The Coquille THE PAPER THAT’S LI Will Talk on Black Sand Sentinel br*g*s Historical Society A. LETTER FROM HOME TÄLKSTWICEONTAXMATTERS X Auditorium Wonderfully Improved Theatre Everyone who haa attended a per­ formance at the Liberty Theatre the past week has teen greatly impres­ sed with the efforts Mr. Combs Evary Day Adds to List of has made to provide for the comfort Of Coquille Fire Department and pleasure of his patrons. The Lib­ New Comers Interested Held Lwt Friday—New erty now resemble* the high class • In Black Sand Members Initiated -’~4 picture houses in the cities. No effort nor expense has been Black sand mining is daily becom­ There went about 25 members of spared in improving the acoustic prop­ ing the main subject of conversation erties. Besides the upholstered seat), the fire department, city councilman, in Coquille. Aa one after another the which help to break up the reverbera­ and officers and other guests present _ In his talk to the school The circuit court room in the court tion, Mr. Combs spent *350 in put­ for the firemen’s annual banquet in statements asade by Dr. Roy Fita- Tuesday, Cha*. V. Galloway, e house was full Monday evening by ting soft materials at the the back of the banquet room of the Coquille geraid, when he first arrived in Co­ members of the Coo* County Tax the room, which would absorb in­ Hotel last Friday night, and a very man of the state tax comm quille, ar* borne out by facts and the expressed himself as favoring ualization League and others in­ stead of throw back the sound waves. pleasant evening and a splendid din­ fulfillment of promises, a certainty county unit method of handling terested in hearing what Chas. V. that southwestern Oregon is going to The new talking machine equip­ ner were greatly enjoyed. Galloway, chairman, of the 8tate Tax ment installed by the new proprietor, . One of thè evening’s features was schools. His contention was that experience, in some measure, the gold valuation base should be much mmiasion, had to say. rushes of other districts, T* held by is giving complete satisfaction. It the initiation given the two newest than it i* now, which by making The meeting, followed a dinner at is a Universal High Power Telephone firemen, Adrian Campbell, and nearly every one. county the unit instead of the 66 or the hotel where the directora of the piece of equipment and is a* clear “Shorty” Welch, who proved their The plant which Doc Fitzgerald small districts, would do. Then if League, newspaper men and county and distinct a* any talkie on the worthiness to enter the ranks of Co­ and Mias Fiahback promised would large corporation in the district fail­ officer* had dinner with Mr. Gallo­ market. be up inside of a month and ready quille's fire fighters. ed to pay its taxes the district would way and Leslie Scott, president of for business is nearly completed. The A. B. McLeod acted as toastmaster Mr. Combs ask* the Sentinel to con ­ Says Report Was Erroneous not be so fatally crippled in its the State Tax League, and a son of vey hi* thank* publicly for the letter for the occasion and the responses machinery for grinding the sand and Commissioner John D. Carl told ances as is the case in the the Oregonian founder, Harvey Scott. of congratulations and best wishes varied from serious talks, in praise of extracting to gold, platinum and oth­ C. C. Farr, president of the Coos sent him by the Coquille Chamber |the department, to humorous refer- er precious minerals, is being install­ the Sentinel yesterday that the report district new. He also favors the income tax, county league, before introducing of Commerce, and for the beautiful encee to Ray Jeub and Bill Zosel. ed, and will be ready for operation here last Thursday that the county court had included the Sumner-Brew­ daring that there is no e speakers, stated that the 859 basket* of flower* presented on open­ in two week*. Chief Chas. Gardner explained what embership of the league represented ing night )>y the CoqujRe Flower he is doing in attempting to get a . When that is finished and it is ster Valley and East-of-the-bay routes about property tax. In answer to a question aa to a voting strength of approximately Lovers' Club, the Christian church» rural fire department organized, one demonstrated that Doc’s process will in the list of secondary roads which do in a commercial way what it has the State Highway Commission was whether it would