The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003, October 23, 1931, Page 12, Image 12

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' -.'J.1...... 1.
Mr. and Mrs. T- H. Mehl were Co­
quille visitors for a ooupto of days
this week, coming down from Mabie,
near Eugene, Tuesday, and returning
home yesterday morning. Mm. Mehl
Telling About
People and leaves tomorrow for San Francisco
where she «rill join her sister, Mrs. R.
- Events in the City and
Stanley Dollar, in a round the world
on one of the Dollar President vessels.
Kline Resigns as Councilman
Councilman C. W. Kline presented
his resignation to Mayor iBerg and the
city council at Monday evening’s ses­
sion of that body. In his letter, Mr.
Kline expressed regret that his busi­
ness (he is in the employ of the U. S.
Forest Service) prevents hie taking
the part a councilman should in con­
ducting the city’s business, adding
that he enjoyed the work and hoped
that at some future time he could
serve in the capacity.
Mayor Borg announced that he
would submit a name for confirmation
as a successor to Mr. Kline at the
next council session. The health de­
partment having made complaint to
the city that the present fence does
not keep small stock away from the
city’s water supply at the head of
Rink creek, the matter waa referred
to .the water committee. Sheep have
boon able to get through the fence,
although larger stock could not.
; The light committee reported that
twb now police lights have been in­
stalled, one at the city hall intersec­
tion and the other at the Busy Corner.
City Engineer Stacer reported that
arrangements had been made with
Hal Baxter to remove ths score of
fir trees around the Dutch John dam
where the swimming pool ie to be
located. Roy Neal, who is to do the
work, asked for and received per­
mission to haul them through tovm,
at not more than 2,000 feet to the
load. He posted a bond of 31000 to
insure that any damage done the pav­
ing will be repaired.
The sale of 81,529.98 of Henry
street sewer bonds was authorized
and a call for bids was made.
At the suggestion of James Wat­
son, secretary of the Coos County
Tax Equalization League, the council
agreed to meet Thursday evening to
go over the proposed city budget with
local member« of ths League.
council will meet next Monday even­
ing to hoar objections of taxpayers to
the budget, if there be any, and to
formally adopt after such changes are
Mbs Leona M. Hope, shot in the
face last Saturday night about one
o’clock on the highway alongside the
high school building here, by John
Paul Werner, is recovering at the
Knife Hospital, although she will al­
ways have a bad scar near her mouth,
Deputy Sheriff Pete Culver return­
Judge Norton this week granted a ed last evening from Portland where
Dr. Jas. Richmond says.
The two live at Bandon and had
divorce to Myrl E. Watson, separat­ he took Mm. Annabelle Crumine to
been to Marshfield where Werner
ing her from Albert E. Watson.
A small dose of Puretest Cod Liver Oil taken
appear before the federal grand jury.
plays the trumpet for Gallooway’e
morning and night for a short period acts almost
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hart came in She is the woman who came out from
dance orchestra.
On the way home
as a miracle in improving the general health of
Tuesday evening to spend a week Pennsylvania with Llewellyn Clark
they evidently had a quarrel for Wer­
every member of the family. Start thiB health-
and was living «rith him on Coos
with her sister, Mrs. J. A. Lamb.
ner forced her to leave the car, and
guarding treatment today
River. Mrs. Crumine wee held by the
Australerp Pullets for sale. See 8.
getting out himself, he drew an old-
federal officers as a witness. Clark
B. Leeper, just «rest of Cunningham
fashioned Colt’s .45 revolver.
railroad on Marshfield highway. 41tf is still in jail here.
Miss Hope grasped the gun and
Denton Ellingson, Mark Seeley and
struggled with him, but of the three
Used Cars for Lass st the South­
Herman Ellingeen left Wednesday
shots fired, only one found its mark.
western Motor Co. Used Car Lot. .
morning for San Francisco where
It entered her face just to the right
Dr. J. B. Gillis left Wsdnesday for they were to meet “Bo” Johnson. Den­
and below her mouth, ranged back
Eugene to attend a state medical con­ ton had employment on one of the
and downward around her neck and
vention. He expects to return Mon­ Dollar boats and Mark hoped also to
came out in her right shoulder.
find work. If tjvey are successful they
R. J. Hillstrom, of Marshfield, saW
the car stopped and heard the shots,
For Correct Watch Repairing and expect to bo gone a year.
and stopped his,ear but naturally did
Correct Time go to WILSON. Office «rill drive the car in which they left
not rush to the siene of the struggle
in Rackleff Pharmacy, three doom back from San Francisco.
until he heard a woman’s scream.
east of postoffice.
