J, 4 Ï..,. . BUSINESS PITFALLS IN FARM DISTRICTS ?v-. Integrity and Strength— -Í IF ' ■- vî Plaoer City Hall. Time: 8:00 p. «a. Whan: First and Third Tuesdays. President—Geo. W. Taylor, Sr. Secy.—Mrs. lose Chaos Trass.—Mrs. John A. Martin Cor. Ssc’y—Mro. Mollis Whereat. Successful Financial Institution Sunshine Gardea Club When: First and Third Saturdays. Where: City Hall. Time* Two O'clock. are unfailing attributes that distinguish the sueceaaful fi­ nancial institution of today. They are qualities that are manifested in our everyday contacts with those whom * we are privileged to serve. If you soak to form an alli­ ance with a hanfl/ of this Character your account will bo cordially welcomed here. T he F irst N ational B ank h^eTb^rfo^^h in hand, all I the right, title and interest which the within named defendants Earl E. Lee and Ulrich Bauer, or either of them had on the 1st day of October. 1929, and since said date had in and to the above described premises, or any portion thereof, to satisfy said execution, judgment order, and de­ cree, interest, abstracting costs, at­ torney fees, costa and accruing costa. H. E. Hess, Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon Dated 25th day of June, 1981. Date of first publication June 26, 1931. Data of last publication, July 24th, 1931. Coquille Cow Testing Report The Coquille Valley Cow Tooting Association took second fdace in the state during May, with an average production of 864 pounds of milk con­ taining 38.1 pounAi of butterfat. FWe hundred and forty-one of the cows tested produced more than 40 pounds of fat and seven produced more than 76 pounds, according to the monthly report of Wm. H. Griffin, tester for the aaaociation. The record of the cat­ tle tested in the local aaaociation was beaten daring the months only by the cattle in the Tillamook aaaociation which produced an average of 43.63 pounds of butterfat. A record never before equalled in Oregon as far an herd improvement records Show, was made by a Holstein cow in the Klam­ ath county association, which pro­ duced 184.8 pounds butterfat, accord­ ing to the monthly summary of «41 of the associations in tbe state, was juet received at We Cteunty Agent’s office. The second highest record ever re­ corded on cow tooting association re­ ports is 131.28 pounds of butterfat produced during May by a cow owned by a member of the Tillamook asso­ ciation. Oregon now has 18 active dairy im­ provement associations for the im­ provement of commercial herds, as compared to the 15 last year. Two of the latest additions are the Malheur and Douglas county aeeociatiena. i-e—SSÜS-B-— The Pioneer Methodist Church S. D. Walters, Pastor 191 So. Henry St.. Phons 50-J Sunday School 10 a. m. Morning Worship 11 a. m. Subject: “Samson." Evening Worship 8 p. m. A msmsge for young people. Epworth Leagues 7 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. Church of God Sunday School 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Young People’s meeting every Sun­ day at 0:80 p. m. Prayer meetings every Thursday evening T:80p.m. Everyone cordially invited. Pastor John Bradly. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE OF HEARING ON FINAL ACCOUNT Notion it hereby given that Elvin Waterman, administrator of the es­ tate of Eliner T. Thompson, deceased, has filed his Final Account in said es­ tate and that Monday, the 27th day of July, 1881, at ton o’clock in the fore­ noon at the County Court Room, Coos County, State of Oregon, has been ap­ pointed as the time and place for hearing objections, if any, to said ac­ count, and all persons interested in said estate are therefor* notified to file their objections, if any they have, on or before said date. Elvin Waterman, Administrator. 2415 NOTICE OF FILING FINAL RE­ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON, FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY, an Oregon Corporation, Plaintiff, EARL E. LEE, a single man, and I I.RICH BAUER, a single man, defendants. No. 8472 Notice of Sheriff’s Salerò« Forodoaure By virtue of an execution, judgment order, decree and order of «ale Msuid out of the above entitled court and Christian Science Society Notice of Rale te m Coos County, Oregon, to-wit: Lota 8 and A«f Section 2; Lot 1 of Section 3, all in Township 80 South, Range 13 West, of the Willamette Meridian; also Beginning at the section corner on the Township line bet w ee n Townships 29 and 30 South, which Section cor­ ner is common to Sections 34 and 85 of Townships 28 South of Range 13 .West, and Sections 2 and 3 ofTown- ship 30 South of Range 18 West, Willamette Meridian, and running thence North on the Section line 67% rods: thence East 80 rods; thence South 67% rods; thence West 80 rods to the place of tieginning, being sit­ uated in the SW '4 of the 8W% all in Section 35. Township 29 South of Range 13 West of the Willamette Meridian: also Beginning at the Section corner on the Township line between Towniehips 28 and »0, South. Range 13 Wevt of the Willamette Meridian, which Sec­ tion com« is