I OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF COQUILLE FOLKS PAGI NINI ' V " ’ By Dave Rackleff By Lana Leseve The old camp-fire has burned IwHiTffE---- mighty low lately but every now and ARE DBM HANDKERCHIEFS then some sportsman happens along and “chunks” 'er up. The one who has joined the circle tonight, while not as old aa a lot of us, has never- MOVI theless had plenty of experience in the hunting and fishing game. When he waa a very small lad, in fact toe small to puH a good-sized trout from the water, he i sed to tag me about and eagerly watch each cast I made. And there were fish in those days. He informed me not long ago that he got a lot of good pointers from me that help Nothing can take the place of a good drug store for health ed when he was large enough to try .and happiness. The reliability of our standard drugs, com- * his hand at fishing. During one trip 4M W. First St fort, and health supplies is well known — as are our obliging 434 W. First St. when he was with me on the North service and satisfying-prices-policy. ' Fork, the river was alive with large C”»»1"« °”«“ trout. I was using two hooks and hooked and landed two trout measur every bit of Chineae territory in the Preparing for 200th Anni- months. Every program should re ing over sixteen inches each. At an entire valley it would help out the ■ versary of Washington’s Birth late to, the great life and work of the other time, when he was along and increase in the ranks of the birds a First President .and Founder of the the Middle Fork was muddy and all lot It looks as though the Chinese On Memorial Day, Inde These points should be empasised Republic'. the fishermen were bait casting, I pheasant ia getting scarcer each year. with respect to the Celebration of the pendence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiv took a notion to try a fly. The first There are not a third as many birds Two Hundredths Anniversary of the ing Day and other national and local cast I made an eighteen-inch trout in evidence at the present time as Birth of George Washington next holidays or anniversaries there should be s^ecî/l programs, but the celebra struck. After quite a battle I landed there were at the end of the first open year? him but as he touched the bank the season on them. It is really murder 1. It is sponsored by the United tion should not be confined to these hook pulled loose. We both pounced ‘[Ò wüase a lot of pen-raised birds a States government: Congress created days. upon him and landed him safely. few weeks before the season opens. the United Statea George Washington 6. It will take time to prepare the Well, Don, go ahead: They all fall before.the gune of Bicentennial 'Commission and the local programs and arrange for the “This is Don Pierce speaking and hunters. If the birds were released President of United State« it ita local celebrations. The United States Commission urges mayors and other as you know my favorite outdoor pas in the spring and had a chance to be chairman. officials of every city and town in the times are fishing and hunting. My come accustomed to the country 2. It will not be a world's fair or favorite make of shot gun is a 12- they would fare a lot better. exposition, and it will not be held in country to appoint George Washing ton Bicentennial Commissions or Com gauge Winchester pump and my fa ' It ia always with a feeling of re any one place. vorite rifle is a 26-36 Carbine Win 3. It will be a nation-wide, even a mittees in order to prepare for the gret that the old rifle ia oiled up and chester. Remington is my favorite events of the Bicentennial Year. — set away. Many, many months must world-wide series of celebrations, in / 7. All organizations and institu brand of ammunition and number pass before it is again taken down. which every state, city and town— tions of whatever character—civic, sevens are my favorite size shot I And next the old scatter gun is gotten every organization and institution, ev business, labor, educational, religious,' haven’t any use for a revolver of any 3ut and tuned up for the birds. And ery home and individual—in thia coun A blacksmith shop has been added to the Coquille kind. My favorite kind of Ashing 1» then with the passing of the bird try, together with Americans and fraternal, literary, social and others spinner fishing. My favorite make of season, there is nothing to look for others in many foreign countries, will —are urged to plan for a "George Machine Shop equipment and those needing that fly ia a Royal Coachman.” Thanks, ward to that you can burn powder on participate. Every community ia ex Washington Year” in 1982. kind of work will find Fred Schaer in charge of 8. The United States George Don. in the line of game for ten long pected to plan and carry out its own the department. Many trappers are still laboring months. Too bad the pigeon law isn’t program of eventa, in co-operation Washington Bicentennial Commission, Let us figure with you on your requirements. under the impression that the trap- abolished. It is, indeed, a mystery with the United States Commission Washington Building, Washington, D. C., will send literature and sugges ping season opens the first of Nov why such a pest should be protected. and the State Commissions. ember. This is not the ease, however. 