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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 8, 1932)
I I I f TH« COQUILL1 VALUT BBNTTN1L, COQUILL«, OBBGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY », l»3t PAGI POVt The Sentinel a mm fams is a mm What’s New t * w * H. A. YOUNG and M. D. GRIMES Publisher* H. A. YOUNG, Editor in the New Chevrolet Six lOW ? i i Subscription Rate* 32.00 On* Year.................................. 1.00 Six Month*.............................. lii Three Month* .......................... No subscription taken unlaas paid for In advance. Thia rule ia impera- ”-ev —— i, . .w —. SW-. Advertlaing Rate* ............... Six, you, to American Value for 1932. have won the approval of million* of Chevrolet owner*. It is the only low-priced car to offer both Syncro-Meah and Free Wheeling in combination. It ha* engine and chassis unproveriients that raise performance to new height* of power, speed and smoothness. It provide* the finest Fisher Display advertlaing. 26 inches, 30 cents can inch: 1 leas ms than 6 5 inch**, per inch- No advertisement inserted for Readinn lea* than 50 cent*. Rccdij — notice* 10 cent* per lm*. No reading or advertisement of any ' kind, ind. •d for 1 ms than 25 cents. ■; bodice Chevrolet ha* ever introduced. And it maintain* the same factor* of dependability and economy that Afl that ha» proved to be sound and dependable in the past, plus all the new advancements given below—at one of the lowest prices ip the market! That'* why the new Chevrolet Six i* the Great American Value for 1932! « Entered at the Coquille Poatoffic* aa Second Class Mail Matter. . ■ • . u Ottee Corner W. Fir*t «nd Willard St. The thought conveyed in the follow ing item from th* Coo* Bay Harbor at North Bend is one worth consider ing by member* and director* of the Coquille Chamber of Commerce: “Her* is the record attendance for members of the North Bend chamber of commerce that will be hard to ex ceed even by an organisation in a city much larger than North Bend. Dur ing the past year 61 weekly business luncheon* were held, during which time the total attendance was 1332, an average of 26 plus. Attendance at special banquets are not included in th* above. , ___ \ 1 Silent Syncro-Mesh Thia well-known feature of high-pci ___________ is the finest type of tranemisaion ever develo|ied! n tbe new Chev rolet Six, it brings a new type of handling ease and ear control to the low-price field. Syncro-Mesh permits you to shift gears with marvelous quickness, quietness and ease. Aa a safety factor, it is especially valuable. For it you to shift rapidly from high back into second, any time you want to use tbe engine as a brake. HULET NOT RADICAL It has bean generally assumed that Rev. C. C. Hulet, being master of the state Grange, would be a radical ex tremist in what he would say in try ing to get the republican nomination to succeed Congressman Hawley. His utterances indicate a sane and reason able attitude, says the Oregon Voter. Not merely high rates in the higher bracket* of federal income tax, but an extension of the brackets downwards to “take in everybody.” Not “free power for nothing,” but power rate* that would enable the private companies to amortize their investment*'and turn their planta over to their customers all paid for by those same consumer*. Not indiscriminate public owner ship, but retention of private man agement aa being mor* efficient. In a year when candidates seem to be trying to outdo each other in wild assertions and wilder theories, it is refreshing to note th* comparative conservatism of Hulet. 7 M to 70 Mlles an Hour with Faster Acceleration Vital new features introduced into Chev rolet's six -cylinder engine enable it to develop 65 to 70 miles an hour with astonishing ease, stability and s.