The Coquille Valley Senfitiel THE PAPER THAT'S LIKE A. LETTER FROM HOME - VOL XXVII. COQUILLK, COOS COUNTY, O NO. 43. Pionecr Citixen of Coquille for 58 Years Passes Away Suddenly Ì never acted on sudden impulse, but was always guided by serious reflec­ tion. “A true and devoted hueband, a faithful and loving father, and a kind, sympathetic friend to aH, has passed from ua. • | "We thank God today for his splen­ did noble life and pray that we may be as faithful to the trusts committed unto us as he was to those that were committed unto him. On every side we hear these words, ‘He was a good man.’ To be good is to be Godlike.” MORE N. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 39, IMI. E ORDERED J------- ---------------— Equipment for Mining Black Sand and for More Amalgamation Units Will Soon Be on the Way p No Corn Show This Year There will be no Corn Show thia year. The decision was reached Tuesday evening when aH the directors of the Association were present and unani­ mously agreed to postpone it for a year. At the same time, the first week in November was tentatively sot as the date for the 1932 show. The reason for calling off the 1981 Corn Show can only be laid to the depression. Not that the show could not have’been financed, for the com­ mittee last week secured 8400 in con­ tributions and did not complete their canvass. To this there would have been added the 3125 from the county, the net receipts from the two-day dance at Graham’s Hall and the Com­ munity Building receipts, giving ample funds for staging the show. The com mm it tee found those they called on divided about 50-50 on the proposition, many taking the posi­ tion that with a probability of exten­ sive charity being needed this win­ ter it was inadvisable to spend a thousand dollars or more for two days of fun and entertainment, just as the winter season starts. The members of the committee making the decision were J. L Smith, E. D. Webb, J. A. Lamb, Geo. Hamp­ ton, Geo. Jenkins, Lyman Carrier and H. E. Hess. Judge Brand Expected Here Next Week — Werner Did Net Plead The death of P. E. Drane, which At the adjournment of Circuit court occurred at three o'clock Monday af­ »I last Saturday by Judge H. D. Nor­ neb ternoon, came as a shock to the peo­ ton, of Medford, the jury was excused W. W. Gibson, More and more are the most skep­ the plant is started. ple of Coquille, for he had been down ■ for this week, with orders to report tical, who, laughed at the black sand equipment manufacturer, who has town that morning, apparently in his next Monday. As yet County Clerk optimism of Dr. Roy 'FitzGerald, be­ been ill in San Francisco, was ex­ No Mail Here Yesterday usual good health. Watson has received no notice from pected-last evening, and is known to About two o’clock, while working Judge Brand as V» whether he has It seemed very much like old times coming convinced that this time it is oh a stove at home, he became death­ in Coquille yesterday when the morn­ a real movement toward recovering be on the way here. He will supervise finished his work in Jackson county , the immense mineral values in ,.Codn the final installation, and while here ly sick, and his remark then indicated ing mail failed to reach here. and will be here Monday or not. In that he knew ths end was near. He fact it did not arrive until this morn- and Curry counties, and not a flash in Dr. FitriJerald will place an order for John R. Werner, who was to have lay down ahd passed away peacefully. ting. A tree across the track 75 miles the pan as other attempts have been. a 300-ton capacity plant. Announce­ pleaded guilty last Friday afternoon True, a great number are with­ ment can be expected next week of A heart attack was the cause of his north of Coos Bay, was not seen in to attempted murder of his lady com­ holding judgment until the crushing the opening date. demise. panion, Miss Leona M. Hope, a couple the fog until too late to stop the train The wiring of the plant has been Funeral services were conducted at and the engine and several care were and amalgamating plant here begins of weeks ago, and who had waived the Pioneer church Wednesday at 2:80 derailed although no one was injured. to recover the gold and platinum from done by A. L. Hooton, and R. L Stew­ grand jury investigation, refused to the black sand, but the opening of art, of the Mt. States Power Co., has p. m. by Rev. P. D. Hartman. Music make a plea because of the absence In the olden days, before highways co-operated with the company in se­ was furnished by a quartet composed were built, or the railroad from Eu­ that plant is rapidly nearing. of his attorney. The matter* was There are reasons, too, why local curing the proper motors and other of Mm. Lyman Carrier, Mm. Paul gene to Coos Bay, it was no uncom­ postponed until next