The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, December 04, 1931, Page 8, Image 8

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Do Your Christmas Shopping
Buy practical gifts and buy for your men in a man’s store.
You will find here
PhiUips Jones Shirts
Argonaut Shirts
Belts & Suspenders
and many other articles men like
We are giving away a Pendleton Virgin Wool Blanket again'
this year.
Just as well have the beet
A blacksmith shop has been added to the Coquille
Machine Shop equipment and those needing that
kind of work will find Fred Schaer in charge of
the department.
Let us figure with you on your requirements.
—----- xa------ l . -
To Hold Game Meetings
Arrangements for a number of dis­
trict hearings in all sections of the
state are being made by the state
game department. Members of the
Commission and department heads
wkh to reach the greatest number of
sportsmen in the toast possible time
and obtain a crystelized opinion in
each district. Plans for the first ac­
tive year under the new Wild Life
program of the commission are to be
------ - --------- 1 ----------------- 1 - XS.J-.
made and agreement reached on defin­
ite projects in each district.
Tentative meeting places have been
set as follows: Baker, Pendleton, The
Dalles, Bend, Klamath Falk, Med­
ford, Coquille, Roseburg, Eugene, Sa­
lem, Newport, Albany, Astoria and
These bearings are de-
sired before the February meeting of
the commission at which- time the
opening and closing orders will be
adopted for 1952.
By Lans Lenovo
The duck hunters have sure got a
lucky break thia season. What looked
to bo a perfectly duckless season has
turned out to be a real duck season,
with nearly every one enjoying a few
good shoots. It would not surprise
me in the least to see the present one
month season continued in future
yean, for it means the conservation
of million« of ducks, as the season
now stands. A cut in the bag limit
from the piWfent 15 birds per day, or
twenty within a week, to allow only
10 birds per day and fifteen a week,
would go farther toward helping the
poor birds out. A duck sure leads a
tough life during the hunting season.
Every clump of brush fn his feeding
grounds, hides a gunner that is thirnt-
ing for the poor bird’s life. About
the only place he is safe is out on the
bosom of the broad Pacific or keeping
to the air a mile high during day­
light hours. Even then he is being
frightened by various gunners, who
seem to think that a shot gun is equal
to a rifle for range. I have actually
seen ducks fired at that were at least
a hundred and Afty yards from the
shooter. It really grieves * person
to think of the thousands of ducks
that are shot at beyond range. The
shot are almost spent, yet have pen­
etration enough to lodge in the bird’s
body and wound it sorely.
guns and automatics are sure tough
on the birds when in the hands of
the ordinary hunter, owing to the fact
that they will continue firing into a
flock of birds until they are far be­
yond effective range and still wound
many birda that die afterwads. Many
sportsmen would raise a howl, as
well as the manufacturers of pump
and automatic guns, but one of the
biggest moves in conssrvation would
be to eliminate the pump and auto­
matic to only two shells, the same as
the double gun. This could be ac­
complished by the blocking of the
margarine in such a manner that no
more than two shells could possibly
be used.
But as I have already
stated it would sure cause a howl to
be raised.
Talking of ducks, when they are
mentioned, a person immediately as­
sociates them with water. All my
life, up to the few years ago, I always
gunned for ducks where there was
water and plenty of it
But a few
yean ago I had the novel experience
of shooting ducks where there was
not a duck pound or marsh within
several miles. They were lighting on
ground as free from water as your
Rackfeffs Pharmacy
434 W. Firat St.
...................1 - -
- ■ -=
parlor floor. It was in the rice fiel<to the only thing in my entire system Resume of C. H. S.
of California and thousands and thou­ that wasn’t frozen.
Football for 1931
sands of ducks were sure slicking up
Did you ever stop to ponder the
vn the rice crops. One farmer showed question of d r essed fowls and ani­
Thanksgiving Day is supposed to
us a field where two and a half acres mals ? When an animal has its hide be a day of good cheer and thankful­
Of rice had been destroyed by ducks on and a fowl its feathers, why they ness, and to the C. H. S. football team
tn a single night. Hunting there (in are not dressed. But take the hide it was all of that as the Rod Devil
the Sacramento valley) is sure some from the animal and its entrails from warriors rode over North Bend to a
contrast from hunting in Coos coun­ its body and take the feathers from brilliant, 19 to 14, victory, turning an
ty. Wo would drive our car right in­ the fowl and likewise its entrails out otherwise drab season into a mild
to the hunting grounds, conceal it be­ and you have a “dressed” animal and success. The complete record shows
hind a stack of cut rice, get behind a “dressed” fowl. How comeT
five losses as compared to two vic­
another ourselves and bang it to the
An old hen grouse that has made tories and a tie game.