4. It will last from Washington’s tions for local programs to any com- It now opens Dec. 1st and closes Feb. Ip;, . “ 1 Birthday, February 22, 1932, to mittee, organization or group that 28th. Trapping licenses this year In spite of materially reduced de Thanksgiving Day, November ed, will write for them. PHONE 46-J COQUILLE are *3.00. Heretofore they have been posits in the banks of state, ‘A. A- 1932, with special local and national A I *2.00. Fun for the coming season Schram, state superintendent qf celebrations everywhere on all holi- Approximately 2,600 cases of com- ’ are listed from 10 to 30 per cent low- banks, points to a silver lining in the days, anniversaries, or other days municable diseases are reported an " "»J—i I'.' i.».. wt--■■■.■in, j 1' er than last season. cloud of gloom as indicated by a 6.4 which can be connected with the life nually in Oregon, not to mention the while passes played no email part in Marshfield High Functioned More publicity should be given the percent liquidation in loans by banks of George Washington. numerous cases which are never re the offensives, aa well. Like State Champa change in the duck season. A lot of in the past three months. A fus 5. While the ceremonies on Febru ported, according to the state board North Bend ia the laat team that people are still under the impression th«r .ubilization in banking ppera- ary 22 should be especially elaborate of health which points out that 16 will have a chance to play Marshfield The state - championship - bound that the season is now open. It opens tions ' . • Schramm - - .J and impressive, as marking the actual percent of the state’s total deaths are in the state, points Marshfield team performed like a and though the odda are against the Nov. 16th and closes Dec. 15th, giv out, is reflected in a reduction of 264 Two Hundreiith Anniversary of due to these diseases. Better co well-oiled machine in defeating Co lower bay delegation, these annual ing just a month’s shooting. How percent in borrowed money. Deposits George Washington's Birth, arrange operation with the health authorities battles on Armistice and Thanksgiv- quille, 48 to 0, on Golden Field last ever the sportsmen of the Coquille in the 209 state and national banks ments also should be made for public on the part of citizens of the state in Saturday. The Pirate eleven smacked ings day« usually preaent a mighty valley will be lucky if they enjoy a operating in the state at the time of gatherings, pageants, plays, proces promptly reporting communicable ------------—— the center of the line and eut both underdog. scant week’s sport with the birds. the September call, totalled *263,283,- sions, musical festivals, tableaux and diseases, is urged by the board aa one inside and outside tha flanks in reeling The only salvation in sight is real 837 which was a decrease of *14,885,- other events at various times during means of reducing the state's mortal Coquille Team at Stock Show heavy rains during this month. t'heSl^ off large yardawn gains. Wlf WW,r*d to the J udo deposits. (the entire«-period of more-than nine ity ratio. From the first it was shm U m that The stock Judging team represent plenty of water in the lowlands t___ the county champions would win. Af ing the Smith-Hughes Department of would be shooting, otherwise it will ---------------------------------------------------- d. ter gaining the ball near midfield Agriculture of Coquille High School be a duckless season. shortly after the opening whistle, the returned laat week from the Pacific M. J. Hartson and I enjoyed a fine Marshfield backs started a slow but International Live Stock ahow in day of shooting the very last day of relentless march for the goal line that Portland. the quail and pheasant season. We terminated in the first touchdown. While the official standing of the bsgged 6 quail, 2 pheasants and 8 The second soon was added when boys has not yet been received from Jack-snipe. It sure was a pleaaure Kellem received a punt on this thirty the state office, it is believed that they to watch Lindy, Hartson’a bird dog, yard line to slip down the north side placed among the first 16 ochooils. work. Lindy ia a real dog and when of the gridiron, reverse his field and The team placing first scored 2,649 he "sets” you esn always slip the cross the goal lino at the south cor points; Mossy Rock, Washington, safety off on your gun, for it is a ner. It was one of the most spec placed third with 2,406 pointa; Coos cinch that the bird is just in front tacular runs of the season. River, Oregon, fouth with 2,336 of that delicate nose of Lindy’s. In the second half Coach Osborne points; and Coquille made 2,284 And speaking of Chinese pheas started a lineup sprinkled with sec points. Only the first ten teams have ants, I really doubt if there are two ond-stringers, who did not hold the been officially placed, but from the dozen of the birds left in the entire Coquille team, as the Coos Bay Times above figures, the Coquille boys feel Coquille valley. They were scarce stated, but were pushed far back into that they placed well toward the top. to start with