-nooth- ■watch tests show an accet eration to 35 miles in 6.7 seconds. rubber engine 'tings. Chevrolet's Free Wheeling meobanism is a naw advanced type that is extremely simple in construction. You may. take advantage of its thrills whenever you went to, by eimply pressing s button on the flash. Thereafter, and until you pull the button out again you are "in” Free Wheeling. You coast along on momentum every time your foot is off the accelerator. And you can shift with magical simplicity and ease. App: The new chromium-plated elliptical radi ator, built-in radiator grille, double tie bar, tnrmpet-type horn, and bullet-type headlamps form a front-end ensemble of arresting beauty, enhanced by new rectangular, adjustable hood-porta. An ingenious method of mounting front fenders, lamp*, double tie-bar and radi ator securely to the frame —a method ex clusive to Chevrolet—stabilise* the whole front-end assembly and infcirea steadiness when driving over rough rokds. -4nd the following Chevrolet feature» that have won the approval of million» of owner»: Big, powerful Four-Wheel Brakes . . . Four Hydraulic Shock Absorbers . .. Four long Semi-Elliptic Springs R. A. Easton's Weekly Letter Full Length Frame . . . Insulated Driver’s Compartment The Oregonian by the pen of Mar garet Shavian has done the people of Dawn-Draft Carburetion the «tat* of Oregon • great eervice The down-draft carburetor is a big factor by exposing th* infamous treatment in Chevrolet's greater power, speed and « PRICED AS alleged feeble-minded children receive pick-up. An intake silencer combined with LOW AS at the hands of some of the public it assnrragreaterquietness. A beat coot.--J device, operated from the dash, w arms up school teacher* of Portland and so- the engine quickly ami provide* more All priai JoJb. Flint, Michigan. Special equipment estro. called psychologists who furnish the efficient operation in cold weather. condemning dope on helpless children Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan. Division of General M and thua give the social worker an op Lem deliveredpries». Xaey O M. A. C. terme. portunity to exploit the poor and un fortunate. These article* by Mies Skavlan, not only show the iniquity of the Multno mah county court of domestic rela SEE YOUR DEALER BELOW * tion* under th* law in sentencing chil dren indiscriminately to the state in stitution for th* feeble-minded and to the operating table for sterilization, but they also show the barbaric treat ment which the children receive in the state institution for the feeble-minded. I ‘ And that state institution ia also called, "The home for th* feeble mind ed." If it i* a “home," over it* door should be written: “Ye who enter this * home leave all hope behind." The ar ticle in Oregonian of January 8, page 1, by Mis* Skavlin gives her conclu sions in the matter- If have failed to read any of the 20 former articles, zation scheme a chance to do its work. 100,000 on maintenance and 3653,000 number of new appeals filed during creases, but both apply to lumber, this one should be read by every citi with th* rank of captain, stepped up It seems to me she lobbied the leg- Ih co-operation with the federal gov the year, la 63 per cent of the caaea lath, shingle*, pulpwood, dried and zen of Oregon. to the position of deputy superin oalatur* for two or three sessions be ernment on forestry projects. Bonds passed on by the state’* highest tri evaporated fruits, vegetable*, melons, Then it i* possible that we may ask tendent of the police bureau the first fore the members fell' for her blan totalling »1,975,000 were retired dur bunal decree* of circuit court* were and a number of other commodities ourselves if that which we have heard of the year. Alexander succeeds dishments of word* and wrote her ing the year and 31,387,000 was paid affirmed and in 28 percent the lower which are shipped extensively from or read of Russia give* anything mor* Harry Nil* as assistant to Superin theories into law. That law seems to out in interest on highway bond*. courts were reversed. Sixty-one new Oregon point*. evil, more vile, more depraved in the tendent Pray and Nil** who was have been one of trial and error for Only 4.5 mile* of concrete paving attorneys were admitted to the bar form of government than the abusive loaned to the state in perfecting the the result* of her sterilization scheme was laid fay the state during the year, on examination during the year and Another half million dollar efaunk treatment by law given th* feeble has not reduced the percentage rate of most of the new work being confined 11 came in on certificate* from other ha* been sliced off of Oregon’s bond organization of the new police bureau minded, or near fedble-minded, or sup will return to Portland and hi* old imbeciles or near imbeciles, criminals to oiled macadam and crushed rock state*. ed debt. State Treasurer