Mr. and. Mm. Jos. Rum, of Fern­
Then he closed in, grabbed Werner,
The Yeomen are having a Hallow­ dale, Calif., arrived in Coquille Sun­
and sat on him until passing cars
e’en party Wednesday evening, Octo­ day to spend a few days. With his
ber 28. All Yeomen are invited to brother, Wm. Ruas, he is the owner
Sold only at The Rexall Store
tential murderer in to Coquille,
of the Rum estate on both sides of
attend and bring their friends.
where he was placed under arrest by
the river below Coquille, but his visits
Mrs. W. T. Walton, of Portland,
Deputy Pete Culver.
here have been very infrequent. Mr.
Oregon, is visiting with Dr. and Mrs.
Mias Hope was taken to the hos­
and Mrs. Russ, Mr. and Mm. L. P.
C. R. Bloyd, while she has her goiter
pital by another ear. She gives Hill­
Branstetter and Mim Mildred Hill
removed the dregless way.
strom all credit for saving her life,
left yesterday morning for their
for after she and Werner had fallen
Elvene Bennett, son of Mr. and Mm. homes in Humboldt county.
over the bank she waa becoming too
Vernon Bennett, who has been in the
Mr. and Mrs. Paul V. McElwaine
weak to struggle with him any longer.
Mast hospital for M day« suffering
returned Monday evening from their
Werner waived preliminary and
from a broken leg, was brought home
trip to Stockton, Palo Alto and San
grand jury hearing and has expressed
Francisco. Paul, who M an ardent
a wish to be taken before the court
Mrs. J. E. Norton, president of the football fan, says that Oregon State
where he can plead guilty and be sen­ Dr. FitzGerald Paints
The World Moro.
Coquille Woman’s Club, intends leav­ outplayed Stanford for three-fourths
tenced at once.
The charge placed
“The Pilgrim's Progress" has been
Rosy Future for Coquille
ing this evening for Salem to attend of the game, and that It was due to
against him is for assault «rith intent
translated Into Tubetube, ooe of the
a conference of club presidents of poor headwork that the Oregon boys
Papuan tongues, for the ex-head-hunt­
to kill, and it is expected he will
(Continued from first page)
did not win the game in the fimt
ers of Papua, who. In 1001, gained
plead guilty this afternoon.
Mr. and Mm. J. O. Jessup returned quarter. He found business conditions
Miss Hope is a sister of Mrs. Clyde 1 to 1, and worth |10 a ton up, will be notoriety by the murder of a mission­
ary and his party.
Tuesday from Medford, after an ab­ not so bad in the south, but not as
Barrow at Bandon and recently re­ ■ accepted.
Has several places now
sence of several months and he is
turned from Taft, Calif., where she 1 .on which group mining can be done,
again on duty as telegraph operator
had become acquainted with Werner. ' at least three which he will lease.
Allington Glaieyer and Tailant
at the depot here.
He came to Bandon soon after she > Has not time nor money to set indi­
Greenough came in last Friday even­
viduals up in business, but will work
When in need of a good used car, ing with the W. E. Bosserman family
Fred Logan Passes
Mrs. C. A. Machón, who was called
Stated Communication
with associations which «rill put men
call at the Southwestern Motor Co. who were returning from their week’s
And they will benefit a
Used Car Lot—across from the Co­ vacation to the north. The boys are to Portland by the serious rllneee of C. A. Hearing in Eastern Oregon I to work.
Tuesday, Nov. 10
both attending the university at Eu­ her brother, Fred Logan, sent word
quille Hotel.
Game Warden Clint Hearing and I thousandfold.
gene. AHington was quite pleased to Mr. Machón Saturday that he died wife left Sunday for eastern Oregon
Mrs. J. R. Bunch is enjoying a visit with the fact that Prink Callison,
at 1 p. m. that day, in the Veterans' where he «rill assist in game law en­ first beach, but millions of paying
from her parents, Mr. and Mm. K. C. freshman football coach, had definite­
hospital. The funeral was held Mon­ forcement for several days. C. J. black sand in beaches below it, down
Couch, and a nephew, Calvin Robert­ ly placed him in the backfield of the
Mrs. Machón returned from Williams, who has been located at , to the seventh. Probably more gold
son, of Portland. They camo in last rook squad. In other words he bad
Portland Tuesday evening.
Roseburg, came over here Sunday to thrown out in digging basements in
Friday for a two weeks’ visit
“made” the freshman team.
