’’■î OF COURSE are a local home-owned concern, buying and selling all Local Products possible, thus building the community—pat- Eronizing Local Banks and NOT Shipping Our Receipts to Wall Street! We believe we are entitled to your patronage with I Price and Quality equal to, or better than chain competition. l Features for Saturday and Monday, Sept. 19 and 21 GOLDEN WEST SWIFTS OLD DUTCH COFFEE BACON For value you can’t beat this—a well- known, dependable product Vacuum pack at the price of bulk. Empire Brand—at the most reasonable price this season. Average Weight 4 to 6 lbs. Pillsbury*« f ÜÏÏ?1“ 4lb^38c8lb8 75c Albers Flapkack Flour Mie 9ßag49c Albers Prepared Buckwheat ■«* m. 250 RockdeH Whole Wheat £<£*“' &:29c Carnation From Contented Cows SIDE &«23e VINEGAR Pure Cider. Full strength 40 Gr. 53.25c Junham’s Crystal White J PaU 45© Contains 20* More * _ D .. lugar than others. IO”* p*n Syrup < BROWN SUGAR 7 35c :»90 SALAD AID RINSO —n---- U.- Soaks Clothes Clean HALF GALLON >129 Large W Pkgs. 4-9*» .-7-n-------- ~------ 4 m . And Don’t Forget a Loaf of that Good Home-made Irish BREAD Local Grown—White Heads—Well Trimmed Fresh, Large, Black-Seeded Klondikes Coquille’s only Strictly Cash Store ___________ The CONSOLIDATED With several hundred pieces of equipment and a well organized staff of transportation experts, The Consolidated Freight lines assure you of de pendable service. Coquille CANNING ALL CLEANED . _____ NO HEADS City Market