THB COQÜILLB VALLBY SBNTINBL, COQÜÎLÜL OBBGON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER *, 1MI. —J—— t »- 1 ............. ■■■'—"■ ■■ — _ "■ ■■■ — - "■ . ■ G as C ooking FOR 4 PEOPLE ONLY À FEW “Just imagine! Gas cooks 4 healthy breakfasts for a few pennies—and I’m sleeping later every morning! “Talk about speed—my gas range has coffee boiling in 6 minutes instead of 15. And now just 15 minutes is all it takes for coffee, hot biscuits and bacon put together. “I know why four out of five city families cook with Gas. It saves me an hour a day in the kitchen. It’s so easy to use—I just turn a valve for as little or as much heat as I need. I don’t waste a bit of fuel— that’s why I can cook for a few cents a meal—and so can you! “Yes, and a gas water heater will give you steaming baths 4 times faster than ever before. Start living with gas—nearly half the people in the whole United States can’t be wrong!" ■ — - - •- - • NATURAL GAS CORPORATION OF OREGON I J Controlled and Managed by STOP THIS... —Get a Naw Gas Range In­ stalled on Trial — No Obli­ gation to Buy—No Cash Down When You Do Buy STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF TCALI FOR N IA 50 MILLION CAS USERS CANT BE WRONC éé COOK Hadler with gas ”