PAG« FRIDAY, Avail yourself of our LAY-A-WAY” PLAN! And that you may be adjulged the hostess of excellent taste, we proffer the newest thing in Fostoria Stem ware. The bowl is of lovely dear crystal, formed in in teresting optic loops, while the stems and bases are in a fresh green color. Every piece, from the tall stemmed goblet to the footed oyster cocktail, can be had in this new variety of at tractive glass. Your table is dependent upon its stemware for the largest part of its beauty, so be sure you see our new Fostoria glass. It is good-looking, of excellent quality and moderately priced. “Old Scout” Still Going Strong 106.102.7S 23,436.42 1326.21 8,064.0« Gould Furniture Co ... (Continued from Firat Pag«) Want Ads Niles Motor Co Second & Taylor, Coquille