TU COQUILLR VALLRY SENTINEL, COQUILLE OBBGÖÜ, FRIDAY. JANUARY i, 1331 —........ .....I —■ Need New Tires? Hate to Pay Muchi? Give 1932 Goodyear Prices the Once Over! Latest lifetime guaranteed . GOODYEAR PATHFINDER Size 29x4.40-21 29x4.50-20 30x4.50-21 28x4.75-19 29x4.75-20 29x5.00-19 30x5.00-20 29x525-19 30x525-20 31x5.25-21 32x6.00-20 33x6.00-21 Each as • « • as * re 4 * re • as re re « « re • re • « « • « re re « « re re - re ' « • re as $4.98 5.60 5.69 6.65 6.75 6.98 7.10 8.15 8.30 8.57 11.47 11.65 Pair $9.60 10.90 11.10 12.90 13.14 13.60 13.80 15.80 16.10 16.70 22.30 22.60 Equally Great Values in Tubes Coquille Service Station Coquille, Oregon Phone 133 STRANG’S GARAGE Day and Night Service Live News From Arago HOOKER’S GARAGE Open Day * Night munity church Sunday. He has also agreed to preach here again the first Mrs. Ernest Wetkins enjoyed a Sunday in February. visit last week with her parents, Mr. Houston Robison returned to Ash and Mrs. A. T. Hall, of Ladrando, Ore. They departed Wednesday for land Sunday, where he is attending a visit With relatives in California Normal after a two weeks’ visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George before returning home. Robison. Mm. Ed Myers is enjoying a visit The young people of the Community this week with her sister, Mm. Frank held a watch party at the gymnasium Lane, of Myrtle Point. Miss Nellie Pauli returned to Lang on New Year’s Eve. The evening was spent in playing games until the mid lois Sunday, having spent the holidays hem visiting with her parents, Mr. night hour. About thirty attended and all reported a very pleasant even and Mm. Leqn Pauli. ing. Mm. Im Wilson and son spent the Wednesday evening Mr. and Mrs. holidays at Goldendale, Wash., with her mother. They returned home George Robison served the basket ball squad with a bountiful chicken dinner. Saturday. After dinner they spent the evening School opened again Monday morn ing after a ten days’ vacation. The playing game«. Those present were Ray Barklow, Milo Griffin, Bud Grif teachers and children alike report a fin, Melden Carl, Joe Sinko, Walter pleasant vacation. Moore, and Ernest Milani. Donald Mm. Sarah Barklow was a visitor Currie is in Canada, visiting his par at the home of Mr. and Mm. E. J. ents during the holidays. Myers on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ayers and little Littje Gerald Woodward is able to daughter, Dorothy, returned Sunday be up again after a week’s illness, from Scio, Ore, where they spent the suffering from an attack of tonsilitis. holidays with Mrs. Ayers’ omther. He is still unabls to attend school. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Moomaw, Jr. Them will be no evening services held at the Arago community church and children, David and Donna, of next Sunday, January 10. The ser Myrtle Point, spent several days last vice was dispensed with in order that week here visiting with his father and those who so desire may attend the sister, J. B. Moomaw, Sr., and Nettie mass meeting to be 'held at the audi Halter. Miss Gladys Bayles and Miss Elis torium in Myrtle Point. Rev. J. J. Handsaker will speak there at that abeth Cockerham, local teachers, re time on "The World Disarmament” turned Sunday evening from their va cation trip north. Mias Cockerham Everyone should attend. Wm. Barnett preached the morning visited her folks at Corvallis and Miss Bayles drove on to Portland and sermon at Bridge Sunday. Mm. E. F. Hoffman, of Myrtle spent the holidays with her mother. Mr. and Mrs. David Root and son, Point, has spent the past week hem visiting with her sister, Mm. Alice John Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Aasen. Mm. Hoffman has been suf Robison returned Friday from Gren fering with an attack of rheumatism ada, Calif. They went down a week I ago to visit with Uncle John Root and while hem. purchased ' family and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stauff,. The Ladies Aid lumber for a new floor put down They saw an abundance of snow and in the community kitchen Thursday a great many wrecks but they made of this week. The ladiea provided the trip safely themselves. Through the Siskiyou country a great many lunch to the men doing the work. Misses Rachel/ tvelyn and Edythe dwellings were snowed under. When Woodward left Sunday for their re they returned home the Myrtle Point- spective schools. Miss Rachel is Arago road was under water in sev teachings at Paulsbo, Wash., Miss Ev eral places and they were obliged to elyn at Brookings and Miss Edythe leave the ear and walk the remainder is attending the O. 8. C. They spent of the way. J. B. Moomaw io having his hay the holidays hem visiting with friends baled this week. J. B. Delsman is, and relatives. Rev. Flenner, of Gaylord, preached doing the work. