FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1«, IMI. OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF By Lana Lenovo Hunters and fishermen travel hundreds of miles to pursue their favorite past-times when game and fish are really abundant, in what may be termed “in their own backyards.” The Rogue river is renown aH over the United States for it’s wonderful fishing. How many realise the fact that our own Coquille river, flowing right past our very doors furnishes oven better fishing than the famous Rogue? Both silveside and Chinook salmon abound in the Coquille. If it was fished half as much as the Rogue, far bettor catches would be made. Our little city and Bandon-by- the- sea, should bo cashing in to-day, on the Coquille river. Why don’t the commercial clubs, Lion’s Club and others orgainzationo get busy and got as least a part of the tourist trade that is going to Gold Beach? It la a simple matter. Some good ad vertising would turn the trick. Wo have a real asset right at our door and are over-looking a real bet. Some thing should be done. At Norway Sunday, one boat caught more sal mon than was taken by any one boat of fishermen on the Rogue. On the lower river every fisherman had fine luck trolling. We don’t need Zane COQUILLE FOLKS TFTgÒÌNG AND YOU CAN _ he ’ ll . be in the PRACTICE KKMIN<r WB CxOTTA fcO VARO RAttLEFFra P harmacy ^ FOR A "FIRST AID KIT*— OH.*!SU You ’t kick our service, price, or the the fresh won goods we at furnish you. You ’ll find the quality joy of of better living in the personal and family necessities we sell. Grey to write up our river. Let’s get busy and put out the facta of the fishing to the public at large. What a big thing it would mean to this community! Hundreds of tourists stopping at our hotels; buying mer chandise from our stores and fishing tackle of all descriptions. Coquille is centrally located. The river furnishes salmon trolling, bait casting for sal mon trout and cat fish fishing. We GIVES you MORE FOR YOUR MONEY! MORE HEAT — For example, GAS gives you almost 3 times more broiling heat than other fuels. You can keep your ventilated gas broiler closed to save heat—and it’s insulated to hold heat right on your food. Use GAS—4 out of 5 city fatnil iei cannot be wrong! MORE SPEED Boiling water in 5 minutes instead of 15—gas gets your dinner in less time than any other fuel. Be ready to cook the minute you light your range—gas often makes cooking a matter of minutes instead of hours. Use it—4 out of 5 city families cannot be wrong! MORE SATISFACTION 'y Easier cooking for your money! Gas ranges are so fast—so well insulated they never burn you up or tire you out. Turn your gas flame up or down—- you can regulate your heat more easily than with any other stove — and your gas oven control maintains constant heat as long as you want it. Try easy gas cooking — 4 out of 5 city families cannot be wrong 1 » MORE ECONOMY Light your gas when you want it—turn it off the minute you’re through—and you cannot waste a bit of fuel. You only pay for the gas you use — no money is tied-up in a fuel supply. Try it—4 out of 5 city families cannot be wrong! NO CASH DOWN Your old stove makes the down pay ment on a new gas range! You may take from 10 to 30 months to complete easy payments. And the fastest stove made — your gas range — actually costs less than many similar appliances. TRY A NEW GAS RANGE ON APPROVAL (No Obligation to Buy) 50 MILLION GAS USERS CANT BE WRONG A WITH CAS NATURAL GAS CORPORATION OF OREGON Controlled and Managed by STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA really have a real Eldorado; a real miee and put a stop to the noise. mecca for sportsmen. Why remain The next morning at dawn I made my asleep. Let’s wake up and get busy. way back to my base camp, the doc You enterprising citizens who read treeing two bobcats an the way. So thki get your “thinking caps” on and naturally, every time I hear the name let’s go! of Doe Swamp mentioned, ft brings It is a matter of fact that tourists, back a flood of memories. fishermen, hunters and pleasure seekers patronize about every known North Bend Won. 21-0 industry, or rather, every known business. Hotels, eating bouses, sport For the second time this season ing goods stores, drug stores and the Coquille high football team went practically very known trade reaps a down to defeat before a heavier and profit from ths above named per more experienced team. North Bend sons. It is indeed a crying shame turned the trick this time, 21 to 0, that something cannot be done to at Athletic Park, last Saturday. bring this trade to our city. Let’s At the start of the fray Coquille get busy. took the offensive to gain steadily Wild geese are already migrating against their brown jensoyed foe. to the south. That means that the Peart and Perrott alternated in run big freeze up has started or is in ning the ends snd tackles, and smash the offing up North. The poor birds, ing the Hne to steadily puah toward both ducks and geese have suffered the oeoring goal. Then when things heavy loases in their ranks this year, seemed well on their way, Williams, owing to the extreme dry weather, star Coquille ball carrier was rushed all over their breeding grounds. Dif into the battle, expected to finish the ferent spots in Canada and Alaska, job. But with his coming the local in where geese usually hatch by the terference seemed to ease up and thousands are extremely devoid of North Bend held for downs. any sign of bird life. Just before the quarter ended, a bay I certainly appreciate the little player blocked one of Perrott’s punts, comments I have revolved concern the visitors recovering on the Coquille ing my column the past month. I am twenty yard line. This gave them the always glad to know when some read wanted break and they put the ball er of the Sentinel is interested in my over just after the commencement of