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About The Coquille Valley sentinel. (Coquille, Coos County, Or.) 1921-2003 | View Entire Issue (March 27, 1931)
COQUILLE VALLEY SENTINEL, COQUILLE, OREGON. FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1931. — WHAT IS ♦ J Place: City Hall. Time, 7:30 p. m. When: First and Third Tuesdays. President—Geo. W. Taylor, Sr. Secy.—Mrs. Inez Chase 4 _ Trea*.—Mrs. John A. Martin Cor. Sec’y—Mre. Nellie Whereat Sunshine Garden Club When: First and Third Saturdays. Where: City Hall. Time: Two O’clock. How do you like the new heading for the Flower Lovers Club column? Isn’t it appropriate? We have Mr. Yqung of “The Sentinel” to thank for this and I hope we will all toll him bow much we like it. Many thanks, Mr. Young, it makes our col umn much more attractive. n Annuals In “A Little Book of Annuals,” by Hottes, which I have just finished reading, I find this about annuals: “Among the choicest flowers scat tered over the earth are some whose lives are short. They sprout from seed, grow, flower, produce seed in their turn, and then die, all within the limits of a single oeaeon of our gardenning year. These are annuals. . . . The more flowers we pluck, the more they bloom. This is the great charm of annuals. They may always be depended upon to give a splendid showing the year they am sown." I wonder how many of us really and truly appreciate annuals. None of us as we should, I am afraid. In this ago of speed, I am afraid wo am all leaning to the permanent plantings of shrubs and hardy flowers. These am all right as far as they go, but even so, them is always room for some an nuals in the open spaces of the border. To the renter or one with small in come, but great love of flowers, the annuals are truly a God-send, for they can indulge in their love of flowers with small cash outlay. A few flvo- oent pacakages of seed yield such wonderful roturns. Then too, renters do not cam to go to the expense of permanent plantings which may have to be left behind at any time, but ¿yitlT annudls it is different, for the cost is so small that the only regret is for the blossoms loft behind. Them is no place so small that one cannot have flowers of some kind; porch and (Chinese Forget-me-not), Qianthua. ! the relief prayed for in her Com plaint, to-wit: For a decree dissolving California Poppy, Baby Breath, Lark the marriage and marriage contract spur, Morning Glory, Nasturtium, now and heretofore existing between Kochia, Salpigloqsia, Schizanthus, Sun Plaintiff and Defendant, and restor ing to the Plaintiff her maiden name Flower, Zinnia. of June Brown, and for such other Those that will withstand dry and further relief as to the Court may weather best are: Achillea, Alyssum, seem just and equitable. The grounds upon which said relief Arctotis, Bartonia, Callopsis, Candy window boxes, pots and hanging bas tuft, Cosmos, African Dajey, Four- is based in said Complaint ia cruel kets all can be used to grow annuals o’clock, Hollyhock, Petunia, Portulaca, and inhuman treatment. Thia Summons is served upon you and climbing or trailing vines; the I Sunflower, Verbena, Vinca, Zinnia. by publication thereof in the Coquille discarded tin can may be used in place For cut flowere raise: Snapdragon, Valley Sentinel, pursuant to order of of pots and so lessen the cuat of con Arctotis, Aster, Calendula, Calliopsta, the Hon. D. F. Thompson, Judge of tainers. And then the fun of raiaing Carnation, Qhysanthemum, Clarkia, the County Court, made, dated and entered on the 25th day of March, them from seed! How many of us Columbine, Dahlias, Delphinium, 1931, in the absence of tbe Circuit have been so anxious to know if they Gladiolus, Baby Breath, Nasturtium, Judge from the County.