UNSOELD’S IN COQUILLE 4th Anniversary Celebration IN COQUILLE How alise Fine seen Smith Wood-Produets Inc. ApOU’LL find it both enjoyable and advantageous! New, Seasonable Merchandise at Specially Reduced Prices and Unusual Values throughout the Store will make this an Event long to be remembered and looked forward to from year to year. ‘ Time Doss Fly! Do you re that Four Years ago these Buildings were NOT to be in Coquillet Pioneer Methodist Church Coquille Hotel Annex Grimes Building Crevrolet Garage & Sales Room Odd Fellows Building New Gould Building Shelley Building We appreciate the splendid patronage we have enjoyed since starting in business here 4 years ago—and we know of no better way to celebrate our Anniversary and show our ap preciation than by dividing our profits with you during this week of UNUSUAL VALUE GIVING. Every Day for Seven Days During Our 4th Anniversary Celebration We Will Feature 4 New Outstanding Values Coiné In and See These Unusual Values That Will Glow with Interest—Values That Will Appeal That Will Win New Friends For Unsoeld’s It Always Pays to Buy at Unsoeld’s Children s Knitted Sleeping Garments, .soft, warm and comfy, and made of a scienttflcally woven elastic ribbed fabric, warmly fleeced in side and out. Sizes 2 to 7 yeans. fin Specially underpriced. O«rC Children's Flannelette Sleepers, made of good quality flannelette, in the popular one piece ON SALE SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3rd ONLY 3«. 2 u. 49c Misses Hne Quality Rayon Pajamas, featured in attractive models and pleasing color com binations in sizes 10 - 12 - 14 and 16. Suit HOC Women’s Rayon Striped Union Suita, Sleeve- >«*". Knee length, Cream color, with close-set rsyon stripes. Sizes 96 to 44. A fine AQ- undergarment at a very low price. Suit ON SALE MONDAY, OCTOBER 5th ONLY Extra Heavy Quality Rayon Panties, Step-Ins, Bloomers, featured in a pleasing Msortment of pretty style« and models which are finished witm straight yoke at waist front. dn_ Sizes, small, medium, large. “*rC 74 * 84 Cotton Blanket pretty plaids, regular 95c values. AU Silk Colored Pongee, solid colons and printed patterns. Regular $1.00 values, yard Damask Table Cloth», oize 55x72 Hemstitched—colored border. Heavy Quality Rayon Gowns, daintily trimmed with embroidered applique of contrasting col ored knit rayon. Size« medium and ON SALE TUESDAY, OCTOBER 6th ONLY Chenille Rugs, bright, colorful, reversible. Sizes 24x48. each 30x40 Crib Blankets, in pink or blue, with cute Nursery designs. New Fall Skirts for Sports Wear with Blouse or Sweater and jaunty Tam. They are featur ed in Flannel« and Tweed Mixtures CO nr which are so popular this fall. 34».«73 each 66x89 Indian Robe Blankets, Part tractive pattern« and colorings. right weight for Car, Couch, Day Bed or Throw. Ladies' Fast Color Wash Frocks, regular |1.0U values. Sizes 14 to 44. each ON SALE WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 ONLY Ruffled Curtain Materials, dainty, colorful. Rose, Green, Gold, Blue. yard 72x90 Bleached Cotton Batts Full 2H lb weight. Batts Double Bed «ize. ON SALE THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th ONLY Rayon Run-Stop Panties Step-Ins, Bloomers. Values up to 79c. Guaranteed Fast Color Prints, 36 in. wide. good sssortment attractive patterns, yard in., ill ON SALE FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9th ONLY All Silk Umbrellas, gilt and silver frames, wn rn wooden rods, regular values up to *5.00 5 Piece Curtain Sets, ruffled, 2% yard« long, with Valance and Tie-Backs. per set ON SALE SATURDAY. OCTOBER 10th ONLY Children's School Oxfords, strong, sturdy, »1 nr Sizes 8H to UH and 12 to 2. pair GEO. UNSOELD Dry Coods and Ladies' Ready-lo-Wear, Women and Children's Shoes PHONE 184 Coquille, Ore. Wool, at Just the »1 CO 31.0«'