week. The origin«' Walker, F. G. Leslie and Orvin T. mon thing for mail to be 24 or more people can place confidence in Dr. Roy electrical equipment. Warner Ogren, of Marshfield, has Gant, with Mm. M. O. Hawkins at hours late and on one occasion there FitzGerald’s statements without wait- motor shipment was not of the correct not yet been arraigned on the charge ing for the actual turning over of the type. the piano. for which he was indicted, assault and was no mail for a week. the plant. * ■/ S'. In their extensive investigations o Interment was in the Masonic cem­ battery. We had thought Coos county had When a nationally known mineralo­ black sand in southwestern Oregon etery. Seth Lanegan pleaded guilty last finally become a part of the United Philip Elmore Drane was born in | States, but such delay in bringing gist and metallurgist like Dr. Hayden, since their arrival here a month ago, week to possession of a still which he Litchfield, Grayson county, Kentucky, mai) prove< that this »ection is still of Salt Lake City, who is also mana­ Mias Fishback says that they find the claims to have found. He was sen­ ger of the Mt. Emily plant on Cheteo possibilities of development just as Oct. 23, 1854, and was three days' . one of - the outlying provinces. - • tenced to four months in Jail and Proba- river adopts Dr. FitzGerald's process Dr. FitzGerald stated at the first meet­ past 77 years of age. fined 3150. | bly nowhere else in the U. S. would a He came in -- Co- ( wrecked train delay mail for 24 hours, in his operations, it must convince the ing in the hotel, and that the richness *- Milton Church pleaded net guilty '»« west wv» and located ... moat skeptical that “Doc” knows what of this eecion in valuable mineral d quille when 19 years of age and has ' ___ ____________ Friday to possession of a still. he is doing. Dr. Hayden was here re­ posits is almost beyond comprehension. been an honored and respected citisen Lewis W. Smith pleaded guilty to cently and the local operators visited They are the best on the Pacific coast of this city since that time. an act of sexual perversity as charged him last week on their trip td Curry and cannot be overestimated. For many yearn he conducted the and not guilty to a statutory charge county and thia man, who has tested The mill at Coquille, as previously butcher shop for the J. A. Lyons com­ involving a young daughter. for values all the land along the Ore ­ stated, will be enlarged as need re­ pany which operated the mill here. J. C. Keller pleaded not guilty Sat­ gon coast, recognized Doc’s process as quires. With an abundance of mater­ A meeting of stockholders of the urday to operating an automobHe About 1900 he entered business for ________ Albert Kroll, of Oakland, Calif., the only one known which will re­ ial to run a dozen or more plants for Fat Elk Oil A Gas Co. is scheduled to while intoxicated, and Sol Arnold himself and for five ,______________ years operated a meat market of his' own, first in »ho he~ ttw time Dr- Fitz- cover all the values from the sand. a generation, there ia no limit in be held at the Coquille Hotel next pleaded not guilty to the charge of Another proof is the fact the Ed­ eight to what can be accomplished Monday evening at 8 o’clock This is ’ on the d what is now ths Trott building and' t«rald gave hie first local demonstre­ later in the Leneve building on the 1 Hon in the Coommunity Building, and ward H. Crow, of St. Louts, and David here. Coquille is and will remain the second meeting to be held withm I is interested in the doctor’s company, Guataveson, of Loa Angeles, who have beadquarters for the company, and no a week, the flrot occurring Tuesday of south side of Front. I To Demonstrate in Homes In 1905 or 1906 be became the returned to Coquills Monday evening, been here for the past three weeks in­ matter how many mills may be es­ this week. The Natural Gas Corporation is ad­ According to information received owner of the grocery store on the site and has been busy since supervising vestigating conditions for a large tablished at other points, the one here from Abe Hepler, who purchased at vertising a gas cooking demonstration of the present Busy Corner, which he the eonstructon of a jigger box, at company they represent, have decided ia to be the mother milt. Dr. FitzGerald reiterates that the sheriff’s sale the equipment of the to be held in their show room in the conducted until be sold to the Coquille the rear of E. W. Gregg’s store on to go the limit. They came here to investigate conditions from a differ ­ Front street. mill, or any which may be put in, is company, several parties are inter­ hotel building hero on Tuesday and VaUey Mercantile Co. The box is only a small wooden ent angle, became associated with Dr. not for the big operator alone. He will ested