UOQUILK O*MOR, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, IMI pagi rm s- SOCIAL NOTES SW < » The “Entre Nous” club spent a pleasant evening on Tuesday of this week whert they were entertained at the home of Mn. E. L. Vinton. Extn guests for the evening were Mn. R. Barnes, Mn. O. E. Garver and Mn. Letha Hale. Members attending were Mesdames Roy Watson, Julius Ruble, Walter Litoenberger, Harry H. Oerd- ing, and M m . Otto Davie, of Myrtle Point. Mrs. Davis was honored by ra­ ceiving the high score prise. Makes Substantial Citizens r i The habit of thrift makes substantial citizens. There are many ways in which we can be of service to the thrifty people of our community. ’ Your account is invited. ft 3% t Interest Paid on Savings Accounts a » FIRST NATIONAL BANK OLDEST NATIONAL COUNT' IANK IN COOS COUNTY COQUILLK ESTABLISHED □ RE DON RM USE*« IN ISOS -'sxaEaaaBOBa COQUILLE NATIONAL FARM •__ LOAN ASSOCIATION NOTICE OF ANNUAL MEETING NOTICE is hereby given that the annual meeting of the Stockholders of the Coquille National Farm Loan As­ sociation will be held at the City Hall in Coquille City, Coos County, Ore­ gon, on Tuesday, January 12tn, 1932, at 11 o’clock A. M. of said day to elect directors for one year and for the transaction of auch other business as may come before the stockholders. Dated January 2nd, 1932. R. H. Mast, Sec.-Treasurer. NOTICE School District No. 8, of Coos coun­ ty. Oregon, will receive bids until Monday, Jan. 18, at 4:30 p. m., for the delivery of Rod Fir Wood, of the following lengths: 50 Cords or 4 -foot wood delivered at the High School. 25 Coras of 24 inch wood delivered at the Lincoln School. 25 Cords of 24 inches wood deliver­ ed at the Washington School. Delivery to be made on or before April 1, 1932. The board reserves the right to re­ ject any or all bids, which will be opened at the City Hall in Coquille, on Jan. 18. C. C. Farr, 52t2 Chairman NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un­ dersigned has been duly appointed by the County Court of Coos County, Oregon, as the executor of the Last Will and Testament of Ada C. Drane, deceased, and all persons having claims against the estate of said de­ ceased are hereby required to present them to me with the proper vouchers at my law offices in First National Bank Building in the City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published this 18th day of December, 1931. J. J. Stahley, Executor of the Last Wifi and Test­ ament of Ada C. Drane, Deceased. 49t5 Mrs. J. L. Smith arranged for an interesting dinner party which was given in honor of her daughter, Mar­ garet’s tenth birthday, Tuesday, Jan­ uary 5th, at their home on South Henry street. The dinner table was decorated prettily in a pink and yel­ low color scheme. Yellow tapers cen­ tred the table, around which were placed for each guest dainty candy baskets. After the dinner Mrs. Smith took the girls to the Liberty Theatre where they enjoyed the picture. En­ joying the affair were Margaret Smith, Barbara Leslie, Phyllis Jane Watson, 'Donna Getz, Ann Hawkins, Donna Bosserman, Marion Hess, Mar­ garet Stewart, Peggy Wernieh, Louise Woodyard, Marvene McClellan, Muriel Hunt and Dorothy Mattoon. Mrs. Louis Chameski invited a few ■Ladies in for the afternoon on Satur­ day for the pleasure of her mother, Mm. M. J. Platt, of Centralia, Wash. Mrs. Platt left for her home Monday evening after spending the past month here in Coquille with her daughter and family. Tea was served in the late afternoon to Mesdames M. J. Platt, Frank Rowe, C. C. Evland, Bert Folsom, Jack Le Fevre, Paul Van Scoy, Mn. Chameski, of Myrtle Point. a More Than Your Money’s Worth SAFEWAY gives more than just good Foods at lower prices. Like the old “baker’s dozen” there is SOMETHING EXTRA in each purchase. That “ex­ tra” is HONEST and COURTEOUS TREATMENT, CLEAN, ATTRAC­ TIVE STORES and a GUARANTEE of ABSOLUTE SATISFACTION. We aim to make SAFEWAY absolutely the Best, and to give each customer more than their money’s worth of satisfaction. , Savings for Sat. and Mon., Jan. 9, 11 Shortening Swift's Snowy White. 