ducks and geese to our hearts’ con­ her home on the old Barrows place,
From the outset of the season not
tent. It sure was a revelation to both east of town, for several years was much was expected from the red and
my dad and' me, after having shot shot and killed last spring when she White eleven, though some hope was
ducks in this country all our lives. had a brood of 15 little ones, which gleaned when in early fall practice a
To sea the thousands upon thousands no doubt" perished. The old bird was rather large and hefty squad showed
of ducks and geese swarming about very tame and associated with the potential ability. Experience, how­
the fields of a morning, one could ohickens most of the time. My in­ ever, was lacking, for the graduation
never imagine a shortage in their former was very indignant over the of thirteen tettermen from the strong
ranks. For miles and miles, just as shooting of the bird as ho had taken 1930 team left only Linus Seeley, Har­
far as the eye could reach, string af­ special pains to care for her for some old Williams, and Alfred Plaep as a
ter string of V-shaped geese were time. It was a low down trick, taking nucleus around which to build a foot­
winging their way to the feeding the life of the old mother bird, not to ball, machine. To make matters worse
grounds. And thousands upon thou­ mention leaving the poor little help­ the latter was ineligible for the first
sands of ducks were in the air. The less orphans facing certain death. But two encounters, thus leaving the for­
voices of the ducks, the honking of some people have no heart, it seems, ward wall without an experienced
the geese and the noise of their great and all they think about is to kill performer as Seeley had been shifted
flapping wings, once heard and wit­ and kill. This fact is demonstrated from end to halfback.
nessed will never be forgotten.
every now and then, when some dis­
Various players saw aetion through­
It is claimed that if a wild goose gruntled hunter takes a pot shot at out the eight-game schedule played by
loses his mate that he will never some cow, dog or chickens.
C. H. 8.. Among them nineteen wens
Elsie Golden and Chas. Markillie, fortunate in putting in the required
mate again. Barring disease, or be­
ing brought down by a hunter’s gun, residents of Michigan, who are tour­ time for a tetter—the largest number
a goose will live to be a hundred. ing the country, dropped in to see me of award men ever to grace red and
They informed me white football. Of this number only
And have you ever noticed the per­ the other day.
fect order in which geese fly? Ducks that they had driven an extra hundred Williams and Fay Holverstott will
of all species fly helter-skelter, some­ miles to meet the fellow whose stories graduate, raising the possibilities for
times one being in the lead and some­ they had read in various outdoor mag­ 1932 with the return of the other sev­
times another; no order whatever to azines, during the past ten years.
enteen, as well as a number of other
their flight. But not so with geese.
boys who worked hard as reserves this
Red Cross Roll Call
They are always strung out in perfect
fall. These boys will be older and
V-formatibn, following the wily old
heavier by next season and with ex­
(Continued from first page.)
leader, wherever he may fly. Into the
perience behind them should play
teeth of blizzards, or across a sunlit
much better bal| if they run true to
sky, it Hiss that his leadership is R. T. Slater, F. S. Emery, Don Mc- form. At toast if quantity counts
never questioned foj p moment When Cune, F. W. Martin, Myrtle DeLong, anything
the flock stope to feed, more general­ Ideal Bakery, J. 8. Barton, Dr. J. R. places in 1932, but in the long run
ship is displayed. One of the birds Bunch, E. O. Webb, O. C. Sanford, quality is the deciding factor.
acts as sentry, while the rest of the Bess Maury, Rackleff Pharmacy, J. J.
About the two graduates: Williams,
flock are feeding. Standing where Stanley, Dr. C. A. Rietman, L. H. in his test game under local colors,
he may command a view of the sur­ Hazard, Ula Leach, H. A. Slack, Nos­ flashed brilliant form as the outstand­
rounding country, be stretches forth ier Barber Shop, Gould Furniture ing player of the North Bend game.
his long neck and his keen eyes are Store, Effie Milter, Geo. R. Johnson, In this encounter he played the best
ever on the alert for an approaching C. C. Farr, Geo. A. Ulett, R. Jeub, K. game of hie two years with C. H. 8.
enemy, If one is sighted, he in­ E. Medford, George Unsoeld, H. A. by changing into a hard-hitting, shifty
stantly honks forth the alarm and Young, H. C. Getz, J. Arthur Berg, back in speeding for large yardage
the big birds go shooting skyward. Edna Robison, Harriett Gould, Eleanor gains against the bay team. He also
They are large birda and appear Foteom, W. S. Sickels, John Roes, received a difficult chance on a pass
rather slow in flight, owing to their Martha E. Mulkey, Henry Lorenz, and his defensive play stood out as
size and great wing spread and yet Edith Miller, Dr. J. A. Wheeler, Nos­ well. Last year Williams played con­
they are said to travel at the rate of ier & Walker Ins. Co., Stevens Meat sistent ball all season, but injuries
Market, J. E. Norton, J. D. Gillespie, hampered him greatly through the
ninety miles an hour.
I received quite an object lesson on H. A. Niergarth, Coquille Hotel, N. B. past schedule except during the be­
the flight of a goose, the first one Taylor, Charles R. Yokum, Alton fore mentioned fray.
