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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 20, 1931)
oquille Valley Senthgl THE PAPER THAT’S LIKE A LETTER EROM HOME VOL. XXVII. NO. a. COQUILLE, COOS COUNTY, ORBGON, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1ML 8238 THE YRAR About 50 at Work on Roads Legion Shoot Next Sunday Pau! Van Scoy, highway engineer for this section, say* that 20 men— eight from Bandon, six each from Co quille and Myrtle Point—wil be put to work on the highway between Co quille and Bandon next Monday. At th* present time there are 26 working between Ten Mite creek and the coun ty line north at the Bay, widening that narrow stretch, and that seven men from Port Orford will soon be working in that section. That total* about 50 of the previously unem ployed who will bo given work every other week oa stat* roads in thia sec tion. And Mr. Van Scoy says that is ,*J1 the allocated state fund* permit. Judge Thompson stated this morn ing that th* unemployed registration ia Coos county numbers 700. Far weather Sunday will bring out the largest crowd at a shoot for the year, for there is not another sched uled in Cons county for next Sunday. . It is the third annual shoot of the Coquille American Legion, and the Post has made arrangements for a large supply of turkeys, chickens, geese, duck* and little pig* a* prise* for" the clay bird shooting, rifle shoot ing and other games which the Legion ha« arranged. Doughnuts and ci<ier are to be served free at the club house of the Coquille Gun Club, just across the river, where the event will be held. The matches will be so arranged that everyone will have a chance at a turkey, no crack shot being able to secure them all, and even the ladies who handle a shotgun will find they can win a bird or pig. Several games will be conducted for those who do not shoot. All the price* will be dressed. The indication« are that sportsmen will be here from all over Cooa and even from Curry counties. Cloud on Title of Coquille Ori Many Cuta Made in Tentative ginal Townsite Due to General Fund Figures 4 ■ Oversight by Committee , Doc Fitzgerald and Mias Fischbach With the Ailing of a suit recently The budget comffiittee, in session by 8. D. Pulford for the Coos Buying Wednesday and yesterday, had com both express themselves as very well pleased with the test operetions of A Selling Go. against the Henry Seng- pleted a tentative budget of the gen stacken Co. and the Title Guarantee eral fund for 1932, except' for the the amalgamation plant this week, A Abstract Co., a matter which, has County farm, and this morning went and satisAed that with some adjust long been a thorn in the flesh to owg- out there to look things over before ment* sad change* which have been era of lota in the original townsite of making an estimate of what will be found necessary that it will do all Coquille is again brought to public needed there next year. * they have etaimed for it and that the notice. The suit is to quiet title or results in a financial way will bo sat Judge Tompson stated this morn ./•move a cloud from the title to the ing that the figures as tentatively isfactory to everyon* who brings concentrates to the plant. W. O. W. property, at the corner of adopted will show a decease of from But, Doc says, the miners will have First and Taylor streets. 8 to 9 per cent from last year’s gen to learn that it is necessary to con Before telling of ths early history eral fund levy. Just Short of Cash Basis of that “Job," it should be remarked centrate 60, or 65, or oven 100 to 1. Below is given a list of the items School district No. 8 warrants ia- that since E. C. Smith bought the The best result* cannot b* obtained appearing in the general fund tenta sued prior te Oct 1, 1931, and a por-J-na, Guarantee A Abstract Co. here from concentrates which have only tian of those issued on that date, were in 1923, from the Sengstacksn estate, tive budget, the first figure being the been reduced 15 or 20 to 1. called yesterday by Clerk Keith Les that company has benefitted not one 1931 budget adopted last year, and A new motor for th* platinum amal the second the figure a* approved by gamation plant is expected this noon, li* and interest on them has stopped. cent from the hold-up of property the budget committee for 1932: Warrant number 3991 was the highest owners, and Mr. Ptrlford filed *■ and ths inability to recover this min Justice courts, 31841—81851. eral, *o far thia weak, has prevented included in th* call. The amount for amended petition to hi* suit, acknow School Census Shows 787 Juvenile court, 82800—32060. ' The I which funds were available totalled ledging that the Title Guarantee A a definite knowledge of how rich the reduction is in officer ’ s salary . and The census of school distret No. 8 818,200.28 hi warrent redemption and Abstract Co. was not involved in a sand and reck run in the teste have mileage allowance. 