The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, November 13, 1931, Page 2, Image 2

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IN 3© vi Al l
and we can prove it!
We won’t waste words here. ‘ Come in and
see why this tire is one of the world’s best
$9.60 per pair
Lifetime Guaranteed
4A4-20 (MxL54)
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5.69 11.10
6.65 12.90
8.57 16.70
Latest Improved
S0x>H Reg. CL.
Heavy Duty Truck Tire«
Supertwist Cord Tire
C oquille S ervice S tation
Phone 133
Hooker’s Garage
Open Day A Night
Live News From Arago
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Cart loft Wed­
nesday morning on a trip to Portland.
Judge D. F. Thompson and wife ac­
companied them. Mr. Carl and Mr.
Thompson will attend the judges’ and
commissioners’ convention, being held
in Portland thia week. Mr. and Mrs.
Carl will also visit his brother, Her­
man, at Hubbard, and stop over at
Corvallis Saturday to attend the foot­
ball game and visit their son, Ken­
neth, who is attending school there.
Mr. and Mrs. Clove McAllister en­
joyed a visit Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Wannamaugh, of Bandon.
Mrs. M. B. Mix is enjoying having
her son home again. He has spent
the last few months in a California
Mrs. Alma Halter entertained as
dinner guests Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Russell Danielson, of Bridge; Mr. and
Mrs. Adrian Halter, of Arago; Mr.
and Mrs. Norman Halter and Mrs.
Sanders, of Coquille.
Mr. and Mr*. Gordon Fleming re­
turned home Saturday from Yakima.
They have spent the past two month«
there picking fruit. They are visiting
at present with Mrs. Fleming's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schroeder.
Shelby McAllister had the misfor­
tune to be badly burned Friday.
While trying to start a fire with gas-l
olme, the can of gasoline caught fire
with it in his hand and in trying to
carry it out his shirt caught fire and
he is nursing some severe burns about
his arms.
The Arago Cheese Co. had an offer
from a California buyer to purchase
the factory and a business meeting
was held Friday evening to talk over
such a possibility but the majority did
not wish to sell so it was decided to
continue as before.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gukrtrom are
rejoicing over the birth of a nine
pound boy, born Sunday evening. This
is their second child.
Mrs. Fred Lafferty and little daugh­
ter, Janice, took a trip to Corvallis
last week end with Mr. and Mrs. T.
D. Guerin, of Myrtle Point. They
visited friends while there.
Mrs. B. B. Watkins is earing for.
Mrs. George Murphy and baby in Co­
quille this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Robison have
moved to Coquille. They made their
home on Fishtrap the past year.
M. Hartwell and daughter, Cherie
Clarence Schroeder and Lester Clin­ Mae. The evening was spent in sing­
ton made a trip to Roseburg Monday ing and music. The hostess served as
to purchase a load of grain.
refreshments delicious cider and mince
C. A. Keltner is having his barn re­ pie.
paired with a new roof. Frank Lane
E. A. Smith and son, Eugene,
and John Everson an doing the work. made a trip to Coquille Thursday.
Mrs. Goldie Lawrence has returned
The high school freshman boys
from Los Angeles, California, and will played a basket ball game last Fri­
spend the winter with her parents, day afternoon with the seventh and
Mr. and Mrs. Tenn Robison.
eighth grade boys and lost with a
Miss Gladys Bayles was ill on Mon­ score of 20 to 23. This was about the
day and unable to teach school.
first practice game and all of the
Melden Carl returned to school boys showed up well. Ansel Hayward
Monday after a week’s absence, owing coaches the grade teams and Mr.
to infection in his foot
Beck, the principal, coaches the high
J. A. Yates had the misfortune to school athletics.
lose his house and ail household goods
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin L. Kathan, of
when his house caught fire and burned Coquille, visited Mr. and Mra. E. A.
to the ground Tuesday evening. The Smith Sunday.
origin of the fire is not known at this
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bailey and
two little sons, of Hinkley, Califor-
Albert Lillie made a business trip nia, visited at the C. M. Hartwell
to Bandon Tuesday.
home Sunday afternoon. Mr. Bailey
Mrs. Leon Pauli is caring for M m . was a school-mate of Mr, Hartwell
Albert Gulstrom and infant son for thirty-five years ago in eastern Ore-
a couple of weeks.
j i gon and M m . Bailey and M m . Hart-
Mrs. C. C. Robison, M m . Albert Lil- well attended high school together
lie and M m . C. E. Schroeder spent in Mountain Home, Idaho, twenty-
Tuesday with their mother, M m . Price five years ago. Mr. Bailey is here to
Robison, it being her birthday. A rent or buy a dairy farm in the Co­
bountiful birthday dinner was served quille valley.
with the membeM of the immediate
The freshmen girls will play a
family present
game of basket ball with the grade
Two divisions of the 4-H club weM girls Friday afternoon.
organised in the Arago school last
Eugene and Ralph Smith and How­
week. Division I sewing olub and ard Smith, of Coquille, made a trip
handicrafts will have M m . Marvin down the coast last week and return­
Shaw as leader of the sewing club and ed home Sunday.
Leo Hearing for the handicrafts. The
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Dewey were
sewing club elected their offleem as Coquille visitoM Saturday.
follows: president. Iris Barklow; vice
president Annie Deardorff; secretary,
Lessons of Movie Classroom
Mary Helen Watkins. The officer« of
the handicraft club: president, Fred
Betrayed by his gang, which, ac­
Miller; vice president, Cecil Patrick; cording to a Gloucester (Mass.) dis­
secretary, Freddie Vetter.
Their patch to the Boston Herald, he had
meetings will be held each Friday af­ led in more than fifty robberies in
the laat few months, “Smoky Joe”
told the police he got hie ideas “from
‘ Riverton News
the movies.”
