange, announces that the Philip A. Parsons, of the School of words each told the .entire story, how China Camp creek, nor when it will it but the talk he gave has been more means a swelling from effusion of next meeting of the Grange will be Applied Social Science at U. of O., the money being spent for world arm open. He has stated, however, that enthusiastically commented upon by watery fluid in the cellular tissue be held in W. 0. W. hall next Thursday, will choose, but his reputation as a he will operate a logging camp there ament could be so much better in those who were fortunate enough to neath the skin or mucuous membrane January 21. The change is perman speaker insure« that it will be well this spring. ent and they will meet in the same vested in roads, buildings, schools and hear him than has any talk given in of the lungs. The disease resembles worth listening to. peaceful pursuits. Coquille for many yours. flu-pneumonia in its early stages, but place on the third 'Thunsady of each As previously noted the candidates month. Mr. HandMker talked disarmament Another speaker on the program ia usually fatal and is the most ac nominated for the ten offices are as from an economic standpoint, and al wm Mrs. Pearl Ellingson, librarian. tive in its ravages of sny known dis follows, although nominations from so from the point of saving the young She said she bad long wished for the ease. Dr. Wheeler said ho had nev the floor are always in order and men of thia country from destruction. opportunity to attend a Lions Club er seen a case before in his practice there will probably be other names His brief references m to the pro session, and much as she preferred of medicine. suggested: gress made since the big war in in Jack Phinnegar is in the county not to talk, she had agreed to talk Funeral services will be held in For president, Geo. A. Ulett; for venting and discovering new and jail, arrested by Officer Louis English, about the library in order that her the chapel here at two o’clock Sun- vice president, R. L. Stewart; for more horrible means of annihilating Tuesday, for taking Dr. Ju Rich wish might be satisfied. We cannot day afternoon. Below is given the very interesting treMurer, W. 8. Sickels; for direc armies or cities or vast areas of all mond’s car from his garage, under repeat all she said about the loan of Mrs. Pribble was the daughter of article which Mrs. Geo. H. Chaney tors, W. A. Zosel, Dr. J. R. Bunch, living vegetation m well M.humans, his house on Beech street, about 7:30 books from the Coquille library, but Mr. and Mrs. Edwsrd Cunningham, presented to the Woman’s Club, Tues Geo. R. Dickinson, Clyde E. Niles, E. were calculated to make one pause Sunday evening. The ear wm found one figure sticks. The total number both of whom have passed away, her day, on the subject, “Issues that D. Webb, J. P. Beyers, A. B. McLeod, and wonder what the result of our some time after midnight, the same taken out last year by the patrons of father last year and her mother two Press upon the World in 1932,” deal Martin and Lyle R. F. Slater, F. W............................... ten billion dollar program for the night, by Deputy Sheriff Culver, the library was 17,218, besides the years before. She was born in Co ing with national, international and Goodwin. navy is going to mean in human de standing in front of the W. E. Thomp hundreds of magazines loaned. quille, January 24, 1909, and would world problems: Another matter, beside that of struction, if it is ever carried out and son home on Coulter street. She gave the Lions a thought as to have been 23 years years old a week changing th* date of the annual the death-dealing equipment used. Whether Phinnegar and hie com how they might help in the conduct from Sunday. Debts, reparations and armaments meeting to one in the fall which will Mr. Handsaker says that the na panions had any idea of taking the of the library by providing th* means Beaide her husband she is survtved are the immediate concern of the very likely come up for discussion tions of the globe, who will have 8000 car for a trip south ia not known, but for keeping some one on duty on Sun by two children, s boy and a gird, great nations of the west, but the next Wednesday, is that of increasing representatives at th* Disarmament indications point to such a plan. day when there would be so much use Glenn aged 8 and Jean 2, and eight globe is ringed about by a host of the board of directors to fifteen or Conference in Geneva, three weeks The doctor’s surgical instrumenta of it m a reading room. The city brothers and statera: Mrs. Myrtle other problems, involving finance, in