i,' A.’.: f ' r THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL. COQtift.Lt. ORBGON. FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1981. PAGI SIX T 2= tr* L'il Coquille Lumber Co II COQUILLE, OREGON The Heart of The facilities of our bank aryl yours to command. Any help you require that comes with in our power and ability will be given without stint. We live with yon and our com munity will terive and pros per through joint co-opera tion. This is your bank. Use it T he T irst N 3QÛILLE ational B ank S hier l.HHAZAKO, PRESIOEN Q C SANFORD ViC £ PWl' ASH I L 1 COQUILL =1 — West, and Sections 2 and 8 of Town ship 30 South of Range 13 West, Willamette Meridian, and running thence North on the Section lino 67H rods: thence East 80 rods; thence South 67% rod«; thence West 80 rods to the ptace of beginning, being aiU uated in the SW% of the SWU all " ' ' p 29 South of in Section 35, Township Range 18 West of the Willamette &dii 4 also BeA ling- at ths Section corner on is hip line between Townships the ToL___ _ ____________________ 29 and 30, South, Range 18 West of the Willamette Meridian, which Sec tion corner is common to Sections 84 and 35 of Township 29 South and con- mon to-Sections 2 and 3 of Township 30 South, Range 13 West of the Wil lamette Meridian; running thence West along ths Township line a dis- ' tance of 25 rods; thence in a North easterly direction along a straight i lino to a point on the Section line ; 12H roads South of ths Northwest 1 corner of the SW% of the SW% of Section 35, TownShip 29 South, Range 18 West; thence South on the Section line a distance of 67% rods to the place of beginning, the same being situated in tee SE% of the SE% of Section 84, all in Township 29 South of Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian, containing in all 160 acres, more or leos. NOW THEREFORE, by virtue of said execution, judgment order, de cree and order of sale, and in com pliance with the demand on said writ, I will on the 25th day of July, 1931, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the front door, of the Court House at Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, sell at public auc tion, subject to redevnptieur to tee highest bidder for cash in hand, all tee right, title and interest which the within named defendants Earl E Lee and Ulrich Bauer, or either of them had on tee 1st day of October. 1929. and since said date had in and to the above described premises, or any portion thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, snd de croe, interest, abstracting costs, at torney fees, costa and accruing costs H. E. Hess, Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon Dated 25th day of June, 1931. Date of first publication June 26, 1981. Date of lart publication, July 24te, 1981. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been api>ointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon for Coos County, administrator of the estate of M. A. Smith, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are required to present them with the proper vouchers to the un dersigned at the law offices of J. J. Stanley in First National Bank build ing. in Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated and first published thia 10th day of July, 1981. H. A. Smith, Administrator. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON. FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY, an Oregon Corporation, Plaintiff, vs. EARL E. LEE, a single man, and ULRICH BAUER, a single man, Mmmata. No. 9473 Notice of Sheriff-. Sale m Foreclosure Execution By virtue of an execution, judgment order, decree and order of aale issued out of the above entitled court and cause to me directed and dated the 9th day of June, 1981, upon tee judg ment rendered and entered in said Court on the 9th day of June, 1931, in favor of the plaintiff, for the sum of 82883.06 principal, together with interest thereon from October, let, 1929, at the rate of six per cent per annum until paid, and the further sum of 811-00 abstract charges heroin, and the further sum of 8250.00 attor ney fees in this suit, and the costs and disbursements of this suit, and costs and disbursements on this writ, demanding me to make sale of the following described real property sit uate in Coos County, Oregon, to-wit: Lots 3 and 4 of Section 2; Lot 1 of Section 3, all in Township 30 South, Range 13 West, of tee Willamette Meridian; also nning at the section corner on wnahip line between Townships I 30 South, which Section eor- eommon to Sections 34 and 35 of Townships 29 South at NOTICE TO CREDITORS Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been duly appointed executor of the Last Will and Testa ment and of the estate of J. 8. Law rence, deceased; and all persons hav ing claim« against said estate are hereby notified that they are required to present same duly verified, with proper voucher therefor, to the under signed. at the office of H. A. Slack in Coquille. Coos County, Oregon, within six months from the date of this notice. Dated thia 9th day of July, 1981. O. C. Sanford, Executor of the Last Will and Testament and of the estate at T. S. Lawrence, deceased. H. A. Slack, Attorney for Execu tor, First National Bank Bldg., Co quille, Oregon. 