Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 2, 1931)
—— ouilte J 2a d Commit and estimated NOTICE OF CITY BUDGET ***•" that Budr*t Committee of the City of Co- Couaty. Oreg««, did, , at a meeting of Ith* 221x1 ^Ptomber, 1^31, prepare preparo a a budget budget amount of money propose} to bo expended by said th* *’eaJ “<id Clt* for a11 Purpose», ““ <i,y' « *• office of CitI Reorder Common Council of said City has Axed Monday, the SOCIAL NOTES The largest social affairs of the week wore the two delightful parties an^whiS?9 Hl given by Mrs. A. J. Sherwood and Ju ruT her daughter, Mrs. Luckey L. Bonney, m A at their home at 540 South Elliott. On 2 f 1,U £ "al<1 City of Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, Thursday guest« were entertained for Pr tWu^ estimate may be discussed with the levying luncheon and bridge following and on *?*”**, ; the Common Council of said City, and at which said Saturday of this week another group m ’***’" ,ka11 U to such tax levy when made, are invited for luncheon and an af yj£j‘c.,urd lnli“roZ •“** «« “vy or any part thereof. follow«*1 thS ftled in the office of the City Recorder are as ternoon of sewing. The large rooms of the room were very prettily dec BUDGET orated with large clusters of autumn CITY OF COQUILLE,00008 COUNTY, OREGON leaves and zinnias, while on each small luncheon table burned an December 1st, 1931, to November 30th, 1932 General orange-colored taper which had been PERSONAL SERVICES: interwoven daintily with a sprig of City Recorder ........... 1,000.00 autumn leaves and asparagus ferns. City Manihal ......... 1300.00 The Bridge prises for Thursday went Deputy City Marshal eteeeaeeeiAsee 1300.00 Street Commissioner to Mm. Greenough and Mrs. Barton, 1320.00 City Attorney 720.00 who both held high scores, and con City Treasurer • • 5 • 0400 e » q,e »'st »'f • a 0 » 450.00 solation to Mrs. J. L. Smith- Guests Fire Chief ... 120.00 . ........................................... > invited for Thursday were: Mesdames 'Health Officer e 0 0» ee 00 0 o e’e 4*4*4 e o w » 120.00 Other Services 320.00 7350.00 George H- Jenkins, Goo. A. Ulett, Lafe Compton, Paul Van Scoy, J. 8. MATERIAL A SUPPLIES Barton, J. E. Paulson, F. L Green .Light, Power A Phones ........... %. » 8,400.00 ough, R. A. Wernich, E. W. Lorenz, Stationery, Printing A Legal Notices .... 300.00 Fuel A Supplies ........... 600.00 4300.00 Goo. Lorenz, J. E. Norton, J. L. Smith, W. S. Sickels, M. Q. Hawkins, CONSTRUCTION: O. C. Sanford, H. A. Slack, George Engineering ................................................. » 1,000.00 1,000.00 Chaney, C. A. Rietman, Homer Gant, MAINTENANCE A REPAIRS Streets, Bridges A Wharves ....................... F. S. Emery, Muri Pettit, R. A. Jeub, » 4,000.00 City Hall........................................................... . 200.00 C. W. Kline and J. A. Berg, of Co Fire Department ............................................ I3OOOO 5,700.00 quille; Mesdames L. A. Liljeqvist, UMKIUI Mw Stewart Lyons, C. McC. Johnson, W. INDEBTEDNESS: Payment of Funded 'Bonds Series 1927 ... E. Couper, Marvin Lyons and Chas. 6 1,000.00 Interest on Funded Bonds Series 192? ... 1,275.00 Endicott, of Marshfield; M m . Claire Payment of Henry Street Bridge Bonds .. 500.00 Parker, of North Bend. Interest on Henry Street Bridge Bonds .. 412.50 Guests invited for tomorrow are: Payment of Beach Street Bridge Bonds .. 1,000.00 Mesdames C. J. Fuhrman, Emma Ly- Interest on 'Beach 8treet Bridge Bonds ... 45938 Payment of Warrant Indebtedness ___ _ 1,596.17 ond, N. Osmundson, G. R. Wickham, Interest on General Fund Warrants .... 1,000.00 7,245.05 L. H. Hazard, Addie Hacker, N. Lor enz, M. J. Hartson, L. P. Maury, Hal MWŒLLAINEOUS: Pierce, Lyman Carrier, J. W. Laird, Elections ................................................ ................ 