4 4 m COQUnXI VALLOY SENTINEL, COQUILLM, OttGON. frMDAY. OCTOBER 23, Itti- BIX 1 BS » TRADE AT HOME YOU CAN GET IT IN COQUILLE TRADE AT HOME \ F 351 First Street Phone 192-R COQUILLE V r. » V 8. ’J,. ‘ < à * •f 1. ’ I PATRONIZE THESE LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS IN COQUILLE. / COOS BAY BOTTLING WORKS • • I ■ ■’ . ’ / • I NORCOTT PHOTO STUDIO < t For that picnic lunch remember The Ideal Bakery. -Ì Bread and pastries from Ideal Bakery are first in quality. I C. L WILLEY Plumber HUB CLOTHING & SHOE CO. You can rely on the Ideal Bakery to bake a special cake for you. Saturday Special! If you need a loaf of bread, The Ideal Bakery is the ideal place to buy it. Coquille Sheet Metal Works I LORENZ One Day Only Oct. 24 Coquille’« ewn «tore ainee 1887 Did you ever consider the convenience of a Bakery in Coquille. If so, insist upon their products and keep it here. » .7” If you want the best. Whole Wheat Bread, trade at the Ideal Bakery. COQUILLE LAUNDRY CO. The Ideal Barkery supplies Coquille with high grade baked goods. We have always found their products satisfactory. GEO. UNSOELD Dry Goode—Ladies’ Boady-to-Wear Of all the things we eat, BREAD is our Best food. Eat more of it and get it at the Ideal Bakery. It’s good. ». Ï 15c Doz SCHROEDERS JEWELRY STORE Regular Price, 20c Doz. NILES MOTOR CO You can make a meal on bread alone if it comes from the Ideal Bakery. FORDO Those cookies the Ideal Bakery “some” cookies. bakes are Ideal Bakery COQUILLE ELECTRIC SLATER’S VARIETY STORE The Ideal Bakery’s Bread and Pastries are second to none. C. A. Langworthy, Prop. Deal with the Ideal Bakery, they “knead the dough.” CITY CLEANERS & TAILORS Where can you find better things to eat than at the Ideal Bakery? HOOTON’S ELECTRIC SHOP Ideal Bakery are makers of good bread and pastries. THRIFT’S GROCERY i The Home of All Gold Canned Goode. We highly recommend Ideal Bakery bread. We know because we are selling it and have many satisfied customers on this Coquille Quality Product. Use it. 1 A. LAMB CO. Hardware Be sure it is made by the Coquille Ideal Bakery before buying. " 1 H. S. Norton Music & Stationery Let’s stay with Ideal Bakery—our bakery. them. > HUDSON’S DRUG STORE Sure, it wiU be delicious if it comes from the Ideal Bakery. GOULD FURNITURE CO You cannot buy better bread than the Ideal Bakery bakes. Coquille Will Prosper! Because — the independent merchants listed on this page are keeping in step with lower prices, better merchandise and better service. CONTINUE TO TRADE IN COQUILLE. FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY Inc. The Ideal Bakery is well named and worthy of your patronage. // WM. A ZOSEL Men’s Wear We all owe it to Coquille to use local Bakery products. E. W. GREGG Builders’ Supplies Go to the Ideal Bakery for fresh bread. I / 4 H. A. NIERGARTH Tailor COQUILLE MACHINE SHOP ■ t can feed you when BUSY CORNER GROCERY If you can buy better bread from outside bakers—do so—but I am telling you here it cannot be done. TRY COQUILLE FIRST Bakery A good bakery is a real asset to any town— we have one here. Insist on the home product. TRADE AT HOME TRY COQUILLE FIRST nr The Ideal hungry.