Mr. Logan, who was 45 years of look after things in this section, and Coquille than the houses above them
Paul Brackley, of Myrtle Point,
age, was a veteran of the World ie will “probably also remai n here to cost. He has found sand running as
was arrested by Game Warden Hear­ “Prince of Liars,” October 30 War, having served through five ter­ work with Mr. Hearing when the lat­ high as |2,000 in gold to the ton, but
ing last week for killing a doe. He is
there are fat and lean streaks in black
Following is a synopsis of the three- rible years with an Australian regi­ tes returns
in jail, in lieu of 8500 tail. The date act comedy, “The Prince of Liam,” to ment.
sand, the same as in bacon.
for his trial tae not been set........... be presented at the Liberty Theatre
For two or three years he lived in
He urged that outside capital be
that the following information be
Mr. and Mm. C. K. Norcott returned next Friday evening by a cast of Coquille and conducted Logan’s Cafe published. It is relative to the pos­ welcomed. It is coming whether it
Tuesday evening from a vacation trip seven member» of the C. H. 8. senior where W. H. Fortier’s pool room is session of deer meat after the sea­ knows it yet or not.
now located. He left here six or son closes:
The mill will be operating full ca­
to eastern Oregon on which they left clam:
pacity, day and night, vrithin ten
Oct 10. They visited their son and
Mrs. Hummingtop, while on a vaca­ seven years ago, and has since been
It is unlawful to have within ten
Mr. Norcott enjoyed a little hunting. tion, has left her entire household— married. Besides his widow and her days after the season closes and keep days, and more units will be added as
the need requires. That statement
On page nine of this issue «rill be including her husband—in the hands Mrs. Machón, and two brothers, one in possession any canned meat, hides, seems to indicate that Doc already
found the page advertisement of Geo.
in Melbourne, Australia, and the horns or any part or parts there-of of has contracts signed which insure a
Unsoeld, who is offering real bar­ hands were never idle! Due to their other in England. He waa born in leer without securing tags for same. steady flow of concentrates to the
gains in dry goods and ladies wearing activity and Arthur Hummingtop'» Glasgow, Scotland.
Tags can be had at Lambs hardware plant.
apparel during his Opportunity Week impressionable nature, Arthur finds
and the canned meat stickers from
He has been all over the world
himself playing host to two unattach­
the local warden whose phone number and never before saw anything like
ed women, both of whom he has pass­
« 179-M.
the opportunities there are in south­
For the coming season the music ed off as his niece. One really is but
C. J. Williams, of the state police
western Oregon. The people here are
pupils of Mm. H. H. Coleman are to the other is a slack-rope «talker at game department, had hie Ford coupe
In Circuit Court This Week
be heard over KOOS station, Marsh­ the Aquarium. Mrs. Hummingtop’« badly wrecked by a hit and run driv-
living in the center of the richest 500
field, every Saturday at 1:45 p. m. unexpected return home finds the er at the county lino on the Middle
The first case to come before Judge square miles in the world. Coquille
They have already been broadcasting household and its members in a hub­ Fork, at nine o’clock Tuesday evening, Norton in Circuit court Monday was people can’t realize and don’t believe
for several weeks.
bub and turmoil of misunderstandings.
He and Lana Leneve had been out that of Ethel Jones vs. A. O. Gus- the development is near but it is.
Within SO days people will be com-
Coquille High took its third decisive The unraveling of these complica­ toward Roseburg looking for game ’ tafson. She waa suing for the 1200
defeat yesterday when Myrtle Point tions, the bantering between Arthur law violators, and it was while on the balance due on a promissory note. United States, from all over the
union high school scored three touch­ and his mother-in-law furnishes an way home that they were struck by a She was awarded a judgment of $266 (¿United States, from all over the
downs at the fair grounds. Coquille evening of amusement and fast-mov­ Buick driver who was hogging the which included principal, interest, at­ world, and this will be the most
talked of spot in the nrorld.
only threatened once, but was unable ing comedy.
road on a curve. The Buick struck torney’s fees and costa.
Whsther Dr. FitaGerald’s predic­
A verdict for the defendant was
The admission will be 50 cents for the rear wheel of the Ford, turning
to get the tall over.
adults, 35 cents for students, and 15 it around and then plunging it over rendered in the case of Chas. Sydnam tions are too rosy, time alone will
Dr. J. E. Richmond, orthodontist
cents for children under 12. No re­ the bank where it rolled over a couple m. Sam Shumate. It was a case ap­ tell, but that he believes in "his pro­
specialist in the straightening of
served seats.
of times before stopping with its pealed from justice court and was cess for recovering mineral from
teeth, is making regular monthly trips
for wages claimed to be due for labor. black sand is certain. All of Coquille,
Following is the east:
wheels in the air.
to Coquille and will be in Dr. Riot­
The case of Smith vs. the City of the Coquille valley, Coos county and
Mrs. Hummington Frances Eggleston
man’s office, Monday, November 2,
was started Wednesday and southwest Oregon are hoping that he
Mr. Hummingtop
Ray Hickam and received a bad bump on the nose,
Examination and consultation free.
