Coquille Valley Sentina! "o> «--- VOL. XXVII. THE PAPER THATS LIKE A LETTER FROM _______ J«............ NO. 88. ■-11. J— I f COQUILLE. COOS COUNTY, OREGON. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1M1 .......... .. TWI He Called the Roll Kenneth Dunham’s Parole Con­ tinued by Justice Stanley —Interesting Case 1 C. W. Gano’s report as to how he killed the mute deer, steaks from which tbs Lion* enjoyed a week ago, was supplemented yesterday by a true account given by W. V. Ferguson. After he had shot ths buck, Cy rushed breathlessly into camp. “Is Arthur here?” he asked; “and George, and Floyd?” Being assured they were he exclaimed, “Then I've killed a deer.” w Guests at the luncheon yesterday were Roy Fitzgerald, Miss M. Fish-’ back,, and H. C. Getz. Mr. Fitzgerald gave a ten-minute talk on the gold extraction proposition which has been stirring Coquille as never before, and Mr. Getz made his talk snappy and to the point, “Christmas will soon be here; do your shopping and mailing early.” Nod C. Kelley reported that »25 has been contributed toward work on the swimming pool and that J. L. Stacer Was had a small crew at work up there for two days. Wade Aretill ateo reported that ths Boy Scout* had interested themselves in the clearing at the Dutch John res­ ervoir and were helping with the work as they had time. • C. C. Wiliam* was also a visitor from the Marshfield Lions den. His talk on the state police was postponed until next Thursday. N ft I W' ! . »2.M THE TEAR . BLACKSANDPLANTTOBEHERE ---------- 4 “Doc” Roy Fitzgerald Buys Local Site for Erection of Mill—Machinery at Bay— Not Asking a Cent From Anyone New Corporation Announced The Western Mercantile Agency, is authorised to do a collection and adjustment business, sell insurance— including life, fire, casualty, accident and all general linea—do a loan, brokerage and commission business, handle real estate and handle all kinds of business along those lines. The loan feature will be on chattel proper­ ty, automobiles and farming machin­ ery- Mr. Kelley will continue to handle the same lines of insurance that he has in the past, fire, auto and general. Mr. Pause will manage the collection department, and Geo. Belloni, who has been in the insurance business for the past two years, will handle the life and accident insurance. No one has yet been secured to handle the. real estate end of the busi­ ness, but the corporation management expects to have a licensed broker in its employ soon. Each department is fitted up with a private office in the company’s quar­ ters, the east room of the First Na­ tional Bank building, and the person­ nel will be glad to meet new and old customer» and friends in the new home. Philip Barry Attempts to KiU Wife and Self at Powers • Wednesday A case which attracted consider­ Philip Barry, of Powers, was still able attention yesterday was in Jus­ alive at the Knife hospital here this tice Stanley’s court here when the morning, was conscious and in about judge denied District Attorney “Not millions, but billions,” la tbs Mr. Fitzgerald states very poaitiv«- the same condition as when he was Walsh’s motion that the parole of ly that he is not interested in buying way Roy Fitagerald expressed it at • brought here Wednesday night with David Kenneth Dunham be revoked. banquet held for him and hi* party land or going into partnership with a bullet hole through his head. Dunham was sentenced to 30 days All he wants is in the Coquille Hotel, Monday even­ anyone in buying. Mrs. Barry, who is In the Mast in jail and to pay a fine of #100 when ing. He was talking about ths possi­ iough black sand to keep his plant1 hospital at Myrtle Point, whom Barry he was convicted a short time ago of ing, when it is erected. His aaao- ! bilities of extracting the flour gold shot through the body, just prior to driving a Red Ball track while in­ known to exist in black sand all over cinte« are, however, in a position to his attempted suicide, is reported to toxicated. After he had served 16 southwestern Oregon and which he halp those who may be interrated in have a good chance for recovery. The days of his sentence the judge paroled claims can be recovered by use of the developing black sand claims. bullet passed through her left lung, him. His stamp mill, or amalgamation secret formula be recently discovered back of the breast. Last Saturday afternoon, about Ptant, is to be operated on the same or worked out. The shooting occurred in the lum­ 5:80, Dunham, on his way home to And he frankly added that if any­ principle as a gin mill in the cotton ber company club house at Powers, Roseburg, stopped in Myrtle Point, belt The plant wiH extract the gold one had told him six month* ago that about nine o’clock Wednesday even­ and with Clovis Church, took