Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (May 29, 1931)
■ JP New Christian Science Pt * • • Y T ling House ■fir 7J V- ba gtvan to arnheabtam a 1 The osntnu —— r ii not much past toe experiment stag* in C om county. Ralph Christensen’s ' place came next with a fin« herd of I Jersey* and alfalfa fields. They also I have many breutiful Bowen. The next farm was that of C. C. Randall. There were several things of interest there with poultry, muskrat and The muskrats attracted -a I i foxes. good deal of interest a* a number of the party had never aeon a rat farm. It being one o’clock by thi* time, they Journeyed on to Bandon, where a few of the ladies had gone on before and prepared coffee. Everyone at* dinner together and spent the after noon on th* beach. Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Shaw have re turned from their honeymoon and will make their home on their ranch at Arago. Th* community wish«« to ex tend congratulation* and make them welcome. Word was received from, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doyle, of Eugene, that their infant baby passed away Mon- «*•> , Mr- and Mm. Bert Doyle and Mr. and Mr*. Arthur Farrier started to Eugene Tuesday morning to attend the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Doyle's baby. Veteran* of the Canadian army who fought in the world war are not entitled to free hunting and fl ah ng licensee under th* new Oregon law, according to Attorney General Van Winkle who ha* ruled that thi* privilege i* limited to American vet erans alone. Aroaiid Arago Vicinity How One Woman Lost 47 Lbs. In 3 Months and Feels Years Younger Mrs. S. A. Solomon of New Bern, N. C.. lost 47 lbs. in 8 months with Kruschen Suita. She reduced from 217 to 170 lbs. She feel* much stronger, years younger and pains tn side*, back and abdomen that both ered her for year* are all gone. She says she not only feels better but looks better as all her frienAi tell her. “I shall never be without Kr uni— Salta, will never ceaae taking my daily dose and more than glad to high ly recommend it for the great good that is in it" A bottle of Kruschen Balts that lasts 4 weeks costa but 85c at Fuhrman’* Pharmacy, Inc., and druggists the world over. Take one half teaspoon in a glass of hot water every morning before breakfast. will Attention to diet will help—cut out pastry and fatty mMta—go light M potatoes, butter, cream and sugar— the Kruschen way i* the safe way te I om fat. Try one bottle and if not joyfully satisfied—mmey back. AN UNUSUAL VALUE AT »430 I I .. EV >• ABBTIB T ■ ■ <r ■ ■ NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALB By virtue of an execution, judg ment order, decree, and order of sale tesued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for C om County, in the cam entitled "Benefit Savings A Loan AMociatien, • vorpo ration, plaintiff, vs. Ben S. Fisher and Kate v Fisher, husband and wife, and Roxie Hall, defendant»," in th* Cir cuit Court for Coos County, Oregon, duly directed and dated ths 25th day of May, 1911, upon a judgment ros tered and entered in Mid Court and cause on the 15th day of May, INI, In favor of th* plaintiff,, and affain«' nd defendants, for the sum of 99,- .84.54, with interest thereon from and after March 31, INI, at the rate of 10 per cent per annum; for the further sum of I1001J», with interest thereon from and after 1931, at the rate of March 11, INI, 10 per cent per annum; for the 'urth«t earn of 1100.00; and for the further »urn of 111.60. cost* and dia- lureements; and costa of and upon "hi* writ commanding me to make ale of th* following described real Pri5trtfcght**n (1«K Bkx* Three (1), in Simpson Heights, addition to North Bend, in C om County, State ^NO^THEREFORE, by virtue of - VW'lx-' at a low price said execution decree, and order of sale, and in compliance therewith, 1 wilL on Saturday, th* 27th day o’ lune, INI, at 10:00 o'clock, A. M., at th* front door of the Courthous-, n Coquille, C om County, Oregon, sell it public auction, subject te redemp 'ion to the highest bidder, for cash n hand, all the right, title, and inter est which Lewis A Lininger or Ber nie* E. Lining**, hueband and wife, ___ ___ , of „ November, had on the 10th day 192«, the date of the th* mortgage herein foreclosed, or since sines said date had by iny of the said defendant* in and ‘ to j :____ ‘he said real property, to satisfy mid nuid ler and decree, interest, execution order •oMs, and accruing easts. costs. Dated thi* ■ i* * . 