3 n». 25c Milk 4 TALL CANS 35c Bacon Squares. Fresh shipment. - lb. 13c COFFEE Alpine or .Maximum Dates Halowaii's. This de­ fruit is always sea- NOTICE OF STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING Notice is hereby given that the reg­ ular annual stockholders’ meeting of the Farmers A Merchants Bank »rill be held at its banking house in the city of Coguille, State of Oregon, at the hour of 4 p. m. o’clock on Thurs­ day, January 14th, 1932. The purpose for which this meeting is called is to elect a Board of Direc­ tors for the ensuing year and for the transaction of any other business that may be properly presented- Lyman Carrier, President. Monday for luncheon Mrs. John L. Attest: A seen entertained the Ecadrien club W. S. Bickels, ladies. The hours afterwards were 48t5 Cashier. pleasantly spent in sewing and con­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE versation. Covers were laid for Mes­ STATE OF OREGON, IN AND dames Roy Neal, Hal W. Pierce, Geo. FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS Johnson, W. V. Glaisyer, Earl Nos- Jerry Pear«, Plaintiff, 1er, Willard Bosserman, H. C. Gets vs. E. E. Johnson Lumber CoM a Corpor­ and the hostess. ation, et al, defendsnta Case No. 8459 The annual Watch Party of the Notice is hereby riven that the Re­ Christian Church was again enjoyed NOTICE TO CREDITORS ceiver herein has filed his final ac­ as Receiver of the E. E. Johnson this year on New Year’a Eve at the Notice is hereby given that the un­ count Lumber Co., a Corporation, and that church with about one hundred at­ dersigned has been duly appointed the said Court has set February 1st, tending. In the early evening church administrator of the estate of P. E. 1982, at the hour of 10 O’clock A. M\, services were held. Later refresh­ the Circuit Court Room in Coquille. Drane, deceased, and all persons hav­ at Coos County, Oregon, as the time and ments were served. ing claims against said estate an place for hearing of objections to such hereby notified, that they are required | final account and the settlement Today the Just-a-mera club ladies to present same duly verified, with thereof. are being entertained at luncheon by M. 0. Hawkins; proper vouchers therefor, to the un­ 51t5 Mrs. M. O. Hawkins at one o’clock Receiver. at her home on Spurgeon hill. Covers dersigned, at the office of H. A. Slack were laid for Mesdames Lyman Car­ in Coquille, Coos' County, Oregon, Boy Scout Notes rier, C. J. Fuhrman, R. A. Wernieh, within six months from the date of The first meeting of the Boy Scout F. L. Greenough, W. S. Sickels, H. A. this notice. Dated this 11th day of December. Troop No. 14 for the new year held Young, L. H. Hazard, Bert Folsom, Monday evening was formally opened J. L. Smith, O. C. Sanford, J. A. 1981. with a “peppy” dril practice under Lamb, A. J. Sherwood, Nels Osmund- Reider Bugge, Administrator of the Estate of P. the direction of Assistant Scoutmaster son, Paul Van Scoy and Hal W. Pierce. Harvey. E. Drane, deceased. Scoutmaster Wade Arstill then pre­ A number of Coquille ladies motor­ H. A. Slack, Attorney for Adminis­ trator. 4846 sented the following members with ed to Marshfield Tuesday where they awards earned at tlhe last Court of were entertained for luncheon and Honor: Donald Farr received the cards by Mrs. H. G. Wells. Mrs. Mc- NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the an­ Bronze Palm; Henry Teal, Civics Nelly won the prize for the afternoon nual meeting of the shareholders of merit badge; Linn Richardson and play. Included from here were Mee- The First National Bank of Coquille, Jack Wheeler, firemanship badge«. dames Frank Thrift, H. C. Getz, T. Oregon, for the election of Directors for the ensuing year and for the Dr. J. R. Bunch, troop committeeman B. Currie, Ed. McKeown, F. C. McNal­ transaction of such other business as who waa present, gave a short but in­ ly,®. M. Key, Hal W. Pierce and John may properly come before the m***- teresting talk on “Health,” which was L. Aasen. ing, will