75.00 City Library ............................................................ 1,000.00 O. C. Sanford, J. A. Lamb, H. Hast, Workmen’s (Compensation ................................... 300.00 James Watson, C. C. Evland, Bert 1,500.00 Purchase of Property for Special Assessments Other Items .............................................................. 3.376.00 Folsom, W. H. Mansell, S. M. Nos 500.00 ier, Pearl Ellingsen, H. A- Young, EMERGENCY .. 500.00 500.00 G. W. Taylor, Sr., Ella Nelson and Ida Owen: Water Fsnd PERSONAL SERVICES: One evening last week Mr. George ..» 1,620.00 Water Superintendent 900.00 City Recorder ........... A. Ulett and Mr. Theodore Clinton 2,670.00 who hold the offices of patron and City Treasurer ...... 160.00 associate patron of the Beulah Chap CONSTRUCTION: ter of Eastern Star, entertained all Labor ............................ 2,700.00 1,065.00 Pipe A Supplies ......... the officers of the Chapter and their 150.00 4315.00 husbands with a bridge party held at Miscellaneous ....... the lovely summer home of Mr. and MISCELLANEOUS: M m . Ulett at Bandon Beach. The 50.00 Workmen’s Compensation ....................... •3 250.00 300.00 ladies' prize was won by Mrs. Comp Other Expense ............................................ gentlemen ton and the l _ —____ ’s by Mr. INDEBTEDNESS: It Pays Compare I Ruble. At the close dArthe > evening 3,000.00 Payment of Water Fund Bonds Series C Mre. Ulett and Mn^^Ktoi ;on served Interest on Water Fund 'Bonds Series C, D A E. 3,500.00 Our to Interest on Water Fund Bonds.Gerieo F—........... 2,750.00 a delicious lunch to t following 0315.00 265.00 Interest on Wararnts ................................................ present: Messrs. and Mesdames Wil Values! • 44,463.95 liam Zosel, Willard Bowerman, Julius 332 First Street, Coquille, Oregon Ruble, Roy Neal, W. V. Glaiayeg, C. < 120.00 A. Rietman, Lafe Compton, C. C.‘Ef V* w • • •' « 600.80 ‘ • • • • land, E. L Vinton and Mrs. LT Jr. 300.00 »core Holstein calf member, was pre Maury. 1300.00 News Notes From Powers Probate Court Item« 20000 sented with a Holstein calf by Jarno» ST Saturday the nurse ’ s office in the R. H. Hunt, of Bandon, was last f 19,620.00 17,000.00 Guests for two tables of Bridge and Landrith The calf that Bunell first school building will be made into a Friday appointed administrator of 4 - • luncheon were entertained last week place was a twin to the one which was I 26,848.05 siaed by Taxation...................................... surgery and 14 children will hive the »70 estate left by P. B. Kessler, by Mrs. J. E. Paulson at her home on given by Landrith last year. INDEBTEDNESS OF THE their tonsils removed. Dr. Mast, of who died July 6, 1931. South Coulter street. Mrs. Paulson The judging teams, both in cattle COQUILLE, 0008 COUNTY, OREGON Myrtle Point, will remove the tonsib J. Harry Druliner was on Saturday SEPTEMBER 1st, 1931 was assisted in serving by her daugh and poultry, which won first honors, assisted by his nurse, Mrs. Johnston, appointed administrator of the »50 3 26,000.00 Funding Bonds Series of 1927 .. 9,000.00 ter, Mm. G. G. Mauney, of North were from Arago. The cattle judg Dr. Gregson, Dr. Milne and Ethel Lit estate left by J. DeLoss Druliner, who Beach Street Bridge Bonds ......... 8300.00 Bend. Lovely prizes were won by ing team was composed of Melden tler school nurse. The kindergarten Henry Street Bridge Bond............. was killed in an automobile accident' 13300.00 Mm. Boober and Mrs. Emery. Enjoy Carl, Price Schroeder and Laura Mi- Water Fund Bonds Series C ... 30,000.00 ing the delightful affair were Mes lani. Composing the poultry team room will be uaed for a recovery room. last June. L. H. Hazard, E. D. Webb Water Fund Bonds Series D .... • • The Coos Bay Lumber Co. will furnish and O. C. Sanford are the appraisers. 20,000.00 Water Fund Bonds Series E .... 