^nd which or were going to grow that we have Pentetemon, Salpiglosris, Scabiosa, der requires that the date of the first dug up one little end of a row to see Shasta Daisy, Schiezanthus, Sweet publication of said Summons shall be on the 27th day of March, 1931, the if the tiny seed has sprouted ? I have Pead, Wallflower», Zinnias. date of the last publication thereof many a , time and I am sure others Last year I tried out Cynoglossum being Friday, the 24th day of April, 1931. have. I generally keep a planting (Chinese Forget-me-not) and the J. Arthur Berg, list, or calendar and then by referring African Daisy hybrids, of which fam Attorney for Plaintiff, to it, can tell about when I may ex ily the Arctotis is a member. The Residence and P. O. Address, Co pect to see the tiny plants showing Ilt5 Cynoglossum was certainly a joy and quille, Oregon. through the dirt I found a “germin when mixed with yellows was gor IN THE COUNTY COURT OF THE ation table” in a magazine one time geous in effect. While listed as an STATE OF OREGON IN AND’ which has been a great help to me and annual, I have a’row of planta which FOR THE COUNTY OF COOS I think you might like to have it too, have lived over, but they were in a In the Matter of the Estate of so I am going to give it to you now: Eleanor Holman, Deceased, somewhat protected place. The Afri Notice of Final Account One Week or less—Ageratum, Eng can daisies were bdautiful in a mass, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, lish Daisy, Sweet Sultan, Sweet Alys That the undesigned has tiled in the they grew about 12 to 18 inches in sum, Candytuft, Annual Chrysanthe j height and had masses of daisy-like County Court of Coos County, Ore mum, Corn Flowers, Cardinal Climb- 1 gon, lus Final Account as Administra flowers ranging from white through tor of the Estate of Eleanor Holman, er, Cosmos, CypreM Vine, Pinks, the yellow shades, all having a dark Deceased, and that the said Court has Dahlias, Four O’clock, Double Straw- center. They close at night and on sri Monday, April 27th, 1931, at the Bowers, Hollyhocks, Morning Glories, dark days and that is all that I have hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M.. at the County Court room in Coquille, Ore Marigold, Mignonette, Stocks, Sslpi- Northeast quarter of the against them. They do not stand gon, as the time and place for hear glossis, Wall Flowers, Zinnias. quarter of Section thirty- transplating very well, so if you try ing abjections to such final account Northeast two and the following Oregon-Cali Ten Days (more or less)—China As and the settlement of said Estate. them, sow the seeds where they are fornia Railroad Grant Lands, title to tern, California Poppy, Calendulas, John H. Holman, which was vested in the United States to grow; they are great seed bearers Administrator. Crimson Flax, Nigella, Lobelia, Nas by act of Congreso June 9th, 1916, so to keep them blooming Hou will J. Arthur Berg. to-wit: The Southeast quarter of tbe turtiums, Clarkia, Pansies, Scarlet DR. J. F. YOUNG have to keep the seed pods cut off. - Atorney for Admintatrator, Southeast quarter of Section Twenty- Runner Bean, Sweet Peas, Sweet Wil Residence and P. 0. Address, Co nine all in Township Thirty South of Chiropractor Another «annual which gave me liams, Verbenas. quille, Oregon. Ilt5 Range Eleven West of the Wilametto satisfaction was Calliopsie, Phone 51-R Two Weeks or More — African Meridian in Cooa County. State of “Golden Wave.” It was a mass of Cor. Second and Moulton Sts. NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Oregon,- ' containing eighty acres, Daisies, Anemones, Columbines, bloom all summer and fall and was Coquille, Ore. Notice ia hereby given that the un more or less. Hardy Astern, Canterbury Bells, fine for cutting. My plants of those dersigned, Administrator of the es Dated the 13th day of March, 1931 Larkspur, Delphinium, Forget-me- Elvin Waterman, afao lived over, being in a bed on the tate of James L. Samson, deceased, not, Godotia, Gourds, Heliotrophe, has filed his final account as such Ad Administrator of the Estate of El JAS. W. WHEELER south side of the house. I am going ministrator in the County Court of mer T. Thompson, Deceased. 