The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 11, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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DBCMMSE® il, itti
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"Why do millions more people
ride on Goodyear Tires?"
EADING the advertisements, you would say the tire sellers
are scarcely in agreement as to who produces the finest tires.
But it seems to us the tire buyers have definitely settled that
This is the 16th year that “more people ride on Goodyear Tires
than on any other kind.” And it’s millions more people today I
Stop and think, folks, what that means.
Over a period of time the public can be relied upon to allot to
any product its proper place. Isn’t that so |
You will surely agree, then, that to lead any other tire in sales
for 16 years, a tire must necessarily lead all others in value.
And isn’t that the answer to every question* of performance,
traction, long life, construction and price?
But you need not be persuaded to Goodyear Tires even by such
powerful evidence; at our place you can actually see and feel the
reasons why Goodyears are superior. We’re glad to demonstrate.
Because Goodyear’s greater volume enables greater value,
these superior tires cost you not a cent extra to buy— and much
less to ride on 1
extra large
Makes a dandy Christmas
2 Bars Mission Bell Soap
1 pkg. White King
AM for
• $1.29
Large Sizes 150s
2 dozen
- 45c
Medium Size 200s
Per dozen ... 15c
Eat lots of oranges while
they are cheap.
Regular size can -
Good Quality
4 pounds - - -
2 pound package - 30c
Special for Sat
2 pound box Snowflake
Sodas, per box - 29c
2 pound box Graham
Wafers - - 29c
The ladies of the Christian Church will hold a sale in this
store Saturday, December 12th.
All types, all prices—each the value leader of its field—come in
and let us prove it
C oquille S ervice S tation
Busy Comer Grocery
Phone 133
Hooker’s Garage
Strang’s Garage
Open Day A Night
Live News From Arago
Owing to the illness of Rev. Frank
Bunch, there were no moring services
held at Arago Sunday. After Sunday
school everyone went to Myrtle Point
and attended the services at the Meth­
odist Episcopal church where the
"Dixie Quartet” put on an hour’s song
service. They are talented singers
and brought a wonderful message in
sacred songs.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Robinson, of
Coquille, were dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank Siko, on Sunday. In
the afternoon they called on Mr. and
Mrs. Neil Ferrari.
Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burtis, Mr. and
Mrs. George Hampton, Mr. and Mra.
J. D. Carl, Mrs. L. R. Hampton and
Mrs. Johnson attended the dedication
of the Coos River bridge at Marshfield
Sunday afternoon, and took a trip
across the ferry on its last day of
service. Fifty cars were lined up
waiting to cross.
Albert Gulstrom received a tele­
gram Sunday afternoon stating that
his father had passed away suddenly
at his home at Tillamook. His grand
daughter, Irene Buffem, was making
her home with him.
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. My res and Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Woodward attended
the Poultry Show at Bandon on
The Arago "Bull Dogs” and the
girls’ basket ball team will meet the
two Langlois teams in two return
games, at Langlois, on Saturday ev­
ening. Dec. 12. Langlois is promising
a snappy game and everyone ia urged
to go along and boost for the home
teams. They need all the encourage­
ment they can get.
Mrs. B. B. Watkins, of Arago, and
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jackson, of Myrtle
Point, returned home Friday from a
week’s trip to Portland. They met
with an accident while in Portland
which damaged the ear some but no
one was injured,
Mrs. J. Davis and infant son return­
ed home the first of the week from a
Marshfield hospital, both mother and
baby are doing fine.
Mrs. Jim Avery underwent a major
operation at the Mast hospital tn
Myrtle Point Saturday morning. She
is getting along as well as could be
Mm. Wayne Woodward entertained
Brewster Valley
Kenneth Laird who ia taking flying
lessons has flown over the valley sev­
eral times during the last few weeks.
Saturday he distributed posters from
his plane announcing the opening of
the Isthmus Inlet bridge.
Philip Laird is now the proud owner
of his second Palmer Pin won this
Mr. and Mrs. Prohaska made a busi­
ness trip to Coquille Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. David Crowley and
family have moved into their new
house that they have been building
near the Perley Crowley home.
Louis Laird and Brant Taylor were
visitors in Coquille Monday.
The 8itkum school has already
started to get ready for Christmas by
decorating the school room.
are being made for a hike to secure
the school Christmas tree. This is an
annual event always looked forward
The annual operetta to be given by vices were held Tuesday at one o'clock
the grand school will be held on De­ at the Schroeder chapel, Rev. E. G.
cember 22nd. The title is “In Quest Ranton of the • Methodist church offi­
of Santa Claus,” directed by Char­ ciating. The body was taken to Sa­
lem Wednesday morning where burial
lotte Brosius.
