TO coquina fällst srntinsl , coqüills , osbgon , fridat , novkmbbs 13, imi . PAGI FIO 11 March to November, 1906. Part of I the investigation was carried on in I Boston, hut most of the efforts were I centered at Portland, where the Lew:» I and Clark Fair was in progress. A I building 100 feet long by 60 feet wide A BURNING MESSAGE TO MOTHER AND FATHER? I was erected adjoining the Bureau of I Mines building. Astounding Revelations of Today’s Conditions. Companies manufacturing mining Staggering Facts Boldly and Frankly Told I machinery gladly sent to Portland all Exposure of the Result of Sex Ignorance. I the beat types of machines then in I use for recovery of gold and platinum This Picture Deals with the Menace of American I from the black sands. Among the ’ Youth and is Endorsed by Clergy, Press, Public r I tables used were the Wilfley, Pinder, Officials and Welfare Societies Everywhere. I Woodbury and Christensen; also they —Also in person— • II used a Witherill magnetic separator Sexologist—DR. EUGENE E. VOLTAIRE—Sex Instructor type E. and a rock crusher and pul Special» Effective Saturday & Monday, Nov. 14, 16 verizer. Along with this machinery > —Presenting— • they set up an assay laboratory. At the beginning of the investiga- WHAT c & H Pure Cane. Fine I tion they sent out, 8,000 circular let WHAT ’ 1 Fancy re-cleaned. Granulated. CAUSES ’’ V ters to placer miners, whose names DESTROYS All Nqw Crop' DIVORCE? <!!!• ' and addresses were known, for 1 .‘i1- • • . • .. ' " ’ *». ' • ; LOVE samples of black sands. More than ? Why do moralists cry, “The ‘ one thousand of this number respond (Limited) • What Starts Evils of Vice,” yet stiflle ed With samples which were at once 'New Pack. Choice Ä Love their moat potent weapon— Why are hus I assayed for gold and platinum as well Standard Quality. Triangles bands or wives a« being scrutinized closely for other KNOWLEDGE? I minerals. T untrue? I The Geological Survey retained Owing to .the delicate nature of the subject Dr. Voltaire presents Prof. Robert Richards, dean of th? If your daugh Should you JEWEL—Highest quality Pure Vegetable. LIBBY'S — Quality Brand hla talks to segregated audi mining school of Massachusetts In ter came to know the bask ences. We have compound for lesa. stitute of Technology, and the best you for advice facts of sex known authority at that time on ore — what would Ufe? concentration, for the study of these you tell her? minerals. DON AMAIZO’S What Causes îb pail Sands wene examined from 34 states and territories. “It was quickly Should Youth Crystal White or Golden. Lost 2 MATINEES—2 NIGHTS lb pail recognized that the distribution of Ever Youth Starting Fri., Nov. 20th valuable minerals in these sands was Marry ? vastly greater than had been sup ADMISSION 35c Maxwell House, Golden Ave? posed,” says the report. West or DelMonte. Hl! Albers Sun-ripe WOMEN Of the valuable minerals found in Fearless — Daring—Frank MEN ONLY the sands, I shall name only those Good, old-fashioned lakes. ONLY I found in Coos and Curry counties Fri. & Sat (No One Under 18 Years Fri. & Sat. (Limited) namely; magnetite, chromite, garnet, NIGHTS (Admitted) MATINEES monazite, ilmenite, titanite, epidote and quartz. A little investigation of Iba. the uses of these minerails will show Extra Quality Cut SOCIAL NOTES why they may become of great value What Government Reports Tell About Black Sand when separated from each other. Mag Mrs. James Watson, Mrs. Ed Mc netite furnishes much of the iron in Keown and Mrs. James Brady enter the U. 8. Even quartz, found in great Del Monte or Maximum By Reta Fitzpatrick tained together with a Bridge lunch Fancy Sliced - No. 2l/t Tin This article lays no claim to being quantities becomes valuable if sep- eon Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Wat a scientific discussion of the black arated from the other minerals, It to son on Spuregon Hill for the pleas sand question. It’s only a few facts used for refractory linings in the Here ii a new way to cools Porlc Half or ure of Mrs. Stella Boone, of Medford. gleaned from official government re manufacture of steel castings, chops that came to us straight from It Whole Mrs. Boone left Wednesday morning ports. It’s presented, by a layman, had often sold on the Portland mar Mexico, which you wiH enjoy. light (19 lb average) for her home after being a guest at to laymen who may be interested as ket, az high as 36 to 316 per short Square» lb | LB. Pork Chops and Mexiean Frijoles both the James Watson and Earl Nos she was in knowing what, if anything, ton, this in 1906, and it was shipped 1st grade. Mild sugar cure«* For each serving «How one pork chop, ier homes. Mrs. Boone received a the government knows about the so- from Illinois. cut double thick off the rib, «nd one-half lovely guest prize, along with the low called black sands of the Pacific coast. Prof. Kemp, of Columbia Univer