HB COQÜILLB FAUST 8BNTINBL, COQÜlLLi, ÖBBGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER I, 1ML >ÀGB FOUR The Sentinel A MM SAMS IS A SAM TOWS H. A. YOUNG sad M. D. GRIMES ..J Publishers H. A. YOUNG, Editor Subscriptioa Rates One Year ..,.,............... .»2.00 Six Months ....••» • • . • • • 1.00 Three Months........ ..................... .60 No subscription taken unless paid for in advance. Thia rule is impera- Advertising Rates Display advertising. 25 cento per inch; toss than 5-inches, 30 cents per inch. No advertiMmsnt inserted for lew than 60 cents. Readings notices 10 cents per line. No reading notice, or advertisement of eny kind, insert ed for Ipss then 25 cents. Entered at the Coquille Postoffice as Second Glass Mail Matter. Office Cerner W. First and Willard St. by the great industries in the effort to balance their budgets. It can be well understood, therefore, that while the President has given out no state ment he » none the lass disappointed that United States steel has announced a wage cut of 10 per cent, and its example has been followed by several jther industries. It is to the credit of the big steel company that it has re duced wages as the last resort in ltd campaign of economy instead of the first. Its first measure was to re duce the dividends upon its common stock from <7 to <4 a share, and ita next was to announce a general re duction in thd salaries of its officials. It is a significant sign of the times that it withheld reduction of its wage scale until the last, and then announ ced it with apologies and explana tions. Nevertheless this ■ first real threat against wages, coming at a time when most people believe the de pression is nearly over, has qplled forth a great deal of criticism and is widely deplored. It is felt by those who have given much study to the whole problem that with better days ahead this is an unfortunate time to disturb wage scales, upset < work ing families, invite strikes and other wise put obstacles in the way of the return of good times.—Chas F. Scott, in letter from Washington. I VOTED THE BEST PRICED LIKE THE REST i From information received at Sa lem last week, it was learned that Gov. Meier’s illness is much more serious than was stated when ho left Salem for a two week’s rest in a Portland hotel. He has been there THE THIRTY-TWO CLUB Let us show you now about five weeks and how much One of the unique and interesting the finer quality longer he will remain there is un political movements of the year has Sleet, Ice, certain. in these latest When you buy Goodyear Rain, Mud, been the organization of the “Thirty- two Club” (Hoover for President in Srpe Goodyears, The government of the United Tires you’re buying the Snow! You’ll feel better Nineteen Thirty-two). The movement States could discharge at least 90 per espite lower started among the President’s friends and drive with more con prices cent of the men it has employed first choice tire. In a na (3SxS.M) in his home state of California and sending out bulletins, press sheets, its primary objective is the enroll tion-wide vote on “Whai fidence with new tires. etc., on every subject undec the aun, ment of men and women who be- and save a considerable sum annually live in Herbert Hoover and his Ad is the best tire made?0 Come in . . let us put for the taxpayers. The average re ministration and want him re-elected ■ ceipt by a paper like the Sentinel is Goodyear led more than your car on the tires mot in thirty-two. The method pursued in a dozen or fifteen a week, and 99 per California was to limit each organi cent of it all goes into the WMte two to one. More people orists voted the best . . zation to thirty-two members. Us basket or is used for copy paper— ually a single individual went among on the blank aide. We often wonder if ride on Goodyear Tires at prices as low as “sec his friends and secured their signa- our senators and representatives in ond choice” tires. We’ll than on any other kind. congress realize the I--------------- . ! tores to the number of thirty-two, and amounts that could be saved if this the job was done. In this way the This is the logical time of give you an allowance for WMte of paper and experts time wm movement spread from ward to ward in cities, from neighborhood to eliminated. the year to replace tires. your old tires on new neighborhood in the rural districts, Keck Pair Stas until hundreds of such groups were BACK TO THE LAND 446-31 (39x4.46) »4.98 99.60 The worst driving months Goodyear All Weathers. enrolled in the state. In the county That a garden space in the back 448-36 (39x448) 5.M 10.90 of Loe Angeles alone there are now yard properly cared for, or a vest of the year are ahead. 4.75-19 (38x4.75) «.85 12.90 more than 8,000 members A member pocket size farm on the outskirts ship fee of »1 is collected and the 545-31 (11x548) 847 1I.79 of any town, or small city, is one entire amount is sent to the Republi MxSH Rag. CL. 4.39 844 way to beat the high coot of living can National Committee as a contri hM long been the opinion of many bution to the campaign fund. people. For the person interested in The movement proved to bo ,ao actual figures and possibilities of popular In California.that it is now such an enterprise, the September is to be extended throughout the coun sue of Popular Science Monthly of try. Friends of the President have fers an item of interest in the article established national headquarters in “Midget Farmers Beat Hard Times." Westtown, Pennsylvania, and hope to This writeup tells of various famil extend the organisation into every ies who have purchased plots of state. Anyone interested in forming ground, varying in size from one- a thirty-two club may obtain the half acre