in securing possession of the Wednesday of next week. Loins J. For several years past he has been Bouligny, the company’s chef will local representative of the Douglas model, but if it ie demonstrated as FitzGerald, and Mr. Crow left Wed- not be allowed to monopolise it to the hole, and the leases the company conduct the demonstrations. Five Building A Leas Association. He has practical and will do the work, Mr. | nesday morning for the oouth to order detriment of the small operator. The owned, and Mr. Hepler wants to make angel food cakea, made by Mr. and Ship up here machinery doctor believes that the more “ little ” the boat possible deal for the proper- Kroll proposes to have a number also In recent years been active in Bouligny, will be given away abso­ there am delivering concen- ty- increasing the number of residences built of steel at the Coquille Machine suuionoieiit which will hamllc i The entire assets of the Fat Elk lutely free each day to lucky holders > testes to the plants the better it will in Coquille, and has had several hous­ Shop. He has hopes that they can three to five thousand tons of si day. This first shipment will be used be for himself and the country gen­ company now belong to Mr. Hepler of prize-winning door tickets. Every­ es built on property he owned on be sold for around 3100. The full size box, if be orders them, on the P. G. A I. property, east of erally. And in time ths little fellow and associates, but what they are in­ one, whether a gas user or not, is in­ Spurgeon Hill. The terested in is securing the money due vited to attend one or more of the Mr. Drane was married to Mrs. will be about 6x12 feet in demensione, the Seven Devils road, in the Whiskey will become a large operator. Run district, which is reported to be and a grinding machine will pulverise plant here can be enlarged every two them for labor, and if more than sessions. The hours will be from 9 1874. Isabella Smith Pike in exceedinly rich in flour gold deposits. the sand before it passes to the jigger weeks if necessary, and none of the their claim can be realized from the s. m. till 9 p. m. both days. children were born to them — Two On the other three days of Mr. What other developments are con ­ box. hundreds of prospective minem and sale of the property to some one who Mra. Julia Johnson, of Portland, and templated by Mr. Crow and his asso­ operators who are now in the field, will develop it, they—the driller own­ Bouligny’s visit in Coquille he will Mr. Kroll's model will have but one Mary Lawrence, of Indianapolis, Mra. ciates cannot be stated now, but there need fear that their concentrate ship­ ers—intend that the stockholder« who visit the homes of gas users to aid, if Ind. The former and her husband ar­ motion, a sidewise action, and old- invested money in the project shall possible, the housewife to become rived here Tuesday morning, but time miners who have seen it ex­ will be more evidence of what this ments will be neglected. black sand proposition is going to" press confidence in its ability to save benefit. They refuse, however, to acquainted with gas cooking. The jigger box operations of Chas. Mrs. Lawrence was unable to make Features of these three days—Mon­ mean to Coquille in the near future. the values from the sand. allow promotion stock to benefit by a Hayes at the Madden mine is proving the trip west, due to a fractured hip day, Thursday and Friday—will be The equipment he is purchasing Riffles on the bottom of the box, sale to one of the large companies a wonderful success, saving as it does she received six months ago. She is will be th© best and the work will be all the value-bearing sand, and he is which may want to push the hole to the preparation of meals, in the still in the hospital and attended by a mat and screen, side vents for ex­ homes, by the chef with all foods fur­ handled in a way to secure the max­ more than satisfied with the results. a greater depth. traction of the concentrates from the two nurse». Ho is also survived by nished by the company, and gas imum of value-bearing concentrates. The concentrates alreay tested by Dr. box, and a concentrating table are a All stockholders should attend next a step-son. Geo. Pike, of Portland. W. M. Dillenbeck, who induced “Doc” FitzGerald show it to be of unusually Monday's meeting and ascertain just users are requested to make arrange­ Mrs. Drone passed away in March, few of the features which Mr. Kroll believes will make his box a success. to locate in Coquille when the latter high value, 81000 to the ton of concen­ what proposals have been made, and ments at the local office for Mr. 1927. was seeking a sit© for his plant, will trates, according to outside informa­ which would be best for all concerned, Bouligny to visit their kitehens. They Two years ago Mr. Drane was united are also asked to invite in a few be in charge of operations at the P. tion. to accept. 