Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 9, 1931)
TO OOQUnXB VALUT COQUILLB, OUGOM. FRIDAY, OCTOBRR 8, IMI. . Ï1W4. SS OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF__ COQUILLE FOLKS By Pave Kackteff - By Lans Leneve With vague rumors coming to his G€E.A dp , •are concerning spotlighting for deer G ave your look at how on C om river, Sargeant C. A. Hear DONT ME ing, of the State Police got busy last hair by using B ald that KNOW IT A HAIR TONIC week. Working on meager clues and HEAR man is / FROM gradually building up his case it was brought to a head last week by the arrest of three men. Hearing was RACKLEFFm assisted by Sergeant C. C. Williams, harmacy of the State Police and Archie Phil lips, deputy sheriff in making the arrests. The three men apprehended were Geo. Rice of North Coos river and Clara and John Heath, of North Bend. About midnight of Sept. 17th, a spike buck was killed, together with a forked horn by the aid of a flash ■» ' 434 W. First St. light. A few moments later, white Í John Heath held the spotlight, Gee. fl « Coquille Oregon i Rice shot and killed a horse. The ani . ----- 1 1 mal was shot three times through the ing it up, he devourt it. When the to 7 victory as a result. This is the Governor Meier is not in favor of head. It is evident that the animal cherries are falling off the trees he aecoqd Marshfield win in ae many arbitrary wage cuts, for public em was “spotted” and was shot Not be eats them by' the dosens. It b in years over the Southern Oregon team ployees in order to curtail expense«. ing killed outright, it’s eyes were deed amusing to see him pick up a and places them' higher in the state In a statement issued by the executive again “shined” and it was shot twice cherry, apit out the seed and then dtaiiding-. ■* * '. department this week the governor more. As . a result of the kill of the swallow. Abo on Saturday North Bend left was quoted as of the opinion that deer and horse, the men drew the When the roosters about the neigh the county only to return defeated economies can be effected which will following sentences: Geo. Rioe 8250.00 borhood began crowing at daylight by Cottage Grove, 13 to 12, whib permit a substantial tax reductions fine. Clara Heath 8200.00 and John be answers them with hb loud honk Myrtle Point played on Friday at without the need of wage cutting. Heath 90 days in jail. The latter was and alao honks back at the mill's Rceeburg, losing 7 to 0. paroled to his mother, he being a whistb. He answers to the name of The local football dish on Saturday deaf mute. Taking it all around, it “Bummer" and will come from any will serve North Bend as Coquille was a case where horse meat proved part of the yard when hb name is High's third opponent of the season, to be “dear” meat, after all. called, giving forth his cheery honk! and the same for the bay eleven. areas—for these are comparatively Many head of stock have been kill Honk! Honk; After watching this North Bend rules as a heavy favor few—that will furnish needed rest ed by spotlight hunters. It is owing and food. They will be found in very to their activities that a lot of good goose and all his tricks for the past ite due to their better showing in their considerable numbers on the water hunting territory has been posted. six or seven years—why, I am not past performances and abo because areas owned by gun clubs, «there Under the new law a fifty dollar re going to feel too bad if anybory hap of their greater amount of experienced Second Coach-Building Competi to refer to me as “a goose.” men. As well Coquille will likely play they will be fed artificially if natur ward b offered by the game commie- pens And «peaking of gee«? It te stated without the services of Fay Holver- tion Extended to In- al food is lacking. In many instances sion for the information leading to elude Canada 1 that they live to be a hunderd yeans atott, tackle, while Williams and Ire such concentrations will lead to the the arrest of a spot light hunter. The ' of age and that once a wild goose land are also suffering from injuries conclusion—erroneous, of course—that fine is now from 3100 to 81000.00 for u Mi»: ducks are everywhere as abundant spotlight hunting, so it behooves loses it'« mate that it will never but they are not serious enough to to enter tbe second annual Napoleonio coach bulldins competition of the mate again and leads a solitary exis keep them out of the lineup. as ever. Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild and those who take flashlights into the Developments during the week are oompete for the (75,000 In awards “For the true sportsmen,” Mr. Red- woods to use them about camp, only. tence the remainder of it’s life. whloh will bedistrlbuted next summer And again epeaking of geese: a bringing up Pook or Kolkhorst as at the oonolusion of the Guild's ington «mid, “the kill is only part of You hunters must bear in mind second year. the joy of hunting. There te the thrill the fact that deer season closes five member of the U. S. Biological Sur likely successors to Holverstott, both Announcement that the Fisher Body Craftsman’s Guild program was that comes of just being in the out-of- days earlbr thb season than the past vey stated not long ago that we en fighting tooth and nail for the post. to be repeated was made by W. A. Fisher, president of the Guild, during doors, the tang of the frosty morning, season. October the 26th is the clos joyed gOoee shooting down in this Hatcher b likely to replace Morgan at the reoent four-day meeting of stat* part of the country. That official had quarter whib Neil Peart and Donald- winners In Detroit at which four uni the glamor of “blue bird” weather, ing date. versity scholarships of four years oach .better look the country over before sen may easily be placed at half and the whirring of wings overhead. were presented as national awards. The prospect for the Chinese pheas Full details of the seoond year's “For the game hog we should have ant season which opens October 15th he makes any more such statements. guard if Williams and Ireland should activity have now been made public. It is such meager knowledge m this, be out. Peart has been going great' The sole aotivity of the Guild will no consideration. Unfortunately for does not look ss bright as it has in possessed by men the Government em guns in scrimmage, looking better at again oonslst of the construction of the birds and for those who are try ths miniature Napoleonio coach, for past years owing to a marked scarcity ploy, that has ruined our best duck all times. whloh plans and Instructions will bo ing to protect them, there are alto furnished free by the Fisher Body of the birds. shooting for years end yeans; owing The game will start at two o'clock Craftsman s Guild. The awards for gether too many game hogs. They the oomlng year total SO per oent Two men have met their death the to the fact that this part of the state on Athletic Field. more than last year's, and the exten have the killing lust, and think little past ten days by dragging a loaded was placed in **a nesting tone dis sion of the program to Canada will of the consequences. In any event give the organisation an international gun beneath a fence or over one. trict” oharaoter. Grand Jury Does Not Indict too many bride will be taken illegal It seems that in spite of the fact Two Age Divisions It is ignorance concerning wild life ly. The poacher b cunning in hb on- The killing of Frank Biescke, Flor that object lessons are placed before conditions that have raised havoc with As was the case last year, there will alaught against the waterfowl and be two age divisions, with identical the public each hunting season that wild game in general and is rapidly as creek rancher, last week by C. E. lists of awards. Boys who were not it b hard to catch him. Local public England of Portland while the two younger than 13 but who were not the public at large pays no heed and depleting the trapping industry, which yet IS on September 1, leal, will bo sentiment, however, constitutes a were deyr hunting was investigated enrolled as juniors, and boys not are forever shooting and killing both alone nets trappers of the U. S. seven powerful agency for deterring whole- younger than IS on that date, nor yet by the Curry county grand jury and as themselves, and their hunting com ty million dollars each season. old as SO. being enrolled as seniors. sab and unjustified killing.” Boys need not bo attending school, after going into all phases of the tra-1 panions. If each hunter afield, al and there are no other restrictions gedy, the grand jury refrained from whatever. ways handled hb gun as though it Coquille Hi Won, 6-0 In order to enroll. It is necessary Attended Fair 55 Years bringing any indictment or submit- ' .ply were loaded at all times and obeyed ., to till free out an enrollment card, obtainable ibtainable free from any denier In ting any- report to the court on the 1 From out of nowhere flashed Mike Thomas W. Brunk, Polk county the buck law, there would be no kill General Isperal Motors Motors oars. ____ _____________ Booutmastera ---------------- also be provided provided with with these these cards, cards. Ireland. Following him dashed Alvin matter, says the Gold Beach Reporter. | will farmer has been a regular attendant ings. As soon as the enrollment is Is reoelved reoolved There are rumors that the grand at the state fair for the past 56 years. at Guild headquarters, the boy Is Mr. Maiden of thb city advanced Shaver. Mike blocked the punt, while