The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, November 20, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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Smooth-worn tires skid on winter roads
™ &
Per Pound
new next spring
4 pound pail
8 pound pail
C oquille
S tation
Phone 133
Per pound
2 pound package, celophane
Small Tins
• -
Should include
one of the Tender
Young Turkeys
from Our Market
or if you prefer, we have
Phone 20
your Ideai Mealing Place,
Live News From Arago
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Farrier re­
turned home Friday, from Portland,
where they visited their daughter for
the past two weeks. They report a
very pleasant trip but are glad to be
back to the country again.
Two basket ball games were played
at Arago Friday evening. Arago In­
dependent team played the high school
squad first and the high school came
out victorious with a good score.
Then the Coquille Junior High School
team met the Arago second team and
lost by a score of 40 to 7 in favor of
Rev. Jesse Barnett and family were
dinner guests at the home of Mrs.
Lucy Culver, of Bridge, last Sunday.
Mr. Barnett also preached the morn­
ing sermon at the Bridge church.
George Hampton is taking part in
“The College Flapper” to be put on in
Myrtle Point Thursday and Friday,
Nov. 19th and. 20th. The play is spon­
sored by the Women’s Club and is
supporting a cast of 100, choruses
and players combined.
Mias Ruth
Moore, of Eugene, is directing the
play and the money will go for com­
munity service.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Collier and
little daughter have moved into the
little house at the brickyard for the
Mr. and Mrs. Wiley Cornwell have
moved back to Arago. They went to
Redding, Calif., a few weeks ago ex­
pecting to remain there this winter
but the employment situation is such
that be could not find work.
Remember the Ladies Bazaar to be
held in the Arago gymnasium Friday,
November 20th. A free program will
be put on by the school. It will con­
sist of two plays, "The Lost Trous­
ers” and “It Could Have Been Worse,”
besides a number of recitations and
songs. Come and help out and do
your Christmas shopping at home.
The ladies have a fine selection to
choose from.
Mr. and Mrs. John Myers have re­
turned from Curry county, where
they have spent the past few weeks
prospecting for black sand.
daughter, Rohama, stayed with Mrs.
Sandy Ellis during their absence.
Fred Lafferty and Ernest Watkins
attended a Turkey Instruction school
at Roseburg Thursday and Friday.
The purpose of the school is to in­
struct people in the proper way to
butcher their turkeys. Mr. Watkins
has a flock of 200 and will butcher
Friday, Nov. 20th.
Gordon Fleming and Earl Mullins
are trying their luck prospecting for
black sand in Curry county for a few
' Mrs. J. S. Root of Grenada, Calif.,
visited with her daughter, Mrs. C. C.
Robison, last week.
Mrs. George Ayers taught, school
a few days last week as substitute
for Miss Gladys Bayles, who waa con­
fined to her home with an abscessed
Miss Ruth Woodward drove to Eu-
gene Friday and attended the football
game there Saturday.
Opal Robison spent last week end
here visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Robison. Mias Robison is
teaching at Glide this year.
graduated from Ashsland Normal last
Mrs. Kate Hodson and son, Roy, of
Norway, returned homo Monday.
They spent last week end assisting
the Carl boys with the work While
their parents were in Portland.
The Ladies Aid and Missionary so­
ciety met at the home of Mrs. C. A. at Coquille Monday afternoon.
Keltner on Wednesday. It was n
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Carl returned
all-day meeting with a potluck dinner Sunday from Portland. Mr. Carl at­
at noon. Work for the Aid was car­ tended the Judges and commissioners’
ried on in the morning and in the af­ convention there last week. They al­
ternoon there was a devotional service so visited their eon, Kenneth, at O.
and program. Mrs. MacDonald, presi­ S. C. and attended the football game
dent of the Missionary society, gave a at Eugene Saturday. They report a
very interesting talk on “Missionary very pleasant trip.
Work in Thibet, Cina.”
The next
J. B. Moomaw had the misfortune
meeting wiH be held at the home of to almost wreck his Chevrolet truck
Mrs. Edith Woodward, December 2nd, Tuesday while on his way to town
and each lady is requested to bring with a load of hogs. The road being
from two to five rooted plants to be slippery, the truck was over the
sold at a reasonable price at the grade before he realized it and it
meeting. Those attending were Mes- turned over once, landing on the top.
damea W. B. Doyle, L. A. Myers, C. He managed to turn off the motor be­
i C. Robison, Geo. Gillespie, Adrian fore it caught fire and was forced to
I Halter, Stanley Halter, Albert Lillie, break a glass to get out; however Mr.
' J. S. Root, C. E. Schroeder, O. H. Moomaw was not injured. The acci­
| Aasen, Cleve McAllister, T. B. Mac- dent happened near the Joe Milani
, Donald, E. J. Myres, Russel Danielson, place and Mr. Milani took his load
Everett Lafferty, Geo. Hampton, C. of hogs to town and Mr. Moomaw re­
A. Keltner, Alma Halter, Edith turned home and got the tractor to
Woodward and Misses Evelyn Doyle pull the truck back on the road. The
and Ruth Keltner.
truck was not damaged a great deal.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stauff and lit­
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Schroeder, Mr.
tle daughter, Naomi May, and Mrs. and Mrs. C. C. Robison, Mr. and Mrs.
