Urge Highway Straightening That th. suggestion mad. in the Sentinel recently about straightening and covering the highway between Coquille and MamhAeld, to receiving consideration ia indicated from the following article in this week’s Marshfield News: At a meeting of the Marshfield Chamber of Commerce diroetom, Monday noon the secretary was in structed to draw up a letter to Roy Klein, state highway engineer, draw ing bis attention to the dangerous condition of the Marshfield-Coquille highway. This was done. The letter pointed out that the highway was constructed at a time when the roads were built with the expectation that 30 miles per hour would be the max imum speed they would be called upon to carry. As we well know, such highways are obsolete and a danger to traffic. This particular piece of road is no exception. It is the most traveled road in the the southwestern part of the state. As such it is almost criminally dangerous in wet weather. If the work of straightening out the curves and building up shoulders could bo undertaken soon it would help take care of the unemployment «situation this winter. The section of highway to easily accessible to Ban don, Myrtle Point, Coquille, North Bond and Marshfield and thus the work would help all these communi ties. Work of this nature to readily done by hand labor and thus lends itself to unemployment relief readily. Is One-fourth Nature and Three-fourths Care 4 The Rexall Store offers its patrons, the exclusive service of a Toilet Goods Specialist during the days of Sept. 28-29-30 This exceptional opportunity permits you to have advice demonstrations in the proper care of the coiriplexion— There is absolutely no charge for this service— It is one of our features. ‘ Cara Nome Preparations insure the attractiveness and * * personal charm that every woman desires. STEP INTO THE STORE, write or phone us, and select a time most convenient for you to have the services of this Toilet Goods Specialist in your own home. Fuhrman’s Pharmacy, Inc. DRUGGISTS STATIONERS F.nrllsh elinf objected you cure about English? hack to God’s own coun- Chadwick Lodge No. 18 AUTOMOBILE COLLISION Seriously Injuted Can Completely Wrecked It your car did ojomo WORTH or DAMAGE WOULD Take one of the Oregon Auto Ina. Co. policies for Property Damare and fool better. COQJJILLE, OREGON**