to two acres, and, white the necessary information by simply ad husband continuM his work in town dressing a letter “Tkirty-two Club (should he be fortunate enough to Westtown, Pennsylvania,” or confer have a job), the small plot is im ring with H. C. Getz,'of this city. proved, end in a short time begins to psy substantial dividends on money, time, and labor invested. R. A. Easton’s Weekly Letter Chickens, vegetables, small fruite, Open Day A Night Time has been called in the recent A, walnuts, goldfish, watercress and weeks for four men who filled large 1 flowers often supply the family table places in the lives of their fellow men. with the bulk of the food for the David Starr Jordan, as a teacher, “fl»e death of Senator Morrow of ¡’ greater share of the year. Some fam- touched minds with a large following New Jersey leavM a big gap ip the I upon tbs commission is not ready to while that fickle Dame, Prosperity, dition to one pawnbroker licensed un iliM have acquired a bit of grazing make this program public, Klein continues to loiter just around the der the amended act which segregates of youth and by that means and live ranks of the real able men in public t tend and have added a cow to the 1 states, but declares that it includes comer, but be that as it may Ore pawnbrokers from small loan lend writings reached out far beyond the life. It can be said of Dwight W. Mor- ■ collection. borders of his personal contact. His row that every place he has occupied every county in the state and that gon motorists bought more gasoline ers, and 19 motor vehicle finance A surprisingly large percentage of the commission plans to provide the by 61,000 gallons last August than companies. life, his influence wm such that con he hM filled, and yet he will be better the farmers have had no previous jobs where the unemployment situ they did during the same month a tact with him, in any form left a clean known by his good work m ambassa experience in agriculture, but with ation is the most acute. year ago, according to Secretary of Oregon’s outstanding bonded in- taste in the mouth. I had the oppor dor to Mexico where he made a friend the aid of county agent, government It is not expected that any work State iHoas. Gasoline sales in Ore debtednees wm reduced by 11,312,000 tunity to hear him apeak once. It wm of Mexico and squelched the bulldoz bulletins, and other valuable asstet- a commencement address which ho ing disposition of many of the people under this emergency relief program gon during August, according to fig this week ' when principal payments ance always available, they have been gave to the students of some branch of the United States toward the peo will be attempted before November ures compiled by the secretary of retired »937,500 of highway bonds and able to not only intelligently choose »376,000 of soldiers’ bonus bonds. In of the University of California. The ple and government of Mexico. That 1 and the first of this will be done state, totalled 6,447,M2 gallons. a good site, but to develop and run it addition to the principal payments place in which be spoke was not far service to hie own country and to entirely on primary state highways in a skilled way. Owners of these Oregon'? small loans act as amend »678,996 of state money was sent east from where we lived on Gray street, Mexico is the crown of his life. When for the reason that no funds will be farm range'from High School teach San Francisco, while I remember President Coolidge appointed Mr. Mor available for secondary highways un ed by the last legislature, which ta to pay interest on highway bonds and ers snd College profeMors to dsy til after January I. now being attacked in certain quart »575,603 to pay interest on bonus scarcely a thing that he said it is a row ambasMdor to Mexico there were laborers, with salaries averaging from Of the fund of $2,260,000 which the ers, te defended by A. A. Schramm, bonds. The original »40,200,000 of Mtiefaction to have heard him for his those who accused the president of be »100.00 to 926.00 per week. presence and personality on the plat ing under in influence of Wall Street commission has agreed to spend in state superintendent of banks as “a state highway bonds have now been During the present depression a form were impreMive. There wm no and that the appointment would not its efforts to reduce unemployment step in the right direction,” although reduced to »28,491,760 while »26,125,- good many people have taken up small spread eagle about him, and in that only corrupt the United States, but' throughout Oregon during the win admittedly not a perfect piece of leg 000 of the original »29,000,000 in bo plots of land and are at present at ter months, »1,000,000, will be ex islation. The act m passed by the which he Mid, there wm no sound of Mexico by Wall street influence. nus bonds are still outstanding. leMt making a living. Doubtless a pended on primary highways and «1,- 19 31 leg islature, according 10 water running over rocks, but m one There are folks who seem to have good many abandoned farms and 250,00 on secondary roads. In all Schramm, wm sponsored by the state went out he felt that he possess sd cultivated such a state of mind that Carelessness, neglect and indiffer ranches in Coos county today could be more of the unseen intangible pomm they cannot comprehend that money cases the money will be spent on banking department with a view to ence cost Oregon »3,441485 in fire procured by the right party at a very such work as will create the greatest sions which broaden the landscapes of in iteelf, is not a breeder of evil eny providing better protection for the losses during 1930, according to A. small initial investment which would