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Lillie enjoyed the morning sermon at Arago com- '---------------------re- a visit last week with Miss Rose Lillie of (North Bend. She returned home Saturday. Miss Opal Robison returned to her school at Glide, Ore., on Sunday, hav ing spent two weeks here visiting with here parents, Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Robison. Mine Winnie Pauli left Wednesday evening on the train for Portland, where she is attending the Northern She spent School of Comi tree. Christmas week here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Pauli, and numerous friends. Mrs. Clifford Summerlin, of Lee, visited several days this week with hsr parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Miller. Mr. and Mrs, Walter Moore mo tor- ed to Marshfield Saturday, taking home Mias Alice Diedrich, ef Marsh field. and Miss Haxel Davie, of Co quille, both young ladies having spent the past ten days visiting, at the Moore hoflMfc' Mr. and Mr«. Glenn Collier and sons, Harry and Lee, returned home Friday from Portland, having spent several days there visiting friends and relatives. •' Frank Sinko left Saturday morning for Corvallis. He will enter O. S. C. for the remainder of this term. His brother, Joe, drove him out in their father’s car. Joe returned Sunday. 'Mrs. R. H. Bunnage and sons, Rob ert and James, of Portland, returned home Monday, after a two weeks’ visit here with her sister, Mrs. J. L. Burtis. Pearl Myers returned Saturday ev ening to Portland, where «he is at tending business college, having spent the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Myers. Albert Gulstrom left Tuesday morning on a business trip to Tilla- mook. Ralph Myers had the misfortune to be kicked by a horse Tuesday after noon. The horse rared and struck him on the head knocking him uncon- scious. He 1s some better at this time Mm. Stanley Halter and Mrs. Wayne Woodward made a business trip to Marshfield Tuesday. Prof. Ayers attended the state teachers convention in Portland last Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Aasen, Mm. C. C. Robison, Mrs. J. L. Burtw and Mrs. J. D. Carl at tended the all-day meeting of Myrtle Grange in Myrtle Point Tuesday. Donald Currie spent the holidays in Canada with his parents. It is his first trip home since he came babe two years ago with his sister, Done, to attend school. MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Mrs. Walter Huff left Friday for Portland to visit her little daughter, Marjorie, who is in the Shrine hospi tal. Herman Ikemeyer, of Berkeley, California, io a guest at the P. W. Laird home this week. Mike Morrison has opened • log ging camp on Railroad creek, near the Ekley mountain country. Over seven ty men were put to work. Mr. and Mm. Tom Hall and family moved into the Lawrence Clinton house this week. The house was re cently remodeled. Miss Jean Guerin came in from Corvallis Friday and will spend this week visiting frends and mlatves. Mrs. Elia Sumerlin left Saturday for Santa Barbara, Calif., where she will spend several months visiting with relatives and friends. Miss Wilda Barker gave a New Year’s Eve dinner for a few of her friends. The invited guests wem: Karama McRay, Raleigh Green, Av erill Laird, Elton Schroeder, Jacque line Halloway, Kelly Carver, Harold Guptell, Louis Baynes, Eugene Laird, Elbert Schroeder and Wilda Barker. After dinner all went to the New Year’s dance. Mrs. BelM Whitaker and daughter, Miss Helen, were callem in thia city, from Eugene, the first of the week. Miss Helen is attending the Univer sity of Oregon this year. The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. T. D. Guerin Wednesday. This was the an nual meeting for the election of of ficers for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Watsling, of Empire, were New Year’s eve guest* at the M. J. Morrison home. Dwight Bones, Harold Stemmier and Ray Morrison were visitors at the Raleigh Green homestead three days last week. The Ladies Aid of the Methodist Church met Wednesday at the church parlors. Miss Audrey Volkmire is spending a few days visiting her parents in Myrtle Point. She is employed in the dining room at the Port Orford hotel. Wagner is visiting her Tice Wag ner, in is teaching this winter in Miss Helen Deyoe left Sunday for Klamath Falla, where she will con tinue teaching thia winter. Mr. and Mrs. John Berry, their daughter and husband and little child, visited at the Henry Schroeder home Scan the list below and note the money-saving prices on these goods of quality: KENNEL RATION For your cat or dog Per can ... NEIGHBORHOOD COFFEE Glass free with every pound. • * TULCO BRAND OLIVES Per can - - - 10c CANNED MACKEREL 2 cans for - - - 25c MOTHER’S COCOA 2 pound tin • - - 25c HOT SAUCE 6 cans Phone 25c SARDINES Selected Maine in imported olive oil 3 cans .... £5c OVAL SARDINES Mustard or Tomato Sauce 2 for - - - - 15c Busy Corner Grocery during the holidays. They also visit ed other relatives' in this ‘vicinity. They are from Seattle. Miss Isabelle Bryant left Friday for Corvallis to attend O. S. C. She will graduate the coming year. Miss Ena Christensen spent the week-end at the G. L. McRay home. Miss Ena is from Corvallis. Ralph Clinton received treatment in the Mast hospital last Thursday for a broken arm, received in a fall at his home. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Armstrong entertained at New Year's dinner for Mr. and Mrs. Massey, of Gayior, Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Wright, of Leneve, Mrs. Wisenburg, also of Leneve, and Mrs. Armstrong’s daughter, Doris Derey. Mrs. Fred Schofield, of Sunny Knoll Farm, entertained Wednesday at a delightful 1:30 luncheon, honoring Mrs. Koch and her daughter, Kath erine, recent arrivals from Ohio Those who enjoyed Mrs. Schofield’s hospitality were: Mesdamee T. M. Stover, W. M. Ocheltree, W. M. Snosley, of Vancouver, Wash., Lee Snook, T. A. Brack, Emma Herman and the gueete of honor, Mrs. Koch and Miss Katherine. Wayne Carver and his mother, Mrs. Albert Carver, left last week for Portland, where they will visit a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schroeder en tertained Friday evening with a watch party. Those who enjoyed the party were: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Breuer and daughters, Helen, Paula and Eleanor; Mr. and Mrs. Rube Morris and daugh ters, Phydelas and Joan, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Barker and son, Cecil; Mr. and Mrs. Tom Summerlin; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dickinson; Mr. snd Mrs. Ed Lewellen; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ham ilton and daughter, Katherine; Rev. Mrs and Mrs. Ostrander, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Russell snd daughter, Helen. « David Moore, of Stringtown, passed ... U3.nlV - hi. CL n*. away very suddenly at hie home De cember SI. After a service at Schroeder’s Chapel, conducted by Rev. Mr. Carver, the remains were shipped to Eugene for burial. The regular meeting of the library board was held Monday afternoon. Mrs; Belle Whitaker, a member of the library board, reeigned. Mrs. P. W. Laird waa suggested to take her place. Mrs. Tom Guerin was re-elect ed for another year. Friends of the Clark Fenaler fam ily, of Merrill, received word that their son, Jackals in a hospital at Klamath Falls, suffering from injuries received in an auto accident recently. jQc Free Delivery WHEN YOU WANT Phone 16 FARR & ELWOOD Six Kinds of Coal Forest Wood Mr. and Mrs. Chas. BellsKaw have The same night last week that the recently moved to the Geo. Johnson gas was stolen from Mr. Taylor’s car house, which they purchased. and Walter Lawhorn’s garage, the clothes were stolen from the line at McKinley Notes the Arthur Jenkins home as well as All of the officers elected to serve two sacks of potatoes and one of McKinley Grange No. 582 for 1932 wheat. It is to be hoped some one were present at the installation cere will be able to catch the guilty party monies at Myrtle Point Tuesday ex or gang whichever it may be. Miss Ollie Ellen Loshbaugh was up cept the Seward and Lecturer, Mr. from Bandon where she attends and Mm. Hansen. The reports »re not encouraging school to visit her sister, Mrs. R. W. from Alva Brown's bedside. He Brown over the holidays and to attend seems to grow steadily weaker and the old time dance. She returned to less able to aid himself in any way. her great aunt’s home at Bandon Sun He was much pleased with the lovely day. Mrs. R. H. Lawhorn was appointed potted plant Mm. 1. J. Bennett, Chap lain of the Grange, brought him Mon chairman of the Home Economics day. committee of the Grange. It is one Mr. and Mm. Lloyd Leatherman of ■of the responsible positions and will the Lee district spent Sunday after be well filled as Mrs. Lawhorn served in that office before and Was well noon at the Brown home. ........ Tie school board of Diet. No. 27 liked. Mre. Geo. Glenn who held the will hold a meeting Wednesday to office last year was well qualified for find another who will serve on the the work also. It wan reported Wednesday that board since Eugene Taylor has moved Mrs. Isaac Chandler wan ill at her from the community. Miss Verna Finley was unable to home in the Lee district. Her daugh teach school Tuesday and Wednesday ter, Mre. C. A. Miller, went down to „» .v:. , . . , . W~k on *cco.unt of • bad bo». be with her Wednesday night and which is very painful. Miss Helen Mrs. Lee Mast, another daughter Glenn is teaching in her place and from here, also went down later may fill out the week. Mire Helen The weather man says we have had «aid if their wem any shrieks and 35.96 inches of rainfall since Sept. wails heard from the school house 1st, so there is good reason to expect it would Indicate that she was im an early spring as that amount te planting knowledge with a big stick. above the average for the reason. It has been so very quiet that we im The maximum temperature for De agine there was no need for drastic cember waa «0 degrees on the 17th. measures. Minimum, 23 degrees, on the night It entirely slipped out mind to note of December 15th. Greatest daily that Mias Alice Mast, one of our pop range 22 degree«. Greatest precipita ular young girls graduated from the tion in 24 hours was 1.74 inches on Normal at Ashland just before the December 30th. Total rainfall for the Christmas holidays and is now home month was 1688 inc bee—«cord for a while until she begins her teach rainfa|l for one month. There was also ing career. two inches of snowfall.