be held at the office of said appreciated by the troop. B, on Tues- Bank in Coquille, O In order to make more progress in This evening Mr. and Mrs. H. A between the day, January 12th, li scouting, the troop has adopted a Slack will be hosts to their dinnet _ houn _________ _____ of 10:00 A. 4:00 M. P M. Dated at Coquille, Oregon, thia twenty minute study period during club at their home at 200 West Front 9th day of December, 1981. which the patrols are divided, and the street, with places provided for Mr. L. H. Hazard, President officers assist wbeu needed. and Mn. Homer €. Gant, Mr. and E. D. Webb. Caahisr 48 tfi »• t “Soft as Silk.” None better. LB. PKG. Free cake pan with 2 pkgs. Alaskan 81.55 doz. Country Kist Golden Bantam IOC ^TU I *1.11 dsz. Cleanser 5 Malt American—more popular every 2 ™ 25c 4 bottle 25a Palmolive Flour Savings 89« Lima Beans % Safeway Quality Hardwheat. Now is the time to do home baking. 19c Luna Soap $1.17 GREEN T The good value, family lour. 49» b.. 10 B,n> 27C 93c Potatoes Lemons Celling carda 100 for 814». 25C 4 n»- Mother’s Oats Your choice of Aluminum, China or the new Crystalware package. LARGE PKG. 27c Carrots Yount, Tender 3 LARGE BUNCHES i. FREE DELIVERY 16 A. M. — 3 P. M. Coquille Oregon Charter No. 6849 Reserve District No. 12 Report of Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK of Coquille in the State of Oregon, at the close of business on Dec. 31st, 1931. RESOURCES 1. Loans and discounts .................................................... 1116,274.50 2. Overdrafts ......................................................................... 4.19 8. United 'States Government securities owned............ 64,200.00 4. Other bonds, stocks, and securities owned ........... 148,968.10 6. Banking house, 136,000.00. Furniture and fixtures, 11,900.00 ....................... ..................... ,.................... 37,900.00 A Reserve with Federal Reserve Bsnk....................... 46,401.45 9. Cash and due from banks................................ 89,686.49 10. Outside checks and other cash items....................... 2,532.76 11. Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer............................................ *. 626.00 TOTAL B. & P. W. Club Notes A _ potluck dinner and a short busi- neas meeting was held by the B. P. W. Club at their club rooms Monday night. The local club has entered the national “Age-Protection Content” and an essay on one of our members has been written, which wax read at the meeting. It was announced that Oran Rickard would lead a discussion on Disarma­ ment, to be sponsored by our club, next Monday night at the city hail at 8:00 o’clock p. m. This meeting will be open to the public and any one so desiring is invited to attend. The attendance prise, given by Mn. Belle Knife, was won by Mn. Florencs Ferguson. As a featen of the evening’s en­ tertainment, little "New Year" Dolls were distributed among the members by Mn. Georgia Richmond, chairman of the finance committee, and each member given some paper to dress the dolls with, as a result of which some clever costumes were made for the dolls. Group singing was enjoyed and af­ ter the meeting some of the member» played billiards. The next meeting on January 18th wUl be in charge of Mn. Leona Bry­ ant, chairman of the Legislative Com­ mittee. That will also be thrift week. Great Big Butternut Limas. For goodness, serve steaming hot. Netted Gems. The beat cookers. Doz. 19C sewing as the divenion. Attending are Mesdames H. G. Prey, Gus Till­ man, Lee Hand, Ralph Lucas, Grant Wileox, Harold Huddle, Geo. Sher­ wood, B. B. Sanden, A. B. McLeod, L. C. Sherwood and J. R. Bunch. Mn. Bunch was an extra guest at this meeting. f IOC TINS Guaran­ A value worth while. teed not to bake out. i Crystal White. New and Better. Vanilla Cocoa ■ Le Seuer - Sweet sifted peas. Ns. 2 Tin Cake Flour Highest quality. Pure vegetable in bulk. FULL f QUART The Women’s Guild"of the St. James Rockwood’s Fancy. Unbelievable Episcopal Church met Wednesday af­ quality for such a low price. ternoon