26t5 NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT In the Matter of the Estate of Myrtle A. Cunningham, sometimes known as M. A. Cunningham, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the undersigned has filed in the County Court of Coos County, Ore gon, hia Final Account as Administra tor of the Estate of Myrtle A. Cun ningham, sometimes khown as M. A. Cunningham, deceased, and that the said Court has net Monday, August 17th, 1981, at the hour of 16:00 o’clock A. M of said day, at the Couniv Court room tai Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, as the tints and place for hearing objections to such Anal ac count and the settlement of said es tate. C. B. Cunningham, Administrator. J. Arthur When: First and Third Tuesdays. President—Goo. W. Taylor, Sr. Secy.-—Mrs. Ines Chase Trees.—Mrs. John A. Martin Cor. Sec’y—Mrs. Nellie Whereat Sunshine Garden Club When: First and Third Saturdays. Where: City Hall. Time- Two O’clock. ; It was an enjoyable and instructive session that was boH Tuesday night by about 35 members of the Flower Lov ers’ Club. Mrs. Beyers was appoint* ed secretary and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Keeney were voted new members in our club. Mr. Taylor appointed Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Bonnett and Mrs. Leach aa a Sunshine committee. The ladies are to see that the sick in hospitals and homes have flowers. Mrs. Beyers had made out a sched- I ule of points in judging gladiolus and explained this to us. This schedule is the one used by the American Gladiolus Society. There will be , some special articles presented at the next meeting on dahlias. Our cup contest-last night was for the best single »pike of gladiolus and Mm. John Martin carried the cup home. Her entry was a single spike of a beautiful red glad. Mrs. Strang brought a very fine spike of a yel low glad. Mrs. Leach had a beautiful pink spike and also a lovely bouquet of salpiglossie. Mrs. Maury had a pink spike of a deep rose pink vari ety. Miss Haskins brought for dis- play purposes only a very fine spec:- • men of Mrs. Leon Douglas. A. H. Grimes had a large basket of mixed glads and entered a spike of a beauti ful pink kind. Mr. Grimes has some wonderful varieties, as his basket showed; one of teem was at least four feet in length. - Mr. Taylor brought for display a large bunch of beautiful pink gladi oli and a handsome basket of mixed flowers. A very interesting display was brought by Mr. Clinkonbeard and consisted of about two dosen spikes of seedlings, no two alike. The seed was taken from just two gladioli and planted two yeans ago and now Mr. Clirtfcenbeard has a large patch of them in bloom. As glads, like dah lias, do not come true from seed, one gets many a surprise. Mr. Taylor gave an intereating talk on the pol- leaisation of glads which was very in teresting. __ _____ ___ _____ ____ A general discussion of flower probte^sfollowed. An article about , on tanjen «tab work being put)li^ed by Better Homes and Gar- *ens was read . . by Mm. Beyers. Mr. Taylor commented on the wild flower display at the Bandon Flower Show recently. This display was put up by Miss Lancaster, teacher in the in termediate grades of the Bandon schools. Mr. Taylor said it was the finest he had ever seen. Our next contest will bo extremely interesting; Mr. Taylor will give 25 4> bulbs of the Emperor and Empress daffodil for the beat single specimen of Decorative dahlia; the cup will be given for the beat basket ar of mixed varieties of dahlias. Weed spraying along the roadways in Coos County will start within the next few days, according to D. F. Thompson, county judge, and Wm. lehman, roadmaster. The spraying operation will be supervised by George Jenkins, county agent, and will involve the spraying of thistles on the roads in the Coquille River Valley first, and later the blackberries which are doing the moat damages tat other sections of the county will be sprayed; also Tipton weed in the Broadbent, Myrtle Point, Bridge, and Sitkum districts. .. Chemicals have been used for kill ing noxious weeds such as Canadian thistles, blackberries, morning-glory, snd Tipton weed on farms and along the highways and roads in Coos and Curry counties for the past three yearn with various resulti, according to record in the county agent’s office. Best results have boon secured on blackberries where the kill has been nearly one hundred per cent when the spray was applied thoroughly to plants in full growth that had not been cut beck. Morning-glories were practically killed on the Ben Moo maw farm at Arago with one heavy dusting. Results have not been uni form on Canadian thistles. In moot cases the plants were weakened and part of the root Bystem was killed but in no case were they entirely killed. Based on observations of results so far obtained in controlling weeds with chemicals, it appears that this method of eradicating blackberries is effec tive and practical. The method also provides for killing Canadian thistles faster than by cutting the taps back; in open fields, however, elean cultiva tion is thought to be cheeper method of controlling this weed. Two chemiuals have been need for weed control cn farms end roatte in Coos and Curry counties. These are calcium chlorate and sodium chlorate. The sodium chlorate has proven a little more effective in killing but is more dangerous from the standpoint of fire haxard, according to the coun ty agent. Reasonable precaution while applying will overcome the fire haxard involvad with sodium chlorate I and because it can be secured three cents a pound cheaper, it will no’ doubt be need more extensively this