twenty. The more business men from last Tuesday, are so evening bal were scattered around and some of pays for a six-day weak only. •tine, of Burbank, Calif.; Mrs. Ethel dustry, tariffs, territory, empire, there are taking a live interest in the anced that the position which the them were recovered later in a local Not by any n mean« is the library Bwanson, Mieses Margaret and I Grace home rule and national political con- Chamber of Commerce the more sop- United States takes will decide what poo! hall. A robe also ia missing. who desire fiction. Cunningham, of North Holl; used by those only < Hollywood, tee ts. port the president will have in his I But what Phinnegar evidently Both adult and Juvenile records show Calif.; Miss Alice Cunningham, of the Conference will do. Before the year is six weeks old attempts to put over a worth-while The world disarmament program ' wanted wm to secure the morphine or an amazing number of non-fiction Coquille; Clarence and Lawrence two international conferences will program of community endeavor. does not mean total disarmament, j dope which the doctor had in hta books called for. Cunningham, of Coquille; and Chas. meet in Europe to consider questions North Bend’s average weekly at- What it is generally accepted to mean J medicine csm . He wm still under the Mm. Ellingson's talk wm very in Cunningham, of Los Angeles. Mrs. that have deeply disturbed the world tendance of more than 20 for each is a five per cent redutcion in army ■ influence of dope when arrested by teresting and wm presented in a most Stine, Mns. Swanson and Charles for the last decade. meeting of the year, was due in part and navy armaments for a period of ' the officer. pleasing manner. left for Coquille immediately on re The first, meeting at Lausanne, on to the fact that they have a large years. And with the efforts being A search of the room where Phin The musical feature of the Mssion ceiving word of their sister’s pass January 20th will raise once more the board of directors, who have at heart made in more than 50 other nations negar wm bunking with two other wm provided by Donald Farr, who ing. formidable questions of reparations the beat interests of the community. in the world, similar to those in the ( young men revealed butter wrapping rendered two fine vocal soloa, accom and war debts. It’s a proposal worth considering United States, there is hope that paper, similar to that found wrapped panied by his sister, Miss Edythe. The eecond, meeting at Geneva on at the dinner meeting Wednesday or* Interesting Farmer Meeting much can be done. But if some of the I around a supply of dope in a wood All three of these entertainment The first meeting of the Farmem February 2, will bring together del ening. powerful nations, such as France, re-! box outside the room. ~ features were provided by members Night School was held last Tuesday egates of sixty nations in a confer fuse to co-operate, the piling up of j It is possible that the Mme reason of Team No. 2 who are now so far Wreck Darkened the County night in the high school building. The ence on armaments for which the billions of dollars in war equipment existed for the stealing of Dr. Glals- ahead in pointe scored in the "Tur subject discussed was the care and League of Nations has been prepar Chet Carmicheal, Carmel Sanders will go ahead at an even greater pace. yer*s car a few weeks ago, although key vs. Beane” contest that No. 1 management of manure on the farm. ing for ten years. and R om Elwood were pretty fortun No one knows at this time whether no dope wm found in it. seems to hsve quit cold, and the lat In this same year three great na It was brought out that under aver the Conference will last a year, or' ate Tuesday evening that the high Dr. Richmond had left his car un ter will eat beans on the evening of tions, France, Germany and our own, what size reductions may be decided locked when he ran it into his garage, Jan. 28, while the No. 2 Lions, and age condition most of the plant food is will hold national elections. England tension wire did not break when they lost This loss is caused mostly by hit the power line pole this aide of upon, If any. 