Thousands of OW . F LOW PRICES and UNUSUAL VALUES Wi Should Have an Easy Time Now! For Not i Able to Offer Such Fine Merchan lise at Such NewRough Fabrics Rough Fabrics is the Rage This Year!— • We have them Here a-plenty! In Change Cloth, Crepe Broadcloth—Bouclé Weaves—Sentaline— Juliard’s Twist—beautiful, high quality materials that insure satisfactory wear. Luxurious Fur Trims Lovely New Fall D Skins of Wolf, Fox, Badger, Fitch, French Beaver- ette, Manchurian Wolf, Lapin, Civet, Cat—all beautifully cut and harmonized to each individual Coat in This Season’s Mos t Captivating Sizes For Everyone in Favor d Shades of A very complete selection in Misses 14 to 20; Women’s 86 to 42; and the larger sizes 44 to 50, besides Half Sizes. Shimmi ring Satin and Heavy Sil c Flat Crepe Lower Prices You’ll H ouse S lippers Children’ Wash Frocks Find and Smart Beautifully Every Drees New Idea Represented Sizes 7 to 14 “Empress Eugei Jackets — Bolei Pressed Gorea- Scarfs or Drape Rhinestone Balk Revers—and Ba tons. As to cok in the lead, with land Greens—Ri the Wake. Pria fusely—and so a Travel Prints in Models. New Fall Footwear Here Children’s le” Silhouettes—Short M — Flares and New Pointed Sleeves—Bias I Collars—Ruchings— —Nipped-In Waists— tons, Buttons &. But- re: Black of course is Colonial Browns, High- f Reds and Rusts in a, too, are shown pro­ 's Wool Crepes and Jacket Suits and Sport New, Good Looking Fur Fabric Coats Wash Frocks The moat amazing Values in smart, informal Wash Frock» we have ever offered. Work in the garden or house— ewer the doorbell—go to the market—you'll be enough and attractive for anybody’« eyes in those new little frocks. Prettily colored prints, broadcloths, line«», printed in fascinating patterns, that are colorful and at­ tractive. Dozens and Dozens of new fall model* to ehoms from—and everyone guaranteed fast color. Sizes 14 to W. Outstanding Values in Children’s Shoes Other Qualities at 41.49 and 41-95. What a Value! — A vary spacial purchase enables ua to you regular 41.00 Phy Suita at 59e. Made of Blue Dwi«. Gi*"t Geo. Unsoeld j