50,000.00 dames R. E. Boober, F. S. Emery, were Laura Milani, Iola Robison and cots. The county health association Water Fund Bonds Series F .... 106,102.76 George A. Ulett, Jack Lefevre, F. C. Royce Pauli. Street I Improvement Bonds .... Is sponsoring thb clinic and loaning 23,433.42 Hudson, C. Weldon Kline, Raymond Lester Porterfield, of Myrtle Point, General Fund Warrants ............. the money, which will be repaid by 132631 A. Jeub and Guy G. Mauney. Water Fund Warrants ................. Smith-Hughes boy having the best the parents of the children. This way 8,034.06 Special Fund Warrants ............... project exhibit at the county fair, it will only cost »7.50 per child. M m . Justine Ferris, who is af was awarded a registered Jersey calf »295396.42 TOTAL INDEBTEDNESS One Cent a Word The Coos Bay Lumber Co. is build fectionately known as “Aunt Tiny,” by L. H. Pearce, of Myrtle Point. State of Oregon ing a fence around the property where County of Coos On Friday afternoon the calf blan was given a surprise party yesterday their donkey engines are stored. Two LOST—Pair of gray trousers, S8 ket was awarded to George Wilson, in observing her eightieth birthday I, F. G. Leslie, do hereby certify that the abdve estimate of expenditures Saturday. Finder return to Don lines have been stolen from the for the fiscal year, beginning December let. 1981, and ending November 30th, anniversary. M m . Ferris has for I of Coquille, winner of the calf show drums recently. Kelley and receive reward. 1992, as shown above, hare been compiled from the records in my charge and years made her home with Mr. and manship contest, by Clyde E. Niles, A destitute family arrived in Pow are true and correct copies thereof. of Coquille. M m . Gene Howe, which ia on ers walking and carrying a small WANTED TO EXCHANGE—Income Mil“, (Seal) Marshfield highway and at this bearing apartment house, located in City Recorder. 38t2 baby. They were cared for by the vanced ago she had good health State Fair Crowded This Year committee. the best residential district in Port me» enjoys life in every way, keeping her land, rarely vacant, for improced Oregon’s state fair, which is said to Mm. Geo. P. Stewart and Ethel Lit self busy sewing quilt blocks. Present be the second in size of any in the tler attended the unemployment meet farm land, suitable for dairy pur were M m . Ferris, M m . Elmer Howe, Unted States, was overflowing with ing at Coquille Tuesday evening. They poses, up to »25,000. Prefer to deal Mrs. W. D. Simmons, Mrs. Mary Dun stock, horses, poultry and other ex report a very encouraging meeting. with owners only. Address replies ham, Mrs. Ralph Nosier, Mrs. Core hibits thb year, the entries coming in to J. O. R., care Sentinel. 38t4 Pepper Bros, loaded' their machin Porter, Mrs. Harvey Minard, Mre. Monday having to be put where opace ery and left for Syracuse, N. Y., the FOR RENT—Seven Acres of land, Fred Minard, Mrs. Gene Howe and could be found. Hogs, sheep, cattle, first of the week. half bench and bottom, all under Mrs. Wm. Buell, of MarehAeM. poultry, in every line the exhibits Bom to Mr. and Mrs. Homer Rob good cultivation. Bench land suita were more numeroua thb year than inson, of North Powers, a son. ble for strawberries. Abo plenty of The Study Club met Monday for ever before, and on Monday the fair Hobi aeroplanes are sowing grass barn buildings and house if desired. luncheon and afternoon at the home officials were wiring horsemen who seed for Powers’ farmers thia week. Will give three years’ lease, if of Mrs. C. A. Rietman. Attending had not yet arrived that no stalb Tuesday they were not able to work wanted. Apply to Chris Terres, were Mesdames C. Weldon Kline, were left for race horses. on account of the light showers Mon Marshfield Highway. 