Image provided by: Coquille Public Library; Coquille, OR
About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1931)
THB COQUILLE TALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE. ORBQON. FRIDAY, MARCH 27. 1981. SBSB Thirty Pupils in Piano Recital Roosevelt Highway brand ÇuaZity Supreme CANNED FOODS You will And every |„„ ODder lhh «be ««Ul quem, obui„blt, w fro tion’s best producing food centers. Packed for and sold by only Home Owned Stores Seed Growers Organize ------------------ . I......i.i. — r of — ! Better method« of growing, har- Before a large audience parents. friends and those interested in music, j vesting and marketing grass and more than thirty pupils of Mr«. H. H. clover seed will be sponsored by the Coleman gave a piano recital in Fi- Coos Seed Growers’ Association, which oneer Hall last Saturday evening, was organized at a meeting of por- Many of the pupils who have appeared sons interested in seed production and in recital before showed marked im-' marketing, held at the city hall at Co- provement, and each number was on- quille, last Friday evening, March joyed. Especially was the Rhythm ' 20th. band which gave four numbers wel-' J. E. Ford, of Marshfield, was elect- eomed and their instructor as well as' ed first president of the organisation the parents had cause to feel proud of j — and Joe Nilsen, V* of Riverton, will waaa serve the showing made. ' as vice president. The office of sec Those taking part in the program retary-treasurer will be filled by Geo. were: Elois Wilson, Marjorie Clinton, Jenkins, county agent. These officers, Ena Wilson, Theda Schroeder, Ruth with two directors, will constitute the Gisboft,. Claribel Watson, Frederick executive committee which will trans Watson, Nira Coy, Lily Bauer, Irene ect such business of the association Williams, Dorothy Boll Newton, Bar that shall be authorized by the by bara Leslie, Margaret Be Boni, Georgi- laws. Lyman Carrier, of Coquille, will aana Johnson, Jean McNelly, Richard serve as-a director of the two-year Walker, Mary Graham, Lorein Child, term and Carl Herman, of Bandon, Stanley Graham, Mary Ann Schroe for one year. • der, Marlon Hess, Jean Perrott, Carp- . __ ______ ______ __________ < who Any resident of Ooos county line Perrott, Marcus Shelley, Virginia fo interested in the growing, harvest- Swindahl, Virginia Hartaon, Jane jng and marketing of grass or clover j McLeod. Bonnie Gage, Frances Denis- «eed fa eligible for membership in !°n’ C°y’ Walker “d Du- this organisation. Persons operat- rene Tilghman. I ing in the near vicinity of Coos coun- ! 1 ty, whose problems are similar are ! also eligible at the discretion of the. First AW Study Club The inaugural meeting of the First executive committee. Honorable' AidDtudy Group was held at the City Hall, Coquille, on Tuesday evening, This group meets weekly for the dis- cussion of problems, demonstrations and practice of First Aid measures. An examination is to be in Coquille 1 the latter part of May for the Amer ican Red Cross certificate in First Aid and all members are hoping to take this examination. Dr. Milton Walker, county health officer, is lending his assistance. Members.present at the Tuesday meeting were Misses Hubbard and Sandquist from Manehfield, Mrs. Houaehild from North Bend, Mes- dames Crawford and Littler from Powers, Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hartley, Mis es Hoyendahi and King from Co quille. . . ... J . Savings Account paotiuiet More Comfort per Dollar than.any other investment We will feel highly complimented to have your name on our books. Savings Int. 3% compounded semi-annually Personal Int. 100% FRIENDLY, HELPFUL SERVICE 0 Farmers & Merchants Bank Coquille, Oregon OFFICERS DIRECTORS John E. Roes, President Lyman Carrier r‘. J. Fuhrman, Vice President John E. W. 8. Sickels, Cashier Edna A. Robison, Asst. Cashier membership which will entitle the holder to all the privileges of the as- »ociation except that of voting may be granted to non-residents, at the discretion of the executive committee. The need for an organisation of this kind has been felt for some time by persons in this section, interested in seed production and marketing. Probate Court Items Those who have beSn active in ths Coquille Ag Club Won Sentinel and Su forming of this organization include F. J. Fahy, of Bandon, was last Coquille Due to a special arrangement with The Ag Club basketball team won J. E. Ford, Marshfield; Joo Ntfsen, Friday appointed executor of the wdl the publishers of Sunset Magasine, March 29—Palm Sunday the Southwestern Oregon champion Riverton; Lyman Carrier, Coquille; 9:00 a. m. Maas in Bandon. of Sarah Costello, who died at Ban- the Sentinel is able to offer to new ship nt the Future Farmers of Amer Carl and August Herman, Bandon; 11:00 a m. Maas in Coquille. t, IBM, leaving an estate subscribers the magazine and thfa ica meet last Friday by detesting Alton Kay, Leneve; William Phfflpoft, Rev. L. A. LeMHler, Pastor. at »1609. J. A. Morrison, paper for »2.25. The regular com Medford, 14 to 18, in s game that Lenevs; Hanson A Corree, Bandon; enberg and Chris Rasmus bined price for the two is »».00. was close during all four quarters of Tom Church of Christ sen were appointed appraisers. sorn Flanagan, Marshfield; William play. A basket in the last half (in Roth. Coquille; J. Kruse, Marshfield;1 uta Bible Schoo! 