. live Ntwa From Arago * * I Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Aaaen and chil­ dren, LaVaun and Stephen, attended the potluck dinner and Christian En­ deavor rally at the Christian church in Coquille Sunday. Melden Cart, Doria Curry and Lila Deanent attend­ ed the rally in the afternoon. Arial MacDonald returned from Eugene Sunday. He went out on business last week. Mr. and Mm. J. D. Carl received word from their son, Kenneth, this week that he was chosen on the dairy products Judging team of the O. S. C. and also alternate on the livestock judging team. He, thereby, won a trip to the Pacific International this week and entered the. judging contest there. V The- Ladies Missionary Society will meet at the home of Mr». C. A. Kell­ ner Wednesday, Nov. 11th. The Freshman return party was held in the gymnasium Saturday ev­ ening. The entire high school at­ tended and moot of the teachers. AR reported a very pleaeafit evening and say the Freshmen are splendid enter­ tainer*. The Ladie« Aid will hold their ba- xaar November 20th at the Arago gymnasium. A free program will be given, no admission charged, but ev­ eryone should come prepared to lay in a supply of Christmas presents, as the ladies have a large variety of articles to choose from. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Halter are en­ joying a visit with their little nephew, Gerald Woodward, while his parents are attending the Pacific International for a few days. The senior class is sponsoring a Hallowe’en carnival to be held at the gymnasoum Saturday evening, Octo­ ber 81. It will be a masquerade affair. Besides numerous bootta and amusements, a prise will be awarded for the best costume present. Bring along your nickels and dimes and help them out. The money will be »pent for commencement expenses. Mr. and Mrs. Lawreqce Barklow have returned to their home at Arago, having spent the summer at Gardin­ er, where Mr. Barklow was employed on the highway being built there. Mr. and Mn. Wayne Woodward left Saturday morning to attend the Pa­ cific International at Portland for a few day*. They will also visit some friends in Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Sax­ ton. Mr. and Mm. Albert Lillie and chil­ dren, Clyde, Laura Bernice, Gerald Thomas and Glenda Jean, went to Camas VaMey Saturday to visit with Mr. Lillie’s mother, Mm. M. E. ijllie, who is there visiting with her daugh­ ter, Mm. Bob Martindale. Mr.’ and Mm. Albert Fish are en­ joying a visit with Mn. Laura Ed­ munds, of Bandon, this week. Mm. Frank Burbank, spent last week end visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Schroeder, at Arago. Mm. Burbank is staying with Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Sevy at Langlois this winter. Mr. and Mrs. John Domath Jr. have moved to Coquills for the win­ ter. They lived several yearn up Halls creek. Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Sevy, of Lang­ lois, visited at the C. E. Schroeder homo Sunday. Wallace MiHer returned home Sat­ urday evening from Diamond Lake, where he had gone about a week ago to attend to a government Job. Mr. and Mm. Miller expect to return to their home in Portland soon. Mike Daniels, of Coquille, epent Monday in thia vicinity on business. Frances Thol, of Loa Angelos, Calif., is visiting with his mother, Mrs. M. B. Mix, on Fishtrap. Mr. and Mm. Ed Fish, of Bandon, visited at the Albert Fish home this week. Mr. and Mm. Wiley Cornwell have moved to Redding, California, for the winter, Mr. Cornwell having secured work there. Mrs. Goldie Lawrence «nd little daughter, Patricia, of Loe Angeles, visited her mother. Mm. Tenn Robi­ son, last week. Mr. and Mm. Kermit Shaw have re­ turned home from their honeymoon trip to Redding Cal. and will be at home to their friends this week at their home in Coquille. Mrs. Shaw was formerly Roths Knabe. Mrs. Kate Hodson, of Norway, has returned home, having spent the part week visiting her niece. Mm. J. D. Carl. Mr. and Mm. Geo. Weeks and little son, Bobbie, and Mm. George Smith, of Coquille, visited Wednesday with the Hamptons. Georg* Hampton attended the meeting of the executive committee of the Pomona grange, held at Coquille Monday evening. Ralph Christensen, of Bandon, was a business caller hi this vicinity Mon­ day afternoon. Mm. Geo. Hampton, Mm. Everett Lafferty and Mrs. L. R. Hampton made a business trip to Marshfield Tuesday. Riverton News A Hallowe’en masquerade party is to be held in the Riverton high school gym on Friday, October 30th. All school patrons and high salissi rtu- dents are invited.to attend and to be dressed in costume if possible, to add to the enjoyment and pleasure of the evening. Word has been received that Mr. and Mm. Jim Watson, of Leneve, are the proud parents of a baby boy, bom October 25. Miss Marie Dye and Miss Cherie Mae Hartwell had the highest grades in the high school at the end of the first weeks period. They made grades of 2 or better in all of their subjects. Others to receive henorable mention, with no grade below 8, were: Fritx Hull, Violet Morri«, Grace Kight, John Heilman, Kgnes Hull, Vincent Nulf, Hunt, Earl Edgmon, Helen and Georgia Philpott. Mm. Harry Hull visited her mother in Powers Sunday. '' Just a day or two befpro the deer season closed, Qif Martin killed a nice big four-point buck, weighing 146 pounds when dressed. Mr. and Mm. Ligo Culbertson and family, of Gravel Ford, visited at the J. L Watson home Sunday. Mm. Culbertson ta Mr. Watson’s oldest daughter. Mn. H. J. Berry and daughter, Ev­ elyn, called at the home of Mio. C. W. Martin, Saturday afternoon. ter Wynn Ligueratis and change of Oregon for the County of Coos on the Mr. and Mm. W. T. Alpine were Wanted—Tents, Camp Store«, Fur­ name to Ronald Guy Kelley, said 24th day of October, 1981, in a cer­ niture, etc. Arrow Hardware Co., Coquille visitors Saturady. child being a minor. tain cause in said Court pending Mr. and Mrs. Fred Beck drove over next door eaat of Parmen and Mer­ Citation wherein James Richmond is Plaintiff, chant« Bank. 15tf To James D. Ligueratis, the natural and James W. Dennie and Marjorie to North Bend Saturday. father of the above named minor M. Dennis, husband and wife, Mm. Mrs. Conrad Borgard and little son, child. Maybelle Quick, tenant. Alta Belle El­ of Lamps Creek, were the guests of NOTICE IN THE NAME OF THE STATE wood and John Elwood, Mr husband, Mrs. Mettie Peterson on Thursday. Of District Meeting for Road District OF OREGON, you are hereby cited second mortgagees, am Defendant«, No. 45 Coos County, State The Riverton boys and girls Jour­ i and required to appear in the County Case No. 9687, of said Court and com- of Orego Court of the State of Oregon for Coos mandiag_ ______ to sell ___ the _____ hereinafter neyed up to Arago Friday night and Notice is Hereby . Gi liven, that, pur- County, at the County Court room at described rqal property to satisfy the played volley ball games with the suant to a _ petition duly signed by not the Court house in the Ciy of Coquille, sum of 8378.00 with interest at at 8 8 per ------ interest boys and girls there. Both Riverton Jess than three freeholders andUegal Coos Couny, Oregon, on the 30th day cent from Jan 22, 1980, an At- Road District No. 45, of of November, 1931, at 10 o’clock