THE COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL. COQUILLE. OREGON, FRIDAY, MARCH IT, IMI. OUT-OF-DOORS STUFF By Lans Leneve There’s sure a lot of fellows seated about the old campfire to-night. Tnoy hate each expressed their views and are waiting for another sportemsn to arrive. Here come a couple of them up the trail right now, so nobody la going to be disappointed to-night, dtep up hero one of you and let’a hear .Tom you: “This is Jess Williams, proprietor of Williams Grocery. Hunting and fishing and trapping are my favorite out-of-door a porta I enjoy playing cards and that’s about all the indoor amusement 1 care anything about. My ambition is to obtain my good health. My favorite shot gun h a Winchester 12 gauge pump hammer­ leva and a 30-30 is my favorite rifle, in a Winchester half magaaine. A Colt’s 38" special is my favorite revol­ ver. Remington Kleah-bore .ammu­ nition is my favorite brand and num­ ber fl’s are my favorite shot. Fly fish­ ing is my favorite method of fish­ ing and a Gray Hackle is my favorite all season fly. A Colorado spinner is niy favorite. I have hunted and fished ever since I was big enough to walk.” Thanks, Jess, And look who’i here! -Old Lucky, himself. Now you tell ’em. “This is Lucky Bonney, druggist Hunting and fishing are my favorite out-door sports. I enjoy watching a boxing match for indoor amusement end like to play cards, myself. My ambition is to see hunting and fishing put on a bgais where all classes oi sportsmen will receive an even “break.” An L. (J. Smith 12 gauge shot gun is my favorite and a Win­ chester 25-35 is my favorite rifle. A 22 Colt’s automatic is my favoriti revolver and I prefer Winchester ammunition. Number fl’a are my fa­ vorite shot. I like fly-fishing the best snd a Royal Coachman is my favoriti fly and a Doc Shelton Spinner is my favorite. Have hunted and fished for 20 years.” Thanka to both you., fellows. See you all again next week. Local Boxers Working Loggers Get Good Work- Out—New Faces on Team Out at Holycross’ Last Sunday Foreman Fortier sent his Loggers through a bristling work­ out and another will be held thio com­ ing Sunday. Among the rigger«, fall­ ers, buskers, high-climbers, engineers and the like, present, were “Chick” Hauser, Marion Fischer and Fortier, catchers; Carl Gilbert and Steven En­ dicott, pitchers; “Jug” Lorens, “Tow” Stinson, Bill 8tewart and Ray Wood­ yard, infielders; and Perry Roper, Art Pulford, Art Miller, and Jack White, outfielders. Noble Brundage, dare­ devil high climbes who ranges the outergardene with the speed of an antelope, is expected to be on hand Sunday, as is an additional pitcher, who should add to the competition aad bolster the chucking department Missing from this first session were Umpire StockweH and "Speck” Seeley, whistle punks of the club. Perhaps one of ths greatest battles to bo staged for a position on the squad will be between Junior Bailey and Ronald Burr for the mascot as- signment. Manager Fortier has set up a policy of “the survival of the fittest,” but due to the closeness of this race It is expected that both lads will be carried. Anyway the boys are on friendly terms. This year’s baseball team should be, perhaps, the fastest to represent Co- quille in recent years. Though un- able to enter a league, Fortier went right ahead with plans in order to I give the fans their baseball, a sport which advertises a email town more I than anything else. Lest year the CoquiHe Loggers were known state-1 wide because of the victories over Portland, Bend, and Salem bush teams, and this season the vanquished will likely invade the local ball or­ chard seeking revenge. Fortier will try to arrange games with Valley and Southern Oregon team«, in defense of oar state championship. With many of the 1930 stare still on hand and newcomers asking for tryoats needy every week, it is expected that a real fast nine will take the field opening day to ths tones of Coquille’s band. Several changes have been made in he new code, sponsored by the rame commission, at the late senator. >f the legislature. Theee changes are low laws. The sportsmen of South­ western Oregon, it m safe to say, al noat to a man, are disgusted with th: new deer season. The season will >pen September 20th, five days late than the past season arid will close October 20th. Such a law means that dozens of deer will be killed that wil be unfit to eat, during the latter par of the season, ovyng to the fact that the. bucks are usually “running” at that season of the year. In addition to that, it puts the hunter into thè woods usually in disagreeable weath- er. » COQUILLE FOLKS Sanitary aids to clean living. Merchandise of merit. Drugs Rackfeff’s Pharmacy of Purity. New-fashioned electrical devices to add to your 434 W. First 8t. home comfort, and old-fashioned courtesy that adds pleas­ Coquille ure to your shopping. of their brethren. It is estimated by good authority that something like 100 tons of pois­ on io spread in the northwestern states alone, in an effort to destroy coyotes. Thirteen million dollars is spent annually to carry on the work of trapping and poisoning. Over »45,- 000 is spent annually in this state alone. I have been asked many times: “What is the purpose of the American Trappers Association!” I am here­ with giving the platform of that as­ sociation, believing that it will prove of interest to trappen and sportsmen alike: 1. Protect and propagate all benefi­ cial wild life. 2. Eliminate all unnecessary cruel­ ty in trapping. 