25th day a. * of m May. e a a . ek INI. e rirvi First putnicaviun publication May w, 29, trot. INI. Last publication Jun* 2«, 26, 1931. HE H. E. Hogf, H ms , '0t5 Sheriff of’C om County, Oregon Beauty of line and color Attractive upholstery Quick acceleration ' 55 to 65 nriles an hour Fully enclosed four-wheel brakes Triplex shatter-proof glass windshield Four Houdaille hydraulic shock absorbers Rustless Steel IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THF 8TATB OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS in the Matter of the Estate of Myrtle A. Cunningham, sometime« known a* M. A. Cunningham. Deceased Notice of Sale of Real Property NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That by virtue of an order, decree tnd license of the County Court of 0-1 County, Oregon, mad« and en ured on the «th day of May, 1981, n the Matter of the Estate of Myrtle V Cunningham, sometime* known a* M. A. Cunningham, decerned, I will on and after Saturday, th* 8th day of Tone, 1981. proceed to oeR. at private aale, to the highest and beet bidder for ea*h in hand and subject to th* confirmation of «aid Court, all the ’ight, title and interest of Mid estate and those claiming under it, in and to the following described real proprty, ta-wft: • >¥ TYPES trie TBKN •430 <»¿630 S-Æ <•. .'-*7 • -J '< ’ • '' The Doorway To Bigger Business COMMERCIAL BANKING. 4 ■*. • 'w I is through the threshold of a sound, reputabte banking house. It take* money to make money! Remember that! And we are able to lend money when responsible men with sound business ide» ask for H. Your ac- quamtance with u* a* a cus tom« r is the medium through which We can meet you and help you bMt. § I I ====== » T he F irst N ational B ank OF COQUILLE LH.HAZARO. PRESIDENT £ L> WEBB-CASHlLR Pt 5S OC SANFORD VICE PRES. COQUILLE. A-ST OCHiL - OREGON fi ss East of the Southwest corner of the NW% of Section 86, Township 27 South of Range 13 West of the Wil lamette Meridian, thence East 170.83, ;*et, thence North 15% rods, thence West 170.83 fq*t; thence South 15% 1 rods to th* place of beginning; also, I Commencing at the Southwest eor- nor of th* ÑE % of Section oo, 36, Town- oi in® rwn oi ¡wcuun iowH- : shin 27 South of Range 13 West of xhip the Willamete Meridian, thence North 15% rod»; thence East 18% rod*; thenc* South 15% rode; th*nc* to place of beginning, containing 1% scree, more or less; all of said above described property being in Coo* County, Oregon. Bid* and offora will be received by me, as Administrator of said Estate, at the office of J. Arthur Berg, in Co quille, Coos County, Oregon. , Dated at Coquille, Oregon, this 7th 1/ . I, day of May, 1931. . C. E. Cunnigham, Administrator of the Estate of Myrtle A. Cunningham, sometime* known a* M. A. Cunningham, de- Professional Cards <. DR. J. F. YOUNG Chiropractor Phone 51-R Cer. Second and Moulton Sts. Coquille, Ore. JAS. W. WHEELER Physician A Surgeon Ellingson Bldg. Coquille Leave call* at Hudson'* Drug Store or at Co quille Hotel IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS In th* Matter of the Estate of Cha*. Webb, Deceased. ' Citation To Rebecca Jan* Miller. Garland Webb, Henry Webb, Willi* Vieux, James N. AngHn, Frances E. Petti grew, Nancy E. Breeden and Sam uel C. Anglin, and to all other un known heirs if any there be: IN THE NAME OF THE 8TATE OF ORE9GON, You are hereby cited and required to appear in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Coo* County, at the County Court room at the Court house in the City of Coquille, in said County and State, on the Sth day ef June, INI, at 10:00 a'clock in the forenoon of said day, then and there to show cause, if any exist, why an order of aale should not be made and license granted to Anna