at the beginning of the their own territory. Also these re Tbere were 72 teams entered, season and by the time the hunters serves were not kept in the fray until representing schools from Oregon, finished with them they were just the final minutes of play, aa the Bay Washington, Idaho and Montana. about exterminated. If the deer paper also stated, but were replaced Five classes of farm animals were season closed on the Isst dsy of Octo by the regulars within five minutes judged. The classes consisted of: ber instead of on the 25th, it would after the commencement of play, to Beef, Jersey, Holstein, Sheep and mean protaction to a lot of pheasants save the Marshfield team from being Swine. and quail. There would be dozens of scored on. Following are the points upon which hunters out in the hills seeking to get The first stringers added more each class was scored: a buck instead of trodding the fields Beef—Type, Constitution, Quality, and hills in search of pheasants and markers to their total in the last two stanzas but not without hard Back and Loin, Hind Quarters. quail. But aa it is, during the last Sheep—Type, Constitution, Quality, five days of the season there are far fighting. Late in the game Coquille finally found herself to start an of Back and Loin, Rump and Leg, Fleece. more hunters in the fields than there Dairy—Type, Temperament, Con are birds. fensive which gradually pushed them toward scoring territory. The whistle, stitution, Feed Capacity, Rump, Milk There were dozens of fiehermen out however, put a stop to all the activ Organs. 1 « in the North Fork country last Bun Swine—Type, Constitution, Quality, ity. day but to date have failed to hear of Marshfield looks the part of a state Back and Loin, Rump and Hams, Feet any catches being made. The previ and Legs. championship team and it is hoped ous Sunday many good catches were that she will obtain the opportunity made. The water was too clear and OREGON SUNSET of meeting other leading clubs. Their low last Sunday for good fishing. line is big and strong, capable of Gorgeous, exquisite and rare, 1 Each year seen the passing of some pushing aside opponents at will. The A benediction resting, where sportsmen. Frank Burkholder, who backs are fast and shifty and able to The Sunset paints, in glorious hue, passed away last week, was an ardent run interference as only a college In Oregon, a marvelous view. fishermen and never seemed so "happy eleven can. County-wide support More perfect than an artist’s dream, as when casting from the bank of a should be given in hopes of obtaining trout stream. A rainbow, dancing in a stream, recognition for the district champions. Lights and shades, all edged in lace, Louis English'« brother, while hunt Poor officiating marked the contest Softest tones, in splendor traced. ing near Powers laat week, shot a throughout The lineups were: With majesty, great beauty, and with big cougar in the faca. He was using Coquille Marshfield ammunition that didn't seem to reg fire, McCue Miloaevich E ister any kick and although the big have we been able to offer Aa if His aim were to expire, Briggs Cooper E beast bled freely for a ways, it eluded While showing forth the Maker’s Pook Clabaugh T him. the value in an electric hand, Helmkin Duncan T Reports from Curry county say Chasing doubts away from man. Donaldson Mintonye G range at anything like this that 500 deer were slain there during Ireland The Sunset illustrates the life, Hall G the past hunting season. It is rather price Enlund Heap All perfected and conquering strife, hard to estimate just how many were C Kellem Hatcher Reflecting peace, along the way. Q killed throughout the state. Goodman Shaver Beginning God’s eternal day. H J. S. Barton claims that he knows ' Seeley Perry H Mm. E. N. Walton. where all the Chinese pheasants are. T. M i loser ich Perrot F But just try to get ’em! Their pres Sentinel and Sunset $2.25 The North Bend eleven, tied with ent home, states Mr. Barton, ia in Marshfield for the league leadership, Duo to a spacial arrangement with the Bennett brush, or Irish thorn, be kept its slate clean by downing Myr the publishers of Sunset Magazine, low Bandon. They are just as safe tle Point 28 to 14, at the latter place the Sentinel ia able to offer to new •here as if they were perched on the Saturday. subscribers the magazine and thia moon. The thorns that protect them Touchdowns came in the last three paper for *2.25. The regular com are like the quills of a porcupine and periods of the fray, with North Bend bined price for the two ia **.00. aa long as the birds decide to stay also counting a safety in the first there they need fear no man or beast quarter. Brilliant runs of long dis Call Farr A Elwood for transfer If war waa waged upon the hawks tances filled ths game with thrills, and fuel. and skunks that frequent practically Rackfeff’ S PharmaCV BLACKSMITH SHOP ADDED COQUILLE MACHINE SHOP ONLY - A - FEW - MORE - DAYS To Take Advantage of This Offer ! REGULAR LIST $130 PRICE Model RA134 Hotpoint Grey and White Enamel, Full Auto matic Electric Range, or Model D431 Westinghouse Grey Enam el Full Automatic Range THIS OFFER NEVER BEFORE CLOSES Saturday, November 14 Mountain Stales < p f