COQUILLB YALLWT SBNTTNBL, COQUILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY. NOVEMBER fl, IMI. DUNHAM’S ... thTirnnv giving FREE one dozen cans of Roosevelt Highway Fanciest Canned Goods as one prize on the KOOS Radio Contest. Tune in on the Coquille program, 11:30 to 12:00 A. M. Daily and get the details of winning these and other valuable prizes. Feature Items — Saturday and Monday, Nov. 7, 9 CURED _____ F— FANCIEST „________ - SUGAR _ __________ __ FLOUR H ÎMÏ11 Get a supply at these Prices. We look for advances of 25c per sack within 60 days. BUY NOW. ARCTIC SNOW • iaSU1«! MSN W 1 ■ » Potatoes 5“>«-19c Per LB. She juat keeps on digging worm, and laying eggs regard- lex of what the newspapers aay about condition«. If the ground ia hard, «he scratches harder. If it's dry, she digs deeper. If she strikes a rock she works around it. But aiway she digs up worms and torn, than into hard- shelled proSts as well as tender broilers. Did you ever see a pessimistic hen 1 Did you ever know of one tarving to death, waiting for worms to dig themselves to the surface? Did you ever hear one cackle because times were hard ? Not on your Ufe! She saves her breath for digging and her cackles for eggs Farmers & Merchants Bank 49 LB. bag $1.19 94*49 IFe Quote: Put a “nest egg” in our Savings Department, add weekly or monthly the surplus you can spare from your industry, and then realise the wonderful feelings of satisfaction and security that will be yours. pURE KETTLE RENDERED » Best Western Hard wheat PER» (4 sacks) PAGBBBVBN Coquille, Oregon Macaroni or Spaghetti PINEAPPLE BROKEN SLICED No. 2 __ __ (MED.) W CANS M EACH They also witnessed some black »and The Pioneer Methodist Church I mining on the beach, which was very Philip D. Hartman, pastor. interesting. Morning worship at 11 a. m. with I The HaHowe’en arnival held at the Igymansium Saturday evening was a sermon by the pastor on, “Peace or What?” (Armistice Sunday.) success and well attended. A number Evening worship at 7:80 o’clock 11 of visitors from Coquille and Myrtle with sermon, “Zaccheua Seeing Je­ Point atended, which was very much I appreciated. The auction sale of sus.” I various article», donated by the dif­ •Sunday school at 10 a. m. Lyman Carrier, superintendent ferent business houses of Myrtle Point Epworth Leagues meet at 6:30 p. and Coquille, was the main attraction I of the evening. Ray Barklow acted nr. for devotional services. Grayer meeting Wednesday evening I as auctioneer and jollied a good price at 7:30. out of the crowd for most everything. Choir rehearsal Saturday evening. I The first prise for the best adult eoe- Special vocal musical numbers at I tume was won by Clara Delaman, both services Sunday. I dressed as a bride. The second prise If you do not worship elsewhere I was awarded Mm. C. C. Robinson, you are cordially invited to come with representing "Little Red Riding us. I Hood.” The booths and amusements I and lunch counter all did a good busi­ Church of Christ ness and netted the seniors a nice Bible School at 10 a. m. Nod C. I sum of money. Dr. H. A. Shaw, formerly of Arago, Kelley, flu pt. Communion and preaching services has been quite ill the past few weeks I with eaneer of the treat and is just at 11 a. m. with T. B. MacDonald I returning from New York whore he bringing the message Fresh Creamery Adult, Young People’s and Junior I had gone for medical treatment. Mrs. “FRANCO Reg. — Christian Endeavor societies meet at I Shaw accompanied him. 10c EACH Kft 6:30 p. m. with very interesting topics I Mm. Louise McAllister entertained AMERICAN” Can W I Sunday in honor of her daughter, for discussion and everyone is invited I Mary Jean, who celebrated her eighth to take part. I birthday. Several of her playmates Bible study on Thursday evening at I were invited in and they spent a very 7:30 p. m. pleasant day playing games and were St. James Church served with a lovely birthday dinner at noon. DELICIOUS .___ (Episcopal) Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rackleff, 10:00 a. m. Church school. P. C. JONATHAN (libs. GROWN Mr and Mrs. Everett Lafferty, Mr. Roper, acting superintendent. KING or SPITZ and Mrs. Tom Sumerim, Eileen Bar­ ker, Pat Rickard, Dr. and Mrs. Sumer- Methodist Episcopal Church line, Mm. Elizabeth Bennett and Sunday School 10 a. m. daughter, Dorothy, all visitors from Evening Preaching 7:30 p. m. Myrtle Point, attended the HaHow­ Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. e’en carnival Saturday evening. Virgil Halter, Dr. Davis, of Pow- 1 Preaching at Bandon Sunday 11 ere, and Tony Able returned Thurs­ day from their prospecting trip into G. A. Gray, Pastor, Live News From Arago to Orville, Calif. They also visited Curry county and each are the proud 107 E. 2nd St., Coquille, Ore. possessor of a black sand claim. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Woodward re­ with the Bert Pauli family at Gar­ Able can show a very good sample of turned home Wednesday from Port­ diner. Christian Science Society ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Watkins en­ concentrates from his claim. land, having spent several days there Sunday School at 9:30 a. m. Mrs. Alma Halter and daughter, visiting the Stock Show. They report joyed a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Arda, of Coquille, were, visitors at a very pleasant trip and plan to go Dameron, of Bandon. Subject for next Sunday: "Adam Mm. Goldie Lawrence has return­ Arago Saturday evening. again some time, t Mrs. C. C. Robinson attended the and FaUen Man." Mr. Todd has been quite ill the past ed to her home in Los Angeles, after to Portland for Wednesday evening meeting at fl week with an attack of the flu but is spending two weeks here visiting her all-day meeting of Myrtle Grange at o’clock. mother, Mm. Tenn Robison. Her Myrtle Point Tuesday. slowly improving at this time. Free public Reading Room epen in Mr. and Mrs. Wilson moved in to Mm. Fred Lafferty and little daugh­ daughter, Patricia, remained with her Church Building every Tuesday and the MacDonald place last week. They grandmother to attend school this ter, Janiee, spent Thursday with her Why pay more? have rented the place and expect to Friday afternoons except holidays mother, Mrs. T. D. Guerin, of Myrtle term. A large attendance was out to Aid make their home here for some time. from two to five o’clock. Point. The public is cordially invited to at­ Gene Robison, of Fat Elk, had the last Wednesday and a great deal was tend our servieea and to visit the Probate Court Items misfortune to be crowded off the road accomplished but there js plenty yet Reading Room. at the Gerlach place Tuesday evening, to be done before the baxaar on Nov. Gale M. Roberts, of Catching Inlet, while enroute to the voUey ball game. 20. Please come and help out. was on Tuesday appointed adminis­ Mrs. Sarah L. Wood, of Coquills, ia trator of the 3500 estate left by his Mr. Gerlach assisted him back on the Foursquare Gospel Church Coquille Phone 16 road again. Fortunately no one was visiting thia week with her sister, father, Jas. S. Roberto, who died Oct. 2S9 E. 2nd St hurt and the car wm not damaged Mrs. L. R. Hampton. 13. The appraisers are Joe Williams, Nydia Jensen and Margaret Gsmmill, Dinner guests st the L. M. Aasen much. The other car did not stop. F. G. Weeserie and Geo. Rosa. Pastore Frank Langlois Passes Gravel Ford Items , The Myrtle Point business men met home Tuesday were Mm. Shraffer, A petition for the adoption of Har­ Sunday 7:30 p. m. Illustrated mes­ son and daughter, of North Bend, Mm. Word was received at Myrtle Point the invincible Arago sextette Tuesday vey James Elmer Cole and Leona May The farmers in this vicinity are Ed Aasen and two children, Mm. Alf Cole, by Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Adems, sage, “Lest We Forget,” commemor­ busy plowing and doing their fall by friends that Frank Langlois, an evening at a game of volley ball on ating Armistice Day. Special musical old pioneer of this section, passed the local court The boys were up Schroeder, of CoquiNe, Wm. Barnett of CoquiNe, was filed in probate court program for the evening. seeding. and Chas. Barnett. Tuesday by J. Arthur Berg. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Weekly and eon, away Monday at the home of hia to their usual standard and won by Sunday 6:80 p. m. Young People's Mr. and Mrs. Turner MacDonald Louis A. Maillord, of North Bend, service and adult class. Edward Lee, spent the week end at daughter, Mrs. W. L. Pemberton, at a good score. The business men then These two Dallas, says the Herald. Mrs. Lang­ challenged the second team for a game moved into their new house this week. has been appointed administrator of services have proven to be of great the Lige Culbertson home. The house is not quite finished but the <1150 estate left by Erne« F. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Gibson returned lois is still living and the old couple and again came out the losers, Mr. MacDonald intends to finish it Marllard, who died at North Bend, interest to all who are present. home last Thursday from a trip up in had made their home with the Pern-* Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wiren, of Sunday 11:00 a. m. morning wor­ Nov. 3. J. P. Morris, Ira Wilson and ship. bertons for a number of years. y Reedsport, spent last Monday at the at leisure. Hood River county. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Zosel, of Co ­ Mr. Langlois was in the eighties, Glen Collier home. E. M. Shriver are the appraisers. Virginia Crosby and Bernice Ben­ Sunday 9:45 a. m. Sunday School Mr .and Mrs. Walter Farrier left quille, attended the Hallowe’en carni­ nett spent Wednesday night with Iris but had been a man who was very Classes for all ages. val at Arago Saturday evening. -.™ was — ... active and alert and ill „..., only - a Monday morning for Portland, to visit Church of God Clinton. Tuesday 7:30 p. m. Prayer service. Melden Carl had the misfortune to 1 He was the first white* their daughter, Eva. They intended Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weekly were few days. Thursday 7:30 p. m. Orchestra Corner of Seventh and Henry Streets injure his foot while playing volley Sunday visitors at the Wilferd Laird child born in Curry county and a '»topping over Monday night with Mr. practice. George S. Morphy, Pastor, bail at Langlois Friday evening and brother was the first man who had and Mrs. F. F. Cooper, at Eugene, home in Brewster Valley. Friday 7:30 p. m. Bible Study. Sub­ is obliged to get around on crutches 10 a. m. Sunday School. Mrs. Billings and Mrs. Stevens vis­ the Arago lighthouse. The town of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are former ject, “The Eleven Mysteries of the for a time. 11 a. m. Preaching services. Langdois, in Curry county, was ] teachers at Arago. The length of ited school Wednesday afternoon. Bible.” Mias Jensen will speak on Mr. and Mm. L. M. Aasen enjoyed 0:30 p. m. Young People’s Meeting. their stay in Portland ia indefinite. Mr. Pointer and son, Melvin, spent named for hie family. , “Mystery Babylon.” Choir practice a visit Friday with Wm. Mavity Leader, Farm Patrick. Next Sunday The friends of Mr. and Mm. Wm. Mr. Langlois was a great fisherman Saturday night and Sunday at the will follow the service. but when he left Myrtle Point he Stauff gathered at the school grounds and slater, Mrs. Anna Mundy, of is Missionary Sunday. We are going Clinton home. Saturday 2:30 p. m. Children’s Bandon. to have a program and will bo glad Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Crosby were Myr­ packed hie Ashing tackle away, and Sunday after church and enjoyed a Church. Mrs. Leon Pauli enjoyed a visit tle Point visitors Tuesday afternoon. reports are that he never indulged picnic dinner togethrer. It will prob­ Sunday with her sister, Mrs. Minnie for you to come. Note. The monthly membership 7:30 Evening services. Evangelistic London Jenkins, of McKinley, was in the sport after he left the county. ably be the last picnic with Mr. and Clinton and family, of Coquille. meeting for November has been post­ me'oage. He was a man loved by all his ac­ Mm. Stauff for some time, as they a Sunday visitor in this vicinity. poned to Sunday, Nov. 22nd, for 7:30 Thursday evening Prayer Mr. and Mrs. Frank Chapman and A large crowd attended the free quaintances, and the sympathy ol his are leaving soon for Grenada, Calif. yearly election of church office re. Leader, friends are extended to the bereaved. They have spent most of their lives Mm. Sarah Wimer, of Glide, Oregon, meeting. Subject, Faith. dance in the hall Saturday night in this community and will be greatly visited a few hours with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jackson. Mr. and Mrs. Cart Anderson, of Le«. You are welcome to our services. Stanley Hatter, Sunday afternoon. Tlw Holy Name Cathoik Church Blanks for filing notices of assess­ missed by everyone. were visitors at the J. S. Clintop home Mr. and Mrs. Leon Pauli enjoyed a Prof, and Mm. Bennett and daugh­ ment work on mining claims for sale last Thursday. visit a few days last week with Mr. ter, Dorothy, Mr. and Mrs. Lao Hear­ Safety Firetf Use Cow Beil Dairy*« at Sentinel office. 9:00 a. m. Maas in Bandon. and Mrs. Wilbur Pauli and son, ing and children, Helen and Donnie, Pasteurised Milk and protect your 11:00 a. m. Maas in Coquille. Gloyde, and daughter, AveriH Barton, •pent Sunday on the beach at Bandon. health. Bov. L. A. LeMiUer, Pastor. Peets Washing Machine Soap™“ Pork and Beans Batter POTATOES ' Eating Apples 1OO"»$1*00 Where You Save by Paying Cash — Ship your Cattle, Sheep and Hogs Less than per pound Consolidated Freight Lines FARR & ELWOOD, Inc., Agents 1 TCP Dunham's, Coquille