cup pink bean« per person. Place beans in casserole or skillet, cover with water and score prize and Mrs. Price was hon Any opinion expressed to not my sity, and Mr. Gale, of Harvard Uni place chop« on top. Season with wit «nd ored by receiving high score prise. own, but that of men working under versity, personally took samples of Best Foods Pint pepper to tostc. Place lid on dish or pan, Enjoying the delightful affair were the government of the U. S. sanda ?ro*m Crescent City north «nd bake five hours in the oven, or cook Gold Medal. Jars ' The __ I the honored guest and Mesdames T. on top of stove for tame length of time. writer professes total ignorance in the ward to Bandon. Thii make« a complete meal when lerved B. Currie, Earl Nosier^ H. S. Norton, matter save for these facta gained , Up to the time of the experiments with a cri«p, freth ««led. r— Jennie Price , and the three hostesses. through a careful research of govern-1ln *>or^an<l, practically the only min- SAFEWAY HOMEMAKERS’ BUREAU ment documenta upon the mineral re- eral “P«r»ted f/om the black sands most cordially invite« you to write for any The Ecadrien club members were sources of the U. 3. wo «^d, an<1 that imperfectly, either information you detire, be it a recipe, « pleasantly entertained at luncheon on budget, « party planned. Simply endote « First it might be well to add a bit becauae the 80,d w,! v«ry fine (flour- Breakfast Jumbo Sise. Tender. New Crop Navels, Fancy urge self addressed «tamped envelope Monday at the home of Mn. W. V. of the governments explainations of I ?0'd^’ °r because it was coated with Sweet and juicy. size. A value! white, crisp. with your request to Julia Lee Wright — Glaisyer. Mrs. Stella Boone, of Med the black sands. The history of the iron oxide OT other m«tarials (rusty Safeway Homemaker«' Bureau, Care of 2 BOZ. ford, and Mn. H. A. Young were ad eons of time when our own Coos coun- 3r black-<?oW> which prevented amal- Safeway Storm, Inc., P.O. Box 774, Oak ditional guests. Sewing was the di ty was in the making, to a romance in ?amati°n- ft wa" only after the shak- land, California. __ —____ _____ venion during the hours following. itaeif. r ’~ 7 say that __________ -------- ot * table8' ’Hlt« the Wilfley, Suffice it to in the ing * type gt LADIES — We wish to again call your attention to the valuable service Our Attending were Mesdames George ages when the Pacific Ocean was slow 1 was introduced that it became possible O Homemakers’ Bureau has to offer you. And Remember — it’s all absolutely Johnson, John L. Aasen, Earl Nosier, ly receding, beaches of sands were to save the gold and platinum from William Zosel, H. C. Gets and Willard gt| Free for the asking! left as the foundation of the land we the fine sands. Boaaerman. Platinum was found in the black now call home. Rocky formations Store No. 469 COQUILLE, OREGON Phone 122 have been ground into sands by the sands in 120 localities in the U. S. The A very delightful afternoon was waves’ action, also silt snd sand have largest and most profitable fields of spent on Tuesday at the homo of Mrs. been carried from the inland by way gold and platinum were, Coos, Curry, ............ ... — - -----------1 Marshall Way by the members of the of streams; all thia makes up the Jackson and Josephine counties in Good Samaritan class of the Pioneer logical Survey, who spent much time in the best condition for separation on ' enough w— to ~ make . them ‘..„.i workable in Oregon and Del Norte, Siskiyou,. ocean sands. Along with the rock Church. The early afternoon was de along the coast and in helping with tables.” | _ practice for the golden sands of the sediment are mineral sediments of Humboldt and Trinity counties, Cali voted to a short business meeting, af the experiments at Portland, reported: During the experimenting at Port- ( Pacific still lie almost undisturbed, nearly every known mineral. These fornia. Special mention was made ter which the ladies busied themselves that the Wilfley type of tables does land, both iron and steel were made ]a the great vision these government sands are not uniform as to mineral about the platinum being in commer making quilt block«. A short while very effective work in separating the from the black sands from the ocean men painted in such glowing colon, contents any more than the forma cial quantities at Port Orford, Bandon before the guests left, the hostess gold and platinum at a low cost. Two beaches. The report said immense about to be fulfilled? tions of the inland country are uni snd the mouth of the Rogue river. served a delicious lunch. Present conclusions were established he said, quantities of high grade magnetic iron I have selected a few of the high form. The laws of currents and tides for the afternoon were Mesdames J. first, that 95 to 98 per cent of the ore could be made valuable at low coat Junior Hi Notes also has much