Holman for job after January 15. H. W. McLain posed feeble-minded in th* State of or near criminals in the state. So it surfacing. warded that amount to the stats’* Oregon, U. S. A. was promoted from lieutenant to the may be she figured wrong as to the The state tax on gasoline yielded The 13 port districts in the state fiscal agency in New York City this rank of captain in th* readjustment of Probably there will not be oppor part of th* population that should 35,900,000 for highway work during reduced their outstanding indebted week to take up maturing issues of tunity to repeal thia diabolical law have been knifed or unknifed. It may the year, 83,677,000 was realized from ness by an aggregate of 3479,169 dur the World’s War Veteran’* State Aid the police department and will have before the next regular session of the be those legislators who fell for her the automobile registration fees, sale ing the past year. Only one district bond*. This reduce* the outstanding charge of investigation work here ■tat* legislature but if the Oregonian were only trying to protect them of bonds yielded 3996,000 and the fed ehow* an Incrkse in indebtedness over •bonus bond* to 326.625,000 from the after. Sergeant Walter Lansing was would receive the money in trust I am promoted to the rank of captain and R. A. Easton. selves. eral government extendd aid to the 1930. That is the Port of Coos B*y. original issue of 328,000,000. of the opinion there ar* at least 1,000 Powell E. Clayton, heretofore a pri extent Of 84,535,000. Two port districts—Alsea and „Co or 1,500 people who would gladly chip vate in the police ranks, now wears a Thirty bridges more than 20 feet in quille River—report no1 outstanding Not a «ingle fatality, noT «ven a in a dollar each in order that on* of •ergeant’s Chevrons. length were constructed during the i indebted nes*. serious injury due to fire marred the these children’* cases may be taken year, representing an expenditure of I Christmas season in Oregon this year, to the supreme court of the «tat* so Oregon’* butter labeling law is be I approximately 31,000,000. Only one| Increased freight rate* on a number according to A. H. Averill, state fire that we may learn whether the eon- ing pretty generally observed in of the thirty, however, can be classed, of Oregon products became effective marshal. In this respect this is a stitution of the state of Oregon pro spite of the opposition voiced by as a major project. That was the J tect* the right* of children to a fair Monday by permi«*ion of Charles M. new record for’ the state a* .ordinar creameries at th* tim* the bill was up Wedderburn bridge over th* Rogue, Thomas, public utilities commissioner. ily Christmas time with its tree and «nd open trial and withnesee* unin before th* last legislature. Max river in Curry county. Started in The increase* apply only to intrastate decorations lends itself to numerous fluenced by a fee reward. Gehlhar, director of agriculture, re ^, 4 f. i — Ji — i 1930 this bridge was completed in shipments although they are identical blazes, some of very serious propor If my memory serves me right it ia ports that of 107 butter samples 1931 at a total coat of »640,000. fifteen or more years ago that a wom with increase authorized on inter tions. Oregon spent approximately »16,- taken by hi* inspectors this month 58 an doctor of Astoria by th* name of 042,000 on it* state highway system state shipment^, by the Interstate ware found to be properly labelled. Adair commenced advocating the ster during 1981, according to Roy A. George Alexander, former state 26 were disbranded and .only 23 were Rates on The state supreme court ground out Commerce Commission. ilizing process of reducing th* imbe Klein, state highway engineer. Of a total of 311 written opinions during grain, flour, hay, apples, potatoes, prohibition commissioner and for the unbranded. cile and criminal population by lobby thia amount 89,230,000 was spent on the year, definitely disposing of 250 livestock and a few other Oregon past five month* head of the investi ing the legislature to giv* her «terili- new construction and betterments, 82,- appeals, just three more than th* product* ar* not affected by either in- gation department of the state police • THE GREAT AMERICAN VALUE FOR 1932 Southwestern Motor Co COQUILLE 4 MYRTLE POINT * ■) I I