Tn COQÜILLB TALUH* ¿íwíwiu COQÜILLB, OKMON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 38, 1331. Saturday Oct. 24 to Oct.|31 PAOBNUfl Opportunity Week 7 Worthwhile Savings for the home, family and person are assembled for Heavy Quality, AU Bilk Flat Crepe Opportunity Week at Unsoeld’s! 89',, Further proof that this Store is always headquarters for New Merchandise of good, serviceable quality—style-right 40 inches wide—in beautiful shades of pink, blue, red, green, brown, eggshell, be sides black and wkite. and priced right! w J - ■ A '9 * 9h‘“r**** <*“0" Stockings, in dark, medium, and light shades. 1 Ee Sisss 6 to 10. ; ' . pair 13 3 RAINCOATS CbiHrea’e Part Wool SteeHaga. Regular 60c values. Sixes 6 to 10. - pair 25 Let it rain—Lot it pour—but bo ready for it Get one of these Smart Raincoats— and eave your clothes—besides saving pos sible doctor’s bilks. And during this Op portunity Week you can eave Money, too,— for Nowhere will you bo able to buy rain clothing of such excellent quality at such unusually low prices. $2.50 Boys and Giris Flannelette Pajamas, good grade flannel. 2 piece suite Misses Rayon Pajama. Sixes 10 to 10. 2 piece suite $3.95 At 82.50 New French Model Leatherette Coats of excellent quality with heavily fleeced back. High tie belt — slash pockete—straps on wrist with nickel trench buckles. Colors black, brown, green, red, blue. Sixes 16 to 44. At 83.95 New leather-like fabric Raincoats —Known as imitation alligator and ele phant hide—also rubberised covert cloths aiwolutely wind and water proof. Belted clash pockets, wrist i ' .. New Women’s Flannelette Gowns good quality flannel, full cut, large and roomy. 69e Ladies’ Rayon 8tripo Union Stets Winter weight, sleoveleaa, Knee length. Sixes 36 to 44. suit 49e Infants All Wool Knitted Sweater Suita contesting of Cap, Sweater and Colors: Red, Tan, Blue. Sixes 1 to 8 years. Children's Flannel Sleepers, one piece garments Sixes 2 to 6 years for 49e 79* Sisea 8 to 14 years Women’s and Children’s GALOSHES $1.59 This seaoon's ___________________________________ moat favorite All Rubber models in Black, Broom and Tan—with 3 or 4 Snap Fasteners—and lined warmly with rubberised Jersey lining—stormproof. Featured in every kind of heel to fit your shoe. Spike—Cuban—Military or Low. Women’s Sixes 3 to 8; Children’s and Miss es Sias. 6 to 10% and 11 to 3. If You are Thinking of a Women’s sad Misses Higb-PeUtes Rubber (¿sloshes same quality as above but of a lower heigh th -only one Snap Fastener. Sixe 3 to 8 at only 81.00 Pair. FALL HATS Are Chic and Flattering You Should See These! Children’s Chinchilla COATS And there are so many new shades to choose from that there isn’t a woman who cannot find one that’s more becoming than any hat she ever wore. For you will like their beautiful new color ings, their attractive blouses and their trim, good-looking skirts. And they are so practical and so very reasonably priced. $3.98 Here is the always popular Children’s Coat of navy blue Chinchilla Cloth appropriate for school—for play—for aH-round service. Sturdy—durable—warm and good-looking. This is an ideal coat for children of every age. Sixes 2 to 10 specially underpriced at 83.38. Sixes 12 and 14 86.85. $6.85 $9.85 Genuine Glove * T Leather Jackets New Silk Scarfs Kid Gloves are Smart Black, Brown, White In the new brown, orange, navy, red combinations, be sides the ever popular black and white. And they are such an essential and almost indispensable dress accessory. Smsrt Gloves for Smart Wom en in the new dressy 3 and 4 button pull-on lengths. Full Pique sewn—smartly trim med — scalloped tops — in black, white and dark brown. All sixes 5% to 8. 98* Af JZ.Jfij $1.50 $12.50 79* What a Value! Just think. A real Glove Leather Swagger-looking Sport Jacket— only 8896 -t»e same quality for which you used to pay 813-00 and up last year. Color, Brown, Tan, Blue, Red. Sixes 14 to 80. Rayon Panties, Bloomers, Step-ins good quality run-stop rayon OQc vJ Women Fine Rayon Hose good-looking, dressy, popular fail shades. Sixes 8% to 10. 