be beat for all ru­ 1000. Mrs. Ida K. Owen, of Bergen’s Flow­ which will answer ail calkr from the Among the accomplishments of the er Shop, and Mrs. Mary Gage and county farm on ths north to Johnson done in laboratory testa, the last pos­ to be asked to take over, was errone­ ral school board* to make a straight sible doubt by anyone will vanish in ous and that to hie knowledge those horizontal cut of 10 per cent in sala­ league, with the co-Operation of the daughters. Mill and Riverton on the south and routes had not been, discussed, nor ries, he replied in the negative. county court, he mentioned the thin air. Mr. and Mrs. Combs express them­ west, and to Beaver Hill Junction on Teachers should be paid according duetion of expense* in the county selves as well pleased with the way the other highway. The ranches have Mora and more men are coming to was there any present intention to and service, ML road department - • and - • the county - Coquille. Not only the man who is ask the state to include them in it's to their the public haa responded to their ef­ very generally expressed a desire to seeking a job, but the larger compan­ list of Coos county secondary roads. some salaries are already very loW,' health unit; the refund being made forts to give them the best in talk­ have such a department organised, We do know, however, that engineer* and all positions are not of equal by county officials of a part of their ing pictures, and appreciate the pat- and Mr. Gardner thought a levy of ies, which will finance large opera­ salaries, and the reduction in the pay ronsge received. tion* are now represented here by in the stat* department have been difficulty. 1 1-2 mills the first year would pro­ seeking information on the former Further, salaries should be stand­ 1«,- endeavoring to buy up or lease all F. C. Hart of Marshfield, auditor for Gravelford; W. F. Burgess, Parkers­ 000,000 which he estimates is about th* black sand source*—that would be asked the budget committee to pro­ tive committee, there waa a small I the Mountain States Power Co., and burg; Rufus B. Mason, Coos River; impossible for the sand is found all vide funds for the retention of the representative crowd in attendance, t a fourth of the state’* income. A. B. Hansen, Ken tuck Slough; Ben Referring more especially to Mult- J. A. Sinckir, of Eureka, Calif. The over th* district—but they hav* tak­ county agent’s office in Coos county with city official*, corn show commit­ F. Liesch, Marahfield; Harry H. Balch, nomah county, where he declared latter _ gave a most interesting __ ____ talk _ en leases on a few tract* to make ab­ next year, and another resolution ask­ teemen and other business men pres­ rente were off nearly 60 per cent, he 'on the trip he and Mrs. Sinclair took North Bend; J. D. Lehman, Marsh­ solutely sure that they will have the ed the State Highway Department to ent. field; James E. Adams, Four Mite; S. said that one reason the reduction of the past summer to their native Scot- concentrate* to start operating the spend unemployment relief funds on A vote taken just before adjourn­ L. Leatherman, Lee; Rex T. Barnes, land. amalgamation plant when it i* ready. secondary roads, instead of all of it ment showed eleven in favor of put­ (Continued on tenth page) Newport; Herbert J. Hines, Lakeside; One point he mentioned was that The average royalty to the owner on primary roads. ting on a show this year, and five op­ James W. GamweH, Powers; John A. with liquor four time* as high in price for black sand operations can oe plac­ posed. The vote was not taken as a Albert Nelson to Serve 6 Years Carver, Myrtle Point; Kay* J. Howard, as it used to be, the unemployed do ed at 10 per cent. Some of it would Judge Norton Holding Coart means of deciding the question, but North Slough; August T. Carlson. Although he waived grand Jury in­ not now hang around the saloons, or net pay a greater royalty than 5 per f Judge Jas. T. Brand toft Monday just as an indication to the executive Ken tuck Slough, Lyle L Wimer, Co­ vestigation when brought back from “puts”, as they formerly did and that cant, while some of it would 1 i for Medford, expecting to be gone committee as to how those present quille; C. C. Coffman, North Bend; a 25 per cent royalty and stiH make two weeks or more. He will sit on the felt in the matter. Inasmuch as the Utah, a few weeks, ago, Albert R. there is iem drinking in