10 a. m. Nod Ç. Kelley, ute of the contest decided the issue. Charles J. Mollier, Charleston; 8. H. Six teams played in the tourna Supt. Stockhoff, Coquille; W. A. Tway, Co Communion at 11 a. m. Mm. B. A. ment, though seven were represented. quille; and George Emerson, North Vaccination at Bay _ , —, Cottage urvvc Grove lunciung forfeiting vneir their games. games. . Roberts will speak. Bend. C The low‘win m*rked their ”• * Vaccination wan th« order of the Geary, of Klamath Falls, attended the consecutive victory since the tourney Topic, "Why Christ Is a Worthy Mas day on Tuesday in the schools of first meeting and were elected as originated last year. In the prelim ter.’’ Scripture text, PhU. 2: 5-11. North Bend, Empire, Charleston and members of the association. inaries Coquille swamped Coos River, Leader: Vera Gaslin. Beach view. Dr. Milton Walker, coun ■ 15 to 1; Myrtle Point nosed out Ben ty health officer, was th?re to vaccin ate all school and pre-school children To Demonstrate Ditch Blasting don, 9 to 8; and Medford downed. The Pioneer Methodist Church 8. D. Walters, Pastor Farmers of Coos and Curry county Roseburg, 24 to 14. The semi-finals I against smallpox and was assisted by 191 So. Henry St., Phons 50-J Miss Hoyendahi and Mrs. HouachiM, will have another opportunity to see went to Coquille, 14 to 13, from Myr-1 tie Poirit; while Medford won by for-! Sunday School 10 a. m. county and school nurses. Ninety-five field demonstrations in the tme of dy feit from Cottage Grove, who had; Morning Worship 11 a. m. namite for blasting drainage ditches children were vaccinated. Subject: "The Crucified.’’ » ; on different farms in the county, be- drawn the bye. Evening Worship 7:30 p. m. The final wan close throughout end , Call Farr A Elwood for transfer twe*n March 27th APril »«»• Subject: "MotivM of Those Who md fuel I According to an announcement just as already mentioned Coquille won in I received from the County Agent’s af- the final minute. Denton Ellingson Crucified and Crueify Christ." Epworth Leagues 6:30 p. m. , flee, A. J. McAdams, agricultural coached the boys, while W. M. Cun Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30. representative of one of the large dis ning, Smith-Hughes instructor, acted By all means attend church some tributors of dynamite, will be in this as supervisor. With the victory came Our section during that time conducting a large silver eup that is permanent where the next two Sundays. property of the local chapter, symbol congregations have been good, but these demonstrations. < church in Coquille should be Work of this kind which has been ic of the affair. It was presented by every crowded. If you are not attending done in the county' during past the Lions Club of Myrtle Point. The Coquille players were: Jack elsewhere, < we invite you to worship months has developed interest among ' us. quite a number of land owners who McCue, Alvin Shaver, David Smith, Al with have a drainage problem on their Glaisyer, Herman Ellingsen, Morris farm, and several large tracts of land Stonecypher, Bob Bailey, Bill Pook Methodist Episcopal Church have been drained as a result of the and Keith Holverstott. Sunday School, 10 a. m. demonstrations held. There have Morning Preaching. 11 a. m. Sophomores Defeat Faculty been numerous requests for taore Evening Preaching 7:80 p. m. work of this kind and it is to provide The Sophomore Class basketball Prayer mooting, Wodneaday, 7ffi0 an opportunity for those who have team, winner of the C. H. S. inter P- t ' not seen a field demonstration in the class rivalry tourney by defeating the Scriptural, spiritual praarhing, use of dynamite for this purpose, that high and mighty Seniors 12 to 11, G. A. Gray. Pastor. these meetings are being arranged. added more laurels to their record by An attempt has been made to ar- downing the proud faculty five, 12 to Christian Science Society ' range the demonstrations so that 1», in a game played in the high Sunday School at 9:80 a. m. i persons in all parts of the county will school gym Wednesday noon. Sunday Service at 11 a. m. have an opportunity to attend one The Sophs opened the scoring, main Subject for nest Sunday, "Reality.'’ of the demonstrations which will be taining a lead throughout ar youth Wednesday evening meeting at 8 held as follows: again vanquished age. All the boys Friday, March 27th—10:00 a. m., on the team will bo Juniors next year, o’clock. Free public Beading Room open ta W. J. Walker farm, Pistol river; 2:00 raising Coquille’s championship Church Building every Tuesday and p. m., A. Tamba farm. Harbor. chances greatly. Lineups: Friday afternoons except holidays Saturday, March 28th—10:00 a. I-, Sophomore (12) Faculty (10) from two to five o’clock. fa Nowlin farm, Ophir; 2:00 p. Shaver (8) F (2) Cunning The public is cordially invited to at Macteay -Estate, Wodderburn. McCue (2) F (2) Ferguson tend our services and to visit the j Wednesday, April 1st—10:00 a. •9 L. Seeley (7) C’ (2) Hartley Reading Room. ' ' Lester Borgard farm, Parkersburg; Morgan G (2) Grider 1:80 p. *., Pete Miller farm, Coquille. H. Ellingson a (2) Rickard Church of God Thursday, April 2nd—9:00 a. m., Sunday School 10 a. m. Wherever you go—on city street known packers, oil companies and James Landrith farm, Coos River; Gun Club’s Score Perfect Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. 1:80 p. m., Charles Mahaffy Jr. farm, manufacturers are using Chevrolets or country road—you find Chevrolet Reports last week that the Coos Young People’s meeting every Sun Coos River. During the time which field meet County Gun club had lost in shooting day at 6:80 p. m. in steadily growing numbers. Every six-cylinder trucks very much in Prayer meetings every Thursday ings are not listed, individual farm off the tie with Corvallis were incor line of business, every field of in evidence. Tens of thousands ofthese calls will be made to consider drain rect, and the local club is still in a evening 7:30 p. m. Everyone cordially invited. age problems at the request of these tie for first place with s perfect rec dustry is coming to rely more and sturdy workers are on the job ord so far of 75 each Sunday. Last Paster John Bradly. people. more on these big, powerful Sixes. daily, delivering goods, moving Persons who have special drainage Sunday, at the grounds across the problems to be considered have been river hero, C. D. Rsy, W. N. Ekled Baptist Church supplies, doing all types of light Indeed, the demand for Chevrolet requested to communicate with the end E. J. Arms received credit for a Bev. D. Loree, Pastor straight 25 each. Only two more County Agent’s office, if interested. Sunday School at 10 a. as. and heavy hauling. trucks during recent years has been shoots are on the telegraphic schedule B. T. P. U. at 8:80 p. as. —March 29 at Marshfield, and April such that Chevrclet ranks today Evening worship 7:80 p. m. Large fleet» of Chevrolets are cov Still Working on Gas Plant 6 here. Prayer service Thursday 8 p. as. as the world's largest builder of Mx- Ahnort continuous rains have fur ering the nation for prominent Toa are cordially invited to attend. ♦ ther delayed the construction of the cylinder truck» and commercial can. Specialist Coming April 18 public utility firms. Nationally fas plant for Natural Gaa Corpora __________ ____________ On Saturday, April 18th, Dr. L. tion of Oregon in thia city, but at the present time work is getting under Bogsn, extracting specialist of Eu- Chovrolot w way again._________________________ ' E®n*> wiI1 be in Coquille and will work All of the concrete for building and w>th the co-operation of local dentists,— daeosls wWh 1S7 tank foundations has now been laid H* w® operate in the office of Dr. (O,Ml w K m I. «tosOerd) and every effort will be made to speed £■ A. Rietman. Those desiring his ser- Spanai aqa I vice« will please call their local den tbe work as rapidly as possible. All Prive« F. O. B. Flint, Mich., and Indianapolis, Ind. The plants recently completed and tist. Dr. Bogan will be fully equipped put into operation at Bend, Klamath with nitrous-oxide and oxygen-gas Falls and LaGrande by Natural Gas machine or will use nerve block sys Sao your dealer below Corporation of Oregon, are proving tem as patient may prefer. very satisfactory and Coquille resi dents are looking forward to comple The Coquille Machine Shop haa em tion of the local plant with a great ployed Fred Scheer to operate its deal of anticipation. newly installed blacksmith shop. Give Coquille — Myrtle Point us a trial. C. W. Gardner, manager. Safety First! U m C ow Boil Dairy’« Backache Leg Pains Chevrolet is the world’s largest builder of six-cylinder trucks SOUTHWESTERN MOTOR CO ALSO MALENS IN CHEVXOLET SIXXYUND» PASSENCEX CAMS, Wl to Pasteurised Milk and protect your