Holverstott also was hampered by
that I shot at, down in the rice fields. Grimes, Marian Grimes, R. L. Stewart,
A flock of about fifty flew by me, at a S. E. Archibald, F. C. Hudson, Bill injuries after flashing ability in the
distance of about forty yards.
I Barrows, Mrs. I. A. Elrod, K. P. Law­ fore part of the fall. He was playing
picked out the old leader and ted him rence, Mrs. K. P. Lawrence, Kennett his first time as a regular, and but for
about the same distance I would a Lawrence, Jr., John G. Lawrence, his injuries would likely have seen
mallard duck
at that distance. Mrs. Myron Wickham, C. W. Gano, much more duty. As fit was he di­
Imagine my surprise, when at the re­ Dr. J. B. Gillis, Dr. C. R. Bloyd, Dr. vided the play at his position with
port of the gun, the fourth goose in W. V. Glaisyer, Mrs. Georgia Rich­ Pook, a sophomore.
The returning lettermen are: Coop­
line behind the leader folded up and mond, Mrs; E. M. Pierce, Hobt. R.
crashed to the ground, stone dead. I Wateon, A. T. Morrison, E. L. Vinton, er, McCue, Shaver and Morris, ends;
had shot at least four feet behind the J. P. Beyers, H. E. Hees, C. H. Hunt, Pook and Helmkin, tackles; Ireland,
That taught me something Pete Culver, Chas. Stauff, Ida K. Martindale, Donaldson and Jenkins,
then and there. I was about to about Owen, Edith Walton, E. F. Grider, guards; Plaep and Stonecpyher, cen­
some information over to my dad on Kathleen McClintock, Alberta Tyrrell, ters; Morgan and Hatcher, quarters;
how to toad ’em, when a big flock H. H. Hartley, W. M. Cunning, Ken­ Seeley and Peart, halfs; and Perrott,
flung over him and he made a beauti­ neth Thompson, Wade H. Arstill, Es­ full. Of this list Seeley and Plaep
M. Casto, Charlotte Andrews, will be the only ones who have played
ful double, so I kept the information ther
Rosabel Shone, Marte Stewart, Mel-' more than one year.
to myself, seeing as be didn’t seem to
vin Kathan, W. V. Ferguson, Ruth A.
Results of the 1931 games are:
need it.
Beyers, W, E. Thompson,
Had a taste of real duck hunting Adams, Elsie Strauss, Naomi Cobb, iCoquille - - 0 Marshfield - 40
Coquille - - 5 Bandon
- * . 0
last Sunday morning. The water was Opal Arstill.
Coquille - - 0 North Bend - 21
high and it was impossible to get out
Coquille - - 0 Myrtle Point - 22
where the ducks were circling without
Delviag late the Past
Coquille - - 0 Marshfield - 48
getting good and wet, so picking out
Evidence that the ancient city of Coquille - - 0 Bandon
a high spot of ground I sought to Kish, in Mesopotamia, had some con­
Coquille - - 0 Myrtle Point - 7
drop the flying birds in shallow tact with the advanced civilisation of
Coquille - - 19 North Bend * 14
water. One I dropped there, but four India almost 5,000 years ago la ob­
flne birds fell dead in water waist tained In the form of seal-bearing
Larger Curry School Censua
deep. I stood there and looked them hieroglyphics of Indian type found
over and thought of all the good buried at Kish.
Curry county has had a marked
bird dogs I had owned, who would
gain in the number of school children
Panama Caaal’s Length
have delighted in bringing in those
I of school age, according to thu 1931
The Panama canal Is 40.27 statute
birds. I turned to toava. Took an­
miles from shore line to shore line I school census which has just been
other look at the nice plump birds
and about 50 statute miles from deep compteted.
and mentally decided that it was a water In the Atlantic to deep water tn
The returns compiled by Mrs. Kath­
poor sportsman who would shoot and tf*9 ~
erine Harris, county school superin­
leave birds go to waste. Here I have
tendent place the total number of
been preaching conservation and
boys and girls of school age in the
Merit in Attempt
lambasting wanton waste of game in
The men who try to do something county at 1,112 as compared with 913
this column for the past year. No, and fidi are infinitely better than for last year, a gain of 199 or 21.4 per
it wouldn’t do; so laying my fun those who try to do nothing and suc­ cent. There are 574 boys and 538
down and taking a deep breath, I ceed.—Uoyd Jones.
girls, or 34 more boys than girls._
plunged in. Holy smoke! Talk about
Curry Comity Reporter.
your ice baths, well, I had one. My
teeth were chattering and I waa blue
Blank Warranty Deeds for sale at
with cold when I emerged, but I held
this office.
four fat ducks by their necks and I
Mining Location notices for sale at
had the pleasure of feeling that my
Justice Court blanks for salo at thia
conscience was clear. G