Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 11, 1931)
big reason millions more people ride on Good year Tires! Well show you why. ____________________ _ Latest Improved GOODYEAR PATHFINDER GOLD BOND COFFEE 3 Ponds and 3 Water Glasses - s Apricot & Pineapple PRESERVE 2 pound Jars - . ' - 40e MILLION DOLLAR COFFEE 2 pounds 1 cup 1 saucer - • • 79 STRAWBERRY PRESERVE 2 1b Jars - - "55 | We have just placed in stock OLD FASHION, . Whole Wheat Meal Whole Wheat Granule! Yellow Corn Meal Scottish Oatmeal Whole Wheat Cake & Waffle Made by Old Fashion Mills Portland, Ore. All in 20c Pkgs Canada Dry GINGER ALE 3 Bottles ... ijgc GINGER ALE Large Bottles - - - ßQc ■■ i, 6 Cans .n i i i............................. TOMATO SAUCE ... £5c C oquille S ervice S tation Phone 133 ' I —— ---- +----------- —— 1 * Hooker’s Gai Open Day & Night o’clock and Sunday school will begin at elevon. Thia arrangement will al low Mr. Ranton to hold hto regular services at hia own church. Mr». J. D. Corl ha» enjoyed a visit with her »¡»tor, Mr». Ada Bender, of Norway. The Arago achool dietrict is inatall- ing a water system of their own on the school ground». The oM well which was need many year* ago has been reopened and an electric motor and pump has boon ordered from Portland. The water wab previously furnished by Mr. Vetter. Mr. and M m . Albert Gutotrom and son. Junior, returned thia wook from Tillamook, where they have spent the summer. They expect to »pend the winter hero. The Arago store ia fast nearing completion. The plate glass windows were placed last wook and L. A. MyoM has started the inside painting. At the rate of progress they are mak ing Mr. Bartle will soon be able to move into his now quartero. Leon Pauli, janitor, spent most of test week putting the school grounds in shape for school opening Monday. B. B. Watkins has taken over the Halls Creek school bus job aa Burnell Hill was unable to fulfill hie contract. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hearing and children, (Helen and Donny, arrived Thursday and are all Bottled in the teacherage and Mr. Hearing is ready to taka up hie duties in the school. Mr. and M m . Raaaoll Danielson, of Bandon, are rejoicing over the birth •f a baby girl. Mrs. Danietocn to at the homo of her mother, M m . Ahna Halter. Both mother and baby are doing nicely. J. A. Tates had the misfortune to almost lees a hand one day last week when he stumbled and fell into a weed MV. M m . Fred Lafferty was quite ill several days this week with aa at- teck of appendiciti* Orma Miller to homo after work ing soventi wooks with hto brother, Wallace, in contrai Oregon. The annual basket dinner o< the will join Mr. Boles who haa found em ployment for the next four months. School opened Monday in Powers. Tlie school board mot Monday evening and plana for the year were discussed. Rain visited Power» early Sunday morning, putting a atop to forest Area for the present. Slim Carty was appointed Are war den to dll the vacancy when Jack Greiner resigned to go back to school. Mr. Greiner is manual training teach er in the local high school. Shorty Rsnsing and Douglas Hillis are moving into Power». They are moving a small mill and will saw bat tery stock. Ethol Littler drove to Crescent City Wednesday with her mother, M m . E. W. Chandler, who is returning from a two weeks’ vacation spent in Ore gon. Rex Brattain Body Found The body of Rex Brattain, North Bend aviator who lost hia life July 28 when the plane la which be and W. C. McLagan were riding dropped into either the Umpqua river or the ocean off Winchester Bay, was found last Sunday some mile south of the river mouth and one mile north of Ten Mile creek. It wan positively identified as that of Mr. Brattain and was taken to Corvallis for interment. New Cases hi Circuit Court Sept 4—Credit Service Co. vs. Harry Gettlesohn, doing business as “The Paris.” Sept. 5— Intermountain Building A Loan