a short the fin* particles of the precious and platinum for 25 per cent of the ing. ride on a motorcycle. They rode thia value recovered. Black sand will be metal could be recovered st an ex­ Barry was convicted several months way to the bridge on the highway, pense not prohibitive, he would have passed through the secret process and ago of an attempt to defraud the In­ about a mile, and then returned to bean disgusted with th* statement. ths producer may either take away dustrial Accident Commission by de­ Myrtle Point. But he firmly believes no* that he with him his 75 per cent of the prec- liberately chopping off a finger. He There they met Officers Chas. Hunt, has discovered the process and that ieus metal, or receive 90 per cent of was sentenced to the penitentiary and Clyde Hedges, Art Currie and Bert * it* value in cash. Coquille and Coos county are destined after some months* incarceration was Pearson in an automobile. The offi­ Mr. Fitagerald says that within a to become the gold-producing center paroled and returned to Coos coun­ cers immediately turned and follow­ few weeks the plant will be ready for of the United States, if not of the ty a couple of months ago. ed the motorcycle and arrested Dun­ operation and he urges those who world. _ Hie wife had started divorce pro­ ham on the charge of driving after have likely claims of black sand to For, according to Doc’s statements ceedings recently and in keeping with his license had been revoked. He was (that is the way in which he desire* make arrangements for development. his statement that if she did he would brought to jail here and soon released to be addressed) .the government But, he predicts, if interest is not kill her, he purchased a revolver Wed­ The sheriff ’ s office is looking for a on »1000 bonds. surveys show that the gold, platinum taken locally, that within a very short nesday and made the attempt. man who went by the name of Paul At the hearing yesterday the of­ and precious mineral deposit* under time outside concerns will be flocking Four shots were fired, two evident­ Abbott while in Coquille for a couple ficers swore that Dunham was driv­ a section of southwest Oregon, about in here and Coos county will see the ly going wild, another striking Mrs. ing the motorcycle, while Church and 30 by 40 miles in area, is greater greatest influx of people in its his­ of weeks. A woman with him, who Barry, and the fourth entering Bar­ B. A. Roberta, of Fairview, returned was supposed to have been his wife, Dunham and some Myrtle Point wit­ tory. than anywhere else in thia country. ry’s head back of the right ear and nesses were equally positive that a few days ago from an entire aum- A* a means of relieving tbe unem­ may have been, but from some of the coming out near the left temple. There is black sand on the beach, mer in Japan and China as a member remarks he let drop at the Coquille Dunham was riding on the gas tank but hardly of sufficient gold-bearing ployment situation he state* that Sheriff Hess was called at once and in front of Church who was guiding of the Fifth Upton Close Cultural Ex­ properties to make working it suc­ with 15 men needed for each jigger Machine Shop, where he was employ­ brought Barry to the hospital here pedition and reports his experiences ed, it is doubtful that they were mar ­ the machine. Clovis swore that Dun- cessful. It’s in the third beach, cov­ box, in three 8-hour shifts each, that haze stopped on the pedal to start the as varied and interesting beyond ex­ ered up ages ago when th* earth was there will be thousand* of men mak- ried. In fact, it look* now ae though where he is under guard. It was a serious operation that Dr. Richmond engine but was in no way responsible pectation, and contrasting from re­ still in tbe formative period, that the bettor than ordinary wages wnen the pair might have been white slav­ performed in removing pieces of ceptions befitting royiaty or diplo­ er*. ..... for the driving. outside companies get started. greatest rich ore is found. This Last Thursday Abbott dropp'd in bone and brain from the-path of the Paul Walker, who did a good job in mats to being loaded in sampans from third beach may be anywhere from That Mrs. Fitzgerald can extract the train in the flooded districts of to the Sentinel and placed an adver­ bullet and it cannot be told yet wheth­ acting as Dunham’s attorney, tote- gold from black sand was amply one to 60 feet deep. tisement for a lady companion for er Barry has a chance of recovery. graphed Secretary of State Hose to China and taken to whore the tracks onstratod in the Community Naturally there is a skepticism that The Barry’s have eight children, were above water and the next train his wife, It was answered Saturday team if Dsnham’* license