FAGS LIBERTY THEATRE COQUILLE, OREGON Printed Cotton Wash Dresses Sensationally Low-Priced! Radiators Repaired Body and Fender Repairing and Painting 332 First Street, Coquille, Oregon BLACKSMITH SHOP Want Ads ADDED O m Cut * Ward Each Inaaetiee FOR SALE OR TRADE—My Shoe Shop, fully equipped, >000.00 stock "of shoes. For Farm Improved or unimproved. Lot 60x100 new bldgs. >3000.00. Clear for Heer. Box 106, Bly, Ore. 27tfl* FOX TERRIER PUPS for sale. 4 weeks old. Chris Torres on Marsh field Highway. UILLE MACHINE SHOP COQUILLE HORSE OR MULE WANTED—Want hone to work for its feed. Write W. M. Hamilton, Coquille-McKinley Star Rte. Mtflf FOR SALE—at a sacrifice. 9 acres, with house, barn, garage, hen house, orchard and garden. On Myrtle Point highway, near bat tery plant. Ernie Folsom. 26tf WANTED TO RENT—5 to 10-acre place, within 3 miles of Coquille. Must have house on place. Address Box XY, care Sentinel. 25tf FOR RENT—Furnished house, next door to telephone office. Inquire Frances Nosier, Cowbell Dairy. 24tf Mansell Drayage & Delivery Co NOTICE: Farmer»—Wo buy Beef, Veal, Pork, Poultry and Hides, st the ECONOMY MARKET, Co quille, Oregon. LARGE NATIONALLY KNOWN MANUFACTURER will start you in business for yourself. Many make >50 to >75 weekly profits. Steady repeat business. Write quickly. G C. HEBERLING COMPANY Dept. 1807, Blooington; Rl. 25t2 FOR RENT — Furnished modern apartments. J. H. Oerding. FURNI8HED APARTMENTS in fire proof building. Steam beat, hot and cold water fumiMhed. Price >15.00 to >30.00 in Nosier Apart ment House. See Nosier A Walker USED WOOD RANGES for sale. In good condition and cheap. Seo Mt. States Power Co. WANTED—Tents, Camp Stoves, Fur niture, etc. Arrow Hardware < next door east of Farmers and Mer chants Bank. 'MW SERVICE COUNTS! Garbage hauling of all kinds. Weekly residence calls anywhere in the city at 80c per month. The best service possible at all times. C. B. Gregory Phone 36-L Coquille, Ore. Lost 22 Pounds