spt( free, the big bl^ Guild Gulkl^packago package oon- con He visited the fair for the first time a rather good ide« the other day. Shaver picked the ball up to sprint jurymen arrived at the conclusion sent, taining oolor prints and full instruc tions. moi membership oard signed by _____ j oard signed' by that should any indictment be brought in 1876 and has been making them He claims that if a hunter was prose , forty-five yards for the only touch «u, national Dan Beard, nations* oom — miss toner of Boy Boouts Scouts i of Amerloa and — _oy all since that time. For the past 18 cuted for killing a doe just the same down of the game played between it would be almost impossible to ob the BOW honorary ------- president of the Guild, years he has been superintendent of as if he kilted a man, that there would Coquille High and Bandon High last tain a conviction and the cost of a bronae ironye member! membership button, and booklet of rules. trial would be extremely burdensome. tbe swine divbion in the livestock be fewer killings. It is unlawful to Saturday. Four university scholarships of four It is also said that England has years each again load tbe list of The break of the game came mid department and for many yearn he kill a doe and yet many men are shot •wards. In addition there will be was an exhibitor in that divbion, down at the movement of the brush, way in the second quarter white each made ampb provisions for the family four <100 awards and two trips to Detroit, for boys In each state and winning his share of the blue rib the marksman thinking perhaps it squad was battling in midfield after of the deceased, and that Mrs. Biescke eaoh Canadian provlnoe: and also hundreds of oash awards ranging was adverse to having any action tak bons. might be a buck. If he was liable te, punt exchanges. As it was the stage from (IS to (25. Enrollments are en against him. being received now. Insure your ear with Ned C. Kelley a charge of second degree murder for was set perfectly for auch an act, and ■T .IJJL" 'JSJ killing a doe, aa well as a man, he it was carried out with professional might think before he shoots. I be precision. The kicker on the play, lieve that Mr. Maiden’s idea is a good didn’t go back as far as nsual, while the Bandon forward wall, tired after one. Have any of you ever witnessed the a severe battering, tot up just enough method of fishing by some of the to allow Ireland, Shaver, and the rest anglers out by Gold Hill? They have of the line to rush through. Throughout the fray, Coquille was long poles, a huge reel and a line re sembling a clothes line. They fish in in possession of the ball most of the the riffles for steel head. When a time with Williams and Perrott piling steel head is hooked they begin wind up a huge yardage total against the coast eleven. Williams sliced off ing on the reel, until tbe fteh te drawn up to within a few feet of the end tackle and circled the flanks in total of the pole and then it te lifted bodily ling near 150 yards from scrimmage, out upon the bank. It gives a real all of which went to no avail. Several sportsman “chills and fever" to times Coquille seemed near to scor watch the unequal battle. A fish that ing only to fumble or to lose the ball would be played for half and hour on downs when the attack Blackened on light tackle, te landed by tbe long up as it was the «wore should have poled fisherman within a couple of been 18 to 0, not even counting the minutes. Those guys are after meat one lucky touch down scored. In the first few minutes William and not sport. Not long ago a man stated to me and Perrott alternated in carrying the that sportsmen, especially fishermen, ball to the ten yard marker. There were “nub.” He couldn’t fathom why on last down Willianw started around a man would take a small line and has own left end only to fumble, limber rod and go in pursuit of trout Bandon gaining the pigskin on the 18 and upon hooking one, should “play" yard line. After a few plays the Tig it for an hour or so before netting it. ers punted to their own fifty-five, His idea was a stout line and pole From here, Coquille again started an and simply “yard” 'em in. He would other assault which saw the locate make a fine Gold Hill fisherman. He miss another scoring chance when stated that you could take a half dol Seeley dropped William’s pass. Coquille showed much improvement lar and buy your fteh at a market How light from tbe giant star for one tenth the cost of catching over their showing against Marshfield Arcturus, 240 trillion miles away, but not enough to satisfy themselves them. A fellow like that cannot be will open the science exhibits of A classed as a sportsman in any sense or Coach Hartley. Williams of course Century of Progress. Chicago's of the word. He is the sort