THB COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON, FRIDAY, JULY 18, Itti. SLtUSÜUMJHa ggg --------------T' Invest in A • w * * * 1 ÍKWWWsR I terns of the same brand, size and content are sold at a number I of different prices depending on the store from which the pur- cta,e '* md^e * * - * y. I I v ... ■ < . - I No matter how much or how little is paid for a Hr nationally known and advertised item, the purchaser receives exactly “ « i..w pl Hr tí ■■■■■L j H h I the same in quaky, quantity and taste. The fact that Safe- way Stores are able to save their customers the difference b€tvYecn costV operation and their own less wasteful methods should entitle them to your patronage. Safeway's whole stocks are priced on a small profit, low-cost-of-operatmg ______ ”***' ^our entire food purchases are bound to BB9Q cost you less at Safeway. Find out for yourself Savings for Saturday & Monday, July 11,13 Ti iE Fi Rsi N ational B ank MILK SUGAR 9-39c LIBBY'S QUALITY TALL TINS —_____________________ „ C. * H. PURE CANE GRANULATED Reserre District No. 12 ter Ne. «849 Report of Condition of the FIRST NATIONAL BANK c SALE BONELESS PICNICS PORK & BEANS Campbell’« for the picnic or quick lunch. were injured were Gold Beach hospital "They’re Better” 16-oz. 7# FANCY Butternut UNA BEANS Toilet 3557,776.17 PALMOLIVE SOAP 2 -No. 1 tins Fancy 8outhem SHRIMP and 1 Pt. Higbeat quality MAYONNAISE epi AV (inbuUt) MlmfJUWZk 12,255.11 272,203.77 179,175.41 7c ea. The Speed Soap with lota of Suda_______ LARGE PACKAGE Watermelon, Cantaloupe ‘Fresh Table Fruits Take advantage of the lateet market quotation* . « at Safeway FRUIT JARS Kerr or Ball Mason PINTS QUARTS 73c doz. PRESERVES Fancy Quality—Apricot or Apricot Pineapple flavor«. An exceptional value! 87c doz. 3 XN" 45c Carrots-Beets Green Beans Bananas Tender, new crop. Stringlee« variety, very tender. Fancy Golden Fruit 3— 10c Lb. 5c va. Union Au- EXTRA SPECIAL J each