Ole Iverson, of the North Fork sec­ took place at Memorial Park at two
tion, was badly hurt and his Ford car o’clock. Mr. and Mrs. Hervey, Mr.
damaged when he drove off the high­ and Mrs. J. E. HaH, Tom Hall, Mr.
way near the Coffee Cup ranch last and Mrs. Tom Weekly and several
grand children and friends accom­
The F. F. A. boys put on a program panied the remains to the last resting
Friday afternoon in the union high place.
school auditorium.
The following
J. E. Hall has been in Myrtle Point
program was given:
“What’s in a for the past six weeks helping care
Name?” by Leslie Herman, John for his mother and father. He re­
Kirk, Howard Redell and Delos Her­ turned to his home in Forest Grove
mann. “Milking A Cow,” by Leo after the burial of his father.
Wagner and Robert Kroger. Clifford
M. R. Lee, of Myrtle Point, was a
Jennings gave a reading. The presi­ business visitor in Portland over the
dent, Roy Wilson, told about the F. week end and part, of this week.
F. A. work. Basil Smith gave sever­
Max Dement and daughter, Lila De­
al numbers on the accordion.
ment, of Powers, were Myrtle Point
Mrs. J. D. Avery, of Coquille, un­ visitors Saturday.
derwent a major abdominal operation
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Guerin, of
last Friday morning in the Mast hos­ Langlois, were visitors at the W. W.
Deyoe home Saturday.
Ernest Knight, of the Auto Park
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Robinette, of
garage, has been suffering the past Crescent City, California, were busi­
two weeks with blood poisoning in his ness visitors in Myrtle Point over the
arm. The trouble started from an in­ | week end.
fection in a small wound and spread
Bill Stevens, of Myrtle Point, was
a Portland business visitor during the
Sam Breuer spent last Thursday in week.
Bandon visiting his bother, Mike, and
George Martin, who had been ill
family. Mrs. Mike Breuer has boon for several months, passed away in
very ill the past few weeks.
the North Bend hospital Sunday ev­
Miss Alice Fite was united in mar­ ening. He was buried Tuesday in the
He leaves
riage to Giles Harris last Wednesday Myrtle Point cemetery.
in Coquille. The wedding was a com­ several children and a host of friends
plete surprise to friends and rela­ and relatives to mourn his loss.
Mrs. Eckley Guerin and two chil­
dren arrived in town the first of the
week from Alaska. Mrs. Guerin has
been in Seattle for the past month
visiting her daughter. She will visit
to by the school children.
friends and relatives in and around
Merle Laird Was three years old Myrtle Point before returning to her
December fifth.
A birthday party home.
was given in honor of this event at
Miss Lorene Braden, of Salem, has
his home. The following guests were been visiting in Myrtle Point this
present: Betty Jean and Fern Marie week. Mias Lorene has been in poor
Niekason, Charles, Virginia and Bur­ health and the trip has been beneficial.
ton Wilson and Glade and Elodia
George Guerin received slight in­
juries Friday when kicked in the ab­
Sunday afternoon a number of the domen by a hors.
people of the valley met at the achool
Miss Elds Laird, who ia attending
gymnasium and practiced Christmas college at Berkeley, was taken sud­
songs which will be sung at the com­ denly ill last Thursday evening; an
munity gathering Christmas eve.
appendicitis operation was performed
early Friday morning. Her parents,
News Notes From Powers
Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Laird, and daugh­
The Red Cross first aid class under ter, Margarette, left at noon Friday
the direction of Ethel Littler, R. N, for Berkeley.
“Who’s Boss,” the Junior play, will
Was given a general review Wednes­
day night at the Fellowship hall. The be given this (Friday) evening at the
examinations will be held Monday union high school. This play has had
and Wednesday evening.
about two months’ practice and will
L. Mortensen, a faller at Camp be exceptionally good.
Members and friends of the Metho­
Two, was hit by a flying limb and
spent several days at the hospital. dist Church met last Thursday even­
He will not be able to work for some­ ing for a pot-luck dinner. There were
about seventy present.
They had
Riverton Junior High beet Powers their regular congregational monthly
Junior High with a score of 39 to 7. meeting. During the business meet­
The Junior High teams are givii< the ing chairmen and secretaries of the
boys some good training and it will three units of the church were elected.
show in the high school teams.
For unit one, Dr. 0. H. Clarke was
Snow on Eden ridge laid off 150 elected chairman and Mrs. Elton
loggers Thursday morning.
Aasen secretary; for unit two, Mrs.
School will close in Powers Decem­ L. P. Linn for chairman and Gladys
W. S. Hall passed away at the
ber 18th for the Christmas holidays. Latham secretary; unit three, Mrs. E. home of his daughter, Mrs. T. J.