2,000,000 Feet Come Down in marriage to Mrs. Ada Barklow, friends to sample the meal prepared G. A L, while Homer G. Cobb, who Miss Fishback announced Wednes­ who survives him. Other relatives in More than two million feet of white by the chef. arrive here Tuesday from Oakland, day that she will not make any more 12.50 From 3 lbs. Sand Coos county are a niece, Mrs. J. W. cedar put in the East Fork below will be assistant. tests of samples until the mill is in McGuffin, of Coquille, and a nephew, Brewster Valley by Geo. W. Bryant Miss M. Fishback gave a private Mr. Dillenbeck will also bring his operation. Until that is done they A Standard Dealer Banquet Elmore Drane, of Bar.don. Four and Kenneth and Ivan Laird, for the demonstration Monday evening at the wife with him when he returns from are not equipped for making tests for The first banquet of its kind ever grandchildren, Philip Johnson, of Smith Wood-Products plant here, was R. A. Wemich home of the process Los Angeles. They will occupy the _ platinum, _____ either. _____ ________ She asks that all by which the gold ia recovered from held on the Pacific coast will be that Long Beach, Calif., Mary Esther brought doam to the mouth of the W. A. Gilbert house on Spurgeon Hill, sencentrate samples in the future be Johnson, of Portland, and Mr. Pike’s North Fork Wednesday, with J. N. black sand. From three pounds of of Standard Oil dealers in the Co­ Dr. FitsGerald, Miss Fishback and brought in four pound Iota, and an na­ Officials two children and one great grand Gearhart in charge of the drive. sand brought up from Curry county quille Hotel this evening. Mr. Crow enjoyed several days last ti mate also of how much sand was child are also survivors. A solid mile of logs extends up the a button estimated to be worth 32.50 of the company from San Francisco, week as guests of Roderick Macleay handled in securing the concentrates Portland, Seattle and Medford wiH be One of the recent years’ pleasures North Fork from below the highway I was recovered. at Wedderburn, where they demon­ so that a correct estimate of the of Mr. Drone's was a trip he and his bridge where it enters the main river. Mr. and Mrs. Wernich had invited in attendance, while 45 dealers in the strated Doe’s process and convinced values per ton or yard can be arrived old friend, John S. Lawrence, who The three or four inches of min in a number of friends to witness the Coquille, Marshfield and Myrtle Point him of its efficiency. it died early in July, took a couple of the past ten days furnished plenty of demonstration. Among them were sub-station districts have signified While there they made one of the Be­ years ago. Mr. Drane received a water for making the drive. There are Mrs. Agnes R. Sengstacken, of Marsh­ their intention to be present. biggest deals ever consumated in Court of Honor, Oct. 28 great deal of enjoyment out of the still more than two million feet of field, her friend, Miss Florence Mul­ tween 60 and 70 will sit down in the Curry county, leasing several tracts Two visit to hie boyhood home. logo at the dump on the East Fork Those passing to th© rank of Second lin, of San Francisco, and one of the banquet room of the hotel. and contracting to install mill or mills menus will be presented to the diners, Mr. Drane was possessed of a which will be brought down when officers of the Flanagan Estate, and Class Scout at the Court of Honor in that section in the next year, start­ one of them being an array of Stand­ pleasing personality and a kindly dis­ needed. held in the city hall Wednesday even­ Jas. H. Flanagan, of Marshfield. ing within a few weeks. ard Oil products, gas, oils, greases, position; he was a true friend, one ing were: Lynn Richardson and Jack The out to town visitors were great ­ E. Punshon, expert mill man of 45 etc. whose word could be depended upon, Wheeler. ly interested in witnessing the exhi ­ Coquille at Bay Saturday i years’ experience, arrived here from More work has been done the past and as Mr. Hartman said Wednesday Merit Badges — Henry Teal, Fire ­ bition and expressed themselves as Coquille High football team will San Francisco last week. He is to be few days in preparing the scenic at­ afternoon, he was a good man. The meet the conference leader at the Bay manship. convinced that Dr. FitzGerald ’ s pro ­ in charge of mill operations here, and tractions for this banquet than for words used by the speaker at the i tomorrow when they tackle the Those awarded the Star Scouts cess will do what he says. although he retired after an active any ever held in the county before. funeral services so well express the Marshfield squad for the second time Badge were Don Smith and Jim Rob ­ They