of a fel was the outstanding player of the day 1033 World's Fair, is shown In the low that would use dynimite just as due to hte ball carrying. Linus Seeley shove photo-diagram. At B p. m. of June 1, 1033, light readily as he would a rope and small again played an excellent defensive which left Arcturus In 1880—year anchor to snag himself a salmon. game, this time at end, while his of of Chicago’s first world's fair Such people as this have no place in fensive blocking as a halfback started will reach tbe earth's surface and the hearts of sportsmen and are in a many long runs. Helmkin was out Yerkes Observatory at Williams standing on the line against hb old class all by themselves. Bay. Wla. Light travels at the teamates, while Holverstott the other The expression that any one te “a rate of I8fl,ooo miles a second. goose” might mean a lot. About seven tackle also showed well until injured At Yerkes Observatory the star years ago I—wen several geese and during the third quarter. Ughf will be focused by means of The Coquille lineup was Newton and turkeys at a shooting match down on the fifty-inch telescope on a tiny photoelectric cell. The Impact of Sixes river. My mother took a fancy Shaver, enda; Helmkin and Holver The Idee of harnessing A retu this light will cause an electriv to one old tame, waddling goose, and stott, tackles, Martindale and Ireland, effect tn the ceil which, amplified, rns forty light-years distant, orig we decided to keep him. We still guards; Stonecypher, center; Morgan, will send an Impulse over wires to inated with Prof. Edwin B. Frost, have him and Lord only knows how quarterbacks; and Perrott, full back. Mind director of Yerkes Observa- the exposition grounds. Substitutes were Donaldson for Ire old he is to-day. But one thing te cer This Impulse will throw the nec lory. land; Jenkins for Martindate; Kolk- tain and that te that he te plenty wise. essary switches te open the science Above Gordon 8. Fulcher, who for Holverstott; McCue for New We have a tub sunken in the back horat 1 exhibits, turn oa brilliant Ilium is In cl.nrge of the expoeftlon'a ton, and Morris for Seeley. yard that he bathes in. If a piece of Inat loo and start ponderous utu exhibits In physics. Is i Marshfield High went to Medford hard bread te thrown him, he hikes cbinery whirling. ing a photo-electric cell. for the water with It and after aoak- last Saturday and returned with a 18 P M A Rackfeff’s Pharmacyy Duck Hunters Are on Trial This Year Although in most northern states the duck season opened on October 1, in thb section it will be Nov. 16, before the sportsmen can togadly hunt the quackers. And it b up to the hunters them selves whether this te the last fall for duck hunting. In a bulletin sent out to newspapers, Paul G. Reding- ton, chief of tbe Biological Survey, which b ths bureau of the Depart ment of Agriculture charged with the protection of migratory game birds, asks: “Will they spare some of the ducks because of the unimpeachable evidence that many species are scarc er than ever before, due to the cumu lative drought, drainage, and over shooting? Or will they cast aside all consideration for the plight of the birds and HU tbe limit wflteneveg it b possible on every day of the month allowed for shooting? He pre dicted that if the real sportsmen are in the ascendency, many birds will fly back next spring to their nest ing ground in the north, but that if the contrary should be the case, the spring flights will be only a remin der of the mighty hordes the old- time hunter« used to watch. “The bhue is drawn,” eaj* tbe Chief of the Biological Survey, “and in large measure the future of the waterfowl hangs in tbe balance. That balance may be swayed for good or ill as considerate treatment te ac corded the birds or as heavy slaugh ter b the rub. “By comparison with former sea sons the ducks on their southern trek will find great tracts of waterbas land. They will have to fly longer and farther and will concentrate on those FISHER GUILD OFFERS $75,000 Star to Open 1933 Fair Exhibits YOU SAVE $30 on this NEW and BETTER EA5Y WASHER $ Why pay $99.50 or more for a wringer-type agitator washer er when you can get a quality-built EASY at a sensationally new low price that saves you $30 or more? This EASY Washer is w*tr throughout. Not an old model lei cheapened to I meet a price. Check these features: Standard General Electric Motor; new wringer with balloon-type rolls; beauti ful, easy-to-clean, French grey, porcelain enameled tub. There are other im portant advantages. This new EASY Washer brings you the efficiency and dependability that have made the EASY name fa mous—at a new low price that actually saves you at least $30. Come in today and see for yourself this marvelous value. Moulais Sutes z y * I V* •fl \