number of jobs at hand labor in order borrower who patronizes the small life. more than lack of money in iteelf, is H. Averill, state fire marshal. This give a comfortable living to an en to distribute the relief among the loan lenders. It put teeth into the is the estimated loss in fires from To read of Sir Thomas Lipton, some a breeder of righteousness. tire family. This plan requires hard old lsw by providing penalties for cauaee classed as preventable. In ad In the pMsing of J. K. Gill of Port- 1 greatest number of families. work and long hours, especially in how the impression is we are not The »1,260,000 which the com its violation, exposed a joker which dition Averill figures that at least the beginning stages, and when pro reading of a stranger but of some land, many people will continue to re mission plane to spend on secondary the old law contained and has brought 80 percent of the 634274,976 loos in member him as one of the landmarks ' man who is a neighbor next door and duction begins proves to be no royal highways represents the statea’s con this business under the regulation of fires of unknown origin could have road to wealth and early retirement, with whom we sit on the back porch of Oregon. The state is richer in spir tribution toward the improvement of itual things because he lived and it is ' the state banking department. been prevented with ordinary precau but is would prove a means of a de and visit and know that he is without roads and is in lieu of the The joker in the old law, accord tion. well for Portland that the business of market ' cent living to a good many families guile. Last year when his Shamrock former market road money which hm ing to Schramm, was a provision that now are struggling along in the V wm in the race for the cup it is J. K. Gill and Co., carries on the name. been withdrawn under an act of the which permitted small loan lendere R. A. Easton Wanted—Tents, Camp Stoves, Fur towns, with the man of the house undoubtedly true that many people last legislature. Counties which own to dictate their interest rate on loans either out of work or employed at a in the United States were hoping his highway equipment and desire to of »30 or under without any limit. niture, etc. Arrow Hardware Co., wage on which no family can hope boat would win. He is better known construct their own secondary high The amendment limits this practice next door east of Farmers snd Mer because he tried and lost than if he lfttf to make ends moo*. ways will be permitted to do so, the to unsecured loans only, those which chants Bank. The plan is worthy of consideration had won, for to bo “the world's beet fund being disbursed by the county have no security at all back of them loser” is a distinction no other man I for a good many familtes. court under the jurisdiction and super and on Which the lender aMumes all hM acquired. vision of the highway commission. the risk. On secured loans of »30 or LOWER STANDARDS OPPOSED A lump came in my throat when I Where counties do not elect to do under as well as those of over »30 From the beginning of the de road of the death of C. A. Stevens, the work with their own forces or and under »300 the interest rate is presión President Hoover hM fixedly who wrote the old farm etoriM of the equipment the highway department limited to three percent a month and biiiua opposed any steps in the industrial “Old Squire” and ’’Grandmother Ruth” *frs. Betty Luedeke, of Dayton, will take charge directly. experience has proven that many re world that might lead to a lowering for the Youth’s Companion. Ono can “I am using Kruschen to re- Coos county will share proportion The highway department is already putable firms are reducing this rate weight—I lost 10 pounds in one of the high standard of living enjoy not road a man’s stories for forty ately with the other counties of the in touch with local unemployment to as low as two percent. Schramm week and cannot say too much to ed in this country. Leaders of labor years without feeling a personal lone- state in the distribution of road work committees in the various counties states. recommend it" have freely given him credit for the linens when the work in the brain that under the highway commission's un gathering data on unemployment in T®.toke off fat eMily, safely and Four yearn ago only 29 small loan quicMv take one half teaspoon ful of fact that for nearly two years there wove those beautiful stories stope, and employment relief program this win order to equitably allocate ite re lender, were licerwed i„ Oregon, many Kruschen in a glass of hot water ev hM been no general reduction of the pen drops from the hand. His ter, according to Roy A. Klein, state lief program in those sections where others operating without a license ery morning before breakfast—an 85 wages throughout the country, in stories were of the homespun every highway engineer. the situation will be most acute this because of the toothlem condition of cent bottle lasts 4 weeks—Get it at marked contrast with other depres day life on a Maine farm and tended White a tentative program, out winter, Klien states. ’s Pharmacy, Ine„ or any the taw. Today there are 86 individ Fuhrman •f®** <n America. If thia first sion periods when heavy wage cute to build other homes * home life of lining the roads to bo included in the uals or firms licensed under this taw bottle fails to convince you this is the wore the first expediente resorted to enduring character. winter’s program, hM been agreed of whom 1« are pawnbrokers, in ad- •••»Mt, safest and surest way to lose fat—money back. *11.10 per pr STANDARD GOODYEAR PATHFINDER C oquille S ervice S tation Phone 133 Hooker’s Garage This Woman Lost 64 Pounds of Fat