'but without the ignition keys in it, the lady guests will partake of tur will begin an experiment with protec the Norway store, causing it to. snap If machinery for peace is set up, in and it is probable the young fellow key. The score now stands 246% for leeching and the best, as well as the tive tariffs. Russia celebrates the most economical, method of preventi half way up. In falling the pols fell stead of preparation for war, Mars or fellows shoved it down the in No. 2, to 228% for No. 1. fourth birthday of the five-year plan. ng this was discussed. across a guy wire and landed on a can be banished from the earth for all cline to the street and then coasted to Nor was the entertainment all the It was decided that a shed roof to The nations of central Europe will stump, and the lights which went out time. A start has been made with the point where it was abandoned. winnipg team did yesterday to pile renew their search for financial sol- the Kellogg Pact, the League of Na- I Phinnegar has not yet had a hear- up points. Each one of them brought 1 gether with the use of superphosphate vency. The South American repub all over the county came back on as as a preservative would bo of ma quickly as the operator in the plant a guest to bring further discomfiture!1 tions, the Disarmament Conference,' ing before Justice Stanley. terial benefit. Storage pits, while in lics, seeking the same goal, will face at North Bend could reach the board but still all civilized nations are go Jack Phinnegar is the boy who first to the losing side. Beside members, lhe question of restricting the free ing ahead with multiplied prepara came to the public attention some fif those present were the speakers and volving most cost, would reduce the exchange of goods and money.' The and throw the switch back in. plant food loss to a minimum. The The three men were coming this tions to undo all .the good those peace teen or more years ago, in Bandon, singers mentioned. Dr. J. J. Leslie, sise and cost of such pits will be dis Oriental world is confronted by great way in Carmicheal’s Chevrolet truck, seeking agencies are attempting. and he has had a checkered career Bert Gold, J. P. Beyers, L. H. Hazard, issues. India is in open rebellion and and the coliiaion with Che pole pretty Mr. Handsaker attended sessions of since. One of the amusing stunts that S. E. Archibald, F. G. Leslie, M. L. cussed st next Tuesday’s meeting. These meetings are held by the a state of warfare exists between nearly demoralized the truck, setting the League of Nations in Geneva last he pulled was at the time the late Kathan, C. K. Norcott, C. D. Walker, China and Japan. Smith Hughes Department of Agri the engine back under footboard and Hark Dunham, probation officer, took Wm. H. Wann and Chas. Stauff. The paragraphs which follow fur (Continued on last page) culture t>f the local high school. There crumpling the car’s entire front end. Jack out to the reform school. He We of Team No. 1 bow to the su nish a brief background of the chief All the men were more or less him at the school and came home perior activity of the the live No. 2 is no change for this service and ev problems moving toward a decision First National Bank Re-elects left hi welcome to attend. bruised and cut, but received no se- , ' by train. When he alighted at the bunch and will prove that we are good eryone as the new year begins: With 490 of the 500 shares of depot here, almost the first person be sports—when the beans are passed. rious injuries. *«' Reparations Past Commander Visits Legion stock of the First National Bank saw was Jack, who had beaten him Another car turned over at the The long-continued controversy ov represented, the stockholders held the home. Sid George, of Roseburg, past eUte er reparations began twelve yeans scene of the wreck a few minutes Gas Co. to Close Office annual election Tuesday evening in O. T. Garver, manager of the local commander of the American Legion, ago. It has moved through succes Later. Wm. Mast was coming this the bank here, and re-elected all five "The Red Headed Step Child” gas company office, and Dick Barnes, and present national committeeman sive stages until the Young plan was way and when he saw the flares and of the directors—L. H. Hasard, O. C. salesman, were transferred to other from this state, attended the regular adopted, which became effective in cans along the highway, stepped on A very clever comedy, "The Red Sanford, E. D. Webb, H. A. Black and fields by an order reaching here last meeting of the Legion here Monday 1980. Under its terms the liability the brake so hard that he skidded into E. L. Detlef sen. The board met im Headed Step Child,” ia the perform Saturday. Both return to duty with evening. the ditch and upset. No was injured of Germany was fixed at about *9,- mediately afterwards to elect officers, ance in which the Monotony Killers the Standard Oil Co., Mr. Garver Mr. George reported on Legion 000,000,000, to be paid in 58 install in his car. Carmicheal paid a |10 fine in Jus- making no change in the personnel. will next appear. Their absence from leaving