/ PAGI TBJt rai coquiixi yallbt sbntinbl , coquilli or S g O m . frRiDAf, óc T obbr n. imi . t-, ■1 .■■■L. L11-1"1?.1-------- 1------1------------------------ ee= L -LJJLJ----------------- "t ■ 1----------- "L-.. ■ ,■ '■.■Lg.ìWUg't. EE GAS DEMONSTRATED KITCHEN! IN YOUR A- 4 ’ I • • ■» . r , '* . i • . « •*« . . ' ?l'J' * ' • i « , “* 1 ■ o’ ■' T i NO OBLIGATION TO BUY . 9 Let Us Show You Why 50,000,000 People Choose Gas. . .The Quickest, Hottest Easiest Fuel to Use! Try fast gas cooking your own way — in your own kitchen! Without any obligation on your part to buy, Natural Gas Corporation of Oregon will install any new gas range you select, for a convincing trial. See for yourself why 4 out of 5 city families throughout the United States cook with gas. See how a gas range can save one-third of your time in the kitchen. See how easy it is to use. See how easy it is to buy—no cash down payment—convenient credit terms. Phone for your own private gas demonstration now! Baking Heat in IO Minutes— Your Gas Range Saves Heat—Saves Fuel! Broiling Heat in 5 Minutes— With a new closed-top gas range, one small gas flame TRY THE FASTEST KIND OF COOKING IN YOUR KITCHEN I will keep 3 or 4 pots simmering at once. An insulated gat oven keeps all your cooking heat right on your food —and saves more fuel. HEAT WATER IN IS MINUTES INSTEAD OF AN HOUR—WITH GAS I Why wait and shiver this winter for piping hot baths? Gas heaters give you oceans of hot water four timet fatter than any others! If you prefer an instantaneous Strike ■ match or touch your automatic gas range lighter for the quickest cooking heat there is! heater, you may have steaming baths, steaming dish water—at the turn of a faucet any time. That’s the first thing you’ll notice—your gas flame And remember, the more gas you use, the lower your gas rate becomes! is hot almost instantly. So be ready to cook when you light your range. Your actual cooking starts quicker— ends quicker — and you’re out of the kitchen sooner than ever before. Turn off your gaa the second you’re through and there’s not a bit of fuel wasted—ever. Hotter Fuel — Battar Food LET US INSTALL A GAS RANGE ON TRIAL in 5 minutes that it sears all the savory juice into your steak — saves it for your dinner. Cakes and Luscious Pies ranges or water heaters that actually cost less than many other similar appliances. See our new gas ranges —pick out any one you like. We will install it immedi And you don’t tie up money in a fuel supply. You buy no gas in advance —you simply pay for the fuel ately and pipe gas right into your you’ve used — when you’ve used it! kitchen. Then try gaa cooking for a few ■ days without any obligation to buy. On your decision to keep your gas stove — Actually Bake Themselves I you pay the regular charge for gas con Slip your favorite cake into a gas oven—set the oven nection and installation. Otherwise, you simply pay for the gas you have used heat regulator—and your fanciest baking is done! Your gas range maintains just the proper heat as long as you want it—no more “pot-watching”. Your present stove will take care of your down payment on a new gas range—the fastest cook there is! You may take from 10 to 30 months to complete payment on gas Select Any Ono You Want Todayl Try broiling a juicy steak — something that’s rather hard to do successfully with other fuels, all of which are slower than gas. Your natural gas flame is so hot YOUR OLD STOVE IS YOUR DOWN PAYMENT— YOU ONLY PAY FOR GAS YOU ACTUALLY USE! during your gas range demonstration. NATURAL GAS CORPORATION OF OREGON Controlled and Managod by STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA 50 MILLION GAS USERS CANT BE WRONG “ cook Neuler with gas