year. Arrangement» may be made to have weeds sprayed with the county’s power sprayer on farms by communi cating with .the county agent’s office. The charges for this work win bo the actual coot of operating the sprayer which will be approximately one dollar and fifty cento per hour, and the coat of materials which will be eight cento per pound, delivered at Coos county points. The materials used in the county last year cost ap proximately eleven cento per pound. The amount of chemical needed per square rods depends on the amount of growth the plant has, and usually runs frosp two to Ave pounds. It can IN THB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE be applied with any smell sprayer and COUNTY OF COOS can be secured through the county Florence Whitney, Plaintiff, agent’s office. vs. Louis Whitney, Defendant. Safety First! Use Cow Beil Dairyta Summons Pasteurised Milk and protect your To Louis Whitney, Defendant. IN THB NAME OF THE 1 health. OF OREGON you are ed to andanewei you i> ths Manufacturers of ÏÜGLAS FIR LUMBER JFholetale & Retail Any Grade and Quality Kiln or Air Dried Excellent Manufacture Right Prices Earwig Poison £ FARR and ELWOOD. Inc Agents for CONSOLIDATED FREIGHT LINES Coquille Phone 16 BLACKSMITH SHOP ADDED A blacksmith shop has been added to the Coquille Machine Shop equipment and those needing that kind of work will find Fred Schaer in charge of the department. Let us figure with you on yonr requirements. COQUILLE MACHINE SHOP NOTICE OF COUNTY WARRANTS MORE THAN SEVEN YEARS OLD Notice is hereby given that the County Warrants hereinafter set out were issued more than seven yesm prior to the flrat day of July, 1981, and payment will be refused on all of said warrants presented to the County Treasurer on and after sixty days from the first day of July, 1981. General Fuad Date Issued Name Number Amount 1260 ...June 1923 M. H. Smith .. 8 1-20 ...June 1923 1278 Marvel Thomas 1.70 ...July 1923 1500 J. F. Chaney .. 1.00 ...Oct 1923 Marian Saunders 1947 6.70 ...Oct. 1923 1948 Dorothy Richards 5.70 ...Nov. 1923 2754 Alice Walker ... 5.50 ...Nov. 1923 2859 Mildred R. Perkins .. 7.00 Dec. 1923 3459 Gladys Smith ......... 5.10 ...Mar. 1924 4249 Ben S. Fisher ____ 23.60 ...Mar. 1924 Louise T. Sweetman 4406 1160 ...May 1924- Waiter Morgan ... 4991 1.70 ...May 1924 School Dint. No. 85 . 5497 .8.00 ...June 1924 Mrs. R. C. Edmunds 5659 10.00 General Roads Dato Issued No. Fund Drawn On Amount ..July 192» 5 I 9.00 Macy Anderson Market Macy Anderson Ml_______ ..July 1928 11 Market • " 1923 Ada 8. Piper..........................July Gen. R<i Karl Kiinkenbeard ............... July 1923 Gen. Rd. Robt. G. Rooks ..................... July 1923 Gen. Rd. Robt. Wakefield A Mary Jacobson ............... July 1923 Gen. Bd. Goo. P. Mclroy ................. .July 1923 Gen. Rd. J. B. Davis ................... «.. .July 1923 Gen. Rd. Stewart A Son .................... Aug. 1923 Gen. Rd. Ed Beras ................................ Aug. 1923 Dist Maint Henry Johnson ..................... Jan. 1924 Spec. 19 F. R. Williams ..................... May 1924 Gen. Rd. Wm. Williams ...................... May 1924 Dist Maint Henry Schooler ............ ....May 1924 Dist Maint Ed Dunkin ............. May____ 1924 Dist Maint M. Ferguson ......................... Juno 1924 Market Road State of Oregon County of Coos SS I, Robt. R. Wateon, County Cleric of Coos County, State of Oregon, do hereby certify teat the foregoing to a true and correct list of the general and road fund warranto drawn prior to July 1st, 1924, Which are out standing and unpaid. WITNESS my hand and seal of ths County Court thia 18te day of June, 1981. • Robt. R. Wateon, County Clerk 26t4 By J. W. Leneve, Deputy suit within four weeks from the date of the first publication of sum mons and you are notified that the date of the first publication of this qurnmons is the 24th day of July, 1931, and if you fail so to answer for want thereof plaintiff will apply to the Court for the following relief: For a decree dissolving the marriage between plaintiff and defendant in the above cause and for an order and decree that plaintiff have the care, custody and control of Grace Whit ney, Nellie Whitney and Helen Whit ney, minor children of said marriage. This summons is served upon you by publication tn the Coquille Valley Sentinel, a newspaper publihsed weekly at Coquille, Oregon, under ind by virtue of an order of J. T. Brand, Judge of the above entitled Court made and entered on the 21st day of July, 1981. Grant Corby. July, 1981, at ten o’clock in tee fore- Coiurt Room- Co®« County, State of Oregon, has been ap- pomted f«r hearing objections, if any. to said ac count, and all persons interested in sa!d estate are therefore notified to file their objections, if any they have, on or before said date. Elvln Waterman, ‘4to Administrator. NOTICE OF PINAL ACCOUNT h-Pl* of the Estate of B. B. 38¥fcaDTrSERr.B That the undersigned has County Court of Coos C gon, his Final Account t__ trator of the Estate of B. B. Totos. th,‘ tb* •*« Co«rt - August 17th> 1M1. at the hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M. al _ ^t^rneLLor Pontiff, in ‘cJiufi •‘r-0* 2fnraty Court room Residence and Port Office Address. L VS.. eLiCS? Oregon, aa Coquille, Oregon. 2815 the time and place for hearing objec- 2°_ .*“** «»»I «cocunt and the settlement of said Ewtate. P. Francis Teters, . a-i. „Ad™*ni«trator. J. Arthur Berg, 2715 Attorney for Administrator