Monday for Eugene, and Mr. plans for this year, including the ments from 1930 to 1988. L. H. Hasard continues as president; Coquille entertainment features for Barnes, Sunday, for Medford. tke Stanley's court Thursday for be- national convention to be held in Less than two years’ installments O. C. Sanford, vice-president; E. D. the past year has been noted with re He stated had been paid prior to the financial ing drunk on a public highway. El- Before he left Mr. Garver stated Portland next summer. wood pleaded not guilty to driving Webb, cashier; and Bees Maury, as gret and it trill be a pleasure to see that the company office in the hotel that Portland can easily accommo these gloom-chasers again on the (Continued on seventh page.) while intoxicated and will have a sistant cashier. building would be closed soon, and date a crowd of 80,000 to 35,000, but While the profits from the business stage. hearing later. present indications are that 65,000 that all billing would be done from The performance will be sponsored last year were very small, the bank No Change in F. & M. Bank to 70,000 are going to be present for the Portland office. did not go behind, expenses being lees by the Past Grand Club of the Odd the convention, and how to handle Election Officials Named Bob Rush, who has been construc At the stockholders of the Farmers Fellows and Rebekah lodges, and will than the income. so many is giving the national organ and Merchants Bank meeting, held tion and installation man here for Judges and clerks for the May pri be presented at the Liberty Theatre isation concern. yesterday afternoon, the board of di mary and the November election were on Tuesday evening, Jan. 26. Ad several months, will remain in charge, V • To Formulate Game Plans rectors, as have served since Jno. E. named by the county court Monday to read meters, handle the condens mission will be 50 and 25 cents. Supt.-Elect Here Tomorrow Ross retired last month, were re for the 60 precincts in Coos county. ing plant at the edge of town, and The directors and officers of the handle equipment skies from the com Wm. H. Wann was appointed coun Coos A Curry Game Protective Asso Beside allowing the month’s bills, elected — Lyman Carrier, Geo. R. Running Two Shifts at Mine pany's warehouse in the Taylor Bat ty auditor for the year 1982, at a sal the directors of school district No. Dickinson and C. J. Fuhrman. ciation are going to hold a meeting Immediately following that meeting ary of 8800, with an agreement of C. C. Hayes, of the Madden mine tery A Service Station building. in the U A. Liljeqvist office at Marsh 8 did very little business at their field this evening to decide what at Sixes, was in Coquille Tuesday. He session Wednesday evening. One the board organized by naming the 815 per diem for any special work the court may desire done. matters shaM bo presented to the said that for some weeks now he has Drivers* Examinations, Jan. 19 thing they did do was to bum the following officers: President—Lyman Carrier. Ward McReynolds, examiner of op 854,000 worth of bonds which were Game Commission when it meets at been running two shifts on hie black Executive Vice President—Geo. R. A New Year’s card Just received by the court house here next Thursday sand operations and the recovery of erators and chauffeurs for the state's refunded last August at a lower rate Dickinson. concentrates has been much more traffic department, will be in Coquille, of interest than the old ones bore. the Sentinel from Stanley D. Warren, evening. . Vice President— C. J. Fuhrman. who is with the U. 8. army force in The Isaak Walton League will also rapid and in immensely larger quanti Tuesday, January 19th, 1982, at the Cheater L. Ward, of Hubbard, Co (Whier—W. 8. Bickels. Honolulu, indicates that he is now be represented and the association ties than it was with the jigger box City 'Hall, between the hours of 1 p. quille school superintendent-elect, is Asst Cashier—Edna Robison. enjoying the rank of lieutenant. board would like to have the heads operation. Ho is now using the ma m. to 5 p. m., for the purpose of re to be in Coquille tomorrow to discuss of other sportsmen's organisations, chinery which Messrs. Curson and ceiving applications and conducting school matters with the directors and Justice Court blanks for sale at this Blank Warranty Deeds for sale at or any individual interested, in at Williams installed a couple of months examinations for operators’ and get their views as to the program thia office. tendance 4u help formulate the plana. ago. chauffeurs’ licenses. for next year. J. PHINNEGAR IN THE TOILS PAPER READ AT WOMAN’S CLUB