fb do with where cer lights of interest from these reports. S. Houck, B. A. Davis, C. L. Willey One sample of concentrate from the precious metals, gold and platinum, from concentrations of this character tain mineral formations are found. An interesting experiment was per and Louesa Clark. contained in the black sands, are ob from the sands of the Pacific coast According to the government re beach sands of the Randolph district, formed before the children of the Lin tained in the first inch and a half beaches and from waste materials port, it’s the minerals in the sands tested, $28.70 gold and platinum to coln School. After extracting the The Women’a Guild of the St. of the upper edge of a Wilfley table; from sluice boxes of placer mines. that give it its dark color. The waves’ the ton. A sample taken from the James Epiacopal Church met Wednes second, that more than a ton of con This addition of wealth would be nicotine from cigarettes, one drop of actions upon sea sands acta as a nat old sea wall at Randolph, tested 337.21 day afternoon at the Parish house. centrate to obtained from every 100 great if suitable means for smelting the nicotine was given to a snake ural concentrating agency. The dark gold and 363.00 platinum to the ton. which resulted in the death of the Tea was served by Mrs. W. H. Man ton of sand, passed over the table. could be found. metal residue to much heavier than This concentration was 100 to 1. A snake within nine minutes. The pur sell and Mrs. Bert Folsom to the fol The appropriation from congress Quoting Dr. Day, “It should not be the rest of the sands, so the lighter sample of beech sand from Bandon lowing ladies: Mesdames E. L. Vinton, was made to laat six weeks after the pose of these experiments was to give material to washed back into the tested, 326.84 gold and 3180.90 platin supposed that the enormous values Harry H. Oerding, C. C. Eviand, G. close of the exposition at Portland the children a vivid idea of the in This was 76 to 1. per ton that are frequently shown in ocean, leaving a concentrate that has um to the ton. R. Wickham, Neto Oamundson, H. A. and several thousand miners visited jury of cigarette poisons to the body. become known as black sands. Stream Samples from Johnson Beach tested, these results, mean a new discovery of About thirty boys and thirty-six Young and George W. Taylor, Sr. the plant They were not convinced action has the same effect as wave 3704.67 gold to the ton or 1 pound that much gold where it had not be girls are turning out for basketball always that the goevrnment’s methods action. The ‘residual sands left in) per 10 cubic yards, Many of the fore been suspected. This to not the practice. We expect first teams from Mrs. Kenneth Kistner was hostess would work in their kinds of sands. placer gravel is atoo called black sands tested were natural beach case. Gold was known to be there, these groups. to the Entre Nous club Tuesday even sands, not the black sands, and these but no successful method of extracting However, many concentrating tables sands. The maximum enrollment for the ing with bridge as the diversion. H ,___ BL. report: “ths black I *howed onlX » trace of or plat- it had been devised and it normally were put in use in placer mines for Lincoln School this year was on Fri To quote the Chrysanthemums and rhododendrons sands consist of minersis having a I *num- Eckley sands tested 32830. went to waste.” It became evident the first time. day, November sixth, at which time were used for decorations about the specific gravity above 3; and although! F^d to tb* *0" or 21 pounds from five that gold so fine it could be passed During September, October and the enrollment was 319 students. The rooms. Honor prize went to Mrs. the expression heavy sands would be I of beach sands. Beach sands through a sieve of 150 mesh could be November, samples piled in so fast Gold Rush must be a reality. Davis. Enjoying the evening were more appropriate, they are as a ruleP"”” Ophir went 3378.26 gold and saved on the tables. they could not be examined. Samples A practice game is to be played Mrs. F. C. Hudson, who was an extra darker than the gravel from which I**.002.16 platinum, or 2H pounds to The report states also that the clean from 2000 localities had been exam tonight with the team from Arago. guest, and Mesdames E. L. Vinton, they are obtained and the expression tbe ton- Two email samples from Co- up sands and tailings from sluice ined but sands from not more than The team will be chosen from the fol Harry H. Oerding, Walter Litzen- ‘black sands’ has become general.” 