Mis. Gillibrand
Melba McCoy while Lans was cut above the left jo expected to be finished today. It is right
Mm. Inez Fowler, who has con­ Rosa Colombier Lyndell Southstone eye and bruised. Both men were laid was a suit for damages as the result
Call Farr * Elwood for transfer
ducted a rooming house in Coquille Barbara
of injuries claimed to have been re­
... Vada 8«rinney up for a couple of days.
for several yearn, left Wednesday for Ralph Orme rod
Don Farr
No trace of the Buick driver has
Portland where she was to enter a Joshua Gillibrand
- Milton Ashton been found.
hospital. She expected to be gone a Dobson
Avery Combs
Choral Club to Give Cantata
Daisy Maitland * Barbara Unsoeld
Catherine Pook Married
The Choral Club which met last
Mr. an Mrs. Amzie Min tony e, of
Announcement was received in Co- Thursday evening and enjoyed a good
Fred Wimer Married
Myrtle Point, were made happy Mon­
quille this week, of the marriage of a practice, is planning on giving a can­
Fred Wimef surprised his many Coquille high school graduate of four tata, “The Rose Maiden,” in the near
day by the arrival of a 7M pound boy
at their home. Both parents were friends in Coquille this week by an­ years ago, Miss Catherine Pook, who future. All singers are welcome to
formerly Coquille resident», the moth­ nouncing that he waa married in Gold was united in marriage, March 1, to attend the rehearsals of the club which
Whether you’re tasting the thrill of new love—or lingering ever
er having been Doris Tyrrell before Beach on Tuesday, Oct. IS. His bride D. H. Devoto, of San Francisco. Her «rill meet the next two Thursdays,
memories of the eM—you’ll feel the throb of real romance in
was Miss Lila Leo, of Eugene, where parents knew of the wedding, but un­ Oct. 29 and Nov. 5, in the Pioneer
her marriage.
Fred spent several months as repre­ til she finished her course in nurse’s Hall, at 7:30 p. m. More than wel­
Eddie Dowling in a romance that keeps you laughing—
The Rowena Circle met at the homo sentative of the New York Life In­ training she did not want the fact come, they are urged to attend.
with tears in your eyes.
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes Wed­ surance Co. He in now located at made public. The young people have
Ths evening was enjoyed Marshfield, with the company, and it decided to go to housekeeping at once,
Calling carda 100 for IlfiO.
with speeches and games. A delicious is there the happy couple will make and there was no further need of
William Powell in
supper wss served later. They will their home.
keeping the matter secret. Mr. De­
meet -at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. Wimer ie the son of Mr. and voto ie in the employ of the Standard
Women Love Him and Lose. He Scorns Love—and Wins
Rawlin Bishop in two weeks.
Mrs. E. A. Wimer, of this city. After Oil Co. at San Francisco.
Rev. Raub G. Sumerlin, who is in hie graduation from Oregon .State
. will ope« a
Joan Crawford brings you her most exciting picture
Music Club, Oct. 27
the Knife Hospital receiving treat­
ment, enjoyed a visit this week from to business here, and until a year ago
The next meeting of the music
A daughter of Today—with a mother of Today 1
his daughter and her husband, Mr. was one of Coquille’s prominent study department of the Coquille
Then the whisper of scandal crashed through
and Mrs. Jas. Keeney. Mr. Keeney is young business men. His bride io a Woman’s club will be held with Mrs.
both their lives and lovso.
• member of the champion San Fran­ charming lady whom his friends are C. A. Rietman 390 E. Second street
in vacant room of I.O.O.F. Bldg.
cordially welcoming, and congratula­ Tuesday, Sept. 27, at 2 p. m.
cisco club of the Coast League.
Keaton in his funniest film
tions are being extended them on ev­
Mrs. Leland Peart wifi fa* the
Mr. and Mm. Alton Grimes return- , ery side.
ed home Monday evening from their
The picture that has everything! More melodrama than a gang pic­
Between 2 and 4 p. m. ea open­
Oregon, Pipe Organ and Piano.”
soventeen-day trip to San Francisco,
ture—More heart interest than a romance—More alapstick than a
ing day, will give sample pop
Los Angeles, Long Beach and other
—More kid »tuff than ‘Tom Sawyer”—More laughs than a bar­
corn bags to children under 12
very largely attended, and a fine pro-
points in southern California.
They (
rel of monkeys!
enjoyed greatly the trip as well as the ,
Tuesday afternoon promisee to be
Come hi and see Can poppad
Adulta 35c
Children 10c
sights and attractions of the Pacific (
equally as good.
in a different way, with non-
coast metropolis.
Censing Soo«: ’FIVE STAR FINAL" and The Flaming Garbo in
soning popped in the corn.
A cordial invitation is extended to
Inoue your ear wM Ned C. KeBey I
the public.
aR egular Member of
Your Family
Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc
Chadwick Lodge No. 68
A. F. A A. M.
Hiland Theatre!
B. A. Wood
Saturday, Oct. 24