OUT-OF-DOORS STU FT coquille folks By Lana Leneve Just returned from a two we trip up to the old h to the fact that I to interview any sp AT news on game affairs lished in this issue of will try and entertain harmacy description of our trip. Leaving here early Sun ing, we were at the ranger eight o’clock. Two mules secured for the trip; one for my to ride and one to pack our grub blankets on. I have never had much experience with mules, but I am here ^«ther buy« his cigars here and knows that he gets just to state right now, that the man who what he bargains for—a good smoke at the right price. KBCKICIi S I D&riD&Cy first uttered that now familiar ex­ V » — >___ _____________ : m« . * " ____ .__■ ’ We L know how A to care for cigars—you ... ’ll find your favorite Filson and Black Bear Rain Clothes pression, “As stubborn as a mule,** 434 W. First St. brand, here. sure knew his onions. Bone Dry and Friedman Shelby Shoes After vainly seeking to kick the Goodrich Rubber Foot Wear , packer’s head off a few times, the of the way up the mountain and if peck animal was finally caught and ever anyone was all in, they were. the pack saddle placed upon him. My dad met rte a considerable waya • 1 ; •• . . * • *-■ Then he tried to buck it off and final­ up the mountain which saved me a ly quieted down and the pack Was se­ long hard grind. On the return trip curely fastened on. I passed the three, strung out sever­ My dad, in order to eave us a whole al hundred yards apart. I was try­ day and a three-way trip, insisted on ing to make the homestead so as to walking to the foot of the big moun­ get straightened around before dark MEN’S WEAR tain, within two miles of the home­ and had decided that it was every Just as well have the best. stead. Here he intended waiting man for himself, but the dejected, while I brought the animals back to tired, sweating fat man in the party, him and he would relay them on back touched my heart strings to such an to the station. extent that I shouldered his pack and We had made about a mile of the carried it to the top of the mountain trail when the pack mule gave a vio­ for him. To say that he wm grateful lent heave on the rope, pulling it is putting it mildly. from my wife’s hand. Turning tail he We got well established at the struck out for home. By taking a cabin the first evening and so the short cut, my dad after a mad dash, following morning I sot off early in headed him off and led him back. But search of a buck. The woods were upon nearing the other mule he again full of huntem. I encountered them A blacksmith shop has been added to the Coquille went into action and tote the rope in spots where I had never before * from my dad’s hands and again went seen a hunter’s track in my many .... Machine Shop equipment and those needing that tearing down the trail. We all gave hunt. Lifting my eyes to a little! injury and soft rot, and free from years of hunting that country. Deer kind of work will find Fred Schaer in charge of pursuit. The lead rope was bother­ were scarce.. 1 saw many does and knoll about seventy yards from me J damage by any other source. The the department. ing, as the mule kept stepping upon fawns but not half a many as in past I saw a sight that brought me to a'minimum diameter for potatoes In it and retarded his progress somewhat. seasons. I was some two miles from dead holt and brought my rifle flying _ this grade la one and three-fourths Let us figure with you on your requirements. Finally we pressed him pretty close camp when it began to pour down to my shoulder. Standing upon the* inch for the long varieties and one and he loft the trail and took for ram. I wm soon soaked to the akin knoll, with the brush just one leap and seven-eights inches for the round the woods. For a solid hour we and about half froaen^in the high air, away was a big throe pointer. The variety. chased him, when he suddenly broke so finally decided to return to camp. sun was striking full upon him and The U. 8. No. 2 includes potatoes PHONB M-J OOQUILLB back into the trail and started home­ There was a good-si zed opening in the glistening upon his antlers. It was of similar varietal characteristics free ward, bucking at every jump. Our green timber I decided to look over only the matter of a couple of seconds from soft rot and serious damage grub and blankets were strewn for on the return trip. until the gold bead was resting upon from other causes. The diameter of I.”1!1! yards and yards by the time that 1 slipped carefully into it and was the point of his sholder and I had potatoes in this grade shall not be Waahiagtaa at Hom. “critter” made it home, Wo finally rewarded by the sight of three pressed the trigger. One leap and less than one and one-half inches. Million f.r Relief Werk Thirty Windsor chairs were provid­ got our stuff together, packed the Up to the entrance of the United In order to allow for variation in­ butlw sneaking along ahead of me. he was out of sight. States Into the World war, the com- ed for the porch at Mount Vernon riding mule and secured a horse for There was no need to look for cident to proper grading and hand­ The finst one I sighted wm a spike, during Washington ’ s lifetime. Here mission for relief In Belglui ■pant the riding .animal. Three hunters ling, an allowance is made in both about S260.000.000 In relief work in the great ssaa often received his showed up who were heading into the next a forked horn and the next blood or tracks. Twenty yards down —what a buck he wm ! He looked as the slope a little chipmunk was scold­ the No. 1 and No. 2 grades for not friends. Belgium and northern France our country. They decided to pack­ larged as a cow to me aa I swung the ing and making my way there, I more than 6 per cent being below the sack it in. I know what it means to gun to my shoulder and lined the found the big buck piled up beneath prescribed size and not more than « packsack it up that big mountain at Salt la History sights up on him. At the crack of the snag that the chipmunk was per cent below the remaining require­ the end of the trait and wondered the gun he leaped high in the air, perched on. Salt played an Importaut part li ments of the grade. how they would make it I learned clinched his tail and plunged into a the development of civilisation and It is believed that under present I spent several hour« taking just there are Instances of dominant and later, when I returned the horse and ttteket of aalal m high aa my head. half of the buck to camp. The next conditions No. 2 