843.45 in interest. was recently completed, except for a pretended interest in th* approximate bean. Circuit court—312,650—311.075. final checking up of records which Thia leaves 68 warrants outstand ly 1200 iota in the original townsite. Running the concentrates from the County court, 36,676—85,800. The may add a few more names, As it To start in the beginning, way back Madden mins on Sixes was started ing, totalling 811,051.06, which is the reduction here is in commissioners’ stands the number of children be lowest it has been in the Coquille dis in 1864, Eban Cunningham received yesterday afternoon and will be fin per diem, expenses, and stenographer tween the age* of 4 and 20 in the trict for many, many years. a U. 8. patent to 150 acres of land ished today, with a clean-up expected district is 787 which is 30 less than for this evening. where this city is located. Th* patent District Attorney, 81695—81420. the 1930 census, not as much of a was issued June 15, 1864. Mr. Cun Fir* tons of lode, taken from the Special counsel, 3500—nothing. loss a* was anticipated. ningham died June 25, 1864, and the 2500-aer* land* which Doc Fitzgerald Sheriff’s office, 824425—818,400. administrator of the estate on Jan. has staked ju»t north of Coquille, and 2, 1866, sold it to Elizabeth Leneve The reduction here is in salaries of extending out to Fairvtew, showed for 8500 and the same year she sold employees, and all down the line on very good recovery of gold, but, of A Union Thanksgiving Service will it to T. B. Willard who platted it in expense items. course, the platinum value* hare not Industrial insurance, 8300—8250. be held in the Pioneer church next 1873 and from hi* ownership the been determined. County jail, 88360-07,115. Moat of Next Monday ia op*n houa* day at Thursday morning, Nov. 26, from 10 land gradually passed to th* present the reduction here is in the board of W. E. Chandler, district highway th* plant and a abort description of till 11 o’clock. The ministers of the real owners of the 1200 lota included prisoners, the co&mitte* taking the i engineer, whose home is in Grants what will b* ***n there may com* in various churches in Coquille will par in the 150 acres. But where the flaw came in was position that 84.50 per week per pris | Paas, sat in with the Coo* County handy to visitors, for th* noise of the ticipate in the services and everyone oner is the maximum to be allowed, that Sheriff Moody who served a ci« Chamber of Commerce at the dinner mill, th* grinding of the concentrate* is invited to attend. Following is the program to be fol tation on W. J. Cunningham, a ret*-' and as much less than that as actual session at the hotel here Monday ev or rock ia almost deafening and een- J cost* total. No profit on feeding pris ening. He eaid some of the Coos lowed, with Rev. P. D. Hartman, pre tive and probably a brother of vernation impossible and who, lived on Cooa River, notify^ oners is contemplated. county unemployed would be put to The gold-b*aring eaiffi ia first siding: Conveying prisoners, 8150—8100. Congregational Songs, “How Firm lag W. J. of th* administrator’s in work on the Coquille-Marshfield road I into a hopper on the platform Coroner, 3875—8875.. within a week or two. th* building from whence it a Foundation” and “Faith of Our tention to sell the property a* sdver- ► j /.W Clerk, 312.430—89,626. The J. E. Norton was asked te take up lad by a chain etomtar up 5* r>w>0^n >*6uction * *n deputy salaMes and the with the highway department the- Pr ay er- R ev. G. A. Grey. the citation in Coos county, Oregon, th* top of the grinding min and various items of office expense. Announcement*—Rev. P. D. Hart and, of course, be had no power to matter of having th* signboard st dumped Into the hopper near the roof. County treasurer, 33800—88200. serve papers outride of Coo* county. In there It ia mixed with water, So-Zo- man. the Junction, near Roseburg, marked The 3600 reduction is on deputy treas Offertory. Sensing the opportunity to set up * Zon* and quicksilver and the turning with the distance to San Francisco by Responsive Reeding — Rev. Mar pretended interest in the 160 acres, urer allowance. of the mill revolve* th* several cylin the Coast road. It was stated that it County Assessor, 89880—37,920. der*, in which loo**, heavy round garet GemmiH. due to Sheriff Moody’s neglect, W. J. required