9t5 Primroses, Summer Cypress, Sun Physician A Surgeon to grow more of the Ageratum Mex- the State of Oregon for Coos County flowers. Ellingson Bldg. Coquille icanum this year; its trusses of tur snd said Court has appointed Friday, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Three Weeks or More—Snapdrag the 24th day of April, at 10 a. m.. Leave calls at quoise-blue flowers are so beautiful Notice is hereby given that the un ons, Arctotis, Baby Breath, Gaillardia, 1981, as the time for the hearing of Hudson's Drug 8toro or at Co dersigned has been appointed by the Cockscomb, Coleus, Coreopsis, Shasta either alone, or mixed with others. jbjections to tbe said final account County Court of the State of Oregon quille Hotel I am looking forward to pick ind the settlement thereof. Daisy, Foxgloves, Feverfew, Geran Ut5 ■' M. 0. Hooton, Administrator for Coos County, Administrator of the estate of Henry Johnaon, de iums, Coral Bells, Moon Vines, Oxalis, ing masses of beautiful Scabiosa» this ------- 1—— -------- -* *t' ceased; and all persona having claims Pentatemnn, Phlox, Schizanthiu, Jeru year as I have Mr. and Mrs. Grimes NOTICE TO CREDITORS JOHN C. OKRDING CO. against said estate are hereby re to thank for a quantity of seed from salem Cherry, Petunia, Pbrtulaca, Notice is hereby given that on or quired to present them with the prop some very fine ones they had last about the 14th day of March, 1981, Conveyancing, Abstracta, Poppies. er vouchees to the undersigned at the to an order of ths County law offices of J. J. Stanley, in First Most annuals like the sun, but, of year. -1 am also going to try to raise pursuant Court of Coos County, Oregon, the course, some, or mpst of them, will Snapdragons, which I am told rust »0 undersigned was appointed adminis National Bank building, CoquBle, Coos County, Oregon, within six badly here. Somewhere I have read stand a little shade. They will not trator of the estate of Tyler James months from the date of this notice. that lime and bonemeal were good for Walker, also known as T. J. Walker, grow on the north side of a house, Dated March 13th, 1981. and lettere of administra Clareqee A. Johnson, however, and this side should'be given them and I am going to try it out. deceased, tion were issued to him herein. 9t5 Administrator. over to fems or shrubs that want that By the way, did you know that Asters Therefore all persons having DR. J. R. BUNCH particular location. Among the an are lime loving plants? Work lime claim against the estate of said de NOTICE DENTIST into the soil around them and give cedent are requested to present the nuals easiest to grow you will And the Circuit Court of the State of to the undersigned at the office In the Oregon X-RAY Service In and For the following: Alyssum, Calendulas, Cal- them lota of water and I don’t think same it W. U. Douglas, in Room 218, Hall County of Coos Laird Bldg., Opposite Pi liopeia, Centaurea Cyanus (Bachelors you can complain of their size or Building, Marshfield, Oregon, duly quantity of bloom. Telephone 82-L Coquille, Ora verified, before the expiration of six Gladys E. Stough, vs. Plaintiff, Buttons), Coreopsis, Cynoglossum Clarkia and candytuft are other sat months from this date. Harold C. Stough, Defendant. isfactory annuak».for me and I intend ^pated this 23rd day of March, Summons having lota of them this year. Salpi- 1981. To Harold C. Stough, the above V. R. WILSON C. W. Parker, named defendant: gloasis is not as well known or as Ute Administrator. Optometrist In the name of the State of Oregon commonly grown as it should bo. The you are hereby required to appear and coloring of the individual blooms is In the County Court of the State of answer the complaint filed against Error» in refraction corrected Oregon In and For the wonderful and a mass of these plants you in the above entitled suit within without the UM of drugs. County of Coos four weeks from the date of the first in bloom is a sight for sore eyes. Coquille, Oregon In the Matter of the Estate of Chao. publication of this summons, to-wit: More on annuals next week. Webb, Deceased. On or before four weeks from the 8th day of March, 1931; and if you fail Notice to Creditors NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, so to answer, for want thereof the Brewater Valley GRANT CORBY That the undersigned has been duly plaintiff will apply to the court for Attorney at Law Eloda Krewson and Christina Chris appointed by the above