Assn. vs. Clarence Lapointe and wife. Sept. 9 — Siri Ann Enegren va. Chas, and Benny Mahaffy. Sept. 9—Bank of Myrtle Point vs. T. J. and Amanda Weekly et al. Sept 1 0 R ees Thayer va. Oliver 0. Thayer. Suit for divorce. In ■ letter just received from Mel vin Jones, founder and •ecretary-gen- eral of Lions International, the local Lions Club was commended on the work which they accomplished during the past year. Mr. J<one* states that, in hto annual report to the Interna tional Convention of Lions Clubs, which was held in Toronto, Canada, last month, he was happy to ba able to include and give recognition to the part the local Liona Club played in the Association's program of service. The record of their service, as taken directly from Mr. Jones’ report to the convention, to aa follows: Coquille—Heid summer camp far junior boys. Provided needy blind woman with medical aid. Awarded thoroughbred lamb for beat Smith- Hughes project exhibited at county fait. Waa boat to joint service club meeting. Had charge of street sports during annual com show. Presented loving cup to champion basketball team of Oooe County. Diatributed Christmas gifte among poor children of city. Christmas oheer. Entertain ed joint mooting of Lions Clubs of Coo» County. Sponsored a Frank Branch Riley lecture for Coquille Valley citisens. Entertained basket ball squad. Campaigned to have all Grade VTII graduates register in a high school. Sponsored Lions Club st Marshfield. Ten membership re ports received; ton on time. An accurate record of activities to maintained at International Head quarters which shows that, during the past year, 18,825 activities have been reported by the 2,500 clubs m the as sociation. These activities have for the most part fallen under the follow ing genera) classifications: Blind Work, Boys’ Work, Child Welfare, Citisenahip, Civic Improvement, Co operation with other agencies, Educa tion, Farm Work, Public Welfare, and Safety. Presumably because of the increas ing need for service work today, 3,108 more activities were reported for the last year than have ever been report ed before. Probate Court Items Bessie Rogstad waa last Friday ap pointed executrix of the will of her late hueband who died at North Bend, Jan. 31, 1931. The appraiser» of the estate estimated to be worth 11000, are Arthur Beck, P. N. ltaberg and C. P. Kibbler. Edna S. Pehy, of BuHards, was on Tuesdsy appointed administrator of Wanted—Tents, Camp Stoves, Fur the «100 estate toft by Edward W. niture, sic. Arrow Hardware Co, Fahy who died Nov. 29, 1929. next door east of Fanner» and Mar- chaste Bank. Utt Insur. your ear with Ned C. KeAey. MYRTLE POINT ITEMS Mr. and M m . Wm. Fahland left the last week for their home at Webster, Wi»., after a few days’ visit at the home of Mr. Fahland’a uncle, Walter Donald. Miss Helen Deyoe left Sunday for Klamath Falls, where she will teach again this winter. Her parents, Mr. and -M m . W. W. Deyoe, took her as far aa Medford, where she was met by friends from Klamath Falls. Miss Andry Wagner went to Klam ath Falls this week for a visit with friends. Miss Audry will teach in Ashland thia winter. Mias Esther Guerin returned the last of the week from Los Angeles, where she spent the last two months visiting her sister, Crywtle Guerin, who is nuroing in the Glen dale Sanitarium. Esther reporta hav ing a wonderful trip and she took on quite a «oat of tan while in the south ern cities. M m . L. W. Deyoe returned Sunday afternoon from Portland, where she spent several days visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Howe and daugh ter, Betty, returned to their home in Portland Sunday. After spending a week vtoiting in Myrtle Point and the Dora country. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hervey and M m . F. Weekley and T. Hall returned from Monmouth Sunday afternoon, bringing with them their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. 