\ -'i ' ■fUMU I FOLKS Large shipments of Spring Shoes have been arriving and our stocks are complete and up-to-the-minute in Dress, Sport and Work Shoes. New low prices range from $2.45 <• $8.00 See us before buying your Spring Footwear Wm. A. ZOSEL MEN’S WEAR well have the Among our vacation supplies, you’ll find thermos bottles, jugs and other conveniences to keep the lunch fresh and sweet during the whole journey. Rackfeff’s PharmaCV <J4 w Fjrgt Coquille bared hill* to th* eastward and »-! Shaw the Better Fighter claimed, “Boy, this is H*avsn1” | . . , j On* of the hardest proposition. Jj* faced today by sportsmen to th* pro- ,v__ psgatton of our wild life a* well as •r*e’ y * protection. With th. sdv.nt of b-^ I million» of people into th* fields and along th* streams, who several year* ing and fishing, the sportsmen of th* nation at large ar* facing a serious j smash. If his > for a wrecking ' ‘ punch "*d‘ * 1* “ * “n’ “ a <U deadly aa ctoverneea b* would make a very dangerous op ponent for Shaw. Alfred challenged th* winner of th* main «vent before the last fight took plan*. „ •*** •*“ “* Th* hard-hitting M*rl Nowlin v*. North B*nd scrapper so groggy b*- Pat Franko scrap went th* six rounds scheduled and Refer*** Stewart °"dl. th5*7 J" ^*^1?”** b*iot* almost started a riot by rais „ belt >n t e ten . ing Nowlin'* arm at th* end. Franko was a tough custom er for “Bat,” but his blow* did not have th* solid thud that th* Cur ry county boy’s bad. Neither was backward about mixing it, and th*y kept the crowd in an uproar of *p- h* alone is responsible for th* future !*evan<1*i’ and then the bell rang i counter, and Shirtoy Pettengill put welfare of our gam* bird* and flirt, Sh_aw couW *** for ’ Arehie Matthews, of Powers, away is th* sol* mean* of protection. K ®• Punch- in th* third. Backfire Burns Truck On* of th* Farr * Elwood track* was badly damaged by fire last Fri day night, about 11 o’clock, throe mitos below Arisona Inn. Clovis Church was hauling a load of lumb«r into Curry county and the fire started when be shifted gears. Th* engine back-fired and immediately th* grease caught fir*. th* interior of th* cab burned, and it required several ex tinguisher» to oubdue th* flam**. Shirley Hickam, who we* foltowing bi another truck, cam* to Ctovie' as sistance and they were able to save the lumber and the body of the track. It wa* brought to Coquill* Saturday for repair. Poppy Poster Contest Th* American Lagion poppy poster contest, sponsored by th* Auxiliary, th. ended this week. Th* fifth and sixth grade» and Junior High school chil dren competed. This is th* first tim* Dorty Al this part of th* stat* work ha* b**n ee clearly triad here, so only a few competed. j’?..«1? u,. »..u.ko. m —-.1 muri decision was vn® on® juugeu oest in eacn cim «. __ Ham Th* po«ten Known to lana a- oexora tn® ngnt Iwhai mm _ » ■» will b® exhibited in . the gone a minute. , j±«*! ... ... . . I Wednesday of next w n k. The Aux- Mfrad rtowed mor* elevar»«, in >eUm< Ameriean evading Brown* awing» tnsnwae poppi« tomorrow and ooq- *xp*cted and b* did not miss an op«- through n*xt tt -1- u»»»/w v.i s-<-- burg, t that the A Meals cook themselves Ek*IPs like having a maid your cooking ni ‘I «irr’ ■ '-5 ■ A ■ > ANNUAL SALE cally to Paint Prices Reduced Full shipment of Sunlan guaranteed paint io retail at *2.28 per gallon Large stock on hand of DEXTER LOCKS for all bolMInc purposes. GENERAL @ ELECTRIC Hotpoint Cookery is Modern Hvtksiat' Amazingly fast RANGE Economical RANGE S7 WIRING«**^ Sperisi prices SERVICE E. W. GREGG Mountain States Power Company