articles. To know that your efforts the second period. along the writing line have been re Coquille had been denied a searing garded favorably, by a few readers, opportunity, and now her green team, helps a lot. began to faltei*. Soon a bad pass from A lot of people have asked me to center went over Parrott's head, roll- write up certain subjects that hap xl over the goal line and North Bend pen to be their pet hobby. I want the added a safety to their total making readers of this column to understand the score, 9 to 0. Then a little later on that it is open at all times to ideas a fourth down, a Coquille back allow of the public at large, especially ed a North Bend pass receiver to slip sportsmen and I will be glad to pub behind him and receive the ball for lish any views regarding wild life another touchdown. This ended the conditions that is written in to me. fimt half scoring at 1<J, to 0. Thousands of ducks are flying Coquille received to start the second southward ocer the ocean. Few people half. Perrott took the ball and raced are aware of the fact that thousands thirty ya is in a beautiful show of of migrating ducks are killed each broken field running to midfield. This season by the refuse oil, poured from was only a flash for soon North Bend big liners, upon the ocean. It clings was again tearing off huge gains to their wing feathers and they are which terminated in another score. unable to fly and drift helplessly Just before the end of the game the about until death overtakes them. Coquille team unleashed a rapid fire The author of this column has been aerial attack which was successful highly honored; at least he feels so, four time out of five and which gave by the request from the secretary oi good yardage on each success. Had the The Western Game Association ask attack started sooner the Red Devils ing for a photo of the editor of “Out- might have broken into the score of-Doors-Stuff.” The secretary's re column. quest stated that he wished to have the photo for his den. He has been “Caught Plastered” at Liberty collecting pictures of different writ- It’s a Bert Wheeler and Robert era for several magazines for a num- be of years and naturally I feel high WooMey comedy, this Radio Pictures ly elated that he includes mine in the "Caught Plastered," which opens at group. the Liberty theatre Saturday. Dozens and dozens of does are be That is ”’nuf said.” ing seen thia season by hunters, but However, for the benefit of thos> bucks are proving very soarce. To who haven't seen these incorrigibls date, I believe that less deer have ' laugh kings, the picture not only is been killed locally, than in any past funny, but it is funny in an alto- season for many yearn. gether refreshing way. Ranger Johnson from the fire pat It combines new laughs and dra rol station at Doe Swamp in the Eden matic tensity. In between these two Ridge country brought in a coyote extremes are little giggles, big smiles hide for bounty last week. Doe and heart aches. Swamp recalls to mind a trip I made There is even some slapstick, and in that district several years ago. plenty of giddy patter. At ten o’clock one March morning, Opposite Wheeler is Dorothy Lee, my dog struck a cougar track and a combination fittingly called the “cold trailed” for several-hours. The "Romeo and Juliet of the Comedy sky was overcast during the chase World.” Wheeler’s whimsical love and finally began snowing. Deep making and Dorothy's charm ere very down in a canyon, the dog finally had much in evidence all through the pic to abandon the track and I made my' ture. way to the top of the ridge. There Action plunges into an absorbing another track was struck and almost until dark dark I stayed within sound story, strange as that may aeem in of the dog’s voice, when again he was connection with a comedy. forced to quit on account of the snow. There I was with the only land mark a high ridge to the Southwards. I knew that Doe Swamp was witin a few miles and in the gathering gloom made my way in that direction, until I struck the telephone line that All over the world Knischen Salta ran to Doe Swamp station. Just at 1« appealing to girls and women who dark I arrived.- Half starved snd strive for an attractive, free from fat figure that cannot fail to win ad chilled to the bone I arrived at Doe miration. Swamp. Soon the dog and I wore Here’s the recipe that banishes fat warming by a cheerful fire while I and brings into blossom all the Mt* '< ura) attractiveness that every woman foraged about in search of food. and after a It was soon located Every morning take one half tea hearty meal 1 turned in. I was awak spoon of Kruschen Salta in a glass of ened by mice squeaking and running hot water before breakfast. Be sure and do this every morning back and forth across the floor and for "It’s ths little daily dose that bed. There could be no sleep. I arose takes off the fat” and brines “that and whittled out a set of figure fours. Kruachen feeling” or energetic health and activity that is reflected in bright An old apple box was loaded with eves, clear, Ain, cheerful vivacity and stove wood and a piece of bacon charming figure. stuck on for bait. It wasn’t ten min- Get an 85c bottle of Kruochen Salta utas until the box fell with a crash at Fubrman’a Pharmacy, Inc., or any store (lasts 4 weeks)—you must and I took out the first smashed drug be satisfied with results or money mouse. By 11:30 I tad caught eleven back. Fat Giris! Here’s A Tip For You Select any new gas range from our line — we will install it immediately and pipe gas right into your kitchen. Then try gas cooking for a few days ivith- out any obligation to buy. On your decision to keep your gas stove — you pay the regular charge for gas connection and installation. Otherwise, you simply pay for the gas you have used during your gas range demonstration. “COOK Pkom,«» KaC” . 434 W. First St. Coquille Oregoa