Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1931)
TH COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 3A IMI. killing luat ha* about died in the breast* of moat of us. There are thou sand* upon thousand* of sportsmen who far* forth into the woods with no desire to take th« live* of most of th* forest creatures. It io true that th* deer, bear and certain game birds are hunted and killed. But on the other hand the man who slay* them ha* a respect for them; in fact a love for that which he slay* and always in hie heart the feeling of fair play pre dominate*. There are few who slay wantonly without giving the gam* a fighting chance and th* kill is usually made with the thought in mind of the delicious food that the game will fur nish. The killing of the whale was of no benefit to any one. It wa* of no food value or of no commercial value whatsoever. It was deadly, malicious slaughter, and committed, it appears, by a real “killer”—by a man with no respect for life, it seem*. After re ceiving the death wound the whale made a wild rush for th* boat and but for the boat putting an full speed it would hav* rammed it and sunk it Personally, I am sorry, indeed, that the big fellow didn’t accomplish hi* purpose. The world would be far bet ter off with such men where the whale i* today, for the man who is supposed to be civilised today, who cannot con- trol h's passion to kill just for th* pure joy of killing, is a menace tn modem civilisation. r During th* past three years I hav* hunted with a mighty fine China pheasant dog. But thi* year, a few week* before the season opened, he died. I never knew what it really meant to hunt without a good dog until I «tempted the stunt hi* week. That dog of mine let me know when a pheasant wa* near. He wa* forever seeking out tracks and eagerly work ing ahead of me each moment of the hunt. It was disheartening, trying to flush birds without him. Each favor ite spot I visited brought back a flood of memories. I could vision th* dog working ahead of men—could see hi* stubby tail describe circles, as he hit * hot track. I could see again the big rooster soaring into th* air; th* crack of the gun and the thud of the bird as it struck the ground. How proudly he brought it to me. Ye*, *ach field held a memory. I sure missed my lit tle four-legged pal. . A “believe it or not” fish story come* from the tnouth of the Sixes. Two Coquille fishermen are said to have caught two mighty Chinook* with their feet. The water was real shallow at the mouth of the Sixes and the salmon were coming in by the hundreds. Th* fishermen jump«! in and began kicking the fish upon the shore. They finally managed to fall upon a couple of them and using half nelson* and other famous hold* they pinned them to th* sands. For confirmation of thi* story in quire at CoquiUe post office. Homecoming at U. of O. and O. S. Cn Nov. 4 Oregon State college and Univer sity of Oregon are trying a new plan for holding their Homecoming* this yepr, both schools using the same dates, November 13 and 14. Th* big game between O. S. C., and U. of O. i* at Eugene this year, but the Beaver alumni will go to Corvallis Friday, November 13, and attend the annual Rook-frosh game there that night under the Bell Field light*. Saturday special trains and cars wilbtake alumni and student* over to Eugene, while after the tame the Oregon Stater* will return to Cor- valli* for the annual banquet and the ball in the Memorial Union building. Next year it is planned to carry out the same plan with the big game at Corvallis. for children which ha* just been piled by Mi** Harriett C. Long, atate librarian. The list cover* 25 single spaced typewritten pages. None of the book* on the list cost mor* than 81. How One Woman Lost 20 Pounds of Fat Lost Her Prominent Hips— Double Chin—Sluggishness Gained Physical Vigor— A Shapely Figaro. it; you're fat—first remove th* causa! Take on* half teaspoonful of KRU- SCHEN SALTS in a glass of hot wa ter every morning—in 3 weeks get on the scale* and note how many pound* of fat have vanished. > Notice also that you hav* gained in energy—your akin is clearer—you feel younger in body—KRUSCHEN will give any fat person a joyous *n35“an 85c bottle of KRUSCHEN SALTS from Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc., or any leading druggist any where in America (lasts 4 week«). If thia first bottle doesn’t convince you ..thi* i* th* ea si es t , safest and More than 1000 titles are included surest way to lose fat—your money in a list of low-priced book« suitable gladly returned. ————— GAS WATER HEATERS-NO CASH DOWN! BLACKSMITH SHOP ADDED A blacksmith shop has been added to the Coquille Machine Shop equipment and those needing that kind of work will find Fred Schaer in charge of the department. Let us figure with you on your requirements. COQUILLE MACHINE SHOP COQUILLE HOT WATER OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF t-c that were once trapped out and whet* poison is now resorted to. There have By Lens Leaeve The deer season closed with fewer been five coyotes and two cougar deer killed in thi* section than in bounties paid. Thea* animal* were many past yearn, despite the fact trapped and killed by the use of dogs. that more hunter* were in the wood*. During that time, of all the poison An unusually dry season and two baits strung throughout this county, varmint* have been very bad moons during the open sea how many son, were in a large measure respon brought in? None, to my knowledge, sible for the poor luck of most hunt But I cannot but ponder the question er*. Owing to the steady increase of of just how many harmleaa bird*, does and the decease in th* rank* of fur-bearing animals and dogs hav* the buck*, it would not «uprise me in perished by the poiosn route. Ray the least before a great many year* mond Spears, of California, and one pass, to see a one deer limit on deer, of the leading naturalists of the throughout the «tate, regardless of United State*, advance* the statement the specie*. And in my opinion a that during the period between 1918 deer of either *ex should compose the and the present year that one thou sand million dollars worth of fur ha* bag limit. During our trip to th* homestead been destroyed by th* U. S. Biologi we made th* acquaintance of a couple cal Survey, by the use of poison. Five of Portland hunter*. We were visit ton* of poison i* scattered annually ing at our neighbor’a place, where by the