M. Rooney, Executrix of Che Es tate of Chas. Webb, deceased, for the sale of the real property of said M- tote, for the purpose of defraying : •*- p*n*M ef said estate and for other reasons as in the petition prayed for, such sale to be made a* prayed for in th* petition of said Executrix on file herein; said real property being des cribed as follows, to-wit: Lota 11 and 12 in Block 8 of El liott’s Addition to the town of Co- -liUe the City quille City, _ now ________ ... of Coqu lie, - - lBi according to C om County, Oregon, ai the map and plat thereof ' on file and _______________ County of record in the the office of Clerk of Coos County, Oregon. WITNESS the Hon. D. F. Thomp son, Judge of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Coos Counte, with the * m 1 of said Court affixed, thi* 6th day of May, INI. ■ D. F. Thompson, . . County Julge. ATTEST: Robt. R. Watson, County Clerk, (S m I) By A. H. Bender, Deputy. NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE By virtue of an execution, judg ment order, decree, and order of sale issued out of the Circuit Court ■ of the State of Oregon, for Coo* Coun ty, in th* case entitled “Benefit Sav ings A Loan Association. a corpora tion, plaintiff, vs. Cynthia Evelyn Matson Ingersoll and W. E. Ingersoll, her husband," in th* Circuit Court for Coo* County, Oregon, dulv directed and dated the 13th day of May, INI, upon a judgment render d and en tered in said Court and cause on the 12th day of May, 1981, in favor of the plaintiff, and against said de fendants, for the sum of 82746.67, with interest thereon from and after the 30th day of March, INI, until paid at the rate of 10 per cent per annum; for th* further sum of 8851.19 with interest thereon from and after the 30th day of March, 1981, until paid at the rat* of 10 per cent per annuam; for the further sum of 85.00 with interest thereon from the date hereof; for the fur ther sum of 8150 00. attorney's fee, and for it* costs and dUmssemsnis herein, taxed at 828 60, the cMta of and upon this writ commending me to make sale of the following des cribed real property: The East 25.58 feet of Lota Seven (7) and Eight (8) in Block One (1), Plat A, Division One (1), Townsit* of Coo* Bay, and Lota Three (3) and Four (4), tn Block Seventy 470), Porter Addition te North Bend, in the County of C om , StN0Wf THEREFORE. By virtu* of ■ CMveyaaeiug. Abstracts, Reel Estate, Insurance, Réntate »•Bey Bldg. • I f I V. H. WILSON Optometrist Error* in refraction corrected without th* ui* of drug*. Coquille, Oregon J. ARTHUR BERG Attorney at Law Room* 1 ft g Farmer* A Marchant* Bank Bldg Phono 37 CoquHlo, Oregon at public auction, subject to redemp tion to the highest bidder, for caah in hand, all the right, title and intar- Mt which Cynthia Evelyn Mateon In gersoll and W. E. Ingersoll, her hus band, had on the 9th day of Septem ber, 1926, the date of the mortgage herein foreclosed, or since raid date had by any of said def endanta in and to the said real prop er ty , to satisfy said execution order and decree, in terest, costa, and accruing costs. Dated thi* 18th day of May, INI. Flrwt Publication May 15th, INI. Last Publication June 12th, INI. H. E. Hess. 18t5 Sheriff of Coos County, Oregon NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Notice I* hereby given that ths un dersigned, Executrix of th* last Will and Testament of J. D. Benham, de ceased. has filed in the County Court of the State of Oregon for Coos Coun ty, her final amount m such Execw tnx and said Court ha« appointed Monday, the let day of June. 1931, M the day for the hearing of objections te the Mid final account and th* eet- tlement thereof. Carrie E. Benham, Executrix. __ J. J. Stanley, _ Attorney for Knseutrix. i«u ¿“S# ? V ■ 'vî-S iT„'' I i I i Coquille, Oro* • ...".ILX-.. . JOHN C. OERDING CO. J. Arthur Berg, Attorney for Administrator. ■aid execution, decree and order of sale, and in compliance therewith, I wilL on Saturday, the l»th day of June. INI. st 1« O’clock A. M., at the front door of the Courthouse, in Cnmssekg at • pstot Utt »Wa Coquille, C om County, Oregon, sell ■ . ; r I* GU’ ; H I