about an hour longer to come The difference was reached by spread Choir and Congregation, “Gloria Cunningham gave to J. M. Siglin a rods constantly crush the aaad and over here from Roseburg and go down ing the work of surveyor and drafts quit claim deed to th* land, Oct. 11, polish the metal while the So-Zo-Zone Patrie." the coast to San Francisco than it man on field work over two years in President's Proclamation — Rev. 1878. He did not mention in the deed and quicksilver remove the greasy did to go by the Pacific Highway. tend of one. in. coating of the fine particles of gold. Nydia J< the Willamette Meridian, nor the G. E. Kreiger reported on the Personal tax cooMection, 3888.80— Anthsrn—Pioneer Methodist Choir. state of Oregon, nor whether he was There is an amalgamator inside the Coast highway association meeting at nothing. Sermon—Rev. G. S. Murphy. mill, which attracts a large percen married or single. Astoria. County Health Unit, 810,320—85,- Congregational Song—“America.” Thirty-eeven and one-half years tage of the gold, but what escape* County Agent Geo. Jenkins stated 820. It is expected that 3960 will be there is caught in another amalgama later, on April 29, 1911, Mrs. Nellie that a limited amount of money was saved by transferring the clerical part tor, square, box-like affair, in which Scotty Shields Died Tuesday Siglin, widow of J. M. Siglin, executed now available on loan from th* First of the work to the county superinten forty treated plates attract all the to the Title Guarantee A Trust Co. a National Bank in Portland for bent William Gibson Shields, known in dent’s office. Other reductions made gold there is left in the sand as it Coquille for many years as “Scotty," quit claim deed to the 150 acre* which grass seed growers whose 1931 supply thia year make up the balance of the comes from the mill. was warehoused. The effort is still passed away at bi* home north and was then pretty well covered with 84500 difference. The platinum is not saved fat this east of the ball park, at 5:10 Tuesday home* and busineaa property. The being made to place the seed on th* County Agent, 38100—82500. amalgamator but Aows out with ths morning, after but two or throe days’ Title Guarantee A Abstract Co., of list which allows it to come under the Club Work, 8700-8250. tellings and is recovered on the large illness, although he had been in poor which Henry Sengstacken was the federal warehousing act. When that Herd and Meat Inspector, 32776— concentrating table. principal owner, then proceeded to col is done the growers will bo able to health for the past two years. 81775. The county’s share of testing Miss Fischbach says she had mads borrow from the intermediate credit Funeral services ware conducted in lect 85 on one lot and 810 on two or 1 numerous teste of the tailing* with th* chapel yesterday afternoon at 2 mor* flor a quit claim deed in order cattle has been reduced from 20 to bank. 10 cent* per cow, which it is figured out finding that any gold is being o'clock by Mrs. Fred Belloni, reader that the purchasers might have clear Mr. Jenkin* also said that the rea will make a difference of 81000. lost title te their lota, and he sold a good son so many outside potatoes have of th* Christian Science church. In Dairy Inspection, 81800—31825. Th* platinum amalgamation is an terment was in th* Masonic cemetery. many of thoae quit claim deeds. been shipped into the state is because Sealer Weight* A Measures, 8303— operation in itself and will be des On Dec. 3, 1923, after the accidental local spuds marketed have been field Mr. Shields was born in Ayershire, 3309. , cribed in detail at another time. death of Mr. Sengstacken, the Title run. With the grading law now being Scotland, Jun* 25, 1873. He is sur Scalp Bounty, 81726—81275. When on* witnesses the operation vived by hi* widow, Mrs. Pauline Guarantee A Abstract Oo., at the enforced Oregon potatoes can com Forestry Dept., 81,050—8900. of ths plant it ia assy to understand Shields, and two brothers, John Gillis time of its sale to Mr. Smith, prede pete with thoae from outside the Tax Rebates, 81,000—nothing. why “Doc” insists on five-toe ship Shields, of England, and Robert cessor of Messrs. Gray and Harberd, state. Fains, 82,600—nothing. ments for ths “cleaning up” of tbs Cramer Shields, of Glasgow, Scotland. quit claimed rta pretended interest in Those in attendance at the meeting Publicity, 81,000—nothing. plates is a process requiring some were Jno. G. Mullen, R. A. Annin, Ed Mr. Shields era* injured during the the townsite to the Henrf Sengstack- Indigent*, 821350—827,600. time and the treated plat«* will col World