TRADE AT HOME YOU CAN GET IT IN COQU _ __ __ YOU GUILTY of driving your car without insurance? . *. ■ . • C. L. Willey’s Plumbing Shop is not only a repair shop but for new fixtures of any kind see them. You cannot beat their price. NOSLER &. WALKER, Inc. AUTO INSURANCE ''S?'’ 351 First Street COQUILLE fit. PATRONIZE THESE LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS IN COQUILLE. « COOS BAY BOTTLING WORKS C. L. WILLEY Mr. Willey is an old hand at the business— give him your work and be satisfied. CHARLES LEON WILLEY, proprietor, Willey’s Plumbing Shop, is 65 years of age, and was born in Springfield, Illinois, of American parentage. His father was a carpenter and he has six broth­ ers and three sisters. Mr. Willey attended the public schools in Springfield and later played trombone in the orchestra of the Chatterton The­ atre for twenty years. He has lived in Chicago and Peoria, Illinois, but becoming interested in the many favorable reports of the equable and mild climate in western Oregon, moved his family west to Douglas County, Oregon, in 1911, and set­ tled in Fairview, Coos County, in 1912, where he took up ranching. Later, he moved to Coquille where he has resided sinee. Mr. Willey has fol­ lowed the plumbing and heating profession for forty years. He also worked in the Illinois watch factory three years and has done a small amount of ranching. IDEAL BAKERY Consult C. L. Willey when planning the plumbing fixtures for that new home. ’<■ LORENZ Coqnilb’i m »tore since ISST C. L. Willey is a man with experience in his line—give him a trial. GEO. UNSOELD Dry Good»—Ladle«’ R»ady-to-W«ar Good Materials and Good Work has kept Willey’s Plumbing Shop consistently busy in spite of hard times. ' ■ BUSY CORNER GROCERY Let your home town plumber do your work and he’ll be here to see that it la right. Charlie knows how. * Coquille Sheet Metal Works For your plumbing see Willey. good, reliable. Patronize him. He is the LIBERTY THEATRE For good and competent work in all kinds of plumbing call C. L. Willey. NORCOTT PHOTO STUDIO - C. L. Willey, Plumbing Shop, plumbing right. will do your I ¿■«¿j WM. A. ZOSEL Men’s Wear The pioneer plumbing shop in CoquiUe, equipped to do any work in the line you need, and with years of practical experience which guarantees good service. I ! GOULD FURNITURE CO. ! C. L. Willey’s Plumbing Shop has some real gas ranges in stock. See them. COQUILLE ELECTRIC IrJr S« m U Mr. Willey is married and has five children. He is affiliated -with the Masonic Lodge and his favorite sport is baseball. In civic work, he served on the City Council eight years, was chair­ man of the water committee, and is a member of the Chamber of Commerce. If he had a restart in life he advises he would become a physician. If oUr friend were financially independent, he ad­ vises he would travel, but continue to make his home in Coquille. He estimates Coquille's population five to ten years from now will be between three and five thousand. When you have plumbing work done of any kind you trust that the work will be done satisfactorily and the material used to be good material. When you put this trust in Charley Willey you are dealing with a firm that can be relied on. You cannot buy plumbing fixtures of good quality for less money anywhere. Price those fixtures at Willey’s and then compare the price with others. You will find that you can do better at Willey’s. When Willey does your plumbing it’s a "lead pipe cinch” it’s done right. Chas. Willey always does first class work on every job. 11 SLATER’S VARIETY STORE ' Whether it’s a stove pipe job or a complete line of plumbing, C. L. Willey is equal to the occasion. ‘ ? COQUILLE LAUNDRY CO. | Charles Willey is familiar with all depart­ ments of the plumbing and heating business, He carries a nigh grade line and his service is dependable. Tke Koae of An Gold Canned Good«. C. L. Willey, Plumbing Shop, can install that shower bath that you have wished for. Get their prices. Hardware H. S. Norton Music & Stationery Mr. Willey carries a full line of Plumbing Materials and he always renders prompt and efficient service. Trade at home and help keep your money in Coquille. Let C. L. Willey do your plumbing for you. You’ll be satisfied. HUDSON’S DRUG STORE NILES-BAKER MOTOR CO. A Better Coquille JL We, the merchants listed on this page, are * Mr. Willey knows his pipe, no foolin’. FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY • fixtures see • E. W. GREGG each other—by keeping our prices right on good C. L. Willey, Plumbing Shop, will give you service and furnish your bathroom complete. H. A. NIERGARTH f 1 . | Tailor See those latest bathroom fixtures at Willey’s For plumbing see Mr. Willey. CITY CLEANERS & TAILORS C. E. COLLINS Mr. Willey is a splendid citizen as well as a splendid plumber. * We’ll always boost for such concerns in our community. Auto Top—Cabinet Making Charley can stop that leak». Just try him. TRY COQUILLE FIRST For the latest in bathroom Willey’s Plumbing Shop. Builders’ Supplies Inc. ! FORDS fighting for a better Coquille—by boosting for quality merchandise—and above all to know that you’’are always satisfied with your purchase. B I C. L. Willey can be depended upoh to do quality work. We know the material he uses is the best money can buy. J. A. LAMB CO s. SCHROEDERS JEWELRY STORE I HUB CLOTHING & SHOE CO. HOOTON’S ELECTRIC SHOP 1 C. A. Langworthy, Prop. —Mat. tv THRIFT’S GROCERY Let Willey do it and will’« do it. i TRADE AT HOME TRY COQUILLE FIRST !