* n IN STEP WITH TH All about us we hear of things crashing to new low levels and to keep in crashing of prices in our store. It has always been the policy of this sto advantage possible in buying their clothes. Also we take this method t chandise is not carried in our stock from year to year d then sold whe you is new and of sound value. We absolutely gua satisfaction a The price crashes we offer merely mean a way for you to save. If your i important that you buy when your dollar will bring yoi the greatest valu will be greater because PRICES HAVE CRASHED! Men’s Caps CHILDREN’S Reg. $3.00 Always it has been our poli to keep our sh to date. Because of limited pace we will no t our new spnn sale sheet but when we say uction you ca terns will be sold at a drastic the best value in the market We are proud of and you can be proud! of them too. SHO and through. Sold at 1910 pnces but made b and of fresh new materials. $1.95 R^r. 12.00 . $L29 Reg. 11.60 * * 9gc Men’s Overalls Men »Sweaters Heavy 8-ox. denim, waist style, copper triple riveted, and Stitched. A full cut garment that will give long wear under any kind of The only way to realize the value is to see the one of the finest shoe stocks in Coos County at 95e Boy s Sweaters Just the thing for vacation tine. They give service and each one to 100 - wool. Boys like sweaters for every oc- and values like these are 3 ,or $1.10 • • ' $2.49 • $1.49 Men’s Work Shirts WISE ARE THEY who buy at the right tine. We am offering yon rchandiae that money the best our prices are lowest whan quality la considered. Here we offer perhaps our great value. Heavy or light weight blue Chambray Work Shirts, two pockets, coat style, triple- stitched and guaranteed fast color. Hickory striped shirts, double shoulders and back. A shirt unsurpassed for wear and at a price below any we have ever offered. s A V E M u Y V A Reg. 95c Heavy Weight O L Reg. 75c Medium Weight N E U E Y S 59c ub Clothing & COQUILLE PHONE 100 ORE