8. Protect all beneficial wild life from unfair methods in trapping and hunting; smoking, den-digging, etc. 4. Re-stock as much as possible all lands where desirable species are ex­ tinct; introduce new species where needed. 5. Strenuous opposition to the use of poison that kills fur-bearers. fl. Demand laws in each state and province in compliance with neces­ sity; protective to wild life and of benefit to the fur industry in general. .V. Protect trappers from dishonest fur houses, snd educate trappers to the proper methods of preparing and handling furs to enhance their value. JB. Protect tbe American market from imported furs, the same as I other industry; educate the American public to the superiority of American furs; insist upon all furs being sold under true name. 9. Protect our forests from Area or other forms of destruction; en- courage re-forestation ; protect our streams from undue pollution or com- mercralixation; discourage drainage or reclamation of such lands as will be of more value as a refuge of fur and game. 10. Eternal vigilance and protection of the trapping and fur industry, from any organisation or combination of organisations, whose purpose is based on fanaticism or greed, or whose ideals are not in keeping with the rules of true sportsmanship; or whose intentions are detrimental to the interests of the trapping and fur industry. I am mighty proud to be a member. as well as a director of thia organi- sation and will be only too glad to go into detail concerning its work and accomplishments with any trapper or sportsman wishing to secure mem- » bership. One evening last weak the Sentinel writer happened to bo passing thi ilolycrosa Cigar store and upon look­ ing in noticed an unusually large crowd congregated in the back room. Walking in to investigate, it was found that the occasion was the daily workout of several local boxers who fight on cards in the various pugilism centers of Southwestern Oregon. Joe Coffman, Kermit Shaw, Tex Davidson, “Bat” Nolan, Cliff Judd, Shirley Pettongill, “Tiger”’ Willet, Jack Schermer, and others were going through their paces with all the gusto and seriousness that is in real It appears to me that the member: gyms. Bag punching, shadow boxing. of the state game commission should rope skipping, and sparring were on oe well enough acquainted with con­ the menu eagerly devoured by the ditions throughout the state that pugs, and each and every one enjoyed they would be able to recommend the it, notwithstanding the hard knocks passing of sensible laws, instead of absorbed. The Coquille favorite, joe Coffman, laws that make it mighty tough on the game, as well as the hunter. And leaping welterweight who demolishes his, too, applies to the trapping sea- his opponents liks a cyclone raging lon. Thousands of dollars worth of through Florida, is usually the center valuable fur is trapped under the of attraction for the fane. Joey takes present law that is only worth half on all comers, big and little, boxing half as much it should be, owing sometimes twelve rounds in an even- to the lateness of the season, and ing before quitting to chat with the .'ur-bearing animals are allowed to be spectators. Kermit Shaw, the fast taken right in their mating season coming local middleweight, is his No effort was made to correct this chief opponent, and the way these two law, though enough consideration boys tear at it is a trout to the eyes. was given the trapper to raise the li- Since training with Cofftnan, Shaw has improved fifty percent. ___ now .