The Sentinel ADMISSION FREE ON BROADWAY ACROSS FROM ISAAC R. TOWER MARSHFIELD, OREGON APRIL 10-11 TALKING PICTURE “A TRIP THROUGH THE FORD PLANT” SEE ACTUAL FORD CAR SAWED IN TWO Women as well as men show greet interest in this revelation of vital mechanical parts that are seldom seen. Shows valves, pistons, cylinders — fuel, cooling, ignition and lubrication systems__ how the body, seats and upholstery are made — how the different layer* of paint are put on. There’s also a cut-away Ford truck chassis. Many things you have always wanted to know clearly explained. ALSO Motor Co Coquille, Oregon Coming to MARSHFIELD ELROD QUITS DOES NOT OPERATE TWO DATS ONLY No Charge for Consultation I. A. ELROD COQUILLE