had been ilding Wednesday evening when millions of dollars of wealth are ly­ the youngest six months old who have by Edith Jacobsen, daughter of Mr. revoked, because of ths previous con­ could come for the travellers. fie gave a public exhibition of his They stayed tn such luxurious hos- ing under our feet in Coos county, and and Mr*. Pete Jacobsen, and she has been living at various homes in Pow­ viction, and learned that it had not pecs'*. th* general public is awaiting fur ­ teleries as Grand Hotel do Pekin not been seen since Saturday after- ers. Mrs. Barry was regarded very to ther developments before highly in Powers where she had and the Imperial ta Toyfco, and else noon. Under the circumstances, Justice ____ ___ _ he as true Doc’s most optimistic lived for more than-a- yeas, and was As soon as she had been engaged, Stanley decided that the preponder­ lived “Miesse” ee the tatami ta described as “pickled,” according to Abbott drew his money at (he ma­ not responsible for whatever jealous ance of evidence was that Dunham typieat Japanese inns or ysdoyas. But when hte faith is proved by his his formula. In the mill operations Interviews with persons or impor ­ chine shop, quit th* job and with the or revengeful purpose may have ac­ was not driving, and that even had works, and he doe* his part in making the sheets will be pickled, and pans woman left town, presumably taking tuated her hueband. he been there was nothing to forbid tance in the fields of art, politics and tbe development of the gold-industry not used. education were arranged for them Edith with them. Wednesday, when it, and he refused to grant the district After Washing the sand, which that a fact, the most pessimistic will be Smith-Hughes Boys at Fair attorney’s motion for revocation of by Upton Close—and other inter­ forced to acknowledge that Mr. Fitz­ evening was just ss it came from the it became known that the pair were views were arranged by chance, such gone, Mr. Jacobsen swore out a war ­ The boys of the Coquille Smith- parole. as the one with the Chinese Moham­ gerald is absolutely sincere in his ground and not in the form of con­ rant for Abbott’« arrest, and the Hughes Agriculture had a successful centrates, the concentrates were medan General, Mah Hung Kwei, plane. hunt started. year at the county fair. They com­ 24 Caught in Raida Arriving in Coquille Monday from treated with the solution which is whose unexpected allegiance to the The only clue Sheriff Hess has to peted in both the open and Smith- A raid by prohibition officers Central Power in China led to the San Francisco, with his attorney, C. known only to Mr. Fitzgerald and the work on is that they went south by Hughes claeses and won 60 ribbons— members of the sheriff’s force, Mon­ quelling of a rebellion in Shantung W. Pearson; his private secretary, resulting amalgamated gold nuggets stage but he is using the wires to ¿8 firsts, 18 seconds, 6 thirds, 4 day and Tuesday, resulted in 21 men just as the party stopped at Taian to M. Fish back; and a wealthy varied in size from not much larger try and locate him. With the start fourth and 4 fifth prizes. Competi­ and women being taken before Justice climb the mountain «acred to Confu­ Oakland man, A. Kroll, who is said than a pin point to one which was Abbott had, he could easily have tion this year was much keener in all estimated to be worth 25 cents. Stanley on Tuesday, Wednesday and cius. Upton Close met the General, to be backing Mr. Fitzgerald, tbe lat­ reached San Francisco before the the departments, especially in the These nuggets were recovered from yesterday, charged with either sale an old friend, on the station platform, ter immediately began looking for a hunt for him started, Where they open clases. Last year there was not two pounds of sand, furnished by or possession of liquor. and hie hospitality included a real site for the plant he proposes to erect. came from no one knows. over ten or fifteen entries in any one It did not take long for him to get several different parties and which The dragnet operation was parti­ Chinese feast for the entire party up­ Later—A wire from Sacramento class, while this year several of them cipated in by A. F. Weaver, federal on their descent from the mountain, in touch with R. A. Wernich, trustee Mr. Fitzgerald had not seen prior to just before noon states that the trio had as many as 36 or 40 entries. In prohibition officer; Clyde E. Hedges, and in displays of skill on the part of for the old Sitka mill property, and the demonstration. are under arrest there and being held addition to the ribbow—Coquille won The gold recovered from a two- local federal officer; Sheriff H. E. General Mah’e army, in their white an option was taken on a strip of for Coos county