COTTONS COQUILLE, OREGON SUNDAY, APRIL 12th Gary Cooper in ••MOROCCO” With Marlene Dietrich and Adolph Meujou * A man - with „ ™ a i past to forget—and a woman out of nowhere! On the brink 01 uvu, iu v>v>u, ivivivui, luruis-Mieu inurwvu. if Hell, in vivid, colorful, thrUls-sated Morocco. They meet, this dare-devil Legionnaire and this ravishing beauty who scorns men. Pent-up love flames! A drama be yond imagination. . Matinee 2:00 P. M. Adm, 35c, Child 10c. Night 6:30 A 9:00 MONDAY AND TUESDAY, APRIL 13 and 14 OKLAHOMA LAND RUSH, APRIL 22, 1889! Edna Ferber’s Broadcloth ••CIMARRON” Greatest moment the screen has ever known. Fifty thou sand humans sweep in a boiling, brawling mass across the line—crazed men—frenzied women—wild-eyed children— sprawling under murderous hoofs—careening on—on into a wilderness that by sundown became the maddest Empire ever known. Two shows at night: 7:00 and 9:00. Be Thar! WEDNESDAY, APRIL 15 Dorothy Mackall, Noah Beery and Daphne Pollard in * “BRIGHT MGHTS" All Technicolor crammed with drama that carries you from the lowest dives of Africa to the upper crust of New York. THURSDAY, APRIL IS June Collyer, Lloyd Hughes and Owen Moore in “EXTRAVAGANCE" A big subject treated seriously enough to be forceful; light ly enough to be amusing; cleverly set forth to be intriguing- ly entertaining at all times. Also this is Amateur Night and that’s where the fun begins FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, APRIL 18 & 19 Buck Jones in a whirlwind all-talking Western, “MEN WITHOUT LAW" A film created for those who like their movie entertainment with punch and action. _____________ Ray D. Clemens at the Console •__________ Coming Attractions: “A CONNECTICUT YANKEE “CALL OF THE FLESH” “JUST IMAGINE” "THE LASH” "A LADY’S MORALS" “GOOD NEWS” Cloth 332 First Street, Coquille, Oregon GEO. F. BURR MOTOR CO SALESMAN WANTED — To run Herberling business in Coos Coun ty. Many make »60 to »75 weekly— year around work—no lay off. Write today for free booklet. G. C. HRRBERLING COMPANY Dept. 1807, Bloomington, Ill.- 12t2 FOR RENT—Modern J. H. Oardins. ELROD QUITS Apartments. Rainclothes All Reduced Slickers Cruiser Jackets Rain Pants Alligator Goods Rain Hats Shoes Leather Coats Filson Coats NOW SAVE! I. A. ELROD COQUILLE Want Ads EXCLUSIVE a<«nt for Soothport Coal hi CoquiUo and vicinity, »8.00 per ton. Prompt delivery. Robt. C. Train, phono HOM. 47tf