Mrs. J. D. Donaldson, of Leneve,
Members of the gang admitted that
left for Mentone, California, Wednes­ they robbed homes, stores and boats
day, where shse will visit for some under the guidance of their movie-
time with her brother and family. Her struck leader, who, in the words of
brother and wife were visiting here in the dispatch, said “it took him weeks
Coos county during the summer.
to teach his gang up-to-date methods
Mrs. A. C. Dye had for guests Wed­ need by 'big shots.’ ”
nesday evening Mr. and -Mrs. W. A.
"Smoky Joe,” by the way, is eight
Bean, A, E. Haan, music instructor years old.
in the school, and Mr. and Mrs. C.
—Christian Science Monitor
Fred Lafferty spent two days this
week in Roseburg on business.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Coleman and
Miss Crystal Guerin were Marshsfield
visitors Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Guerin and Mrs.
Fred Lafferty and little daughter,
Janice, returned Sunday evening from
Corvallis, where they spent the week
end with M t ». Ella Guerin and Mrs.
D. Kelker.
Dr. Reynolds and family returned
home Sunday from Eugene, where
they spent the week-end.
James Hall, of Forest Grove, ar­
rived Thursday. He was called here by
the serious illness of his mother,
Mrs. W. S. Hall.
A lovely birthday dinner was given
at the home of Mrs. B. Bennett Sun­
day in honor of her son, A. B. Ben­
nett, and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Ben­
nett. Mrs. Bennett’s birthday was
Sunday, Nov. 8, and Mr. Bonnett’s
was the day before on Nov. 7. Covers
were laid for Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Ben­
nett, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Breuer and
four children, Paula, Eleanor, Helen
and Bernice, Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett
and daughter, Dorothy, Mrs. J. V.
Leep, Mrs. Florence Guerin, Miss
Goldie Childs and Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Benthar and two children, of Coquille,
Mr. and M m . Nagle, of Arago, and
Mrs. B. Bennett.
Clarence Rickard was a Myrtle
Point visitor Tuesday and Wednes­
day. He is from Coos River.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Barker are on a
trip in Idaho. They report by mail
as having a very wonderful time.
Rube Morris and Ray Wilkins are
on a business trip to Goldendale,
Washinton, and The Dalles, Oregon.
Al Miller, who suffered a heart at­
tack some weeks ago, is able to be
up and around.
Rev. E. G. Renton returned home
Sunday from a trip to Yakima, Wash.,
where he had taken his brother, who
had been visiting him and who has
been giving evangelistic services in
theh Methodst church.
Mrs. C. A. Butler is receiving med­
ical attention in the hospital at North
Mr. and M m . Harry Gamble, of
Marysville, California, are visitors at
the home of Mrs. Gamble's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davis.
Miss Veva McCulloch has returned
to her home in Myrtle Point after an
absence of several months, during
which she was employed in Port Or-
Donald, of Sacramento, California,
left the first of the week for their
home. Mrs. Miller visited her broth­
er, John Belleni, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. James Mast left Tues­
day for Portland to bring back some
Ford units for the Mast Motor Co.
The Myrtle Point high school gave
their school carnival Friday evening.
Everyone reported a wonderful time.
A very good program was given the
fore part of the evening.
A baby boy was bom last Thurs­
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Le­
land McNair on the North Fork.
This is their first child.
Mrs. Flentge Perkins is in the
Mast hospital receiving medical treat­
News Notes From Powers
Born to Rev. and Mr*. Adams of
the Bible Standard Church, a daugh­
ter on November 8th.
Brooks Walker, of Coquille was se­
riously burned in a gasoline explo­
sion at Camp Two Monday.
The Coot Bay Lumber Co. burned
the old speeder sheds Saturday to
make room for the Western White’s
r\ew spur track, which they are build­
ing this week.
Lee Gerber wm in from the Rogue
river for several days.
Eight set of fallens are working at
Eden ridge at the present time. Only
old employees are being hired and
so far they are not ail at work.
Dillard Wilson took a small pack
string to the Rogue river Tuesday
morning for some miners.
The eighth lesson of the First Aid
class was held Wednesday night. This
has been a very enjoyable as well as
instructive class, under the direction
of Ethel Littler, R. N.
Mrs. Archie Boone, formerly of
Powers, spent the week end at the
home of Jim Boone.
The Powers Woman’s Club will
meet in the Fellowship hall November
18th. They will buy a load of wood
and the Fellowship dub will give
them free rent. This if a great deal
more convenient than meeting in the
Hasel Lewis spent the week-end in
Steryl Zimmerman left Thursday
by car for San Francisco. He was
accompanied by his father and sister
and Mrs. Zimmerman’s aunt, who has
been visiting in Powers. He will re­
turn about November 22.
Saturday Powers was represented
at the Coos county meeting of the
County Health Association at the Co-
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Gould Furniture Co
Coquille, Ore.
quille hotel by the following: Mes-
damee Albert Powers Jr., Jess D.
Jones, Bob Morrell, Kenneth Murdock,
G. P. Stewart, Ethel Littler, E' O.
Sempert, R. E. Milne, and Roy Frey.
They reported a very successful meet­
Pythian Sisters to Celebrate
Pythian Sisters of Justus Temple
No. 85, Coquille, celebrate their an­
nual Home Coming next Wednesday
evening at their regular assembly
Besides a specially prepared pro­
gram, talks will be made by members
present and messages read from those
who find it impossible to attend.
Another interesting feature of the
evening will be generous contribu­
tions of canned fruits and vegetables
brought to the hall by members of
the Order for packing and shipping
to the Oregon-Washington Pythian
Home at Vancouver, Wash.
Al) Pythian Sisters and Knights of
Pythias are expected to attend.