■ense fee to »3.00 in order that more standing'even with his tutor in their money would roll into the coffem of the commission. heated battles which come to the t The fur-dealer’s license has been tensity of a real match. Most of the boys who have been >oosted from »3.00 to »10.00. I am working during the past weoka are not kicking concerning the raise in fighting on cards to come before the licenses, for I have always maintained Coos county exponents of the squared that the ¡¡cense was plenty small etrrio within the next week. Coffman enough, but I am protesting about Marriage Licenses and Willet fight in Roseburg this ev­ the poor animals not being taken in­ Msr. 20 —Jno. D. Patton Jr., of Eu­ to consideration, or given a fighting ening, the former in the main event gene, and Idella Maxine Nelson, of and the latter in a four rounder. Some chace. / They were married of the boys will mix tonight at Marsh­ One important change has been Myrtle Point. field, while beet of all Shaw is pre­ made in the law regarding treepass­ Saturday by Rev. Chas. C. Hulot at paring for “Bud” Bryant here April ing, which I believe should meet with the Jacob Nekson home at Myrtle v I 2. Most of the other boys will also reneral approval. For years it has Point. A. Howatt and Mar. 20 — Edgar appear on this card. been unlawful to trespam upon land At present the big need for the box­ on which residence has been estab­ Edith Lora Williams, both of Marsh­ ers is a suitable pair of training lished, regardless of whether or not field. They were married by Rev. gloves. In order to fulfill this, Mr. the property was fenced. Under the Clifton A. Phillips at hia home on the Knife HoHpital Notes Holycross passes the hat every even­ new law, property must be inclosed Bay last Friday. Mar. 20—Edmund D. Sopor and Last Saturday morning Dr. Rich­ ing, adding eaah night’s donation to by a fence before a person may be Myrtle Irene Bayer, both of North mond performed an appendicitis oper­ the other and limiting each deposit to prosecuted for trespassing upon it. Bond. ation for Christina Christensen, of 10 cents. When fifteen dollars has The suggested law making bear a Mar. 25—Cecil Hartley, of Broad­ Brewster Valley, and a similar oper­ been collected the gloves will be pur­ game animal was voted down and it bent, and Lorna M. Noris, of Myrtle chased. AH fans are invited to at- ation the same day for Mrs. Ahns looks as though poor old bruin is in Point. They were married by Rev. tend theee sessions. Call. for a lot of grief. This old lumber­ G. Gray, at the M. E. parsonage here ^Geo. Maas, of the Arago district, ing scavenger, whose diet consists of Wednesday. Wise Found Not Guilty was operated on Tuesday for hernia. berries, clover^ skunk cabbage, bees Mar. 20—Jos. H. Goodier and Melba Varney, teached in Junior Harry Wise, of Gaylord, indicted and ants, is tbe most misundemtood Maude Sayles Wilbur, both of Marsh­ High, who suffered a severe attack of for assault with a knife on Virgil animal that roams the woods. He I field. appendicitis while on duty in the Barkdoll, waa found not guilty by visits the kill of the cougar, coyote Mar. 20—Kenneth C. Taylor, of school room. Was operated on Tues­ jury late Monday evening. It was and bobcat, usually after the meat Sitkum, and Anna Louise Lawhome, day. brought out by the defendant’s attor­ has become tainted, and oats his fill. Thou. Anderson had sufficiently re­ ney, J. B. Bedingfield, that hia client His big tracks are found about the of Marshfield. covered from his recent operations so had been threatened by Barkdoll, and carcass and he is at once listed as the New Cases in Circuit Coart that he was able to be taken home that liquor had entered into the killer, when nine times out of ten Sunday.' » trouble. M«r. 20—Commercial Securities •ome other animal is responsible for Mrs. RobL R. Watson was dis­ the kill. Occasionally there is a, real 4nc. vs. Union Automobile Insurance missed from the hospital Thursday Safety First! Use Cow Bell Dairy’s stock-killing bear that preys on -Co., Glenn Hall and A. E. Gault. and M tb . E. G. Robbins, of Broadbent, Pasteurised Milk and protect your sheep. When such an animal is found Mar. 21—®. and M. F. Cfcaloupka and Mias Ruby Cramp, of the North health. to exist, every bear within a redius vs. T. P. Kelly. Fork, will be able to return to their 21—F. Oscar Johnson vs. Wm. of miles is hunted down and pays the Caning cards 100 for »1JW. penalty of death, just over one culprit Ingersoll, Ritka Spruoe Ptep A Paper ! I 3 4 J^ake fewer trips to the Fred Jarvis brought in p'cougar hide and received 110.00 county boun­ ty on it last week. It is now neces­ sary to send the hide into the state game commission before they will pl- low the state’s »25.00 bounty on it. Just a lot more red tape the poor hunter must endure before receiving his hard earned cash. STORE ... more SAVINGS WINDOW Top. aow—on exceptionally easy terms. Thaayoacaabuyfoodsuppliesfordiys in advance, increasing your orden,and obtaining better prices. Foods will keep their Crashness sad flavor in the crisp, steady General Electric cold.. Only the General Electric Refrig- orator gives you the simple, quiet, sealed in mechenism of the Monitor 4 meet all Handy tasi-freeuag coocroL All-Steel cabinet»-l«ga fat easy sweeping. Sizes for all kames SaT. of y