at the Parish house with the president, Mrs.' W. H. Mansell, pre­ siding over the business meeting. Yearly reports were made both by the treasurer, Mrs. J. S. Barton, and sec­ retary, Mrs. C. D. Walker. It was an­ The leading Resnty neap. 1 bar nounced at this meeting that the Par­ free with each 3 barn. ish house is now entirely paid for, which was good news to ths Guild la­ dies who have worked in various ways raising money to pay off that indebt­ edness. Election of officers for the new year was conducted with the re­ sult as follows: Mrs. L. H. Hazard, For laundry uses. Never a bet­ president; Mrs. Jas. Watson, vice ter value. president; Mrs. Edward Lorenz, secre­ tary and Mrs. J. S. Barton, treasurer. Mrs. Mansell, retiring president, is turning over her affairs with a splen­ did record for she has been most faithful to her duties and an inspira- iton to the other members in the two yeans which she has served as the leader. Fancy Sunkist. Large sise. Ahe the close of the afternoon Mrs. C. C. Evland and Mm. Bert Folsom served coffee and doughnuts to the following present: Mesdames W. H. Mansell, L. H. Hazard. R. A. Dimiek, H. E. Hess, Edward Lorenz, A. J. Store No. 469 Sherwood, W. S. Sickels, P. P. Whit­ Phone 122 more, Paul Van Scoy, C. D. Walker, C. J. Fuhrman, George Lorenz, George W. Taylor, Sr., Jas. Watson, Nels Os- i — eggsegg* " ■ ■ v mundson, C. A. DeLong, G. R. Wick­ ham, E. L. Vinton, J. W. Laird, J. S. Mn. J. Arthur Berg, Mr. and Mn. Barton. Luckey L. Bonney, Mr. and Mn. C Weldon Kline, Dr. and Mn. C. A. Mrs. C. W. Kline waa hostess to the Rietman. Cards will be enjoyed dur­ Study Club members on Monday for ing the evenig. luncheon at her home on Knowlton heights. The rest of the afternoon The O. D. O. club are meeting thi« following waa pleaaantly spent in dis­ afternoon at the home of Mn. L. A. cussing their study course. Christensen, 440 E. 2nd street, with Corn - Peas 3 cans 37C Del Maixe Niblets. 15. 16. 17. 20. 21. »506,582.49 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in.................................................... Surplus ...................................................... .................... .. Undivided profits—net ....................... .......................... Circulating notes outstanding .................................... Due to banks, including certified and cashiers’ checks outstanding ................................................. Demand deposits ............................................ . .............. Time deposits.................................................................. » 50,000.00 10,000.00 22,5*7.55 12,500.00 7,102.24 252,993.43 151,439.27 TOTAL ....................................................................... »506,582.49 State of Oregon, County ef Coos, so: I, E. D. Webb, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. E. D. Webb, Cashier. Correct—Attest: L. H. Hazard, 0. C. Sanford, H. A. Slack Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of January, 1832. > (Seal) J. S. Barton, Notary Public. Celebrates 86th Birthday The Loyal Women of the Church of Christ went to the home of Grandma Hill Sunday afternoon to help cele­ brate her birthday. She received many useful presents. The afternoon wss spent in conversation and re­ freshments were served to the follow­ ing: Mesdames Martha Custer, Clif­ ford Kern, Rose Ysrbrough, M. O. Hooton, Zelms Groom, W. A. Sloan, Ora Maury, John Sandens, J. A. Stan- inger, Verne Bailey, D. F. Thompson, W. H. Wimer, John McCue, Geo. Swinney,, H. G. Prey, Amelia Hill, A. N. Foley and Grandma Hill. Famous Cough Prescription A doctor’s famous prescription called Thoxine is guaranteed to re­ lieve coughs within a few minutes. It works on a new principle—relieves throat irritation and goes direct to the internal cause. Taken before retiring, Thoxine ab­ solutely prevents night coughing. It gives the same speedy relief for sore throat, too. Safe for the whole fam­ ily—guaranteed no dope. Money back if not satisfied. 85c. Sold by Fuhrman’s Pharmacy and all good drug stores.