officers. two of the four special prizes offered. Hess, Deputie Sheriffs P. W. Culver uniforms, who performed sword waterfront, 200 feet along the river pound lot of sand contributed by F. These special prizes were awarded and C. W. Hunt, two state officers dances and acrobatic maneuvers of and an average of 325 feet between L. Greenough, was estimated to be Liberty to Open Oct. 9 the boys having the best projects in worth 10 to 16 cents, which means from Roseburg and officers in the both Chinese and Western origin. A the river and the railroad. This tract A. Combs, proprietor of the Liberty sheep, »wine, dairy and poultry. Thia cities where arrests were made, body of men of better physical train­ lies between the mill and Harry good pay dirt, averaging from 1100 Theatre, states this week that the year the Coquille Lions Club offered They pretty well covered the ing is not to be found in the world. Hunt’s shingle mill. On Wednesday to »160 per ton. A larger nugget, estimated as show house will re-open next Friday, a purebred sheep, Myrtle Point gave the deal was completed and the trans­ county, witih arrests at Empire, North (Continued on eleventh page.) fer of the property only await« the worth 25 cents, was recovered from Oct. 9, with an afternoon matinee. a purebred Chester White gilt, the Bend, Marshfield, Bandon, Coquille, “The Run Kiwanis Club of Marshfield, a pure­ Myrtle Point, and at points outside return of the papers from the Hiber­ the sand provided by Wm. Gaffey, The picture will be Ferb Showed Cy How the cities. nia Bank in Portland. The site meets which would jnean »250 of the Around,” a techni-color film. Admis­ bred calf, and the Clinton and Hurd Here’s another fish story from Gold all the requirements for a plant— precious metal to the ton of sand. sion to evening shows will be reduced Hatchery of 'Bandon a >16.00 order The following is ■ list of those who Beach that is sworn to as “no fish fresh water, rail, highway and water Mr. Fitzgerald has aroused univer­ to 35 and 10 cents, except on gift for the purchase of baby chickens. appeared before Justice Stanley: Russell Martindale, who specializes sal interest in this section, but it is nights. Mabel Snyder and Ruth Clark, of story.” transportation. Cy Gano hooked a nice big Chinook, When the public is again admitted in purebred Dorset Hom sheep won the Bay, pleaded guilty to the sale of On the dock at Marshfield there is one of watchful waiting, with the liquor and were fined »200 and »50 played him around and had him up to stored »26,000 worth, or more of ma­ heartiest co-operation to be given if to the theatre, a considerably changed the sheep prize. Fay Holverstott, who has been a respectively, and costs, which were the boat. When Cy tried to lift the chinery, which will be housed in the and when his statements are proved appearance will be noted. The foyer consistent winner ever since his fresh­ catch by the line, and without using to be true. been widened to afford ample has paid. steel and concrete building to be It is not a critical attitude that Co­ room; new thick carpets have been man year with his project of pigs, H. D. Jones and Frances Manning, a gaff, the line parted, and with a erected on the site purchased, and of this city, charged with possession, disdainful flip of his tail the Chinook which was shipped here before the quille people are manifesting; it is laid in the foyer and aisles, and the again won the purebred Chester were given a hearing and were bound departed. party arrived. Tuesday morning the the old Missouri trite "show me.” new upholstered seats, to arrive to­ White hog as first prize in this class. Elwyn Nosier came within a point “Hl show you how to land one,” steel for the plant was shipped from And Doc Fitzgerald goes calmly about morrow, will be very comfortable. over. Jones gave bond in the eum of »1000, while she is held in lieu of called Ferb Emery, who with Geo. Kansas City and the construction his business of getting ready for busi­ . The new Neon aign, with the out­ of winning the prize for the best Ulett wae in the next boat, and al­ work is to be rushed as rapidly as ness, with all the apeparance of know­ lined word, "Liberty,” was installed poultry project. ' »500 bail. The object of Smith-Hughes project ing exactly what he is going and that yesterday on the corner of the build­ Roy Stout, of Fairview, for sale, though he had never caught a salmon possible. before, he did show Cy. It wasn’t all his promises and predictions will ing and replaces the old “flasher” sign work is to help the boys build up a That is what is meant by “ showing ,Continued on fifth page.) more than a minute or two after Mr. his faith by his works. Mr. Fitzger­ be fulfilled. which C. A. Gage installed several profitable enterprise