England. Max F. Main, Lakeside; William big money for the operator. The safe bench there while Judge H. D. Nor­ show will have to be held in a month Nelson waa indicted in a partial re­ Schell hammer, Gravel Ford; Alex Nel­ port made last Fridsy by the grand thing to do ia to get a teat from Doc ton of Medford, is here. Judge Brand or five weeks, the time ia already Potato Grading Demonstrations son, Eastside; R. B. Raymond, Marsh­ or Mias Ftshback, as to th* vlu* of felt himself disqualified to hear two short in which the Monotony Killer* jury, on four separte counts' of ob­ Wm. L. Close, 1 representative of field; Harrison E. Haynes. Broadbent; taining money under false pretenses. th* deposit*. case* which are on in circuit court and other performer* must prepare the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Iva Farr, Coquille; Clifford B. Chaney, The same day be appeared before Neither Dr. Fitzgerald nor Mi*« this week and next. for the two evening*.' entertainment who specialises on the grading and Powers; Robert J. Steinlechner, Temp­ Judge Brand and pleaded guilty to Fiahback era intrested in how the On of them ie the John Vail vs. —if it is held. standardi^tion of potatoes and leton; Emmett Hammack, Catching the four. concentrate* are secured, specifying There was some talk of increasing Creek; Melvin Hay ter, Riverton; R. C. Dunham case which was start­ He was sentenced to three year* on vegetable*, will give a demonstration only that they must be clean, and de­ ed in chamber* at Marshfield yeater­ the admission for the evening show* Joseph King, Marahfield. of grading potatoes and impart in ­ livered to the plant in five ton lota. day and will continue today and pos­ to 50 cents, and a probability that each charge, not to run concurrently. ■ The jigger box will separate and eave sibly tomorrow. The suit is for re­ fund* can also be secured from the However, If his conduct has been ex­ formation concerning the law on County Institute Today the concentrates, and they recommend covery of the deed, note end other dances in Graham’* Hail, Mr. Graham emplary during the first six years, vegetable grading in Coos county its use, but they do not eeH the box­ papers which Mr. Vail gave Mr. Dun­ having indicated that he would be suspension of the other two senten­ next week. The teachers of Coos County are At 10 a, m. on Tuesday, the de- assembling at the County Institute es. If desired, orders can ba placed ham at the time the former left the willing to rent it to the Cron Show ces for a period of five years was ord­ monstration will be at the C. V. in Marshfield high school today. ered by the court. with them for jigger boxes, but it Dunham store in Coquille. association. Other indictments by the grand Smith farm on Sanford Heights, Co­ The speakers are Dr. Francis Cur- is not necessary. The next step probable is the solic­ Jury, with bail set by Judge -Brand, quille, and at 2 p. m. at the Hardy tie of the University of Michigan and Rumor* of good sised deals in black itation of business and professional E. A. Folsom Buys at Salem Mast ranch at Lee. were: Anthony Euwer of Portland. Dr. Cur­ sand property are beginning to be men for funds and if the showing is On Monday he will he at the Swan­ tis is an educator of note who has a Mr. and Mr*. Ernie Folsom return ­ Malcolm Owen, receiving stolen heard, but none of them appear au­ sufficient it is the Sentinel’s predic­ lie Peterson ranch on Haines Inlet splendid message for teachers while thentic enough to warrant publishing. ed Wednesday from Salem where they tion that the annual fall event will property; *1600. have bought a lunch room and confec ­ Stephen Clink, burglary not in a at 10 a. m. and at Jas. Landrith’* on Anthony Euwer ia aa entertainer who But the number of men who are inter­ not be passed thia year. , Coos River, at 3 p. m. According to will present poems of his own compos­ d «rolling; *2000. ested, both locally and from outside, tionery. They took possession last Sunday but came down to pack aiRl Clare Dement, obtaining money word received by County Agent ition. >e indicative of the power of gold to Machon Buys Tourist Hotel Jenkin* from the Oregon Department «hip their household goods. The con­ under false pretenses; *1600. arouse man’s imagination. The law governing County Institute of Agriculture all containers of spuds requires that the County Superintend­ fectionery is the Peter