TRADE YOU CAN GET IT IN COQUILLE Là d sured” -‘1m * m / J NOSLER & WALKER PATRONIZE THESE LEADING BUSINESS FIRMS IN COQUILLE LIBERTY THEATRE COOS BAY BOTTLING WORKS LYDE A. GAGE, proprietor, Liberty Theatre, isJ>7 years of age and was bom in Jackson County, Oregon, of American parentage. His father, W. W. Gage, was well known to many Coos county folks, having served as sheriff for a great number of years. Mr. Gage has four sisters and one brother. He attended the Southern Oregon Normal School during his youth, but came to Coos County with his parents when sixteen years of age, and he has resided here since. Local residents will be interested to learn that he brought the Coo« County Records from the old County Seat at Empire to Coquille on July 1,1897. C H. A. NIERGARTH Why drive to Marshfield? Mr. Gage is affiliated with the Odd Fellows, Elks and Moose Tailor C..L. WILLEY Our friend was Deputy Sheriff for 16*4 years, but since Sep- temebr 14, 1918, he has been proprietor of the Liberty Theatre. He says his hobby is mining and that his favorite sport is base ball He is a member of the Chamber of Commerce and is also a member of the Oregon State Motor Association. BUSY CORNER GROCERY He believes in a national advertising system for this vicinity through the means of the radio and the sportsmen’s magazines in order to reach people in other sections and attract them to our community. He figures Coquille’s population five to ten years from now will be 3000. Plumber The Liberty Theatre has been making improvements amounting to thousands of dollars in order to give Coquille the best in talking pictures. They have contracted for many good pictures that will appear in the next few months. Watch their programs and enjoy these high class productions. COQUILLE ELECTRIC C. A. Langworthy, Prop. SLATER’S VARIETY STORE Your patronage at the Liberty Theatre helps bring the better shows to Coquille at the earliest possible date. THRIFTS GROCERY The H of All G«M C 4 Goafa. mm mm LORENZ HUB CLOTHING & SHOE CO. ; FUHRMAN’S PHARMACY Inc. The many recent improvement« at the Liberty and better picture« should keep the movie fan at home. COQUILLE LAUNDRY CO. Coquille Fire Department The Coquille Fire Department is strictly vol unteer and is comprised of sixteen men. The fol- ■■■■■ lowing is the personnel: C. W. Gardner, Fire Chief Coquille Machine Shop F. F. Schram, Asst. Chief State Highway Dept. |||| Harry Perrott, Asst Chief Town Constable State Highway Dept A. B. McLeod Mt States Power Co. Tracy Leach Mt States Power Co. Jack Leach Truck Driver George Sturdivant Truck Driver Orvil Haga Truck Driver Paul Osmond Logger Norris Tyrell Real Estate and Ins. C. D. Walker Machinist Ted Snyder Machinist Delbert Wimer Myrtle Wood Factory George Oerding C. W. GARDNER, Garage L. L. Hooker Truck Driver_____ __ Kenneth Kistner GEO. UNSOELD AU the Best and most worth-while Talkies are shown at the “Liberty” with a machine that reproduces sound most distinctly and naturally, thereby insuring complete enjoy ment of the play. SCHROEDERS JEWELRY STORE CAM Statistics from the Department show that 89 calls were made from June 80, 1926, to May 15,1931. The estimated loss from fires for this five- year period was $11,000.00, and the amount of the insurance was $8,125.00. The biggest loss at one time during this five-yeat term was the High School; which loss amounted to $3,500.00. The expense of the Fire Department to the city is approximately $1,- 000.00 per year. The Fire Chiefs salary is ten dollars a month. It takes from one to two minutes to answer an alarm and regarding additional fire equipment, we are advised that the organization of a rural fire department, along with the main department, would greatly assist in rural fire protection. The Department patrols the down town district once a month. The hy drants are thoroughly inspected and the equipment is taken out every week for practice. There is an average of twelve men turning out for every fire We, the merchants of this page, appreciate the services of these men who are volunteers, and agree that we have one of the best volunteer fire de partments in the State of Oregon. They are protecting ouf property so that we may continue in our places of business in order td give Coquille and the surrounding country values that they cannot get elsewhere. NILES-BAKER MOTOR CO FORDS