87tf George Chaney, J. Arthur Berg, Coos county’s exhibit, as usual, was day night which made the landing Keith Leslie, C. D. Walker and Geo. the center of attraction. There is al field too wet. ORDER NOW for fall or spring de W. Taylor Jr. ways a greater crowd around it than livery. AH kinds of Nursery Stock. at any other booth in the exposition Knife Hospital Notes Choice Trees at farmer prices. G. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Thrift were building.. County Agent Jenkins, J. Byrd Nosier, injured at the Cedar T. Royer, Dillard, Ore., or write hosts to their three-table bridge club L. Smith and Geo. Hampton, in charge Roseburg Star Route. 87t2* at their home at 275 South Coulter of the booth again this year, had a Point loading dock, was taken to the street Wednesday evening, with the wonderful display of myrtle, one of hospital last Friday for an emergency FOR RENT—-Nine acres of land, following present: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. the novelties being a beautiful poster operation. good house, garage, woodshed, big Jimmy Watson, an employee on the Zosel, Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Leach, bed. Cheese, fruits, grains and veg orchard 100 trees, half acre of Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Clinton, Mr. etables also added to the booth’s art Clausen ranch at Leneve, underwent bottom. Throe blocks from high an operation last Sunday for a rup and Mrs. Goo. Johnson and Mr. and tractions, although several other school. Electric lights, eity water. Mrs. H. C. Gets. High score prises counties showed fine dieplays along tured appendix. Phone 491, or 185J. Inquire of Le John Belloni, of Myrtle Point, was were won by Mr. and Mre. Zosel. the same lines. roy Rice at Ideal Bakery. 36tf brought to the hospital Sunday for Rain on Monday and Tuesday an operation for hernia. It was of County Fair the Best Yet tended to keep attendance down and long standing but became acute sud WILL GIVE^ first mortgage for »750.00 at 8 per cent for throe yrs. Thia year’s Coos A Curry County interfered with the races, but did not denly. Interest semi or annual. John S. Fair nt Myrtle Point was one of the stop the rodeo. While it was not as Mra. C. L. Lemon underwent a ma Sanders, Phone 179-L or 541 West most successful ever held. Exhibits complete as the Pendleton Round-Up, jor operation Monday. 6th 8t. along all lines were ■ more numerous the rodeo was good. Two Myrtle Point men, Forrest L. Among the Coquille people at the than ever before, especially in the Moon and Leland Barklow, entered Smits-Hughes and 4-H club depart fair Monday were H. 8. Cadman and the hospital Tuesday for appendicitis FOR RENT — Furnished modern son, Sidney, and Mr. and Mm. John apartments. J. H. Oerding. ments. operations. It is estimated that on Friday st A. Martin. WANTED —Tents, Camp Stoves, Fur Pete Dworatoek, injured in the Geo. least 6,000 people were in attendance. Sutton mine at Powers yesterday was niture, etc. Arrow Hardware Co., Sentinel and Sunset 12.25 On Saturday awards to special brought to the hospital for treatment. next door east of Farmers and Mer prise winners were made. Melden Due to a special arrangement with He had suffered a fractured collar chants Rank. I6tf Carl, of Arago, high score Jersey calf the publishers of Sunset Magasine, bone. member, was awarded a registered the Sentinel is able to offer to now NOTICE: Farmers—Ws buy Beef, Jersey calf by George Hampton, also subscribers the magasine aad this Safety First! Use Cow Beil Dairy’s Veal, Pork, Poultry and Hides, at of Arago. paper far »2.25. The regular com Pasteurised Milk and protect your the ECONOMY MARKET, Co- Calling carda 100 for »130. Fred Bunell, of Coos River, high bined price for the tsro is »3.00. health. quifle, Oregon. PAY-DAYSl an all time NEW LOW PRICE For this Fine grade oF overalls » * Thereli Cetra in every pair oF • PAY TOYS OYSPÄY DAYS"»« 75« PENNEY’S Want Ads t)