Pan, corner of Seth Lanegan, setting up and oper ­ Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Machon an Wed­ sold or ehipped in the state must be ent put on either a one or two day State and High streets, in the heart nesday returned to the Tourist Hotel ating a still; *1600. Pheasant Season Opens labelled with the name of th* stat*, program. of the business district and which re ­ Not true bills were returned in the ____ ..... lwr flrat . year for a This is the which they conducted for eeveel years The Chinese Pheasant season open­ «gainst Alva Gault and Leslie rr,de the potatoes, the name,' one <4.7 Institute in Coos. This will ed at sunrise yesterday. The bag lim­ quires a crew of ten to operate. While after Mr. Machon constructed the cases W A_ —--------- ■» __ a v___ and brand nf th« »rnwnr anrl 8r°wer> ,nd mean the saving of one day’s school it thia year ia four pheasants in any Coquille regret* loatng Mr. and Mrs. brick building next to the theatre, M. King, for non-suport, and Irene *dd”’“ ,nd hr,nd o[ Folsom, the best wishes for their suc ­ They bought the hotel equipment Truitt and Teddy Miller for larceny. for other than certified seed potatoes for each school in the county. one day er f in any seven consecu­ the label must also bear the word* Since the principal’s meeting is in tive days. It i» unlawful to kill more cess in the new location goes with from Mrs. Inex Fowler. The roonui • table potatoes.” them. seceion in Salem at this time, nearly are to be thoroughly renovated, new than one female pheasant in any sev­ Mrs. Greer the Play Director Thia is a new Oregon law in which all high school principal* of the coun­ springe and mattresses put on the en consecutive days. Mr*. Helen Greer of the high school spud raisers are vitally interested. Grand Jury to Report Today beds in the 14 rooms and other alter­ ty will be in attendance there. faculty i* directing the cast of «even The public is welcome to attend It Wan a Welcome Rain The grand Jury wihich made a part­ ations made. For a number of years which will present the senior class the institute. Mayor Berg Home Tuesday It was a most welcome rain which ial report last Friday haa been in after quitting the hotel here, Mr. Ma­ play, “Prines of Liam,’* at the Liber­ started rather unexpectedly this morn­ session all this week, but it"1a expect­ chon conducted a tourist cabin busi- ty Theatre, Friday evening, Oct. SO. Mayor J. Arthur Berg returned ing and a lot of it ia needed. The ed they will conclude their investiga­ nee* at Bandon. He sold out there The cast ia working hard to perfect Tuesday from Portland, but will re­ M. P. Game Next Thursday ground has been very dry the past tions and be ready to report thia aft­ last spring. the presentation and it promise* to turn in a day or two for further The Coquille High School football week or co and a day or two of steady ernoon. be one of the best performances ever treatment. There is still nome infec­ team does not play tomorrow, it’s Several of the cases being investi­ precipitation would be a benefit. Ths Blanks for filing notices of assess­ staged by a high school class. tion in hie hand where the leader* to next scheduled game being with the total rainfall since ths first of Septem­ gated are of new comer* to the coun­ ment work on mining Haims for sale his first two fingers were cut a few Myrtle Point Bull Dogs at the fair ty who might be termed aa transients, at Sentinel o®ee, ber is a trifle more than two inches. weeks ago. grounds, next Thureday, Oct. 22. . A dinner meeting ha* been arrang­ ed by Wm. Zosel, president of the Chamber of Commerce, to be held at the hotel next Monday evening, Oct. 19, at 6:30. All business men of Co­ quille and those interested in the de­ velopment of the mineral resources of Coos county will be welcome to at­ tend, the prise per plate being one dollar. At this meeting Dr. Roy Fitzgerald «rill outline more fully than he has yet' done what his plana for the future axe, and one of his supporters, a man who is financially intrested in the plant and the operators here, will be present to address the people of Coqui He. No one who is intrested in this section can afford to miss the oppor­ tunity to learn more about this black sand proposition. Hon. Chas. V. Galloway Addresses Tax League Monday Night, Grange and School Board Convention Tuesday V REGISTERING UNEMPLOYED C. O. KING, NEW GRANGE MASTER 7 t XJi