said they heard very little life, he'sensed the possibilities of Dr. universal esteem in which Mr. Drane this year. about black sand on the Bay, where Standard oil signs illuminate four With the experience Fitzgerald’s proposal and agreed to inson. was held that we print them as a The members of the Court of Honor the matter is dismissed with a smile walls of the banquet room, while at gained in the three last conflicts Coach take charge of the plant. He was one eulogy to our departed friend: were: C. C. Farr, chairman; N. C. and a shake of the head. Both the the east end a model service station Hartley’s boys should make a better of the first men in California to wit­ has been built in, and every Standard “He was affiliated with the Doug­ showing than they did when the two ness a demonstration of Doc’s process. Kelley, Geo. A. Ulett, J. L. Stevens Flanagan Estate and Mm. Seng­ product ie shown. las Building and Loan Company and teams met last. and Wade Arstill, Scoutmaster of stacken own large tracts of Mack When he first heard of it, he casually has always been active in the af­ The other game in the county will observed, "It’s just another one of Troop No. 14. Others present were sand deposits. fairs of the community. To Act on Budget Monday be at Myrtle Point with North Bend those things,” but in less than five F. F. Schram, representing the Co­ “Thirty-five years ago last Sundsy Opposing the Bull Dogs. I ji bor Commissioner Here minutes of demonstration of Soso- quille Firemen and E. A. Britton, Lack of a quorum at the adjourned he professed faith in Christ and zone process be became convinced of Scout Executive, of Roseburg, and a C. H. Gram, labor commissioner for session of the city council Monday ev­ united with Pioneer Methodist its efficiency and has been a supporter, large attendance of Scouts. the state of Oregon was a Coquille ening caused a postponement until County Budget Committee Church, of which he has been a faith­ The meeting was a very interesting The county budget committee which 100 per cent ever since. His son, 0. one and one of the high points of in- visitor last Friday night. After con­ next Monday, the regular meeting, of ful, consistent member through the G. Punshon, mining engineer and ferring with Receiver M. 0. Hawkins, any action on the city budget. Ail will begin its labors in November will years. metallurgist, will join the personnel jterest was the appointment of three of the Coquille Lumber Co., he evi­ objections to the budget as prepared consist of Judge D. F. Thompson, “The departed was a man of strong I Scouts of Troop No. 14 to the position dently decided that the employes of must have been voiced at the meeting the company here soon. convictions and determination. He Commissioners Wm. Hagge and Jno. I of Junior Assistant Scoutmasters. the mill who have considerable owing last week, for no taxpayer was in There is one point in connection persistently tried to carry out what D. Carl, and three citisen members, with the opening of the mill here that The appointments were: Donald Farr, them in wages were going to be paid sttendance Monday evening for that he undertook—yet not to the hurt of Walter Donald, of Bandon; Ben R. has not been previously known. Be­ Fred Fuhrman and John Unsoeld. and continued down the coast to Qold purpose. Chandler, of Marshfield, and Loo J. others. fore the equipment for the plant had Beach, Saturday. Cary, of Coquille. Boat Afire This Morning "His character was inflexible; his been shipped sip here it had been put Receiver M. 0. Hawkins stated this integrity unbending. He was modest to the teat and was as successful in re­ M. B. Hendemon, of Eastside, was morning that ho expects to have the The fire alarm at 11:30 this morn­ Senior Class Play Tonight without affectation; ho was energetic covering values as "Doc” and Miss ing called the department to the river arrested by Game Warden Hearing Coquille Lumber Co. mil] running without pretense. He was possessed The cast for the Senior Class piny, Fishback have been in their laboratory near the bridge where one of the yesterday for fUhing without a license next week. The now boilers for the of a most pleasing and agreeable per­ “The Prince of Lians,” to be present­ tests and demonstrations. It has Chas. W. Ashton boats had caught above Allegany. He pleaded guilty in heating plant have been installed and sonality. His was a noble spirit. He ed at the Liberty Theatre this even­ been proven. fire. The blase was extinguished be­ Justice Stanley’s court bere this connected up and they will bo tried was wise, prudent and discreet. He ing, will be found on page three. It will be a wook or two yet before fore the cheuiicars arrival. morning and was fined 335 and costa. out tomorrow. r * MAY BUILD JIG- GÉR BOXES HERE FATELKOILCO. TO MEET WED