common to Sections 34 and 35 of Township 28 South and com­ mon to Sections 2 and 3 of Township 30 South, Range 18 West of the WiL lamette Meridian; running thence West along the Township line a dis­ tance of 25 rode; thence in a North­ easterly direction along a straight Foursquare Gospel Church Mary M. Saunders, Pastor Phono 159-J Sunday Services: Sunday School 9:45 a. m. Morning worship 11 o’clock. Crusaders 6:45 p. m. An evangelistic message 7:45 p. m. Midweek services: Tuesday and Friday 7:45 p. m. Thursday 1:50 p. m. the City Sisters meet to sew for the commissary. Saturday 2:80 p. m. Children’s Church. Communion each first Sunday. A welcome awaits you. Children’s Vacation Bible School opens July 7. h.r. hla DR. J. F. YOUNG Chiropractor Phene 51-R Cor. Second and Moulton Sts. Coquille, Ore. JAS. W. WHEELER Physician A Surg< Ellingson Bldg. Leave calls at Hudson's Drug Stere er at Co­ quille Hotel JOHN C. O ERDING CO. Conveyancing, Abstract«, DR. J. R. BUNCH DENTIST X-RAY Service POST Notice is hereby liven that the un­ dersigned has filed hie final account as administrator of «he estate of A. R. Bowron, deceased, in the County Court of the County of Cbos, State of Oregon, and that said Court has set Monday, the 13th day of July, 1981, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. thereof, at the County Judge's room in the County Oourt House at Co­ quille City, Coos County, Oregon, aa the time and place for the hearing of said account, the settlement of any and all objections thereto, and the distribution of said estate. Dated this 29 day of May, 1981. W. F. Bowron, Administrator vt the Estate of A. R. Bowron, deceased. 21t5 IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS In the Matter of the Estate of Chas. Webb, Deceased. Sunday School at 9:80 a. m. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. Subject for next Sunday, “God." Wednesday evening mooting at 8 o’clock. -Free public Reading Room open in Church Building every Tuesday and Friday afternoons except holidays from two to five o’clock. The public is cordially invited to at­ tend our service« and to visit the Rsading Room. Professional Cards NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That by virtue of an order, decree and license of the County Court of Coos County, Oregon, made and en­ tered on the Bth day of Juno, 1981, in the Matter of the. Estate of Chas. Webb, Deceased, I wiH, on and after Saturday, the 11th day of July, 1911, proceed to soil, at private sale, to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, and subject to the confirma­ tion of said Court, all of the right, title and interest of said estate and those claiming under it, in and to the following described real proper­ ty, to-wit: Lota 10 and 11 in Block 8 of El­ liot’s Addition to the town of Coquille City, now the City of CoquilloTcooe Counts, Oregon, according to the map and plat thereof on file and of-rocord in the office of the County Clerk of Coos County, Oregon. Bids and offers will bo received by me, as Executrix of said Estate, at the office of J. Arthur Berg hi Co­ quille, Coos County, Oregon. Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 10th day of June, 1981. Anna M. Rooney, ^Executrix of the Estate of Cha,. Webb, Deceased. J. Arthur Berg, 22t5 Attorney of Executrix. M L Coquille, Ora GRANT CORBY Attorney at Law Richmond-Barker Bldg. Coquille, Ora. J. ARTHUR BERG Attorney at Law _ Rooms 1 A 2 ¡f armors A Merchants Bark Bldg Phone »7 'iquilla, ’’rage. DR. W. V. GLAJBYER VETERINARIAN County Herd A Meat Inspect Coquille, Ore. J. A. RICHMOND PHYSICIAN and BURGEON Mid-Barker B Coquille, Ora. Office 62M, J. J. STANLEY LAWYER Office in First National Bank Building, Coquille, Die highest and beat bidder for cash in hand, al) the right, title and inter­ est of the said Défendante in and to the following described real property, to-wit: The North half of the northwest quarter, lot one. being the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter, and She northwest quarter of the north­ east quarter of oeetion twenty-four, Df tCTWJK*hT twenty-eight South, of Range Twelve West of the Willamette Meridian, situated in Coo« County, State of Oregon. FORECLOSURE SALE Said sale being made subject to re- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, lawlPtly given that the un­ dersigned Administratrix of the Es­ tate of Anna Greiner, deceased, has wo- Vova, oi said Court and com* filed her final account of her adminis­ mending me to sell the hereinafter tration of said estate In the County ifj s; Court of Ceos County, Oregon, that Monday July IS, 1931, at fO o'clock ¿ajr- ,t..the County Court Room in th. Court Houoe at Coquille, bDTMMMnts, together with accruing Coos County, Oregon, has beei costa, I WlLl, ON SATURDAY, TW? 11th DAY OF JULY. 1931, ¿t t£ pointed se the time and place fo hour of 10 o’clock in the forenoon of nearing of any objections to said “•rd day at the front door of the Dated May 29, 1831. . . , , Mary Greiner, Administratrix of the Estate of Anna Greiner, Deceased. 2it5 1