and understand Geno’s catch that Mr. Emery’s line ald and his associates are spending Nor will we have long to wait for years ago. The new sign is a very the business of farming. C. H. S. Goes to Bandon tightened. But when he was reeling their own money snd ar* asking not Doc promises all speed in the erec­ attractive one and can be seen from Pelz - Simpson Tomorrow, October 8, the Coquille in for dear life the fish approached his one cent locally. tion of the building and installation all directions. team will go ta Bandon to play their boat, leaving a lot of loose line. Sud- of machinery, and that the gold hunt ­ Miss Muriel Simpson, daughter of “We have nothing to sell,” Doc ha* second game of the season, meeting dently the salmon leaped from the repeatedly affirmed. “We have no ers will be pouring in here within Bill Richardson Again at Garage A. L. Simpson, of this city, was united the high school eleven of that city. water, about three or four feet from stock to sell, nor machinery, and we two weeks. J. W. Richardson thia week return­ in marriage last Friday to Mr. Harry Last year the two squads played a the boat, and landed “plunk” at Mr. ask nothing of you people, -except To the first unit to be started ed to his old stand on First street and Pelz, at Klamath Falls, the groom’s 6 to 6 tie in their first encounter, but Emery’s feet, and in the boat. others will be added as the needs re­ is again in active management of former home. thst you bring us black sand.” in the second Coquille emerged a 20 Evidently these eastern fishermen Mr. Pelz has been a résident of In the building to be erected will be quire and Mr. Fitzgerald expects to Richardson's Garage, succeeding Har­ to 0 victor. know their salmon. installed machinery capable of hand­ have mills established at many points ry A. Wise in the automobile repair Coquille for the past six months and The dope this year on the relative ling 75 ton* of concentrates every in Oregon. business. Bill Richardson has long recently he and his bride purchased strength of the two aggregations is Grand Jury to Meet Oct. 8 24 houra or 36 tons of ore. And by been connected with the autombile the Rainbow Confectionery on Taylor uncertain, though Bandon has more Hotel Has New Neon Sign The October term of Circuit court Mr. Fitagerald’* secret process the business in Caquille and his former street, which they will reopen and veterans and as much weight as the will open on the 21st of thia month, gold from «he sand will be recovered. The new Hotel Coquille Neon sign customers will be glad to see him manage as soon as the necessary re­ locale have. As well, Coquille has al­ but District Attorney Walsh will ask Only concentrates, however, will be modelling and repairing is finished, was placed in position, diagonally back in the shop. ready been defeated rather badly by which may require another week. that the grand jury be called to meet accepted at the plant. across the Front and Taylor streets Marshfield, placing her in the cellar Mrs. Pelz is an accomplished mu­ The mill will only handle concen­ intersection, this week and is in a on Oct. 8, eleven days before the petit Although Wednesday oeemed like a position of the conference standing. jury term opens. Usually the grand trates, not the sand as dug from the position where it cannot be over­ very warm day the thermometer sician and for yean has been en­ jury meets just a week prior to regu­ ground, but the “jigger” boxes, cost­ looked from whatever entrance to Co­ only reached 78 degrees. It was the gaged in orchestra work as a pianist, Masons Invited to Card Party lar Circuit court term, but Mr. Waksh ing »500 and which require five men I quille a traveller may come. It is last gasp of summer, as it were. both here and in California. The happy couple have not yet an­ Beulah Chapter O. E. S. is giving a evidently figures that there is more to keep busy, is a custom piece of a fine looking sign with red lettering card party next Thursday evening, work to do than can be accomplished machinery and is necessary to pro­ and a blue arrow pointing to the Dr. Jas. W. Wheeler reports the nounced where they will reside. They Oct. 8, immediately after the chapter in one week. cure the concentrates. It can be pur­ hotel. Mr. Compton will also have a birth to Mr. and Mm. Kirk Shelley, are now receiving the congratulations session, and all Masons and their chased from any mining machinery Neon lining around th* marquee at last Sunday, of an eight pound son. of their wide circle of friends ta wives are invited to attend. Calila* card« 100 ht IMO. factory- Both mother and babe ara doing well. which the Sentinel joins. , the office and lobby entrance. * SHERIFF SEEK­ ING P. ABBOTT B. A. ROBERTS FROM ORIENT ta " - 1 - i I 4 Í f I