entitled Court, the relief prayed for in her complaint Richmood-BsrUr Bid tenson are in the hospital recovering as Executrix of the estate of said De herein, to wit: For decree herein, eeased, and has duly qualified as such. dissolving the bonds of matrimony Coquille, Ora. from appendicitis operations. Now, Therefore, All persona having heretofore and now existing between The Myrtle Leaf club ladies sur claims against said Estate are hereby plaintiff and defendant and for such prised Mrs. Ivan Laird by giving her notified and required to present the other and further relief as to the a shower. She received many nice same, together with proper vouchors court may seem just and equitable. therefor, to the undersigned at the Service of this summons Is made J. ARTHUR BERG gifts. Delicious refreshments were al offices of J. Arthur Berg, in Coquille, upon you by publication pursuant to Attorney at Law so served. Oregon, within six months from the an order of the Hon. J. T. Brand, Rooms 1RS Mrs. Perley Crowley has a new date hereof. Circuit Judge, of Coos County, State Farmers A Merchante Bank Bldg Dated this 20th day of March, 1981. of Oregon, duly made and entered washing machine. Phone 37 Anna M. Rooney, herein on the 2nd day of March, 1931. Mr. and Mre. Brant Taylor and Coquille, Orogen Executrix of the Estate of Chas. Goes, Murphy A Skipworth. daughter, Hazel, enjoyed a visit with Webb, Deceased. Attorneys for Plaintiff Poetoffice address and residence, J. Arthur Berg, Mr. and Mre. Jim Adams and family DR. W. V. GLAISYER 8t4 Attorney for Executrix Marshfield, Oregon. at Bandon over Sunday, it being their 10t5 For Y jut Home Garden wedding anniversary. VETERINARIAN NOTICE OF ESTABLISHMENT OF NOTICE OF FINAL ACCOUNT Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Laird and fam Coaaty Herd * Meat GRADE ON RIVERTON In the Matter of the Estate of Viola ROM aster» to zinnias a ily from Roseburg were visiting Mr. AVENUE Coquille, Ore. M. Collier, deceased. ■Laird’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that wide range of delightful NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, the Common Council of the City of Laird, over Sunday.' That the undersigned has filed in the annual flowers - tall, dwarf, J. A. RICHMOND Mrs. Lilly Myers and daughter. Coquille, did, by resolution duly County Court of Coos County, Ore fragrant - all of them colorfill. adopted at a meeting of ths Council gon. her Final Account as Adminis Pearl, visited the P. A. Alford home leld on the 18th day of March, 1981, PIIY8ICLAN and SURGEON tratrix of the Estate of Viola M. Some bloom early, others late, Tuesday. declare its intention and purpose to Collier, deceased, and that the said Richmond-Berfcar Building many bloom all summer. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Bohlsnder went establish a grade on Riverton Avenue Court has set March 30th, 1931, at Coquille, Ore. in the City of Coquille, Coos County, the hour of 10:00 o’clock A. M. at to the city Tuesday. Select your packets from Oregon, from the intersection of Riv- the County Court room in Coquille, Phones: Office 62M, Ernest Krewson with a small crew Northrup, King ft Co.’» seed .»rton Avenue with Hoover Street to Oregon, as the time and place for of men has started work on a five-mile he West Line of Coquille Heights hearing objections to such final ac box at a nearby dealer’s, J. J. STANLEY stretch <jf fire patrol trail, leaving the Addition to City of Coquille, accord count and the settlement of said eo- better seeds at any price. ing to the survey and plans prepared t*t*. old Coos Bay wagon road at the mouth by LAWYER the City Engineer and now on file Eva S. Currie, of Lost creek and running north. in the office of tbe City Recorder of 7t5 Administratrix. Office in First National Bank This trail will eventually connect with said City, together with said resolu tion adopting said plans and specifica specifics; other trails on Cooa River. • Building, Coquille, Or NOTICE TO CREDITORS which said survey, plans and Mr. and Mrs. Julius Benham motor tions Notice is hereby given that the un speerfieationa, specificationa, together