potatoes can be fed ___ conquered races distinguiate«! by their mule to my dad, how they were mak­ 1 wm evrMdent that I had shot him morning I returned and brought in to livestock to better advantage than use and non-nse of salt. ing it I met them about two-thirds squarely through the heart and fig­ the balance. It is one hunt that will they can be sold on the market where uring this was as good a time m any live long in my memory. The big­ they will compete and pull down the According to in­ to get the limit, I took my eyes from gest part of it seems more like a price of No. l’s. the plunging big buck, in order to nightmare, with tough luck just formation furnished by various ex­ draw down on the forked horn. But waiting ’round each bend of the trail, periment stations, No. 2 and cull po­ with one leap the forked horn was but still it is a lot of satisfaction to tatoes are worth 22c per hundred out of sight I made my way across know whet I made it home without be­ when fed for fattening cattle, 18c per hundred for sheep and 12c per the draw. The rain wm pouring ing “skunked.** hundred for hogs. down and when I reached the place where the big buck had been hit, I Potato Expert Gives could find no sign of Hood. I knew Grading Demonstrations Modern Life Tends to about the spot he had entered the sal- al so I plunged into it. I spent six As a part of a program to increase Put Ban on Prolixity hours circling and hunting out that the amount of home grown vegetables Long visits aalal patch, feeling confident my used in the county, four potato field long exhortations buck was there but finally had to meetings have just been conducted in dom profit those who hi at which a genuine brand new give it up. Almost frozen, I returned different coommunities. Potatoes them. Life la short Time . are precious Learn to the cabin. I wm sure feeling have been carefully graded for mar­ abridge and Intensify. Wo can mighty blue. It always hurts a ket in the major potato producing near things that are dull If they are hunter to shoot and wound a deer and sections of the state for a number of only short. We csn bear many an lose it. But I am still confident that year» and although the state law re­ ache or 111 If It Is soon over; while that buck was killed dead. I intend­ quires that potatoes sold or shipped eveo pleasure grows Insipid, and pain ed to return early the following morn­ in the state must be graded and the Intolerable, If they are protracted be­ ing and look for him, but that evening containers labelled according to the yond the limits of reason snd conveni­ I hogan choking up and by midnight grade, many of the potatoes sold in ence Learn to be short. Ix>p off it looked like I was billed for a case the smaller producing areas have been branches; stick to the main facts In the case. If you pray, ask for what of pneumonia. Bo the pleasureable sold ungraded. you believe you will receive and get hunt that I had anticipated panned It was pointed out by Mr. Close to through; If you epeak, tell your moo­ out to be one of the worst cssm of the producers at these meetings that sage and hold your peace; If you writs sickneM I have every encountered. the United States grades for potatoes boll down two sentences Into one, and Finally with only two days to go and have been adopted by Oregon and are three words Into two. Always avoid A lengthtnoos Learn to bo short in spite of the protests of my wife therefore also Oregon grades. I dragged mywelf from the cabin and potato sack or other container prop­ George Cowan. (Slightly more on time payments) set out with the determination of erly labelled for market should in­ bagging a buck or dying in the at­ clude the name of the state, the grade tempt. It wm rather discouraging of the potato, and the name and ad­ hunting. The cough I had was sure a dress of the producer. There are four grades for potatoes: handicap. Each time I would come Now you can get a genuine new EASY Washer to a favorite little opening whore I The U. 8. Fancy, U. 8. No. 1, U. 8. —a better washer—at a remarkable new low The bulk of the felt certain of sighting a buck, I No. 2, and Culls. would start coughing. J wm forced potatoes sold in Oregon meet the re­ price that saves you $30 and more. This washer to rest many times on account of my quirements of the No. 1 grade which is not an old model cheapened to meet a price. weakened condition and so, therefore, included about 70 per cent of the 1990 It is new throughout. Built to strictest stand­ I wm hunting under about the worst crop. The fancy grade is designed to provide s premium grade, and in­ conditions possible. ards of quality and workmanship. * I finally struck a long opening and cludes potatoes of the same variety glancing over it I saw at the farthest having a minimum diameter of two Como and see the construction features that end, some five hundred yards distant, inches, being mature, bright-skinned make this new Easy the greatest washer value two big bucks making their way and free from any mechanical, insect toward a fir thicket. I just had time or disease injury. on the market today. Standard General Elec­ The U. 8. No. 1 incudes potatoes of for one hasty shot before they bound­ tric Motor. Big agitator. Beautiful French ed into it Some more tough luck. similar varietal characteristics not Grey porcelain enameled tub. New improved I decided to make my way up to badly misshapen, free from freezing1 ! where I had shot at them, thinking wringer with balloon-type rolls and many other ! perhaps there was a chance that I outstanding advantages. had hit the one I fired at I always make it a point to look You’ll be amazed that this wonderful new for blood after firing at a doer, for many times they are hit and do not EASY Washer can be sold at a price so low. Mad« by F. E. Old» & Son show indications of having been Ask about our easy payment plan. Thia instrument is beautifully finished and in excellent fsURiss, struck. and cost over |1M with ease. I made the fir thicket whore the big fellow I had fired at, had disap­ peared and searched carefully along his tracks for signs of blood. But there were none.. I was warmed up and coughing loud enough to frighten every deer out of the Country and m I emerged from the thicket I was “thinking out loud” just what sort Rail) RAOLEFFra P asa ^ mxv Wm. A. ZOSEL BLACKSMITH SHOP ADDED COQUILLE MACHINE SHOP LOWEST PRICE EA5 Y WASHER has ever been offered., $7950 7 TROMBONE FOR SALE Only $130 Mountain States Power Company ef aa idiot I had boon for trying to