8. Hall to spend the winter with them. M m . Mali is in very poor health and at present is confined to her bed. Kermit Hayes, of Powers, was a Myrtle Point business visitor Mon day. Dr. and Mrs. Chas. Bennett, of Al bany, spent the week end at the home of Dr. Bennett’» mother, M m . B. Ben nett. Attorney Dal King spent the week end at Florence visiting friends. Goo. R. Dickinson and Floyd Sum- meM were at Eckley last Thursday on business. S. P. Hale, who has been visiting nt the home of hto brother, W. D. Halo, near Bridge left Friday for his home at Meridan, Texas. M m . M. 0. Hawkins, of Coquille, teacher of piano, to giving lessons in Myrtle Point this year. has not only the Desire to nerve but the ability as well. With several hundred pieces of equipment and a well organized staff of transportation experts, The Consolidated Freight lines assure you of de pendable service. FARR & ELWOOD, he., Agents Coquille the party were: Ruby and Florence Johnson, Evelyn and Edward Morri son, Eddie Hatfield, Betty Doney, Virginia and Vivian Lake, Bonnie Jean Billings, Jimmie and Roy Por ter and Myrtle Endicott. Ruby re ceived a number of nice gifte. M m . W. A. Lett and son, Oriin, left last Thursday for California. M m . Sarah Williams, of Myrtle Point, accompanied them. The W. C. T. U. held its regular ninthly meeting Tuesday evening in the Presbyterian church. M m . Jolley, the state president, spoke. Twin Oaks community had their clean-up day and picnic Saturday. Af ter the work a picnic was enjoyed with a top-off of ten gallons of ice cream for the workers. Clifton James is home visiting with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Jernes, and family. Clifton 1« a stu dent at McMinnville and has been working there this summer. He will return to McMinnville to attend Lin field college-the coming year. Dr. H. A. Reynolds, chiropractor, and his family have moved to Myrtle Point from Eugene and ere occupying the Henry Schroeder house at Maple and Seventh streets. Th doctor atoo has hto office at hto home. Robert Clarke, who has been spend ing the summer at the home of hto parent», Dr. and Mm. O. H. Clarke, left Tuesday for Annondale-on-Hud- •on, N. Y., where he will enter St. Stephen« College. Hto aunt, Mrs. Sadie M m . Maude Hooton and Mrs. Jas. Thomp.on, who has been here this Morrison entertained last Friday af summer, returned with him to her ternoon ia Hooton Grove in honor of homo in Fall River, Maas. Ruby Johnson, who waa celebrating her ninth birthday. The afternoon Phone 16 San Francisco of late. Miss Aileen Barker spent a few days this week in Portland on bu»i- Mr». Frank Young entertained the Altar society of the Catholic church at her home Thursday. Rev. and Mrs. E. V. Ostrander and son, Donald, arrived Friday from a vacation trip of several weeks to pointe in California, Oregon and Washington. Dr. Mina J. Hall, of Loa Angeles, is vtoiting her parente, Mr. and Mt». J. W. Hall on Catching creek. Dr. Hall has been practicing in Los Angeles for the past five yearo. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. E. Osbume and family moved thia week to Marshfield where they will make their home. Mir« Charlotte Brosius arrived Sun day from Eugene, where she has been spending her summer vacation. She also took a trip to Alaska. She will teach music in the grade schools ths winter. Mim Velma Austin arrived Monday from Allegany and will take her posi tion as teacher in the school» here. She will make her home at the T. D. Guerin home thia winter. Miss Dorothy Hooton, who is nurs ing in the Mast hospital, spent Sun day visiting her parents in Bridge. Mr.'and Mrs. Chas. Grove and daughter, Barbara Jean, spent the week-end with the Ritoherger family. Mr. Grove to with the Western Auto Supply company at Klamath Fall», Oregon. The Lies» Club mot for their first meeting since vacation at Hamml Cafe Friday evening. Wallace De ment presided. Call Farr A Elwood for trsnsfar and fuel.