The community Christmas tree will bo G. Ranton, chairman, and Mrs. Floyd Weekly, Sunday evening at six
held on December 23rd at the gym. Summers sercetary. A general secre­ o’clock. Mr. Hall is an old Oregon
tary for the whole group was also, pioneer.
M t . and Mrs. Hell had
elected in the person of Roy Latham., lived in Monmouth, Oregon, since
“Silence” at Liberty Sunday
Mias Evelyn MePhearson who is August, 1920, but were brought here
Condemned to death, spending his
school at Hauser spent the by their children in September, where
last few hours on earth cooped up in
a cell, in the shadow-of the gallows, week end with Mildred Russell.
they could have the care of those
The Methodist Church hsd Univer­ most dear to them. Mrs. Hall passed
shunned by his fellow men, when all
that stands between him and free­ sal Bible Sunday. The subject of the away just a week ago and her de­
dom ia a word, a word which he locks pastor’s sermon during the worship voted husband suffered a collapse im­
securely behind hie tightly clinched hour was, “Searching the Scriptures.” mediately afterward. Seven children
Coach Essman has recommended remain to mourn his death. They are:
That is the tense, suspenaeful open­ twenty-three boys to receive football Mrs. R. P. Mathany, Monmouth; Mrs.
ing seene of "Silence,” in which Clive letter. These boys are: Mike Ray, R. L. Singleterry, Tulsa, Okla.; Mrs.
Brook, Marjorie Rambeau, Peggy Lyle and Deri Carver, Ike Miller, Har­ G. C. Morehouse, Orland, California;
Shannon and Charles Starrett are ald Hall, Dwight Bones, Harold Endi­ James E. Hall, Forest Grove; Mrs.
seen at the Liberty theatre next week. cott, Roy Morrison, Roy Wilson, Far- W. H. Hervey, Lee, Oregon; Thomas
And, from the exciting opening «hot, land Gant, Don Gilkison, Herbert A. HaH, Myrtle Point; and Mra. T. J.
the eventful Max Marcin play is filled Strong, Eugene Kinnicutt, Don Dru- Weekly, of Myrtle Point.
All the
with thrill after thrill, exciting epi­ liner, Leonard Shelton, Frank Morri­ children were here except Mrs. Sin­
sode after exciting episode through son, Fred Schmidt, Earl Woods, Wai­ gleterry and Mra. Morehouse. Mr.
its absorbing length.
ter Felaher, Floyd King, and the two Hall also leaves sixteen grand chil­
managers: Edwin Rackleff and Frank dren and twelve great grand children
Insure your ear with Ned C. KsBey Draper.
and many friends and relatives. Ser­
Day and Night Service
as dinner guests Sunday Mr. and Mrs.
Myres and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hal­
Professor Ayers attended the ath­
letic coaches’ meeting held at Coquille
on Saturday. He says the basket ball
schedule will be ready for print next
Jesse Robison met with what
might have proved a very serious ac­
cident Tuesday morning when he tried
to pass Lafe Cornwell who-was driv­
ing the school bus. The accident oc­
curred at the same place J. B. Moo­
maw went over about two weeks ago,
on the narrow All at the Joe Milan!
place. Mr. Robison’s car rolled over,
breaking two windows and damaging
the running boards and fenders. No
one in the car was injured.
Mrs. Maude MacDonald was taken
suddenly ill with a heart attack while
attending church services at Coquille
Sunday. She ia some better at this
Wm. Doyle of Bandon spent Tues­
day visiting with his brother, Albert
Gordon Fleming and Earl Mulliris
returned Monday from a month’s trip
down in Curry county, where they
were prospecting for black sand. They
did not report any luck.
Albert Gulstrom left Monday morn­
ing for Tillamook, to attend the fun­
eral of his father.
How One Woman Lost
20 Lbs. of Fat
Lout Her Prominent Hips—
Double Chin— Sluggishness
Gained Physical Vigor—
A Shapely Figure.
If you’re fat—first remove the
Take one half teaspoonful of KRU-
SCHEN SALTS in a glass of hot wa­
ter' every morning—in 3 weeks get
on the scales and note how many
pounds of fat have vanished.
Notice also that you have gained in
energy—your skin is clearer—you
feel younger in body—KRU9CHEN
vtl yve any fat person a joyous
’“St an 85c bottle of KRU9CHEN
SALTS from Fuhrman’s Pharmacy,
Inc., or any leading druggist any­
where in America (lasts 4 weeks).
If this first bottle doesn't convince
you this is the easiest, safest and
surest way to lose fat—your money
gladly returned.