War, when a train on which en Co., and it has not since been mixed gar McDaniel, of North Bend; E. P. Dependent mothers, 812,000—812,- lect and hold several hundred dollars’ troop* were being transported, crash up in the game. Lewis, Jos. A. Larson, G. E. Krieger, ( 000. worth of gold particles. of Marshfield; Geo. Dickinson, of Myr As an instance of how little claim ed through a bridge. Scores of Can Insane and feeble-minded, 8620 — tle Point; H. E. Brown, of Bandon; , There is no news yet of definite re adian soldiers were kilted in 1 that ___ the Sengstacken company really be- 86,020. W. E. Chandler, of Granta Paas; J. E. turns mad* to miners, for all of th* wreck, and he finally recovered, but lieved it had on the property can be Indigent Soldiers, 83200—nothing. Norton, Geo. Jenkins, H. A. Young, Judged from the fact that when Mr. operations this week have been of he hsd been lame eince. Elections, 8150—37,500. No elec Fulford filed suits for Mrs. Helen of Coquille. sand and rock belonging to the So- tion in 1981. Zo-Zone Amalgamation Go., except Coquille to Play North Bend Sperry and Mrs. Emily Hersey, to Auditing, 8900—8800. quiet title, the Title Guarantee A Ab M oom to Give Charity Ball the uncompleted run from th* Mad Advertising, 83705-83895. Coquille High ha* another football stract Co., then owned by Mr. Seng- den mine, but th* time is rapidly ap KoKeel Lodge L. 0. 0. M. to plan School Superintendent — 85,160 — 84,- game on their schedule, to be played stacken, came into court with a dis proaching when custom work will be ning on giving a Mo<m* Charity Ball with North Bend at th* latter place claimer of any interest in the proper 720. done, and when new* of a very grati Statutory school provision, 8266,- in Graham’s Hsll hefe on Saturday Thanksgiving day. ty involved, although it was a part of fying nature can be released. evening, Dec. 5. Tracy Leach ia ar The contest was not previously the 150 acres. It saved the company 261.30—8259367. The company extends an invitation ranging for a seven-piece orchestra to The per capita school tax has been listed, but a* Marshfield cancelled from costs and judgment, but did not to the general public to visit ths plant their turkey day fray with North clear the title to any of the rest of the cut from 820 to 818 per pupil which furnish music for the occasion and no next Monday, Nov. 28. will effect a saving to the county of effort will be spared to make the Bend, so a* to be able tto meet Jeffer property. 817,000, but will increase th* several dance the best of the season in Co- son of Portland for th* state cham In a letter recently received by J. quille. S Inches Ahead of ItSO pionship, the lower bay school got E. Harberd from Mm. Agnes Seng- district* by that amount. Holders of dance tickets here will Hall of Records, 81610 — 81616. in touch with C. H. S M asking the Yesterday’s deluge, which started stacken, it is intimated that if her have an equal chance with those I all Old court house, 83450 — 83,001.75 Wednesday night and continued with Red Devil* to All in. The game will interest in the original property is not over the United States who buy Moose Furniture, 8790 — nothing. be played as a charity encounter, at out interruption all day brings th* read that she will probably take steps Judge Thompson stated this morn ehsrity bell ticket* to secure the large total precipitation up to nearly 15% least a good share of the receipt* go to remove that cloud which has hung prizes which thé Moose are offering. ing to aid the needy. ing that there would probably a differ inches since Sept. 1, which is Ave over the title to all of the original Co The red and white footballers are quille townsite since before it was ence of 8684,296.47 between the es Inches mere than it was at thia time H. S. Operetta, Dec. 18 last year. The river is beginning to glad to obtain the opportunity of platted. This can be done with a timated expenditure* and general fund The presentation of the high school lie uneasy in its bed and with the clashing with North Bend again, and blanket quit claim deed which will revenue. operetta, “Sailor Maids,” has been sot melting of last Friday night’s snow will immediately go into training for forever remove any legal doubt that back a week, and will be given in the la ths Mila, a fall freshet is quite pro th* battle. A win would mean a lot present ownership of lots in Coquille Thanksgiving Service Liberty Theatre on Dec. 18. There bable. Yesterday’s storm was not a for Coquille, so go out and get them, is in question. „• are 48 in the cast, the principal part* Coquille Christian Science Society cold rain, but th* kind