49* 3 pre. for Rayon Flat Crepe Slipe Princess fitted styles—pink, peach and white. Sixes 34 to 44. 69* Run-Resist Rayon Dance Sets consisting of panties and brassiere, colors Pink, Peach, Green. per set 59* Boys and Girls Union Suita Warm winter weight Sixes 2 to 12 49* Childi 1’a Knitted Sleeping Garments EAe Sixes 0 to 7. per suit New Wash Frocks little models we've ever shown. 6 years with panties. 14 without panties. 98* Sturdy Play Suits 59* Smart Felts and dressy Velvets in all sixes from 21 to 24. , $8.95 $1.25 81x30 Seamless Sheets. made of strong, sturdy sheeting, bleached, full double bed aixe. 59* 73x84 Cotton Blankets Twilled Weave which insures longer wear. Color, Tan or Gray, with attrac- fl IQ tive colors borders. per pair dl-lv 72x84 Part Wool Double Blankets, extra heavy and extra large. Prett in rose, green, lavender, tan, blue, < gray, yellow. per pair ' Inexpensive Curtain Materials white, cream, ecru, finished attractive lace border. Part Linen Toweling, 17 inches wide, 1 Ac just the right sixe for roller towok. yd. * " Psquot Sheets, sixe 81x90 bleached, an unuusal value $1.95 $2.25 $2.50 Ke at $1.19 40 inch Good Quality Muslin unbleached. Special per yard A One Week’s Sale of Shoes AND The NEW Which SKIRTS Means Substantial Savings! $4.50 tially reduced for thia One Week's Sale. low and military hee l s Practical and Chic in Novelty Tweeds. Heavy Wool Crepes and Wool Flannels. These skirts are welcome additions to any wardrobe. With a smart. Inexpensive little blouse—or gayly colored eweater and swagger leather coat or Velvet Jacket, they combine to make ideal Sport Costumes. Sturdy, all-leather Oxfords with 49* Raffled Cartain Material dainty, colorful. Rose, Green, Gold, 1 *)IZ Blue. ? yard AU SUk Colored Pongee solid colons and printed patterns. yard swagger grain leather brogues—dressy Strip Pumps, Strap Slippers and Ties in patent leather, Kid, Suede, Velvet and Satin— and high class Arch Support Shoes in Kid, Calf or Patent Leather. 73x33 Bleached Cotton Batts, full 2% lb weight. per batt Ladies’ Bolter Quality Wash Frocks guaranteed fast color—regular values up to 81-96. Every pair of chose m our large and well-assorted stock has been substan $2.95 98 Chenille Rugs, aixe 24x48, bright colorful patterns—reversible, each Every pair reduced to one of these low prices: 49* 98 1.36 and 81.49 Qualities Fall Fashioned Silk Hose, in tel tbs new fall shades. < 1 OE All teas. 8% to 10. Majestic Satin, 40 in. wide, in all wanted color shades, regular 59c value. - per yard 39* Children’s Sweaters ' i Heavy Rayon Flat Crepe, 40 in. wide, tub-faat now fall colors per yard Children’s Sturdy, All-Leather Shoes Coat and Pull-Over Stylen Good Quality Outing Flannels. 36 in. wide plain white as well as colored strip* light and dark patterns. 11 yard * Built for Hardest Kind of Wear 59' 98* 81.19 $1.50 Children’s School Oxfords. Brown Glove Grain Leather. Composition Solos. Sixes 5-8; A 8% to 11% - - - -aj - Gay-Colored Good-looking, Serviceable, Gay ______________ ■ . And Sweaters that _______ youngsters liks. mothers like them, too” for they are warm and comfortable and priced exceedingly low. Just think of being able to buy good, serviceable sweaters at 69c. Tree, they are only part wool—but at 98c and up they are All Wool. No wonder thia is the third shipment we have received during the last 2 months, (-hildren'a All Wool Sweater Seta, consisting of extremely good-looking all wool Pull- Over Sweater with Tam to match at only 98* Children’s Oxfords, Shoes. Strap Shppera, Boys’ 3-in High Cut Shoes Table Oilcloth, 48 in. wide, new colorful patterns ss well as plain colons— OEe white, green, rod, blue, and black, yd. 98r$l’* $1- $1^ $2 Pillow Tubing, line quality, no dressing, in 86, 40 and 42 in. widths. OAc per yard W GEO. UNSOELD Little Boys’ AU Wsoi Jersey Suits Sixes 1 to 6 yeses. Colors blue, Al. OA green, tan, brown, red. per suit fLOv Dry Good» and Ladie»' Ready-to-Wear, Women and Children'» Shoe» 444’Fint Str i PHONE 184 69* Coquille, Ore. Beys* Bine Bib Overalls good heavy quality denim, triple stitch«! Sixes 4 to 16. pair EAe 99