fflS COQUILLE VALLKT SENTINEL, COQWtLt, OfcÉGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 14, 1981. PAGE SIX i ■ ------ ~~|n More Questions That Examin­ ers WUI Ask Auto Driven (Continuad f 20. Q. For what or ro* resident license be voked? Ans. For the same reasons as a resident. (Page 96, section 19b.) 21. motor vehicle other than 9. On a sidewalk. . 10. Alongside or opposite any street a motor-cycle when operated upon a or highway excavation or obstruc­ highway shall be equipped with tion when auoh stopping, standing or brakes adequate to control the move­ ment of and to atop and to hold such parking would obstruct traffic... 11. On the roadway side of any ve­ vehicle including two separate means hicle stopped or parked at the edge or of applying the brakes each of which means shall be effective to apply the curb of a highway. 1 12. At any place where official brakes to at least two wheels. (Page traffic signs have boon erected prohi- 146, section 70a.) 90. Q. How many lights are required -- - biting standing and * parking. 13. Within a twenty-five (25) foot to be displayed upon a motor vehicle radius of the intersection of the oen- which is parked or stopped upon a ter lines of a highway and a steam highway at night time? Ans. At least one; showing a white _______ ____ railway crossing. Ref. or interurban light on the roadway side and a red (p,,« 133, section 51.) go. Q. i, it lawful to leave your light visible 500 feet to the rear of on a curve in the highway when the ' where the mov ament of the traffic to ear parked on the highway with the aueh vehicle. (Page 138, section 58h.) Local authorities may relieve the ap­ driver’s view along that highway is ■ being regulated by police officers or( motor running T obstructed within a distance of 500 traffic control signals. (Page 126, sec­ Ans. No person having control or plication of this requirement in cer­ V feet. (Page 122, section 30a.) tion 38a.) charge of a motor vehicle shall allow tain cases. 91. Q. When shall the brakes of a 68. Q. Is it unlawful for the driver such vehicle to stand on any highway 55. Q What distance must be main­ tained between trucks or motor busses of a vehicle to overtake and pass any I unattended without first effectively motor vehicle be deemed adequate ? Ans. When on a dry, hard, approxi­ when traveling upon the open high­ other vehicle which has stopped at a* setting the brakes thereon and stop­ cross-walk or intersection to permit a 1 ping the motor. (Psge 138, section mately level stretch of highway, free way? from loose material such brakes shall Ans. 800 feet, except when over­ pedestrian to cross the roadway? 62.) Ans. No. (Pago 126, section 38b.) taking and passing another. (Page 81. Q. How many persons may oc­ be capable of «topping the motor ve­ 69. Q. When muit pedestrians yield cupy the front or driver’s seat of any hicle when operating at the following 122, section 81b.) speeds, within the distances set op­ 56. Q. When operating a motor ve­ the right of way to vehicles upon the' motor vehicle? hicle what should you do upon receiv­ roadway? A im . Not more than three persons posite such speeds: ing a signal given by raising the hand | Ans. When crossing a roadway at over the of jf FU1. (Pa^ im , Stopping distance per hr. 10 93 «set from a person driving or leading a ' any point other than within a marked section 58b.) horse or horses or other animals in ' or unmarked crossway. (Page 127, 15 - 20.8 feet 82. tor vehicle with any sign or poster downward from and beyond the left taking any street ear stopped or about hour ifter sunset to a half hour be­ . on the windshield or windows of such side of the vehicle. (Page 124, sec­ to stop for the purpose of receiving fore sunrise and at all times when i vehicle? tion 39b.) or discharging any passenger shall fog or other atmospheric conditions , Ans. No, unless such sign or 60. (J. How long should signa] be come to a stop; except, where a safe- _ _ - ■ — - - ------- render the operation of a motor ve- poster is a certificate required to be given before making turn or stop? ty sone has boon established, the w- hicl, dan(teroug u traffic. (ra<. displayed by law. (Pago 148, section Ana. During the last 50 feet before hide may proceed past such car at a ^tion Ms ) 78a.) turning or stopping. (Page 124, sec­ speed not greater than is reasonable I 97. Q. Are windshield wipers re­ 86. Q. What is the law regarding /m. — toe xok l I tion 33b.) and proper. (Page 128, section 42b.) tail lights? quired by law? 61. Q. When is it unlawful to turn 75. Q. Is it unlawful to drive A m . Yes. (Page 148, section 73b.) Ans. Every motor vehicle or trailer around upon a highway? through or over a street car safety ehall carry at the rear a lamp which A m . Upon ally curve or upon the sone? Notice: Farmer»—Wo buy Beef, exhibit« a zed light visible under or­ approach to or near the crest of a Ans. Yes. (Page 128, section 44.) dinary atmospheric conditions from a Veal, Pork, Poultry and Hides, at the grade or at any place upon the high­ 78. Q. Is it necessary to stop be- distance of 500 feet to the rear of ECONOMY CA8H MARKET, Co­ way where the view of vehicle making —_ fore emerging from an alley or pri- such vehicle and co constructed or quille, Oregon. the turn is obstructed within a < dis- i vate driveway?---------------------------- - —■ tance of 600 feet along the highway wav' Ans. The driver of a vehicle within In any direction. (Page 125, section 1 a business or residence district emerg- 54.) I | ing from an alley, driveway or build- 62. Q. Who has the right of way at ing shall «top such vehicle immsdtate- an intersection ? j ]y prior to driving onto a sidewalk This gentleman, Ralph Strickle, vice-president of the Match A m . The driver of a vehicle ap-' or onto the sidewalk area extending Strickle Motor Company, Spokane DeVaux distributor, has a proaching an intersection shall yield acroM any alleyway. (Page 181, see­ rather peculiar idea of being in a hurry. He drove his DeVaux ‘ the right of way to a vehicle which tion 49.) 