11“>11« went 3119.46 and 344.85 gold boxes are easily separated upon the one-third of the mining localities were lowing players: Lewis Donaktoon, berger, Roy Watson, Julius Ruble, tables; thus showing that sands tested, and there remained 80 tons of Fred Coleman, Jim Schaer, Henry Early in the present century, owing It0 ton. Donald Estes, and Mrs. Otto Davis, to the Russo-Japanese war, platinum I Dure platinum is a silvery white which could not be separated in sliuce samples, representing 600 localities, Teal, Jesse Barton, Robert Waggoner, of Myrtle Point. was becoming very scarce, so Con-|'n*ta^ w‘tb • specific gravity of 21.5. boxes could be separated by mechani but funds were exhausted. Junior Bailey and Harry GisholU The able men heading this valusble grass took action. Their attention With the single exception of iridos- cal devices more easily than ordinary Student body tickets will be on Thia afternoon Mre. H. G. Prey to was called to the fact that as early as mium, it is the heaviest metal in na- gravels. experiment, made every effort to get sale next week for regular scheduled entertaining the 0. D. O. club at her 1862 Prof. W. P. Blake had found ture and •« rimoat as hsrd as iron. It To quote directly from the govern another appropriation but failed. They games. The price will be twenty-five home at 267 East Fourth street Last platinum on the Pacific coast it I often contains so much iron cromite, ment report: “It was quickly found insisted that It was extremely desir- cents. Friday the same group of cluh ladies seemed to reach from San Bernardino Itbat It appears black, that from 95 to 98 per cent of the sble to not interrupt the investiga The 8-B class in Mias Shone's room were guests of Mn. A. B. McLeod, in California to the Columbia river in ft was summer and the dry season, gold and platinum could readily be ex tion. They said: “There is little doubt to to be commended fee-three weeks at which were present Mesdames B. Oregon, though the amount decreased and miners could not work, so msny of tracted from the black sands simply that it will lead within two years, to of perfect attendance. There are 27 B. Sanden, L. A. Christensen, Ralph north of Coos' county. Port Orford 1 hem gathered at Portland to watch by concentration on tables of the Wil an addition of from two to five million children in the room. Lucan, Lee Hand, J. R. Bunch, George was declared to be the richest find at I the experiments carried on. The fley, Pinder, Christonsen and Wood dollars to the output of the placer The band, directed by Mr. Thomp Sherwood, H. G. Prey, and L. C. Sher that time. sands tested were of six kinds: sea bury types. It had been expected that gold mines of the West, in addition to son, expects to put on a concert be wood, the latter being a guest for the This it waa, along with the findings I sands, river sands, hydsulic tailings, the sands would require preparation an adequate supply of platinum and fore Christmas. Twenty pupils turn afternoon. of later investigators, that centered I Fold dredge tailings, placer clean up for these tables by a special machine the associated metals, osmium and out for band practice every Tuesday the government’s attention- upon the I san<j> and gold dredge clean up sands. known as the hydraulic classifier, but iridium, and to the development of night. Pacific coast as a source of supply for The sea sands were mostly from the this machine proved unnecessary inas valuable industries at many pointe in Reporter—Maxine Brining. Sentinel and Sunset 12.25 the needed platinum. Oregon coast. The see besches near much as the sands of the sea beaches the West to handle the by-products Due to a special arrangement with In 1905 Congress voted an appro- the mouths of the rivers are especially and the heavy sands of the sluice which this examination shows to be the publishers of Sunset Magasine, Safety First! Use Cow Beil Dairy’s present in these sanda.” the Sentinel to abie to offer to new priation to investigate the sands of rich, the heavy minerals having been boxea, from which the valuable ingre Pasteurized Milk and protect your Thus was a great service to the health. subscribers the magasine end this the Pacific slope and later extended concentrated there by the natural ac- dients, such as fine gold, rusty gold, the investigation to include the whole | tions of the waves. and the useful minerals, could not West toft to die aborning. Evidently I paper for 12.26. The U. 8. and 327,421.16 was spent from Dr- David T. Day of the U, 8. Gao- possibly bo separated, proved to bo the experiments had not gone far | binod price for the two is Is Your Daughter Safe? Most staple foods are advancing. Following the re cent strengthening of wheat markets, basic comm odities are on the upward trend. Take advantage of low point values now !!! Sugar a Love Life” IO Red Beans IO *“55« 1OO»- 49c Peas, Corn, String Beans $1*29 D«. Milk Shortening 4 "»s-45« / Sn». 85c 5 & 29C Syrup Liberty Theatre Coffee 5 22C 39C ^9 b« 57c Rolled Oats t£s 33c Macaroni 14C 11 Ef makerj Pineapple 17c Ham Special ! I 13C xoc Mayonnaise 17e^rt49e Quality Fruits and Vegetables Celery STALK 9c V £3002 Oranges Grapefruit 29c 6 for 25c