with' with said reeo- reso ed to Klamath Falls Sunday, return 1_: lution, now _ sre . on ZZZ fils _Z in t the ’ ... ’: office “ . of dersigned has been appointed admin NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT :he City Recorder and are hereby re re- istrator of the estate of Ellen D. ing Monday, having taken Mrs. Anice the Notica ia hereby riven that the un ferred to for a more complete descrip descrip- Oddy, deceased. Now therefore, all dersigned Anderson to her home at Merrill. has filed her final account tion of said grade and by such refer persons having claims against said in the matter of the Estate of Charles ence are hereby adopted J into and estate are hereby notified to present Marion Wickham, deceased, and the made a part of this Notice lotice. Any and the same to the undersigned at the County Judge of Coos County, Ore- all persons Interested may make and office of Edward H. Joehnk, -in the Jon, has appointed Monday, 20th flle with the t>he City Recorder written re Coos Bay National Bank Building, in ay of April 1981, at the the Court file LIQUID or TABLETS monstrances against ths euteblish- establish Marshfield, Coos County, Oregon, House, Coquille City, Coos County, Cure Colds, Headaches, Fever ment of said grade within twenty within six months from date hereof, Oregon, nt the hour of 10 o’clock A. days from the date of the first publi duly verified as by law required. 666 SALVE Dated this 27th day of February, M. re the time and place for the hear cation of thia Notice, to-wit: within ing of objection to said final account CURES BABY’S COLD twenty days from the 20th day of 1931. and the settlement of said Estate. Lloyd W. Oddy, March, 1981. Dated this 19th day of March, 1981. Administrator of the estate of Ellen F. G. Leslie, CIRCUIT COURT OF THF Sarah Wickham, D. Oddy, deceased. 7t5 City Recorder. STATE OF OREGON IN AND FOR 10t2 Administratrix of Charles Marion THE COUNTY OF COOS Wickham Estate. iot5 June Simpson, Plaintiff, NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT FINAL SETTLEMENT * Vfl SALE OF REAL PROPERTY NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Curtis F. Simpson, Defendant, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has filed his Final the undereigned has filed his Final « ~ Summon® by virtue of an order of the County Account in the ftiatter of the admin Account in the mater of the admin Court of Coos County, State of Ore istration of the estate of Alice Hatch istration of the estate of Jane Jo gon, duly made and entered on the er, deceased, and the County Court sephine Cratehfield, deceased, and the 9th day of Februare, 1931, authoris for Coos County, Oregon, has set County Court for Core County, Ore- Saturday, the 28th day of March, «.¿.“t Wr.g7idn.t^ g ing the sale of real property herein 1931, h*f !£JBBtur*‘y- the lf*th as the day and the County Court of April, described, I will, on Saturday, the 1981, as the day and the above entitled suit, on or iefor^ Sa/ 18th day of April. 1981, at the hour Room in the Codnty Court House in County Court Room in the County urday the 25th day of A^rTmV of ten o’clock in the forenoon of said Coquille, Coos County, Oregon, as the Court House in Coquille, Coos Coun •aid date being .fdr the expiri” „ day at the Paulson Service Station at place for hearing objections to said ty, Oregon, as theplaee for hearing Account and the settlement of objections to said Final Account and of four weeks from the date 7 .x the town of Bridge, Coos County. Final Oregon, offer for sale at public auc said estate the settlement of said estate ®rst Publication of this Summn Dated February 24, 1931. and if you fail M io a^e.r a^T.7’ tion to the highest and best bidder for Dated March 20, 1981. L. H. Hazard, cash in hand, all the right, title and Porter Whittington, Executor of the Last Will and Test nee interest of Elmer T. Thompson. De- ftXTX¿S.’W¡ABl 8“ Executor of the Leet Will and Test- wili ainte"»7"*al“?I?’1’ oeased, in and to tha following deo- ament and of the Estate of Alice wiii apply to the Oourt property, to-wit: Hatcher, deceased. 7t6 WITHOUTA Professional Cards AU the RomAtoZ F 666