6-75 sport sedan from Oakland to the Washington city in has Amt entered the intersection. I 77. Q. Is it lawful to park on high- 19 hours 15 minutes, an average of better than 51 miles an When two vehicles enter an intersec- ways outside of business or residence hour—and said if he’d really been in a hurry he could have tion at the same time the driver of' dwtricta ? cut this time considerably. On his trip south from Spokane the vehicle on the left .ihall yield to ‘ Ans. No persons shall park or leave he covered the 982 miles in 23 hours flat. the driver on the right Any driver standing any vehicle upon the paved entering an intersection at an un- or main traveled portion of any high- lawful speed shall forfait any right* way I outside of business or residence of way which he wonld otherwise district when it is practicable to park have. (Page 125, section 35a.) such vehicle off the paved or main 63. Q. How long must a driver of a traveled portion of said highway; pro­ vehicle who has stopped at a through vided, in no event shall any person highway yield the right of way? park a vehicle upon any highway un­ Ans. The driver of any vehicle, who less a clear and unobstructed width of has stopped as required by law at the not less than 16 feet opposite such entrance to a through highway, shall vehicle shall be left for free passage | yield to the other vehicle* within the of other vehicles thereon, nor unless a intersection or approaching «0 cloaaly Clear view of such vehicle may be ob­ as to constitute an immediate hazard. tained from a distance of 200 feet in But said driver having so yielded may each direction upon such highway, proceed and other vehicles approach- (Pag* 151, section 60s.) ing on the through highway shall 78. Q. Are there any exceptions to yield to him. (Page 126, section 35b.) the law against parking on the high- 64. Q. How long shall a driver of a ways? Ans. Such law «hall not apply to vehicle yield the right of way when I the driver of any vehicle which is dia- turning at an intersection? 1 abled in such a manner that it is im­ Ans. The driver of a vehicle within an intersection intending to turn to possible to avoid stopping and tem­ the left shall yield to any vehicle ap­ porarily leaving such vehicle on the proaching from the opposite direction, highway, nor to any emergency ve­ which is within the intersection or so hicle« when being-operated in any ________________________ __ which necessitates a viola- close thereto as to constitute an emergency im- mediate hazard, but said driver, hsv- tion of thia law. (Page 182, section ing so yielded and having given .a 60.) 79. Q. Where is it unlawful to park signal when and as required by law, car? a may make such left turn and other A m . 1. Within an intersection. vehicles approaching the intersection 2. On a crosewaM. from said opposite direction shall speed when being passed by another turn. (Page 125, section 35e.) 66. Q. What are some exceptions to vehicle? rules regarding right of way? Ans. No. (Page 121,.Mation 29b.) A m . (a) Th« driver of a vehiclo en­ 58. Q. Is it ever lawful! to pass an­ other vehicle going in the same direc­ tering the public highway from a pri­ vate road or drive shall yield the tion upon the right? A m . In the event two or mom vehi­ right of way to all authorised emer­ cles are moving in the same direction gency vehicle« when the latter are hi parallel lines upon the right half operated in emergencies, when the of the paved portion of a eity street, drivers thereof sound audible signal by or any hard surfaced highway, having boll, siren, or exhaust whistle. (Page space for two or more lanes of traffic 125, section 86c.) 66. Q. What should you do upon the in each direction, vehicles in the right-hand line may overtake or pass approach of an authorised emergency those in the left-hand line, provided vehicle? A m . Upon the approach of any au­ that such overtaking vehicle Shall not exceed the indicated speed for the dis­ thorised emergency vehicle, giving audible signal by bell, siren, or ex­ trict. ’• '• / . ‘ Also, a driver may overtake and haust whistle, the driver of every PMS upon the right another vehicle other vehicles shall immediately drive which (is making or about to make a the «ame to a position as near as pos­ left hand turn. (Page 121, section sible and parallel to the right-hand edge or curb of the highway elear of 29c.) 54. Q. When is it unlawful to pass any mteraection or highways and stop upon the left of another vehicle go­ and remain in , such , position unless otherwise directed by a police officer ing in the same direction ? Ans. When such left side to not until the authorised emergency vehi­ clearly visible or free of on-coming cle shall have passed. (Page 126, sec­ traffic for"'a sufficient distance ahead tion 87.) 67. Q. When must the driver of a to permit such overtaking and passing to be completely made without im- vehicle yield the right of way to a peding the safe operation of any ve- - pedestrian? A ib . The driver of any vehicle hide approaching from the opposite direction, or any vehicle overtaken, shall yield the right of way to a pe­ nor shall the driver of a vehicle in destrian crossing the roadway within any event drive to the left side of the any marked cross-walk or within any center line of the highway when ap- 1 unmarked cross-walk at the end of preaching the crest of a grade or up- ‘ the block, except at intersections I yield to the driver Making the left SPEEDY GENTLEMAN a safety ( i . »» 4 4 r # ..