that bring* out C. H. 8. A* s matter of right and justice th* «now, in other words a Chinook. there has never been any doubt. A will hold Thanksgiving Services at being taken by Anne Barton, Fran Judge Brand in Circuit court yes technical loophole back in 1865 per eleven o’clock a. m., Thursday, Novem ces Eggleston, Betty Glaisyer, Bill No need to worry yet about th* sub merging of the dike road aero** to terday granted a decree of divorce ta mitted an unjust claim to be set up. ber 26, in their church at Third and Floten, Herman Ellingson, Jack Mc Hall streets. The public is cordially Cue, Ernest Cooper and Harry Helm- Fat Elk, but cattle on the lowlands Esther Haley, separating her from C. M. Haley. invited to attend. THANKSGIVING SERVICE NOV. 26 COUNTY C. OFC. MET MONDAY No. 1 Team Lout Five Potato Yesterday Through a Tactical Error . Team No. 2 of the Lions ClUb/out- niggered Team No. 1 yesterday when Capt. Ferguson of the latter did not insist that the high school orchestra eat the box of candy presented to them, while in the dining room. Had they eaten it there it would have counted six points in the eight weeks’ contest, but a* they ate nothing their very enjoyable program counted for but one point, as an entertainment feature, and the count now stands 56% for No. 1 to 69% flor No. 2 At least that is Referee Kelley’s in- terpretation of the rules and he ia the “K. M. Landis" high judge of th* contest. There is no appeal from his decisions. Jas. T. Brand, one of th* guest* stated that after observing Lion President Jeub’s procedure, he saw a new method tot handling juries! If two jurymen vote for conviction and eight for acquittal he will declare the “ays*” have it and will sentence the prisoner. Among the silver linings to th* cloud through which the people of the U. 8. have been passing. Judge Brand mentioned that of greater interest in and more criticism of our government functions, but he hoped the time would never come when the sacrednee* of the bench, in it* di*pen*ing of Jus tice, would be violated by political ex- pedioeny. Judicial integrity, the Judge said, was of greater Importance than anything else. District Attorney Wm. E. Walsh, Ben R. Chandler and Leo J. Cary al so gave short talks. The latter two are members of the county budget committee, and they spoke of the dif ficulty of their position when each delegation that appeared before them urging th* need of cutting expendi ture* wound up by asking for an ap propriation for their own particular hdbby. In reply to Mr. Jeub’* statement that the Lions were going to ask the county for a 8500 appropriation to provide Lion Club feeds next year, Mr. Cary commented on the embarrassing position the committee members were in when they enjoyed the Lion* hos pitality and fine music by the orches tra. He said he would try to get half the amount budgeted, which brought a quick retort from Geo. Ulett that the Lion* would ask for a thousand and the budget committee could cut it in half, thus saving 8500! , Other guests of the club were Wm. Hagge, John D. Carl, Keith Leslie and Mr. Curtis. School Board Session Monday At the meeting of the directors of school district No. 8 Monday evening it was decided to call for bids for the remainder of this school year flor transporting pupils from the Coaledo district, at the Overland viaduct crossing, to the Coquille high school. Bids will be opened Dec. 5, and ser vice will start Dec. 7, according to a publication notice appearing else where in this issue. This action was made necessary by the readjustment of the stage line schedule, which does not allow pupils to reach here until after the high school starts in the morning and does not leave Coquille for Coaledo until 6:30 p. m. The board adopted a resolution for bidding the use of school buildings by private teachers for musical recitals or entertainment*. E. F. Grider, high school principal, reported to the board that there would probably be an increase of 25 in the high school at the opening of the next semester in January. v Chain Stores Combined Some months ago the large chain store organisations, the Safeway sad the MacMarr, were consolidated, the former buying the latter. Locally there was nothing to indicate that the two stores were under a common own ership, but now that th* MacMarr lease has expired the two stores ar* to be consolidated, and next week th* MacMarr stock will be transferred to the Safeway store in the Shelley building. To avoid moving as much of th* stock as possible, a closing out sale will be conducted at the Mac Marr store tomorrow and bargain prices will prevail al) over the store. Noto their adv. alaewhare.