J. S. Root left Sunday morning flor Geo. Hampton, Mr.and Mrs. Joe Mi­
Grenada, Calif. Owing to ill health lani, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Burtis at­
they were fofced to move to a drier tended Myrtle Grange at Myrtle Point
ckmate. They have rented a dairy Tuesday evening.
farm there and expect to make it
their home for some time. Mr. Stauff
Brewster Valley
is taking a herd of twelve cows with
Mrs. Elmer Wilson and two chil­
him for this year and will take the dren, Virginia and Berten, are spend­
balance of the herd later.
John ing the week with her mother, Mrs.
Miller, of Coquille, is trucking the cat­ Lett, at Bridge.
tle and household goods for them. He
Chas. Wilson has been ill several
returned Monday and brought back days on account of having some
word that Mr. and Mrs. Stauff had an teeth extracted.
accident on their way down, when the
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Christensen
axle of the car broke on the road be­ and daughter, Christina, made a busi­
tween Medford and Ashland. Fortun­ ness trip to Coquille Armistice Day.
ately it happened on level ground and
Erwin Laird went to Marshfield
no one wr.s hurt. The accident de­ Saturday to have hia eyes examined
layed them three hours and they did and to have his glasses changed.
not arrive at Grenada until •leven
A bridal reception was given Sat­
o’clock that night.
urday night at the Brewster commun­
Mrs. J. S. Root, Mrs. C. C. Robison ity hall in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Mike
and Mrs. Wm. Stauff called on Mrs. Oberman.
Emma Barklow, of Myrtle Point, and Luncheon
Mrs. P. E. Drane, of Coquille, Thurs­ Club.
day afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Groat and son,
Miao Lila Dement, Miss LaVaun Roger, visited Mrs. Groat’s sister,
Aasen and Orvus Miller attended the who is in the Keizer hospital at
Christian Endeavor convention at Marshfield Saturday.
Marshfield Saturday and Sunday. Rev.
David Crowley is building a new
Mr. and Mrs. MacDonald went over house near the Perfey Crowley home.
for the Sunday session.
The following students of the
Mias Gertrude Borgard, a Myrtle Brewster Valley school have received
Point teacher who has been staying Palmer Method pins for the past
with Mrs. Edith Woodward, has moved six weeks: Philip Laird, Lester Dur-
to Myrtle Point and will board with rell Ruby Parks, Doria Prohaska, For­
Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett.
rest Krewson, Eloda Krewson and
Albedt Fish, C. A. Keltner and Geo. Christina Christensen.
Hampton attended a drainage ditch
meeting at the office of J. J. Stanley
Best Quality
2 cans for.
Bulk—Good grade
Per pound
if you are going to build one for
the holidays, we have ail the in­
including Candied
Cherries and Candied Pineapple.
good quality
4 pounds
Busy Corner Grocery
Mias Delore« Belloni entertained a
few of her friends Saturday evening.
They were Janet Marlin, Katie Guer­
in, Lyle Carver, Stanley Furman,
Lynn Cooper and Lloyd Ray.
The Ladies Aid of the Methodist
Church met Wednesday afternoon at
the home of hte pastor’s wife, Mrs. E.
G. Ran ton.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Russell drove
to Marshfield last Thursday to be
present at a birthday dinner given for
Mr. Russell’s mother, at the Willard
Russell home.
Mrs. Amelia Nelaon, of Norway,
left the first of the week for Portland
where she will remain until after the
Christmas holidays with her daugh­
ter, Mrs. Gussie Weiss.
The O. E. S. of Myrtle Point enter­
tained Thursday evening for the Co­
quille and Power« chapters. .The
chapter is planning on a rummage
sale on December 11th and 12th.
The Presbyterian Ladies Aid gave
a bazaar and supper Friday evening
in the Schroeder hall.
Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Clausen and
family made a business trip to Eu­
gene last week. While there Mrs.
Clausen and Cornelia called on Miss
Velma Hamilton and Miss Margaret
Chase. •
Mike Morrison has
building road at Big
pects to start real logging the first
of the year.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Peel, of
Monterey, California, spent last
Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs.
Launcelot LaFlamme and family and
went on Friday morning to attend the
home-coming gamd at Eugene. Ken­
neth is employed with the U. 8. A. en-
gineers at Monterey.
Deri Carver spent the week end at
Eugene attending the home-coming.
Some at the people who attended
home-coming at Eugene this week end
from Myrtle Point were: Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Schroeder, Raleigh Green, El­
ton Schroeder, Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Herman and Karama Me Ray.
Miss Verna Moore, of Ashland, is
spending this week in Mytrle Point,
assisting the Woman’s Club in'their
production, “The College Flapper,”
which will be given Friday and Thurs­
day nights of this week in the high
school auditorium.
Mrs. Munday, of Bandon, visited at
the James Guerin home Sunday. She
was returning from Eugene where
she had been visiting for the past
James Hall, of Forest Grove, has
been visiting in Myrtle Point due to
the illness of hia mother, Mrs. W. S.
Caroline Schneider, who is attend­
ing Willamette University in Salem,
expects to spend her Thanksgiving
vacation in Myrtle Point with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Schneider
E. J. Schneider, of Illahe, was a
Myrtle Point visitor from Saturday
to Wednesday, visiting friends and
relativea. Mr. Schneider is employed
at the Jergens’ estate. He is care­
Clarence Richard, of Coos River,
was a visitor at the James Guerin
ranch Tuesday.
Myrtle Point will play their last
game of football Saturday with Ban­
don. There will be a pep rally Fri­
day evening to celebrate the occasion.
Tops Dressed
Southwestern Motor Co
Phone 190
Coquille, Oregon