TO COQUILLB TALLII «BNTTNBL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, MAT 1. IMI. Cow Tenting Report i* o ( eteri. Coquille’s only Strictly Cash QxMGNn^ftoStStQNi Food Store . Saturday and Monday, May 2nd and 4*A dir YAMS Strawberries thcfÄ*ü;oice’1 2*™ 35c —r- Rhubard Sx- ORANGES 2 - 59c LEMONS 15c Solid Heads 2 for 11c New Peas ■ New Potatoes 3 lbs. 23c Pure Cane SUGAR IO*-43c PURITAN I MALT SYRUP per can 43c TOMATOES No. 2>/2 cans with Puree 2 cans 19c Merchants COQUILLE, P&GSOAP FLOUR Sr $1.05 Cheese p.m.l6c Shortening 3^ 29c per lb 19c Pineapple The White Naphtha 5 bars 17c • A Small White Beans 3 pounds It 8 amazing to note the vast improvement that has been made in the handling of your groceries, especially fresh foods. Due to more efficient methods of transportation and marketing, along with modern merchandising, the Dunham’s stores offer their patrons the best and freshest obtaina­ ble in fruits and vegetables. Wheat Fancy Bulk 3 pounds 17C a Apricots No. 2,/i can 19c T i 19c Peaches Lima Beans Coffee w^,n 35c EXTRA SPECIAL! 3 pounds 21c per lb ■* ■.............................. — Large rackages Package« 2 Kellog’s Corn Allfi Flakes ■ Yelhw Cling Highway Cp limited with «JU other purchases MILK COOKIES F-Ä 21/2 sr 53c COFFEE 5c Dairy Maid Tall Cans Dunham’s Ruby Caracol We Invite Your Account and Fig Bars 10c Eggs ™ 2dM33c MACARONI Twenty-Four Yean Continuous, Dependable and Successful Banking Farmers 15 & 25c LETTUCE The dairyman who ownei the tao hiiti ... Ipiudu.-ing cow.. ,n_ the C#- quilk- v’alky Cow Testing Aasocia.ion last year, received 8158.11 more for hi.' work In earing for each of these cow-s than did the dairyman who owned the ten loweat producing cows in the association, according to the report made by Wm. H. Griffin, tester for the Coquille Valley Cow Testing Association. Each one of the ten highest cows returned to her owner 8168.28 above the cost of her feed while each one I of the tan lowest producing cows re­ turned to her owner 815.17 above the In view of our Established Record coet of her feed. | According to this report eleven for Sound Banking hundred and forty cows in forty herds through the CoquiHe River Val- 1 ley and Northern Curry county, were tested during the past year. - The testing work has been carried throughout the year in thirty-iix of these herds, including nine hundred and seventy-five cows. The average pound« of milk produced rer eow in the aaaociation was 6236 and the but­ terfat produced amounted to 299.1 ■ per cow. ’ The grass value of all products pro­ duced by each eow in the association ■ averaged 8121.72. The total average | feed cost amounted to 849.80 of which 840-50 was spent for roughage and |9.30 for grain. For every dollar ex­ pended for feed, for cows totted in the aaaociation, 82.44 was the aver­ age return to the dairyman, and the average cost of feed for each pound of butter fat produced was sixteen cents. County W. C. T. U. Moots The Pioneer Methodist Church i Ae a result of the story told by S. D. Walters, Pastor A goodly number of perajns attend­ the records provided by the tester 191 So. Henry St.. Phone 50-J ed the County W. C. T. U. Institute I during the year, eighty cows which Sunday School 10 a. m. I were found to be boarders were cull- which met at the Church of Christ, Morning Worship 11 a. m. I ed from association herds. The rac- Coquille, on Friday, April 24th, where Evening Wordisip 8 p. m. Please I ords provided for cow testing aaao- they enjoyed an exoellent program note the change in hour of the even­ I elation members also gave valuable and appetising lunch. J. E. Norton, representative to the ing services. I information in determining the value Epworth Leagues 7 p. m. I of the sire in the dairy herd and legislature from Cooa county, gave The Rev. J. B. Needham, Presiding some very interesting sidelights on I daii vmen throughout the county are Elder of the Portland District, will I coming to believe more and more the temperance situation as it exists I each year that the sire is more than now in comparison with the saloon preach at both services. The last I half of the herd. Of the forty herds days. He mentioned that many of Quarterly Conference will be held after the evening service on Sunday. II which were tested during the year, our younger voters were easily made “wets" because their youthfulness This is Bro. Needham’s last trip to thirty were headed by purebr*d sires. prevented their knowing the saloon CoquiHe in th» Conference year ami | A cow testing association is simply lays from actual experience. The as his time is up as Presiding Elder, a group of dairymen who collectively .peaker gave an interesting article it will be the last time he will visit hire a trained person to tost and from the Oregon Voter by Senator us as Presiding Elder. Let us give' keep production records on each ani­ Dunn entitled “Wet days of long him a good bearing. You are invited mal in their herds. It is an efficien’ sgo,*’ after which Mr. Norton gave to worship with us Sunday. way for the dairyman to determine itto own comments to the effect that his actual profit or lore each year. Church of God Each cow testing association through- I .he impression often given to the mblk as to the fluid condition of the Sunday School 10 a. m. out the state guided through the egislature is erroneous. Preaching 11am. and 7:80 p. m. year by a group of direetoie who D. F. Thompson, county judge, ' Young People’s meeting every Sun­ handle the business of the assorta- -.poke on Child' Welfare in Coos Coun- day at 8:30 p. m. •Alan, calling meetings of members and although the judge ,