Survey, it is stated. Mislead these two huntem were staying, one ing statement as to the use of poison evening. Our bootee* wa* entertain hav* been placed before Congress in ing us with the radio. “Riding the order to hav* vast sums appropriated Strawberry Roan” waa being sung. in order to carry on the wholesale A One of the hunters, Metz by name, elaughter against our wild life. informed u* at the conclusion of the statement issued by the Biological They song that it had been written about Survey i* significant indeed. hi* kid brother, th* boy who really state that in 1918 that predatory ani rode the animal. He gave u* all the mal* were doing an annual damage detail* concerning it. It waa really a of more than twenty million dollar*. death rid* that hi* brother took. The And in 1928, ten yearn later, they is boy was green to th* range and was sue the statement that the damage by being kidded by th* older cow-punch predatory animal* i* from twenty to ers. He was asked why he didn’t thirty million dollan* annually. And rid* “Strawberry Roan,” the wont during these ten years in which no outlaw on the range. He accepted the decrease 1* shown in the ranks of the dare and and rode until he wa* taken predator* and in which million* of from the outlaw’s back, all but dead. dollars wa* spent for control work and His lung* were churned loose and the paying the salaries of high-priced of blood coming in guehes from hie ficial* and during which time ton* mouth and nostril*. He died a short and ton* of poison was scattered time later, as a result of his injuries. throughout our game country, there An old cowpuncher who witnessed the w“> according to the Survey’s own ride, sat down with paper and pencil report, no decrease in the ranks of and wrote the word* for the song, predatory animal*. It h a matter of which during th* past year or so ha* conjecture just how much longer the sane thinking taxpayers of thi* coun been broadcast far and wide. Our little friends, the chipmunks ty are going to stand idly by and al and camprobbens, had not forgotten us, low the county court to pay half the at our cabin. The first morning there, salary of a government agent, who has a chipmunk came up to my wife and strung poison bait from practically one ate out of her hand and the second end of the county to the other and morning be wa* in at th* breakfast still continues to string it. The killer whale which attracted table for hi* food, just as he had done for three years, while we were prov thousand* of people at Portland wa* ing up. About, eight or ten of the old ruthlessly slain last week by a man roster of them put in their appearance and hi* eon. This visitor from the during the next few day* and the ocean, fumihed amusement, wa* in camprobbens were there by the dos- fact, a curiosity. Harmless, frolick en*. It was quite a eight to see the ing about in the water* of th* slough missue sitting on the ground with her and claiming state-wide attention, hi* lap full of chipmunks and the bird* brief visit which ended *o tragically, perched on her shoulders and arms, «roused more attention and interest all eagerly awaiting their breakfast. than the visit of any recent nation Five coyote pelt* have been brought wide known notable, to th* Rose City. in for bounty at the county clerk’a of It is hard to imagine the man who fice during the past month. These would go out and deliberately take the animals are again on the increase. I lif* of this mammal from the deep. It cannot help commenting on the fact i* true that the killing lust is bom that more coyote* were produced by in the breasts of most of us; no doubt the Government hunter from jimt one ' apming down through the “dark ages” eteel trap eet, where he wa* forced from the cave men of the long distant to use trap* instead of poison, than he pest, or from buckskin-clad forebear*, ha* produced during the past ten who trod the wilderneaa trail* of long month by the use of poison. Within < ago. But yet it is doubtful that one a few «cant week* after steel trap* man 1 in a million could be picked who were abandoned and powon again would wantonly destroy the whale was killed near Portland. Born strewn, the coyote* were on the in- which ' crease. Today they are again com with the killing lust, is also a spirit ing into their own in many sections < of fair play, of sportsmanship. Th* '•'f 1 4 TIMES FASTER WITH GAS! For Baths — Dishes — Shaving — Laundry, why wait an hour For hot water when a Fast gas water heater gives you steaming baths —solid shaving comfort —in just 15 minutes? Lot us install one in your home today! See how oceans of hot water —on tap —can speed up wash day — speed up hundreds of daily cleaning tasks. See For yourself why 4 out of 5 city families choose GAS in preference to all other fuels. Telephone now for a gas demonstration in your own home —no obligation to buy. Just a* Itttfo or a* Much Heat a* You Want-NO WASTE! You can regulate your gas water heater or quick-cooking ga* range to get just the heat you want. You never need to waste heat — you never get too little heat. Turn on your ga* the minute you want it— turn it off the minute you are through — and there it no watte! GAS WINS ON COOKING SPEED Gas cooking is so fast it can save one third of your time in the kitchen! Your gas oven develops baking heat in just 10 minutes — broiling heat in only 3 minutes. And your gas range is so quick—so well insu lated to hold heat. No wood to carry. No ashes to shovel — Gas cooking neither tires you out—nor robs' you of your appetite before dinner is ready. * LET INSTALL A GAS RANGE ON TRIAL » Select Any One You Wont Today I NO CASH DOWN EASY PAYMENTS Sss our now ga« ranges — pick out any one you like. Wo will install it immediately and pipe gas right into your kitchen. Then try gas cook ing for a Few days without any obligation to buy. On your decision to keep your gas stove— you pay the regular charge For gas connection and installation. Otherwise, you simply pay For the gas you have used during your gas range demonstration. We will take your present stove as down payment on a new gas range. And you may take from 10 to 30 month* to complete easy pay ment*. The fastett ilovt made — your gat range—actually cotti lett than many timilar appliance»! NATURAL GAS CORPORATION OF OREGON Controlled and Managod by STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA 455 So. Taylor St US Res. Tel. 609 ? “ cook Jotter ■ with gas