ourse “What Goes With the Dollar?’ —After your dollar has been spent have you ever stopped to think what goes with it? For the past eleven years we have sold food stuffs in Coos County for less and have in turn spent money and backed every good enterprise within its bounds. Every item bought with ___ your dollar is unconditionally protected at Dunham’s-you - get a dollars worth of food stuffs! . ,. MILK “DAIRY MAID” Tall Cans PLAIN OR SALTED each LIMIT BAKING POWDER Hominy CAMPS C/hllShVANCAMPS 0VUJFTOMATOOR VEG. Zlb • Sanitary Tin Solid Pack Tomatoes 2$ 25c TOMATOES R& EcononrijManv CASE BREAD And Don’t Forget a Loaf of Our “HOMEMADE” IRISH BREAD Shortening FULL OF SUGAR S of Course, Coquille’s only Strictly Daily Vacation Bible School from •:00-ll:S0 a. m. Tueaday through Friday. All children cordially invited to attend.